MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 69 the truth

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After all, Yan Yu has been on alert since Gao Yong appeared.

He clearly remembered how much Gao Ye liked Xie Ye when he was a child. Later, he left. He has been with her for the past few years. He doesn't know how far their relationship has developed, and he doesn't want to know.

He hugged Xie Yi to the horse immediately, raised his hand to put on a veil for her, and slowly followed the carriage of the Guo Gongfu, moving forward happily.

Xie Yi didn't know what he meant, but she felt very uncomfortable sitting on horseback. She rarely rode a horse. Her elder brother took her a few times to study, and each time she hurt her two legs. Never rode again. She grasped Yan Yu's arm tightly, and subconsciously looked at the carriage of the State Mansion: "I want to take a carriage ..."

Yanyu held her in her arms, holding the reins in both hands, and asked unhappy: "Isn't it good to ride with me?"

She pursed her lips and changed her position uncomfortably. "I want to take care of Ah Xu."

He said: "A mother-in-law and a girl-in-law take care of her."

In front, Xie Liqing and Xie Rong walked on both sides of the carriage, and Gao Ling walked beside Xie Liqing. They occasionally said a sentence or two. Somehow, Gao Ling suddenly glanced back at them, his eyes didn't stop, he just smiled slightly and turned his head.

Yan Yu couldn't help but tighten Xie tightly, her thin lips curled into a line, her eyes looked forward, but her thoughts had drifted away, "What did Gao Yan tell you?"

There was wind on the road, and she constantly blowing the tulle in front of Xie's face. While trying to stabilize her body, she was trying to prevent the veil from being blown up. She didn't pay attention to the vinegar smell in his words. ... just ask him when he came to the capital ... He told me that he was going to join the army. I also thought that he was on a whim, but he didn't expect to be doing anything like that now. "

Yan Yu snorted softly, his eyes fell on the person in front of him, "What else did he tell you?"

Xie Yan was too late to cover the gauze, and a gust of wind came, exposing her sharp chin. She was busy covering her hands, and said quietly, "Don't ask me ... my hat is about to fall off."

Yan Yu looked down, and she could not hold her body while holding the bonnet with her two hands. She was sitting tightly in front of him, afraid that she might fall at any time. He helped her straighten the cap, and turned her side to block most of the wind, continuing to entangle the topic just now, "What else did he tell you?"

This was a thorn in his heart. If he didn't ask clearly, I'm afraid it will get deeper and deeper, and he won't be able to pull it out at the end.

Xie Yan thought for a moment with her head crooked, "I forgot."

It's all trivial topics, either asking Xie Xun's situation, or asking her how she has been ... Speaking of which, Gao Ye didn't seem to mention the topic of her marriage, does he not know that she is married? If you knew she was married to Yan Yu, she would be surprised, right? Why the two just met just like they don't know each other.

Xie Yan couldn't figure it out, so he pulled Yan Yu's sleeve up and asked, "Does Gao recognize you?"

Yan Yu was annoyed by her "I forgot", and when I heard this, I couldn't help thinking that he hadn't changed much since he was a kid, so she would forget him indifferently. Others saw him, which was not a glance. I recognized it.

She wanted to ask them why they ignored each other, and suddenly thought of something, pursed her lips, and laughter came from under the bonnet, soft and pleasant, "I know why Gao Ling ignored you."

He looked down, with a little arrogance: "Why?"

Xie Tiao's voice was blown away by the wind, and a soft voice blew into his ear with the breeze. "When you just moved away, Gao Tiao was very angry. He once told me to see you again in the future and he must beat you. Only to be relieved. "

Yan Yu snorted, and this alone could never be refuted.

Xie Yun deliberately asked, "Did he hit you?"

Yan Yu's face turned black. "He dares!"

During the conversation, the man had come to the gate of Dingguo Mansion. He helped her off the carriage. Before he could say a word, she couldn't wait to run to Xie Xun and ask Leng's situation about Xie Xun.

The doctor has already been invited in the house. A few uncles carefully hugged Xie Xing back to the Yutang Courtyard. The doctor waited indifferently for a while, used a wet towel to relieve her heat, and then fed her medicine to drink . Xie Xuan was distressed by her sister and spent the night in the room. If it wasn't for Yan Yu's worry that she couldn't support her, she would lift her back to her house at midnight.

Until the weather was slightly cold, Xie Xun did not show signs of fever.

Xie Xing's illness alarmed a lot of people. Ding Guogong and the old lady both came to see it in the morning. Ding Guogong saw that she was not in a big deal and was only a little relieved. The old lady had no expression, since Yan Yu punished Xu's and Wu's in front of her, her attitude towards the second room has been lukewarm. Not only did they dare not pinch them because of their identity, but they were also very unpleasant. Because of this, neither Xu nor Wu came. Only the four ladies came to condolences and left without a few words.

