MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 50 Admit

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Yan Yuhuo stood up and shouted, "Come!"

The girl-in-arm hurried in, seeing he looked uneasy, and when he made something wrong, he knelt before him uneasily: "What does your Highness have to say?"

He asked, "Where is the princess? Where is she?"

The aunt boldly glanced at the bed and saw that Xie Ao was not in it. Suddenly she realized what was going on, and she said with a guilty conscience: "Return to your Highness, your mother said you came back late, and she slept in the night, and then rested in the side room."

Xie Yan was so tired today that he didn't wait long before going to bed, but with a sigh of relief in his heart, he didn't plan to sleep with him. Anyway, they discussed it in advance. After marriage, they would sleep in the same bed.

When Yan Yu knew it, her face eased a lot, and she said to the girl, "Go on."

The girl-in-law responded with a shudder and stepped back.

There was only one lamp left in the room, and the candlelight flickered. After learning that Xie Yun was in the inner room, Yan Yu was much calmer. He sat on the bed and suddenly stood up and wanted to knock on the door of the side room. However, he put it down before raising his hand. Repeating this three or four times, I look down on myself.

She was inside, why didn't he dare to go in?

Aren't they married, shouldn't they take a bed for granted?

But before he got married, he promised not to touch her.

After struggling for a long time, Yan Yu lay back on the bed, looking at the big red embroidered gold curtains above her head, remembering that it was his wedding night, and somehow she felt a little sad. He jumped up, no longer considering any agreement, strode to the door where the side and inner chambers figured out, raised his hand and gently pushed it.

The door didn't open.

He frowned, shoved again, and still didn't open.

Didn't he let the steward not latch?

The clerk did not install the door latch, but when Xie Yi entered the room, she found that the door could not be locked, so in order to beware of some people with bad intentions, she specifically ordered Pisces and Geese to move to the table and arrive at the door. So at this half-time meeting, Yan Yu really couldn't push it.

He scolded the little **** angrily, and stood at the door for a while, unwillingly called, "Thank you?"

There was no response from the room, and Xie Yan fell asleep early.

Since he had made up his mind, he would not give up easily. He would push back again and again, and Linghua Gate was pushed open a wide seam.

The legs of the table rubbed a dull sound on the ground, waking Xie Ao on the bed, and she asked the Pisces sitting on the ladle beside the bed, "What's the sound?"

Pisces stared dumbly at Yu Yu, who had penetrated the door, stuttering, "Yes, yes ..."

Yan Yu gave her a glance, and she did not dare to go on immediately.

Xie Yan thought it was not a big deal, turned over and went to sleep, and did not forget to tell him before falling asleep: "Remember to watch the table ..."

When she said this, Yan Yu had already walked to the bed.

Cool in the autumn night, she wore a loose flower gown and covered a thin mattress. It may be that the sleep is not honest, the neckline is slightly open, and the rouge-colored embroidered magnolia bellyband is exposed. The bright moonlight from the window came in, and fell on her, making her look whiter, delicate and soft.

Yan Yu looked at her, leaned over her sides, and circled her in her arms.

Pisces looked aside and whispered, "His Royal Highness ..."

Yan Yu tilted her head and said coldly, "Go out."

The master's order cannot be disobeyed, but Pisces is worried that he is not good for Xie Xun, and hesitates for a while, "My girl is asleep ..."

Yan Yu didn't seem to hear, "I'm telling you to go out." His tone was intolerable.

Pisces sorrowfully exited the side room, and begged countless times in the heart of the Guanyin Bodhisattva, hoping that the Bodhisattva would help the girl to get along with Her Royal Highness and avoid accidents.

After Pisces left, only Yan Yu and Xie Yan were in the room.

Xie Yan slept uneasily, and Yan Yu only dared to stand on top of her without making any excessive moves.

He looked at her face quietly. After falling asleep, he looked more like a child. The eyes and nose are exactly the same, still so small and exquisite, and even this body is not much grown up.

He glanced down and fell in one place, and it seemed that he hadn't all grown up ...

He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't know how to speak, so he kept watching and watched it for half an hour. At the end Xie Xun turned around and gave a snoring sound, not too much pressure on the back of his hand, he pulled it out gently, stood by the bed and shaved her pretty nose before leaving.

This time he lay back on the bed in the inner room. Although he felt a little regretful, he was more secure than normal.

