MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 1 Petite

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The carriage went for more than a month, and finally came to the boundary of Qingzhou.

It was midsummer, and the cicadas on the tree were lively, making people drowsy.

Immediately after the moat, a sweet and waxy voice came out of the carriage: "Anyang, will we live here in the future?"

The corner of the embroidered dark-textured curtain was lifted up, and just after revealing a round and delicate chin, it was covered from the inside. The curtains blocked the scene inside tightly, and the skin like snow was like a flash in the pan.

A woman said, "Don't disturb the lamb. Open the curtain when you get home."

The carriage was quiet for a while, and the driver drove into the city gate to the main street.

Qingzhou is not as prosperous as Beijing. After all, the place is small and the streets are not too wide. The two carriages driving side by side on the road were a little crowded. The driver turned around, and finally got out of this place smoothly. There are fewer horse-drawn carriages on the Chengnan Road. Most of them are places where noble officials live, and ordinary people are afraid to come rashly.

The willows on both sides of the strait are shaded, and the breeze is coming, adding a lot of coolness to the hot weather.

In the carriage, in addition to a beautiful woman, there was a girl and three children. Because the carriage was spacious, it was more than enough to accommodate them.

Among the three children were Leng's, one son and two daughters, the only daughter was Xie Wei, who was just five years old this year.

Xie Yan inherited the beauty of her mother. She was so beautiful at a young age. She had pink makeup and jade, and jade snow crystal, just like the little jade girl under the lotus seat of Guanyin. She combed her buds and wore a silk beaded flower on her head. She wore a cherry-colored embroidered lotus flower quilt, and was dressed with a butterfly dress and a flower veil.憨 cute.

At this moment, she is holding a green feather fan, and decently learns Leng's fanfare: "Anyang, when are we coming?"

Leng's glanced at her, she stuck out her tongue and put the fan back in place.

"Another quarter of an hour," Lengshi said, touching her head.

They came from Beijing this time to find Xie Liqing, the second grandfather of the Dingguo government. Xie Liqing was released to Qingzhou to serve as the prefecture. He came a month earlier than their mother and son. They had already arranged everything, just waiting for them to come.

With only a quarter of an hour left, Xie Yan bent his watery eyes and cheered, "I'll see my dad soon!"

She turned to look at Xie Rong aside: "Brother, are you happy?"

Xie Rong calmly said, "Happy."

Xie Rong is five years older than her and much more mature and stable. Few times when emotions are exposed, they are not as stingy as her, like a little sparrow. He took care of his two younger sisters along the way, saying that his elder brother is like a father, and he knew this so early.

The carriage bumped off the bridge, just waking up the younger daughter Xie Xun.

The three children were together and couldn't finish talking. You said something to me and soon arrived at the door of Xiefu.

Someone had already responded in front of the door. Xie Liqing, headed by a blue shirt, stood tall and thin, smiling with a spring breeze, looking at them. With dozens of slaves behind him, he bowed his head respectfully and respectfully. There were a few people who looked curiously in the carriage and wanted to see how the Madam Zhifu looked.

The curtain was lifted, and the young man who came down was a teenager with a long, slim figure and a clear eyebrow, giving a sense of nobility.

Then Lengshi hugged Xie Xun and stepped out of the carriage. Everyone saw that everyone could not help but sigh that this family looked very good.

Leng's 25-year-old prescription is well-maintained, and the fat powder is light and thin, and the cheeks are thin, still like the double-tenth girl. She wore a five-color plum light red skirt, a tulle top, and a three-year-old girl doll in her arms. The girl doll is even more delicate, with red lips and white teeth, and a pair of **** eyes sweeping across the door, which is especially pleasing.

I thought this was over, but I didn't expect there would be another person behind.

Accompanied by a soft "Aniang wait for me", a little figure was led down by the girl. Everyone's eyes lighted up, and I saw Xie Yi carrying her skirt and jumping down the footstool. She came to Leng's feet three or two steps, and smiled sweetly at Xie Liqing with her face up: "Daddy."

Clearly only five or six years old, she has a stunning look.

Looking at her features, everything is not exquisite, Qiong nose is dazzling, her skin wins snow, and she smiles with her eyes bent. The little girl is so thrilling that she looks a little wicked at first glance.

Xie ’s husband and wife did n’t think so much. Xie Liqing saw her daughter happily and raised her to the top of her head.

Lamb is the milk name of Xie Yi. Gein was not healthy when she was born, she was sick in town, and she was just like a lamb.

Xie Yan giggled, not afraid at all, "I miss dad, I'm very good, and listen to Auntie!"

When the family reunited, Xie Liqing embraced the three children in her arms and smiled.

He looked at his wife in front of him and reached out and held her: "This is a hard job for you."

The couple have been in love for many years, and their relationship has not faded, but because of various ups and downs. After seeing Meijiao's wife for more than a month, Xie Liqing naturally thought very much, but because of the presence of everyone, she held back for a moment.

Followed by his father to the temple house, Xie Yi looked curiously all the way.

There are three courtyards in total, and there is no Dingguo Government House, but every place is full of details, which should be carefully arranged by Xie Liqing. This place is more human than Dingguo Mansion. Xie Xun liked it at a glance. She and Xie Xuan ran around the acacia tree twice, and the laughter was endless.

Xie Liqing laughed with the two children, Lengshi shook his head petulantly, and let Xie Rong go to stop.

Xie Rong brought the two younger sisters back, holding one in one hand, "Don't run around, lest you fall for a while."

