MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 89 An Wang

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With Xie Yi's sour hands during breakfast, he drank his porridge silently and ignored anyone.

Suddenly a piece of elm egg quiche was put on the plate in front of her. She looked up at Yan Yu, and Yan Yu coughed and said, "Eat more."

She pursed her lips, staring blankly without moving.

Yan Yu tilted his head and asked, "Don't you like to eat elm money? You brought these elm money from Lingyin Temple."

That day, she asked the mother-in-law to pick up most of the bag of Yuqian, and she wanted to bring it back to make Yuqian egg cakes. However, she did not expect to be hijacked by the big prince on the road. Fortunately, Yu Qian was held in his arms by Wang Yi, and only a little was spilled, and the rest could still make a few dishes.

Xie Yi raised his chopsticks to clamp the Yuqian egg pancake. Unfortunately, the pancake fell into the bowl before it was delivered to his mouth. With sour hands, she couldn't keep a little strength, so she kept her head down to drink porridge.

Yan Yu finally found the problem, and sat closer to her, re-clamped a piece of elm quiche and brought it to her mouth. "Eat."

What's the tone of this funny cat and dog?

Xie Yan stared angrily, humming his head, "I'll just drink porridge."

Unfortunately, before her head was lowered, Yan Yu raised her chin with her hands and squeezed her cheeks. "Did you eat?"

She was very backboned, "No-eat!" The words deliberately dragged the elder.

Yan Yu smiled, showing a row of clean and tidy teeth, "Would you like something else?"

Xie Xuan did not respond at first, but a pair of his eyes that seemed to smile, and then re-associated with the picture last night, suddenly flushed, "You, you shameless!"

There is a girl in the room, although they may not understand what he is talking about, but she just feels shameless and pushes him away and exclaims, "I won't eat anymore!"

Yan Yu knew that she was too funny, she put away a smirk, and she said, "Hurry up and go to the palace after eating for a while. Don't be hungry."

She turned her head, her eyes full of doubt: "Why do you enter the palace?"

Yan Yu fed the Yuqian cake into her mouth, and replied casually, "I don't know. If you go, you'll know."

He came back from Bianguan, how to say that the Emperor Yuan Hui would host a banquet for him. After returning yesterday, he went to Lingyin Temple to find Xie Yi, but did not have time to enter the palace, the Emperor Yuan Hui therefore had an opinion on him. If he does not go today, I am afraid it will not end.

It was bitter Xie Xuan ... I was sore, and I had to follow him.

Xie Yan took a bite of the elm cake, and the food was wrapped in the cheek on the left. "Is it for the great prince?"

Yan Yu took another sip of porridge to feed her, "The father didn't know about this yet, I plan to tell him after the banquet today."

Xie Yan stuttered and nodded thoughtfully.

So while he was feeding her, she ate it obediently, and occasionally asked some questions, which was pretty good.

Yan Yu saw her eating as a pleasure. She opened her pink mouth to eat the food, chewed it slowly, and swallowed it. Even the appearance of eating was so hooked ... After he fed the last porridge, he wiped the corner of her mouth with a papa, "Are you full?"

Xie Yuan nodded, and even after eating, he recovered a lot of energy. Looking at Yan Yu again, she has been feeding her, but she did n’t eat much.

She went to the inner room to change clothes, so he could take care of himself. He ate a few pieces of egg cakes and carrot cakes, and she had come out of them.

Xie Xun replaced the goose yellow spring shirt, a flower-and-bird pattern thread pick skirt, two sachets hanging from the waist, and a jade pendant with a gold skein lantern lantern and a pair of golden jade plum blossoms on her head. Yan Yu cleared his hands aside, and let Zhao Guanshi prepare the carriage, and then took Xie Yang out.

The carriage stopped at the door, and after they got up, they went directly to the palace gate.

Yan Yu held her to her lap and put her hand on her waist. "Does it hurt?"

Xie Yan stared at him with round eyes: "What do you say?"

He bit her pink lips and massaged her waist with one hand. His strength is moderate, and every click on the idea can really eliminate a lot of fatigue. It's a pity Xie Yun is tickling, she smiled in his arms without pressing twice, crying and begging for mercy: "Brother Xiaoyu, don't touch me!"

She didn't dare to sit in his arms anymore, and flinched into the corner, watching him alertly.

Yan Yu looked helpless, "Don't you say that your back hurts?"

She wiped the splash in her eyes. "But I'm afraid of itching ..."

The voice was soft and terrifying.

If he didn't touch her, she said that it hurts and it hurts. He massaged her and she said it was itchy. In the end, Yan Yu simply put her legs on her legs and knead her calves gently, so she felt more comfortable and no longer blame him. She blinked with big watery eyes, and looked at him motionlessly, saying astonishingly, "Is there any other woman in Xiaoguan?"

Yan Yu moved a moment, turned his head and stared at her fiercely: "What are you talking about?"

She was stared at by his eyes, and she didn't even have the confidence to speak. "Otherwise ... how can you please people ..."

Don't blame Xie Xuan's doubts, he really made a bad impression before.