He closed his eyes and fell asleep until dawn.

When I opened my eyes again, I was more conscious than last night. When he sat up, he felt that his throat was thirsty like a fire, and he was about to call the girl to bring tea, but he glanced at Xie Ye sitting in front of the vanity mirror, holding a candlestick in his hand, and the candlestick was a golden thorn exposed when the candle was burnt out , She didn't even blink, she stabbed her wrist!

Yan Yu thought she was looking for short-sightedness, she couldn't even wear her shoes, and quickly stepped forward to **** the candlestick, panting heavily: "What are you doing?"

Because of the anxiety, the voice was a little harsh.

Xie Yi just got up, and U Fa covered behind her, covering most of her face. Yi Fa looked like her face was the size of a slap. She looked up at him, her big watery eyes were full of calmness: "Aniang said that on the first day of the wedding, she would take a **** puppet into the palace. I did not bleed, so I wanted to use this to cut my wrist and drip two drops of blood. . "

She was very painful, and before she thought about where to start, he rushed over like a madman.

She thought a lot last night. Since he doesn't like her, then they just need to be a husband and wife who respect each other. She had no expectations of him, and she would not embarrass herself in the future.

So when she cut her wrist, she never expected to count on him.

Yan Yu's complexion changed from black to blue, and then from blue to white. Finally, she calmed down from the fright, and her complexion returned to normal. He picked up the candlestick and swiped his arm blankly, and blood suddenly burst out. He seized the silk scarf in Xie's hand with his other hand, covered it on his arm, wiped it two times, and handed it back to her: "Is that all right?"

Who knows that Xie Ye ignored him and stood up and walked in, "You will still be in the palace for a while, and you will give it to the people around the queen's wife."

Yan Yu stood in place, holding the silk scarf in her hand, and frowned slightly.

Somehow, there seems to be something wrong.

On the first day of marriage, they must enter the palace to greet the emperor, because in consideration of their newly married Yaner, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty specially allowed them to go one hour later.

Xie Xun changed into a pink pair of blouses and white Luo embroidered colorful flower and bird pattern skirts and horse-faced skirts. Today the sun is just right and she shines warmly on her body, which is easy to make people feel refreshed.

She sat in front of the vine-wrapped mirror, Pisces was combing her hair behind her, she looked at herself in the mirror, and when Yu Guang swept, she saw Yan Yu standing by the window, staring at her back. Xie Yan powdered his lips slightly, and looked away, ignoring him.

Until Pisces combed Lily for her, she wore a pair of golden silk leaves on her head and face, and a drop-shaped ruby ​​eyebrow pendant fell on her forehead. She got up and walked out of the inner room. Without asking Yan Yu to clean up, she asked her to take her to the carriage outside the door and wait.

Yan Yu couldn't bear to keep up with her, "Did you not see me?"

Xie Yan walked under the corridor, and nodded gently, "I saw it." Then he was speechless.

Yan Yu sighed in her throat, uncomfortable, but did not know where to vent. He watched her go far away, but he didn't mean to wait for him. His jaw was tight, and he looked at her back silently, but he felt abandoned.

The personal servant Wu Ze came from the front yard and stopped in front of him respectfully and said, "His Royal Highness, the carriage is ready, are you going now?"

He pursed his lips and walked out, "Go."

Wu Ze asked again, "Are you riding a horse or a carriage?"

In general, Yan Yu used to ride in and out of the court, and asked Wu Ze thoughtfully.

Yan Yu didn't even think, "Ride the carriage."

There was a boxwood cart outside the door. There was no one around. Xie Yan must have been in the carriage. He strode forward, stepped on the cymbal, and lifted the curtain on the opposite side of the girl, saying, "You don't need to be accompanied by someone entering the palace hall, you all go down."

Pisces and Geese look at each other, look at Yan Yu, and then look at Xie Yan.

Their little couple is awkward. It is really difficult for them to be caught in the middle.

The last two owed their lives and said to Xie Xie, "Girl, my sister-in-law ..."

Xie Yan sat inside, glanced at Yan Yu calmly, then retracted his gaze and said gently, "Come on."

After the girl-in-law went down, Yan Yu came up from the outside.

He didn't do anything, but he wanted to sit next to Xie Yi. The carriage was not small, but he sat down with a golden knife, taking up a lot of space, and it seemed that her side was a little crowded.

