MTL - The Rise of Space Technology-Chapter 274 , global release 2

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   Chapter 274, Worldwide Release 2

   Everyone at the scene had different thoughts, all silently waiting for the start of the press conference.

   Soon, it was ten o'clock, and Liu Yuan, wearing a denim jacket and a shirt, walked up to the podium with a smile on his face. Immediately, everyone under the stage cheered up, and all kinds of lights kept flashing.

   "Welcome to our new product launch conference of Xinghai Technology~"

   "I still remember the scene when the Skywalker anti-gravity vehicle was released. At that time, I imagined the scene of a new era to everyone."

   "In the future, the earth will truly become a global village, and every corner of the earth will be extremely closely connected."

   "In our work and life will be global!"

Liu Yuan swept across the entire conference venue, and the number of people was even greater than that of the last manned landing on the moon. The invited global agents alone had tens of thousands of people, plus news media reporters and some uninvited people. There are tens of thousands of people in this scene.

   Fortunately, this huge open space was deliberately left when the aerospace industry base was built. Otherwise, it would not be easy to find a site that could accommodate tens of thousands of people.

  As Liu Yuandu spoke, a video began to appear on the huge screen behind him. In the video, Hu Jun, the image spokesperson invited by Xinghai Aerospace Technology Group, appeared in a warm country villa.

  I got up early to exercise my body in the mountains, showing off my strong muscles and the masculinity of a man. When I got home, I had breakfast prepared by my gentle and beautiful wife, put on a handsome suit, put on my briefcase and went to the roof.

   There is a Freelander aircraft parked quietly here, and the camera rotates around the Freelander aircraft, which perfectly shows the atmosphere of the Freelander aircraft, and also shows the delicacy and luxury of this rural villa.

   Soon, as the Freelander aircraft took off, it flew into the sky and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye, and then the screen switched to the interior of the aircraft.

  The interior full of sci-fi colors perfectly displays the technological colors of the aircraft, and at the same time, Hu Jun's busy schedule for the next day can be seen on the huge display.

First of all, I have to go to the southern hemisphere to inspect the progress of a project. Then in the afternoon, I have to go to the western hemisphere to participate in a chamber of commerce. When I am about to get off work in the evening, I have to go to school to pick up my children, because tomorrow is the weekend. And weekend itineraries are global.

   I will take my child to Antarctica to see penguins. I also ordered a batch of marine fish to feed the penguins. I will also take my child to watch a football match in Europe to cheer on the football team that the child likes.

   Every day's itinerary is full, almost all over the world, or to work, or to live and consume, and all this is recorded on the Freelander aircraft.

  ". In the future, whether it is our life or our work and consumption, it will be fully globalized, and it will make people all over the world more closely connected!"

  The video is constantly playing, and Liu Yuan is constantly explaining. Following Liu Yuan's words, a Freelander aircraft and a Sunwalker aircraft slowly rose up and officially unveiled to the world.

   The design of the bullet, although it seems that it is not as full of sci-fi colors as Skywalker and Windrunner, the elegant curves and atmospheric design also make the scene flash countless lights.

   Everyone is looking at the two aircrafts in front of them, and the aircrafts are also turning slowly, allowing people to see more comprehensively and carefully.

   For the release of Freelander and Sun Xingzhe this time, Xinghai Aerospace Science and Technology Group has also considered it again and again, and then invited celebrities to endorse it.

   Of course, in fact, there is no need to ask for an obvious endorsement, because in terms of the brand and image of Xinghai Technology, it is absolutely not necessary to have an image spokesperson.

   But after some discussion, Hu Jun was finally selected as the spokesperson.

   did not invite any small fresh meat to endorse its products, because in terms of product positioning, Xinghai Technology has positioned it as a mid-to-high-end product, and small fresh meat is obviously not suitable.

And because it is going to be released to the world, this is also an opportunity for the world to see the descendants of Yan and Huang. If we ask Xiao Xianrou to speak for us, this will undoubtedly make people all over the world give us the impression of sissy, weak and so on. impression, which is obviously going to seriously damage our image.

  Hu Jun has always been tough and mature masculinity, this is very suitable, although he is not a top star, appearance fees, endorsement fees and the like are far less expensive than those little fresh meat.