She didn't say she was considerate, and she showed her face at every turn ... Now, he will take care of her feelings, and he will massage her legs and feet, not even hate talking. Xie Yan felt that it was rare. She could not think of anything else except for this reason.

He just touched Yan Yu's inverse scales, his thin lips curled into a line, and stopped the movement in his hand. "Who have I pleased except you?"

Xie Yan thought about it seriously, as if he didn't.

She didn't squeak.

He continued to knead her calf and asked slowly: "Do you want me to find another woman?"

Xie Yi almost jumped up, "Dare you!"

He sat on his lap all of a sudden, rubbed his head against his eyes, and thundered, "If you dare to find another woman, let's go away!"

The point is that there is no room for discussion.

Yan Yu's eyes flickered slightly, and she touched.

After a while, she sat back to her original place, lying lazily on the couch, and said to herself, "I just said it casually." He paused and added, "You must not take it to heart."

Yan Yu's lips slowly lifted, "Which sentence is to say casually?"

Her head was resting on her arms and she murmured softly, "You know it."

In fact, she regretted it just after asking if he had any other women in Bianguan, because he didn't look like he had any experience ... she hurt her so much last night. Only she was so unlucky and so good, willing to let him toss.

Yan Yu slowly put her hand on her waist, massaging her sore waist little by little, her voice was always cold and solitary, "Isn't it arguable to have you? What do I want others to do?"

Xie Yi turned back to protest, "I'm not upset."

He asked, "Where aren't you upset?"

She was confused: "Here and there."

Yan Yu laughed stiffly, and played a hard blow on her head.

At the gate of the palace, Xie Yan and Yan Yu first separated, one went to Linde Hall, and one went to Zhaoyang Hall.

Xie Yuan was led by the palace to Zhaoyang Hall, and the Queen was waiting for her in the hall.

She didn't know until she arrived there that the Emperor Yuan Hui had ordered Wang Yu as the king in the early dynasty. He was named King An and served as the general of Huaihua. He had 200,000 elite soldiers at his disposal. Xie Yi heard the news from the Queen, and could not help thinking whether she would be Princess Ann in the future?

Sure enough, the Queen patted the back of her hand with honor, "I'm afraid you have to rebuild your mansion outside the palace. In the future, you will be Princess An. There will be more people under your hand. If you can't control it, I You can assign some old ladies in the palace to help you. "

Of course Xie Yan would not refuse, sincerely said: "Thank you Queen Mother."

The queen had a smile on her pale face, and looked at the girl in front of her. To be honest, when she first married Yan Yu, she was not optimistic about the two of them. A child with a weird character like Yan Yu can't be subdued by an ordinary girl. She thought that Yan Yu only fancy her appearance, and there will be conflicts over time. I didn't expect them to go through the year peacefully. Feelings are getting better now.

Even Yan Yu hadn't given birth to them for so long at the border.

The queen had to re-examine Xie Xun. I don't know what special method this girl can use to make Yan Yu convince her?

As everyone knows, no means are needed. As long as a person likes you, no matter what you do, his heart is on you. If he doesn't like it, then you have nothing to do.

Xie Yan sat here with the Queen for a while, during which Princess Ping, Prince, and other princesses came one after another.

It seems that today the palace hosted a banquet, and the Emperor Yuan Hui invited many people.

The people who got the news all came forward to thank Xie Xuan, and Xie Xie stood up in return. Until Princess Ping came to her, Princess Ping made it clear: "Congratulations to my six brothers and sisters, I said to my king that my six brothers are the best of several brothers, and they are appreciated by my father. The six brothers really live up to everyone's expectations. The youngest of the brothers is the king. "

Princess Ping wore a scent of gold makeup and satin blouses and oil-green palace brocade skirts. She had exquisite makeup and a perfect smile, and she even said sincerely. As if the person who trapped Xie Yi forcibly that night was not her, and the person who wanted to hijack her had nothing to do with the great prince.

Xie Xuan only replied: "Big ridicule."

Fortunately, Princess Princess Yi also came, so Xie Yan did not say anything. Among them are the three princesses she never met, the princess Yan Yu'an and the third princess Yan Yan'an. The second princess was frail and sick when she was young. She died before she was five years old, and the fourth and fifth princesses married to each other. Will come back for the holidays. Yan Yaoan referred her one by one, and then she took her to sit and chat, talking and speaking, Yan Yaoan suddenly made a noise.

Xie Yan turned her head, Yan Yaoan pointed to her neck and asked, "Ama, how are you red here?"

Xie Yan did not respond, and reached out and touched.

She quickly remembered that this was where Yan Yu had sucked last night, and her face was red and red, and she blushed: "It should be a bite by a bug ..."

She didn't see it when she went out, and Yan Yu didn't even remind her!

Spring clothes are relatively thin, not covering the neck like winter. Fortunately, this trace of her is not very obvious, only to be seen as close as Yan Yaoan.

Yan Yaoan is a girl who has not yet come out of the cabinet. She doesn't understand these things and easily believes, "Do you still have bugs in your house? The subordinates are too unconcerned, if I definitely punish them!"

Xie lip, smiled.