Xie Xun moved aside, and he followed.

In the end Xie Wei was forced to the corner, one side was the car wall, and the other was him. She tilted her head to look at him, her dark eyes Gu Gu had no waves, and her pink lips opened slightly. "What are you doing with me?"

not like this.

She didn't do that to him.

When she faced him before, she was always naive and flirtatious, with a sweet smile and a soft voice. And not so cold and calm now. It was fine before yesterday, why is it suddenly different today?

He was a little uneasy and wanted to ask her what was happening, but the words she said became: "Someone watched at any time after entering the palace, and sitting close will not cause people to doubt."

Xie Yan actually believed, oh he ignored him.

She lowered her head and fiddled with the flowers and birds on her skirt. She didn't know what to look at, could she be so absorbed?

Yan Yu looked down at her side face, white skin, delicate eyebrows, and pink lips, all of which were seductive. Her long eyelashes trembled and itching in his heart. He wanted to reach out and touch, but his hands were tight and tight on his knees, but he still didn't reach out. He leaned against the wall and closed his eyes in frustration: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Xie Yan said, "Okay."

He asked again, "How long did you wait last night?"

"It didn't take long," she said.

"... when do you want to return to Dingguo?"

She thought for a moment, "How about tomorrow?"

Yan Yu paused: "Okay."

Then there was silence.

After a long time, the carriage wandered away, and he asked, "Are you nothing to tell me?"

She said, "No."


Yan Yu's face turned black, and she closed her eyes to sleep, no longer snoring.

The carriage quickly came to the gate of the palace, and the carriage kept stopping, driving in front of Zhaoyang Hall. A palace greeter outside the hall greeted them, invited them out of the carriage, and took them to the hall.

On the long dan, the queen had been waiting for him for a long time in the temple.

The queen was suffocated. After a while, she was a bit tired. When they saw the two of them coming, Qiang laughed and said, "You can count it, sit down."

Yan Yu's biological mother died prematurely, and Xie Yijing's tea was also borne by her.

The two didn't sit down after all, and a short time later, Gong Xi offered a bowl of hot tea. Xie Yi took it and handed it over to the Queen: "Mother, please use tea."

The queen picked it up, took a sip, and asked the person to bring up the gift she had prepared for Xie Ting. Miyazaki presented a rosewood carved box and opened it to Xie Yi's hands. Inside was a pair of ruby ​​bracelets, transparent and crystal-clear, without any flaws. Xie Yan kneeled down and thanked him. In the end, it was the golden leaves and jade leaves of the government house.

The queen asked her to get up, leaving the two to speak for a while.

However, in the end, she was unwell, and after a while, the queen was struggling. Helplessly, the two had to retreat first, and she returned to the house to rest for a while.

Yan Yu and Xie Xuan stepped out of the Zhaoyang Hall one by one, and no one paid attention to them. It didn't take long before a person appeared in front of him, wearing a purple persimmon-patterned brocade with high heads and strides, and a good temperament. He was followed by two attendants, who were coming this way.

Xie Yuan noticed that Yan Yu was a little stiff.

When someone walked up to him, he called a "second brother", and she knew that the person in front of him was a prince.

She was tense in her heart, but her face was calm, she no longer looked at her, and followed her orderly: "Second Brother."

Yan Tao heard that the queen was in a bad situation, so she rushed over early in the morning. Now when she meets them, she can still present a graceful manner: "Are you coming to tea with your mother?"

Yan Yu stood upright, blocking Xie Yan behind him, "Yes."

Yan Tao smiled slightly and looked at the girl with only a head on his head behind him. He didn't say a lot of words, and patted his shoulders meaningfully.

After the prince left, Yan Yu simply held Xie Yi's hand and strode to the Royal Study Room: "You walk too slowly, follow me."

Xie Xun was caught by him suddenly, and he stumbled, trying to shake off: "I don't need you to pull."

He clenched her hand and said nothing to loosen, "use."

She said, "No."

The front Gong Yan heard the conversation between them, and when it was their petty fun, they couldn't help bending their lips and laughing secretly.

Yan Yu froze for a long time, there was a cloud in her heart, and she said strangely, "Did you not want to hold my hand when you were young?"

Xie Ye looked at him like a lunatic, and probably felt that his brain was sick. "That was the previous thing ... now I don't want to hold hands with you."

His thin lips curled into a line, looking straight ahead: "Why?"