   But its image has always been in line with the needs of Xinghai Technology.

In Liu Yuan's words, Xinghai Technology now represents not only Xinghai Technology, but more often the entire descendants of Yan and Huang, so considering the image spokesperson, we should show the world more mature and stable oriental men. , tough.

   This is what people in Europe and America have always insisted on, that is, a man should have the appearance of a man, a positive image of toughness, maturity, and success, and never say anything about promoting sissies or the like.

  With the gradual popularization of aircraft, the exchanges between all parts of the world will be closer, and the love and marriage between countries will become more and more common.

As a leader, Xinghai Technology naturally wants to show the world the charm of oriental men, so that people all over the world can change their impressions of us invisibly. play some invisible role.

   This is an invisible propaganda, an output of cultural ideas and values.

  Xinghai Technology is not like some corporate companies that have to use some foreign names when promoting their products, and also hire some foreigners to do product endorsements and advertisements.

   It seems that this is the only way to make your products look taller. Of course, this is also a traditional and publicity method for a long time.

Because when we just started reform and opening up, we did have a lot of places where we were inferior to others. The products imported from abroad were expensive and the quality was indeed better, so even the proper domestic products would have a foreign name, or even a foreign name. Even the company's name is the same.

  Under the invisible influence, the number of people who worship foreigners has become more and more, and even in everyone's impression, foreigners seem to be very powerful, gentlemen, rich, well-educated and so on.

   This influence is very scary.

A large number of sheepdogs have been produced, a large number of people choose to emigrate, and a large number of women are proud of marrying foreigners. In fact, I don’t know that these foreigners are just playing with them, and foreigners are actually like us. the difference.

   Even many foreigners can't get along in their own fruit house, but after they came to us, they became prosperous, not to mention how comfortable they were.

   In the final analysis, these invisible influences and propaganda are indispensable.

Liu Yuan is very clear that Xinghai Technology, as a technology company with huge influence, should shoulder the mission, not only to promote the development of the industry, but also to show the confidence, sunshine, handsomeness, maturity and maturity of Orientals to the world. The spirit of a gentleman.

  If it was from a different company, maybe the image spokesperson might choose a foreigner to serve as the spokesperson, but Xinghai Technology doesn’t do this, I have to use my own people and insist that the nation is the principle of the world.

   "Of course, the Freelander and Sunwalker aircraft are released today, and their prices will be relatively close to the people. You can own the Sunwalker aircraft for only a few hundred thousand!"

   "The price of the Freelander aircraft is in the millions. The price is much lower than that of Skywalker and Windrunner."

   "This is also a goal that Xinghai Technology has been tirelessly pursuing. We hope that everyone in the world can afford an aircraft, and can better embrace a new era and a globalized life and work."

   Liu Yuan said it was all time, and his face couldn't help turning red.

  The price of hundreds of thousands or millions is still unaffordable for ordinary people, and only rich people can afford it.

   But if compared to the price of Skywalker in the hundreds of millions and the price of Windrunner in tens of millions, the prices of Freelander and Sunwalker have indeed dropped significantly, and they are more close to the people.

   After Liu Yuan finished speaking, the scene burst into warm applause. There are too many people waiting, waiting for Xinghai Technology to release a cheaper aircraft sooner.

   Now it's finally here!

  Although this price is still very expensive, it is not out of reach or unattainable.

   In particular, the price of the Sun Xingzhe is hundreds of thousands, which is equivalent to the previous BBA-level car. As long as the income is OK, you can still buy it.

And if you have an aircraft, you can consider not buying a house in the city, but going back to your hometown to build a house. The pressure will be less suddenly, I don’t know how much, and life will become easier, so I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars. Buying Sun Xingzhe is totally acceptable.

   For a well-off family, Skywalker and Windrunner are unattainable, but Freelander and Sunwalker are completely within the acceptable range.

  With such an aircraft, life will be greatly changed, and the stress-free life that everyone has been pursuing will be completely achievable.

If you work in the city, you may work in the whole country or even globally in the future, live in the countryside, own your own fields, grow some pollution-free vegetables and fruits, enjoy a healthier and more relaxed life, and enjoy the dividends of the era of globalization .

  PS: Do you think it is right?

   (end of this chapter)

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