They stayed in the Zhaoyang Temple for most of the day. The lunch they used here at noon, followed by the Queen in the afternoon to enjoy lotus in Taiyechi. In the evening, they went to Linde Temple to attend the palace banquet together.

Many people came, including civil servants and generals. Because this time it was mainly a banquet for Yan Yu, Yan Yu sat on the left hand side of the Emperor Yuan Hui, the prince sat on the right hand side, and in turn were the princes and grandchildren. Xie Yan and the Queen were sitting at the same table, surrounded by life-mistresses and princesses. She was full of joy, and smiled in response to the person who came up to Daoxi. Every action and every manner could not fault people.

The queen looked aside indifferently, and finally smiled, and nodded in approval.

Xie Yan sat back again, and Yan Yaoan sat next to her.

She couldn't help but look at Yan Yu's table. Yan Yu was surrounded by Xie Rong. The two were great heroes who had just returned from Wu Jiang. It was inevitable that many people would go up and toast, one after another, like endless. Like. However, it can also be understood that after all, there are so many ministers of North Korea and Central China, each of them toasting is enough for them to drink.

Xie Yi looked back and found that Yan Yaoan was looking at it with certainty. She followed, and it happened to fall on her brother.

It is said that Xie Rong is really handsome today. He wore a black embroidered golden brocade, and he wore purple and a jade pendant hung from the waist. He was more formal than usual. He came back from the border, Xie Ye hadn't had time to see him, and now he saw that his brother was very different. Even drinking was so calm and restrained. No wonder Yan Yaoan couldn't bear to blink.

Xie Yan turned his head, but had to worry about his elder brother.

Xie Rong is twenty-one this year, but he has not said pro. Ask her to say that according to the conditions of her brother, there is no problem with which girl to match ... Unfortunately, the eldest brother's mind is elusive, and even A Niang doesn't know what kind of girl he likes, and would rather drag it for another year or two without wanting Asking him to marry a person he doesn't like delays both himself and others.

Where is Yan Yaoan?

To be honest, Xie Ye quite like her. But she is a holy daughter and a distinguished princess, and her elder brother is destined to have no good results ...

Thanks to Xie's cheeks, she finally realized the grandmother's nagging.

At the banquet of the Emperor Yuan Hui, he once again said that Feng Liu was the King of An. The ministers at the bottom of the meeting should agree without any objection. After all, Yan Yu's merit is displayed there, and even if someone wants to stab it, there is really nothing wrong with it. Only the great prince Yan Xun sat on the seat, his expression seemed very subtle, and he smiled and said to Yan Yu: "Congratulations to my six brothers."

Yan Yu responded expressionlessly: "Thank you Brother."

The banquet was about to disperse. The ministers set off their wine glasses with anxiety. They were preparing to go home after a banquet, but they heard Yan Yu saying to the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty: "Children have something to say."

The Emperor Yuan Hui is very casual, "You say."

He yelled: "Yesterday, the son-in-law returned from Ling Jiang. As soon as he returned home, he heard that the prince went to Lingyin Temple and was killed. He was almost abducted by the son-in-law. The princess was spared. Afterwards, the son-in-law went back to the house to investigate and found out that someone had falsely reported that he had deceived the son-in-law and had returned, and took the opportunity to ambush on the road. "

For Xie's reputation, he did not say that she stayed overnight at the farmhouse, and said that he arrived in time to save her.

As soon as this remark came out, the ministers on the field were shocked, and the original harmonious atmosphere immediately made a noise, and everyone looked at Yuan Huidi.

The Emperor Yuan Hui frowned, "Did you find out what happened?"

Yan Yu said: "It was found that it was a fake news from a girl in the house, and now it has been arrested."

The Emperor Yuan Hui asked, "A dame also dares to have such courage? Is there someone behind me for instructions?"

Huang Yudao's father, Huang Yingming, glanced in the direction of Yan Yan without a trace, and when Yan Jian stretched his face, he looked at him motionlessly. He said: "Now the maid is in the son's house, and has been interrogated by subordinates."

Emperor Yuan Hui patted the table and said angrily, "Who is so brave?"

He said, "The son-in-law did not dare to speculate at will, and asked the emperor to find someone to interrogate him."

Emperor Yuan Hui thought for a while, and asked the guard to go to his house to catch the girl and bring him to prison for questioning. After all, the murder of the princess is not a trivial matter, and the emperor Yuan Hui protects him shortly. Of course, this matter cannot be passed on.

After speaking, the Emperor Yuan Hui called Xie Yi to come and personally condole a few words, worried that she was frightened, and also made people appreciate a lot of good things. Roughly looked, there are the Jade Ruyi Night Pearl and the Emerald Agate ... She bowed her knees, thanked her, and received the envy of everyone.

Turning her head to face the imperial eyes of the great prince, she froze and stood beside Yan Yu calmly.

After the banquet was over, the two took the carriage back to their home and returned to the Sixth Prince's Mansion.

On the second day, someone sent a new plaque with the inscription of Emperor Yuan Hui himself, which wrote some powerful and powerful characters—Anwang Mansion. 2k novel reading network

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