Xie Xie was so happy that Xie Xing awoke, and fed her a bowl of medicine in person, and wiped her mouth with a silk scarf.

Xie Xun's body was still very weak. He leaned on the pillow to pout, and his mouth was full of bitterness. He said pitifully, "Sister A feeds me candied dates."

Xie Yan stuffed her candied fruit into her mouth and touched her forehead. It was scary after all, "Do you feel better?"

Xie Xing nodded, perhaps because of illness. The watery eyes lost their luster and showed a little weakness. "Did I burn badly yesterday? I seem to hear Anniang crying."

She had a high fever last night, and Leng's was really scared, and she burst into tears. I thought she was unconscious, but she still remembered it.

Leng's stayed with her for a night, and only returned to the main room for a while this morning.

Xie Yan asked people to bring up the fragrant rice soup. "You burned it up and talked nonsense. Couldn't Anyang cry?"

A little guilty, she whispered, "What nonsense did I say?"

Xie Yan raised his lips and teased her deliberately: "You said that you want to drink fragrant rice soup, it's not early in the morning, so people will bring the soup up."

She sipped a spoonful and fed it to her mouth. She took a sip and ate a contented smile. "Every time I get sick, Sister is very good to me."

Xie Xun couldn't help but hit her, "I usually treat you badly?"

She took another sip and braced her cheeks again. At this time, she knew how to please her, and answered sincerely, "All right."

Xie Yan fed her a full bowl of porridge, and she barely regained a little spirit.

Xie Yi handed the bowl to Yayi, who cleaned and retreated, leaving only their sisters in the room. Xie Yan asked about the falling water yesterday, "You said someone pushed you. Do you see what that person looks like?"

After one night, Xie Xun's head was awake and no longer confused and chaotic as yesterday.

She recalled the scene at the time and "see it clearly."

She was not on the shore at that time. She saw a girl slipping under her feet and almost fell into the water before she came to help. But the girl stood firm on her own, but she was hit by a girl passing by behind her. She slipped under her feet and plunged into the water. The moment she fell into the water, she glanced ashore. It was a very ordinary maid, who was not dressed like a general in general. I do n’t know who the maid was, and I did not dare to look at her after the collision. Just left in a hurry.

Xie Xun remembered her appearance, barely called Qingxiu, not tall, and when she lowered her head, she could see a red mole behind her ear.

After Xie Xing told these to Xie Xie, Xie Xie thought for a moment, and asked a question that was not relevant to her, "The girl who is about to fall into the water, was there a girl next to you?"

"... seemingly?" She couldn't remember.

Xie Wei felt strange. If there was a girl, the master would reach out to rescue him as soon as possible. It would be even more strange if they didn't. Who came to Heshou in General's Mansion, who is not a headed and faced person, wouldn't there be a girl following him?

She asked Xie Xie: "Do you remember whose girl it was?"

Xie Xing thought hard, "I heard someone call her Girl Lin."

Among the people present yesterday, there were not many girls with the surname Lin. Xie Ye only knew that Lin Huaping and Lin Jinping, the two daughters of a Qingzhou governor Lin Rui, were related to both of them?

Settled Xie Xun, Xie Yi came out of the room, Leng Shi was still asleep, and there were only Xie Rong and Yan Yu.

Xie Xie repeated Xie Xun's words and looked at Xie Rong anxiously. "Brother, I don't think that Ah Xing falls into the water with Girl Lin ... but why does she hurt Ah Xing? Does Xun have a festival with her?"

Xie Rong listened, slightly frowning.

Xie Xun and Lin Lin did not have a holiday, but when it came to Lin's family, they had to think more ...

Yan Yu listened and took her to the front. In the phrase, "It's not Xie Xun who has a festival with Girl Lin, but your father and the governor, Lin Rui, who has a festival."

Lin Rui once framed Xie Liqing in collusion with the Turks in the presence of the Emperor Yuan Hui, and wanted to destroy Xie Liqing's official way. Not long ago, Yan Yugang proved Xie Liqing's innocence, and Lin Rui was involved in a copy because of alleged corruption. The Emperor Yuan Hui left the matter to the Prince, and the matter has not been found out yet. Yan Yu and the prince are one faction, and Xie Liqing is also Yan Yu's old husband. Lin Rui must have thought that Xie Liqing was a stalk in the midst of it, and he hated him. He said Xie Liqing's bad things at home. After being heard by his daughter, Xie Xun yesterday Falling water scene.

Lin Rui is the man of the great prince. The fact that the great prince and the prince are at odds with each other is an undisclosed fact.

It was just pity that Xie Xun was hated by the Lin family girl for no reason, and she was seriously ill. 2k novel reading network

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