She made two bucks, and raised her cheeks. "There is no reason, but I don't want to." Speaking of successfully getting out of his control, she continued to follow him unhurriedly.

The palms of his hands were empty, Yan Yu clenched his fists, and thought that women were so strange, wasn't everyone as fickle as Xie Yi?

When he came to the Royal Study Room, the Emperor Yuan Hui was making a series of memorials. After the father-in-law Yu passed in, he let them in.

I have n’t seen Xie Ye before in the holy place. Today is my first meeting. After seeing it, I seem to know why the two sons contended for her.

It is indeed a rare beauty.

Throughout the capital, it is estimated that no one can be as beautiful as her.

Xie Xun served him tea, and he smiled satisfactorily: "Okay, that's good."

It was probably in a good mood. The Emperor Yuan Hui rewarded her with several things, including a night pearl with a large palm. Xie Yan was obviously very interested in this thing. On the way back, he was always playing with it. He held it in his hands to see if it really glowed. He got it under the sun and looked at it.

So on the way back, Yan Yu's face was almost overcast.

He asked, "Is it so fun? I'll get some more for you?"

She said no, "I just have one."

The carriage drove back to the sixth Prince's Mansion on Beining Street. As soon as the car stopped, Xie Yi took her skirt and went on without waiting for him. Pisces and geese were already waiting at the door. She stepped forward and followed them back to the house.

Yan Yu was left alone, staring closely at her back.

Zhao Guanshi instructed the coachman to park the carriage in the backyard and turn to the front. When he saw the young couple, he could not help reminding: "His Royal Highness, are there any conflicts between you and your mother? Why does your mother seem angry?"

Yan Yu turned to look at him and realized, "You said she was angry?"

Isn't this obvious? The steward was a bit weak. "My mother doesn't seem to have laughed all day, haven't you noticed?"

He seemed to be awakened suddenly, left his steward, and strode to the house. His legs were long and wide, and Xie Yan walked slowly again, so it didn't take long for him to catch up with her under Lang Yi.

He grabbed her wrist panting, faced her doubtful eyes, and swallowed nervously. "Are you ... angry?"

Xie Yan looked at him quietly, without answering.

He asked, "Why are you angry?"

She opened his hand with the other hand and said childishly, "Don't touch me, you said you wouldn't touch me."

He froze and couldn't refute.

Xie Yi turned and continued to walk forward, he stood angrily in front of her, blocking her way: "Xie Yi, talk to me!"

The maidservant behind was stunned and had not seen the sixth prince so anxious.

Xie Xie tilted her head and stared at him with dark, bright eyes, "I leave you alone in the carriage, are you angry?"

His eyes flickered.

She asked, "I'm going out in the morning. I leave first, and leave you alone in the house. Are you angry?"

He finally nodded.

Really angry, of course angry, does she not exist when he does?

Xie Yan looked at him and asked, "Then you left me alone in the new house last night, why can't I be angry?"

After speaking, wait for him to react and bypass him and go forward.

Yan Yu was fully aware, and his heart throbbed. He finally knew why she ignored him and why he didn't smile at him. He finally knew where he was wrong.

In fact, he didn't leave her on purpose last night. When so many people looked at her, she was so beautiful again. He was afraid that if he looked at it again, he would do something abnormal. With an evasive mentality, he turned away and left without considering her feelings.

With so many people at the time, was she wronged?

Thinking of it this way, he immediately dropped his dignity and wanted to continue to catch up with her and explain it to her. But under the corridor, she had long gone.

He chased all the way to the main courtyard, inquiring her where to go, knowing she was in the house, and walked in three or two steps.

Xie Yan was sitting in front of the dressing table, placing the gifts from the Queen and Saint, and she was neatly arranged. I was about to stand up and looked up to see Yan Yu behind in the bronze mirror.

He didn't know how long he had stood, and when she saw it, she realized that his voice was dumb and heavy: "Don't be angry."

Xie Yan blinked, "Why listen to you?"

He didn't start, looking at the yellow leaves of the tung tree outside the window. He was not used to admitting mistakes, and his tone was jerky: "Last night, it was me ..."

Speaking of half, he did not speak again for a long time.

Thank you for your lips.

Seeing her go again, he was anxious, stood in front of her, and looked straight into her eyes—

"It is my fault."

After speaking, he blushed. 2k novel reading network

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