MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 66 Be afraid

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When the invitation was sent to the Sixth Prince's Mansion, the maidservant was hesitating whether to send it inside.

Recently, the sixth prince and the queen princess are so tired that they have no place to hide. To be precise, it should be that the six princes are entangled with the prince and concubine so much.

The High Court returned home, anxious to tie the prince to her trousers belt. The girls didn't know what was going on. Since the appearance of the girl, the relationship between Her Royal Highness and the Princess seems to have improved. This kind of good is not the same as before, it is a kind of good weather after rain.

For example, now, Her Royal Highness is reading in the study, and the queen is also in it. There are some voices from time to time.

In the study, Xie Ye didn't know how it turned out like this.

Yan Yu had to ask her to accompany him in the study, and she agreed, sitting on the side and looking at the book honestly, he suddenly called her over and asked why she didn't say a word.

Xie Yan is baffling, isn't he reading a book? She doesn't bother him, is he still not satisfied?

Yan Yu was not only dissatisfied, there was a big gap. When she was a kid, she liked to haunt him so much that even if he was reading a book, she would sweetly call him brother Xiaoyu outside the window. She didn't call now, and he was certainly not satisfied.

He hugged her and sat on the book case, his chin resting on top of her head, just like he was sulking, "Who said you can't bother me?"

Xie Yan blinked in his arms, ignorant, "You said it last time."

Last time she asked Pisces to feed him. He drove them back fiercely, and asked Pisces to tell her not to disturb him.

Yan Yu was silent for a while, and had to round her own words, "Others can't."

Xie Xun said inexplicably, "Can I do that?"

He was silent.

Xie Yan grabbed his sleeve and looked up to see his face. His voice was soft and sweet. "Brother Xiaoyu, can I?"

Yan Yu is a teenager. At a time when she is full of energy, she has very poor self-control in the face of the girl she likes, especially Xie Ye also talked to him like this, he immediately reacted, and looked down to find her chattering mouth , In one bite. He liked to kiss her, and tasted the taste of her mouth powerfully and fiercely. He never knew the tenderness, and once broke Xie's tongue. Xie Ye felt pain, covering his mouth to keep him from kissing, he would not admit wrong, and blushed while tenderly licking her wound, calling her "Lamb", and only then did she know she had a little convergence.

Kiss and kiss, and gradually lose control.

Xie Yan sat on the book case, he leaned over her shoulders, tasted her mouth, and became increasingly dissatisfied. He is a normal man, and her demand for her is getting stronger and stronger. A few days ago was her little day, so he had to bear it. As she ended yesterday, he couldn't bear it anymore. He slid his hands down from her shoulders, landed on her slender waist, and then went down to feel her stiffness.

Yan Yu let go of her lips, lowered her head, kissed her from her chin to her neck, and breathed heavily in her shoulder socket, "I think ..."

Xie Yan, I had a hunch to know what he wanted to do, but he was strange and scared. "What do you want?"

His palms were hot, and the temperature passed through the fabric, causing her to shrink involuntarily.

This movement stimulated him, afraid she would run away again, so she couldn't help but untie her neckline with her other hand, and buried her head in it, sucking her skin without a rule. Her skin was delicate, and it was a red mark when she sucked lightly. It reminded him of the almond tofu eaten after meals. It was tender and tender, and was decorated with a red cherry. .

Xie trembled like leaves falling in the wind, and he was scared and disturbed, especially where he was kissed.

She shoved his head shyly, and the mosquito usually said, "Brother Xiaoyu ..."

He thought she was just shy, and wrapped her whole body in his arms, his voice was hoarse and nonsense, "Okay? Lamb, how about our round house?"

This was the first time he was so frank, and probably couldn't bear it, and wanted to take her for himself now.

As she said, she held her hand and touched herself, sliding down, feeling his hottest place, "I'm uncomfortable here ..."

As soon as Xie Yigang touched it, what was the meaning of it, his head thumped, and he shoved his hand back suddenly.

He just clenched tightly to keep her from escaping.

Xie Xuan was not good at all, and he was generally stupid and allowed him to act.

Yan Yu waited for a while, but couldn't help but look up at her. This look stunned.

She bit her lip in tears, her body trembled, raised her eyes to meet his gaze, and begged pitifully: "Wait for me and me, brother Xiaoyu wait for me ..."

Yan Yu suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of guilt, took her from the book case, and let her sit on her lap. "What are you crying for?"

She wept with twitching, and there was still the touch of that thing in her palm, so strange, it wasn't the rigor she was familiar with at all, "I'm afraid ..."

Yan Yu had to suppress her desire and hug her, "What is there to fear?"

He also wanted to say that there were no couples who were not round, but considering her emotions, she turned around in her throat and swallowed her stomach again.

