MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 55 Childlike

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The name Chunhuawu has been used throughout Xie's childhood.

Most of her joy and sorrow happened here.

At that time Xie Liqing built such a house for her and Xie Xing, and they spent most of the day here. There are flower vine swings, small bridges and flowing water, as well as two little turtles raised by them.

Every time they come home, they invite their friends to Chunhuawu.

Later, she gradually grew up. Although no longer as noisy as a child, she and Xie XU often went there and whispered on their own swings. After returning to the capital city later, the things in Chunhuawu could not be moved, so they had to give up.

So now when I see these three words, the first reaction is surprise, and then it is surprise.

She stepped up the stairs, threw Yan Yu behind her, and couldn't wait to walk into the yard.

The entrance is exactly the same scene. There is a wisteria trellis in the center of the yard. The wisteria flowers are dead, leaving only some withered branches. Next to it is a swing, and on the left is a small arch bridge. There is a flowing stream under the bridge. She walked to the water and saw that there were not only a dozen carps, but also a large, a small two turtles.

She was surprised, walked to the bridge, peeped her head down, and looked down with joy, "Large Chitose and Little Chitose!"

On closer inspection, the texture on the turtle's shell is still different, but this is enough. Seeing this scene, she was already very satisfied.

From the bridge, she kept stepping to the swing, sitting up and swinging back and forth, holding the swing rope, looking at Yan Yu with a bright smile, "How do you think of building this yard?"

Ever since she ran rashly, Yan Yu has been following her, watching her run from here to there, and then from there to her, childishly terrible. But I don't know why. Seeing her happy, his heart was like a blossom, and his chest filled with blossoms.

He tilted his head and looked elsewhere: "This yard is too remote and needless. It just happened to build something for you."

After all, turn around to see Xie Yi's response.

Xie Xun was sitting on the swing with a smile, her eyes filled with glittering light. She tilted her head and said softly, "But I like it very much."

When she smiled, she had a shallow pear vortex on her cheek, and her eyes were curved, like a crescent, bright and bright.

Yan Yu's ears turned red, and the blush gradually spread to his face. He stood under the sun and struggled: "Oh ..." A half-soundingly added, "Just like it."

Xie Yan really likes it, if only Xie Xun could come here. But she was content, he was grateful to build such a place for her, for whatever reason, she was grateful.

Xie Yan asked him: "Can I bring Ah Xun in the future?"

He nodded. Anyway, this yard is hers. She wants to bring anyone, "Yes."

She looked up at him, "What about brother?"


She asked again, "Where's Ada?"

He was tireless: "Also."

She seemed energetic, and spit out a lot of names: "What about Yao'an? What about Ling Xiangyun? Xie Ying and Xie Yin?"

He squinted from the corner of his eye. "It's okay."

For a long time, she asked, "What about you?"

He hesitated for a moment, and then couldn't help but exult, but said hardly, "I don't like these gadgets." After saying that, she saw disappointment in her eyes, regretted it immediately, and hurriedly added: "But I can come with you. "

Unfortunately, when he said this, Xie's attention was already attracted by another thing.

There is a piebald fawn with slick eyes behind Tungshu. It looks familiar. Xie Yan walked over, surprised and happy, "Ah, you ... are you the deer in Lake Mingqiu?"

Xiao Lu certainly would not answer her. She turned to ask Yan Yu again, Yan Yu was still immersed in the conversation just now, and absently nodded.

Did she hear what was behind him?

If so, why is it not shown? If you do n’t hear it, why are you so relieved?

Ignoring his tangles, Xie Xun quietly walked behind the fawn and grabbed its tail: "How are you here? Who brought you back?"

Fawn was frightened, broke her hand and ran quickly behind Yan Yu, exposing a pair of antlers and eyes curiously and fearfully.

Xie Yuan looked at Yan Yu in surprise. "Did you bring it back?"

He hummed and wanted to repeat what he said just now, "Thank you, I ..."

Fawn fled from behind him, and she hurried after her: "Wait for me!"

Yan Yu: "..."

In the end, the deer was chased and jumped into the pool. Xie Yuan was behind him, unable to escape, and was splashed with water. The carp was startled underwater and fled in panic.

With water drops on her face, she stood still.

Yan Yu came over. Wherever she expected it, she made herself like this. After making a mistake, she wiped her face with her sleeves and asked angrily, "Don't you hide? "

He couldn't control the strength, the cloth rubbed her delicate face heavily, she couldn't help protesting: "It hurts ..."

Yan Yu glared at her, but her strength was obviously lightened.

He wiped off the drops of water on her face a little, in a bad tone: "Is the deer so fun?"

She said, "I haven't seen it before."

After a while, the sleeve gradually changed to a hand, and his fingers rubbed slowly in her eyes, unwilling to leave his hand.

Xie Yan waited for a long time and couldn't help asking: "Did you clean it?"

He said no, and touched her face twice before letting go. Her skin was smooth and flawless, like white tofu, smooth and tender.

He took her hand before she left and coughed, "Did you hear what I said just now?"

She wondered: "What is it?"

Look at it, I really didn't hear it. As soon as Jian Yu's eyebrows were pressed, Ge quickly broke up and asked, "What did you run blindly without hearing?"

Xie Yuan flinched back, his eyes flashed with timidity.

He managed to make her smile again, and when he reprimanded, she would shrink back into her shell. Yan Yu was distressed and annoyed, involuntarily lightened, he repeated: "I will take you here whenever you want to come."

Xie Yuan nodded, but no longer smiled.

She knew she was a little ecstatic, but that was logical. Can you rejoice when you see the same scene as when you were a kid?

Was he angry because she was too presumptuous?

On the way back, Xie Yan stopped talking.

Yan Yu walked upset in distraction, wondering why she was silent suddenly. Didn't he just fine just now, did he be angry with her and made her angry?

He had a calm face and ignored anyone.

After walking for a while, he didn't hear the sound behind him, he looked back, only to find that Xie Yan was walking slowly behind his skirt. He pursed his lips, strode back, stopped at her, bent over and hugged her indiscriminately, and asked, "Why not talk?"

Xie Yuan was startled, and grasped his placket subconsciously. "Say what?"

Yan Yu asked, "The road is not easy. Why don't you tell me to wait for you?"

She was inexplicable, and felt the man was capricious. "Are we arguing?"

He paused, the dark black pupil staring straight at her, "Who said we had a fight?"

His eyes are like a deep water, hiding a bottomless abyss, which makes people easily addicted. Xie Yan argued: "You promised me before that you can't hit me or yell at me."

He felt guilty for a while.

Sure enough, her next sentence was: "You just yelled at me just now."

Yan Yu tried to justify: "That's ..."

Unfortunately, he was clumsy and couldn't say clearly for a long time.

Just as they came out of the hardest part of the road, Xie Yi came down from his arms, and the main courtyard was not far away, so she could walk by herself.

Back in the main courtyard, the couple stood with two girls.

Pisces and Qingxia welcomed her into the main room. Pisces turned to pour tea, but Qingxia repeatedly looked out the door.

Xie Yan noticed her gaze and suddenly asked, "What are you looking at?"