Xie Xun clenched his brother's hand tightly and nodded happily.

But she was not a peaceful person, she broke away Xie Rong soon and ran to the pond to see the colorful carps inside. Xie Rong and Xie Liqing couldn't help her. Only when Leng Shipan raised her face and called her name, was she willing to follow the adult obediently. Fearing that Leng's was angry, she stepped forward and held Leng's hand, raising her small face: "Aniang, don't be angry."

His mouth was narrow and pitiful and cute.

Leng's temper was so great that he saw it all at ease. The daughter was so cute that she couldn't bear to learn it.

She sighed and shaved her nose. "Aniang is not angry."

After hearing the words, Xie Yan's eyes brightened, and she regained her vitality again, and her eyes smiled into two crescent crescents. But this time I learned honestly, and I followed the adult to the main hall, and there was nothing wrong on the way.

The governor of the palace made tea preparations. The children did not like to drink tea, and they specially prepared sugar-steamed crispy butter and a few pastries.

Xie Yun and Xie Xun, you ate a whole bowl in one bite. Xie Xun smashed and smashed his mouth. "There is no delicious food at home."

The home in Xie Xun's mouth is the Xie family in the Dingguo Government of Beijing. She was still young, from one place to another, and couldn't turn.

Xie Yan pierced mercilessly: "Then you still eat so much?"

The three-year-old Xie Xun blushed, unable to say anything to refute, and raised his cheeks for a long time to say, "So, then I'm hungry ..."

Xie Yi picked up a pad of milk from the Eight Immortals table and handed it to her sister: "Here."

Although the journey was not too hard, it was also a tortured trip. The diet was not as delicate as before, and the three children were obviously thinner. Leng's distressed and told Xie Liqing: "Let the chef prepare lunch first, don't starve the child."

Xie Liqing didn't say a word, let Wang steward go on to arrange.

During this period, Xie Xun ate several pieces of honey three knives and milk rolls. Because they came from Beijing, Xie Liqing was worried that they were not used to Qingzhou cuisine. They specially invited a Beijing chef to cook dishes, and the taste was quite authentic. I haven't had a serious meal for a long time, and the three children have eaten quite a lot. Even Xie Rong has eaten a bowl of rice more than usual.

Leng's grateful, touching this kiss and that, love is somehow good.

After lunch, a few children were tired, and Xie Liqing let them take them back to the room to rest.

Leng's uneasy, went with them, just to see how the situation in the backyard. The backyard has ample housing. The main house is Xie Liqing and Leng's. Xie Xun and Xie Yi live in the East Time Room. In addition, there are several side room ears that can be used as study and embroidery rooms. After looking at it, Leng's was quite satisfied.

The room was all furnished and everything was available, there was nothing to worry about her.

Yellow pear wooden tables and chairs, rosewood wardrobe, bogu rack display a few antiques, twelve magpies on the folding screen is the bedroom.

When he arrived at the new place, Xie Xie's drowsiness disappeared, and he looked inside and out three times, finally remembering what the new home looked like. Later Leng assigned two girls to take her and Xie Xun to Dongjijian, and let them sleep for a while. As soon as Xie Xing touched the pillow, he fell asleep, Xie Xun turned around on the bed for a while, then fell asleep quietly.

Leng called all the men down to the door of the main house, and finished tapping one by one. Counting the maid-in-law who she brought from the Dingguo government, there are thirty or forty servants in the government.

Because it was a newly purchased yard, the servants also bought it newly. There was no head mother and the rules did not stand up a while ago. Now that Leng's is here, they know they can no longer be as loose as before, and it's time to get tight.

Sure enough, Leng redistributed the work of all the people, and set a few rules to let them perform their duties. Violations will be severely punished.

Leng Shi is a rigorous person, unscrupulous, only softened in front of her husband and children. Because of this, the ancestors of Dingguo Mansion did not like her, thinking that she was born with a mean face and was not blessed. Actually, otherwise, she is not mean, but too indifferent, often giving a sense of arrogance.

Xie Liqing likes her arrogance, she is indifferent in front of others, and when night is quiet, only he knows her enthusiasm.

The couple haven't seen each other for a long time, and they have been lingering for a long time. If they didn't worry about the three children being there, the movement would be shaking.

Even more quiet, Xie Xing suddenly felt that the sky was bright, and a touch of light broke through the window. She rubbed her eyes sleepily, and got up from the bed. "What's wrong?"

The maidservant Pisces was also awakened, and hurriedly came over to find her, "Second Girl?"

Xie Xing is still asleep, looking sweet.

Xie Yan was about to get out of bed, and Pisces waited for her to put on soft-soled embroidered shoes and led her out of the house together.

When I came outside, I realized that it was not the lights in their house, but the lights in the courtyard next door. Xie Liqing and Leng Shi also hurriedly put on their clothes and let their subordinates inquire about what happened. Is it because the thief in the next house has been thiefed?

Xie Liqing just moved here, usually busy with official duties, and not very familiar with the people next door. So far, Leng's asked him who lived next door, but he couldn't answer.

After a while, he went back and returned, saying what he heard: "It was the little boy of the Li family who was sick and burned badly. The Li family was busy looking for a doctor for him."

They were relieved to hear that they were not thieves.

Xie Yan rubbed his eyes back to the room, sleepy.

Thinking staggeringly, but it was a fever, so much fanfare, really more coquettish than her. 2k novel reading network

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