He made her clothes for her, buttoned her belly button with her own hands, and lowered her head to bite her ear. "Cry me and kiss you."

Xie Yuan was really scared. He raised his hazy big eyes, and burst his tears back, uneasy, "Don't ..."

Yan Yu sighed, it was really impossible to take her.

Xie Xie wiped her tears, and finally eased her mood, and drew a hand on his leg, "I don't want to touch there ..."

Pouting while talking, you have to dislike too much.

Yan Yu let out a breath in her throat, not very angry. "You touched it when you were young."

Xie Yan opened his eyes wide, looked at him inconceivably, and blurted out: "Impossible!"

She had forgotten the first time they met, not to mention that she had touched his crotch ... Yan Yu gritted her teeth and asked, "Do you want to confess it?"

Xie Yan didn't remember it, so why don't he admit it?

Yan Yu had to lean on her waist, repeating what happened that day, talking about a pause in her pants, and finally chose to hide: "You had to sing, I didn't want to listen at all."

Xie Yan squinted at him, "Why did you want me to sing last time?"

Don't overdo it, "I want to hear if you're singing so badly."

Xie Yan, rubbing his eyes, "I won't sing to you in the future."

Seeing his dead duck with a hard mouth, she slowly improved her mood and asked slyly, "Do you want to listen, Brother Xiaoyu?"

He was tense, "I don't want to."

Xie Yuan got out of his arms, stood in front of him with a smile, and looked at him with clear and bright eyes. Seeing his guilty conscience, he finally had to admit: "... think."

Xie Yan tilted her head, pretending not to understand, "what do you want?"

He glared at her, reaching out to grab her in his arms, but she hid quickly, slipping behind the screen in a blink of an eye. She poked half her head quietly, revealing a pair of crescent-like eyes, seeing that he wanted to stand up and catch her, she quickly retracted her head, and the little fox ran outside.

On the fifteenth day, the general Qiangqi passed his life, and the invitation read the names of Yan Yu and Xie Yan.

Xie Yuan didn't want to go, but after asking for a while, Leng's and Xie Xuan were also invited to go, so he immediately changed his mind and went to General's House with Yan Yu to celebrate his birthday.

Zhongkai invited a lot of people, and the general's house was full of horse-drawn carriages.

Xie Yan followed Yan Yu to get out of the carriage and handed the invitation card to the people at the door. One person led Yan Yu to the front hall, and the other led Xie Yue to the backyard.

There was a girl ’s family in the backyard, and Xie Ye hardly knew her. She only met the general lady and the old lady, and she led the girl to sit on the stone bench beside her, waiting for Anang and Axue to come.

General's wife, Jiang's, is about the same age as Leng's, looks very easy-going, smiles at everyone, and has no shelf at all. However, the old lady looked a little more serious, unsmiling, and a little uncomfortable.

General Zhong and Jiang's ancestors gave birth to five daughters, four daughters were married, and one was a heroine who followed Zhong Kai to kill the enemy and charge, and so far no man can survive her. Now that the general is alive, several daughters have come back to the door, and Xie Yi has been able to meet up.

Jiang's eyebrows are based on the fact that several daughters have grown up well and each has its own advantages. Only the fifth daughter, Zhong Rou, inherited the temper of General Zhong. He even looked like him. His eyes were bright and British, and his eyebrows were raised. He was a heroic young general.

Xie Yan saw her for the first time, when she saw the man herself.

She is wearing a Hu suit and she is tall and tall.

Zhongrou came to the old lady and the general's wife, and sat down to talk to them. Xie Yi vaguely heard Jiang's dissatisfaction and asked, "I didn't prepare the clothes for you, why do I wear them again?"

Zhongrou replied casually: "I'm used to it."

Xie Ye didn't pay attention to it later, because she saw Leng's and Xie Xing coming here, and she got up quickly and greeted her with joy.

Tang Yu, Yan Yu sent a birthday present, Zhong Kai personally invited him into the house, leaving a seat, "His Royal Highness."

There were already many officials in the house, and he saw him saluting.

Yan Yu came early, but the prince and the other princes didn't come. Zhong Kai greeted the guests outside, and several ministers focused on him, or talked about trivial matters, or talked about major events in the recent North Korea, and later saw him lack of interest, so he no longer bothered him.

Not long after, many people came one after another.

Yan Yu sat on the seat and casually listened to the minister next to him about the border situation, occasionally saying a few words, and drank his own tea.

Didn't notice the two people coming in outside.

Zhong Shang led Gao Yong into the house, and the two replaced their waistbands and wore regular clothes, which did not seem so eye-catching. Zhong Shang introduced him to the sitting officials one by one. He stopped at Yan Yu and listened to Zhong Shang: "This is His Highness Six."

Yan Yu looked up at them. 2k novel reading network

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