MTL - The Royal’s Cute Little Wife-Chapter 9 accident

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Why is this smelly girl?

Li Yu immediately lowered the curtain and looked at Gao Yan: "What are you waiting for?"

Gao Ye didn't know he couldn't wait to see Xie Ye, nodded joyfully, "I only made an appointment with Ah Yi yesterday, and forgot to tell you, wouldn't you mind?"

Why don't you mind? He minds it!

Li Yu smelled a face, got up and went out, "You play, I want to go home."

It's a pity that Gao Ling was dragged from behind by two steps. "Ah, why did you go back? I promised my uncle and aunt to take care of you today, what if you have something wrong?

In the past, Li Yu's parents would never agree to go out with Gao Yong, both of them are little farts, what should I do if something goes wrong? However, today is Mid-Autumn Festival, and coupled with several servants brought by Gao Yong, they nodded reluctantly.

There is only one carriage now, how can he go back? Afraid to be abducted halfway?

Li Yu was dragged by him, and he couldn't walk if he wanted to leave. Half of the body leaned out of the curtain and was just seen by Xie Ye who had just left the tea shop.

In Xie Liqing's arms, Peugeot's lovely face attracted a lot of attention. Everyone who passed by her could not help but look at her twice. There were many children on the street, but none of them were eye-catching. She stood in the crowd, like a lustrous powder white jade.

Xie Yanxing's eyes were bright, and she pointed over there.

Xie Liqing came over holding her.

She could hear her soft surprise across the distance: "Brother Xiaoyu, why are you here?"

Li Yu was so speechless as to be squeezed by Gao Yan, a delicate little face turned red.

Gao Kun quickly got up from him, patted his clothes and called Uncle, and then said, "Ayu also goes with us, so many people are busy."

Xie Yuan didn't mind adding an extra person, but was very happy instead. Xiaoyu's brother hasn't played with her for a long time since the old lady's birthday party. Every time she went to visit Li's house, he didn't come out to see her.

Li Yu clenched her lips over there, and there was an illusion that she was betrayed by her partner.

Xie Liqing looked around and saw that there were eight servants standing around the carriage, and everyone was tall and big. At first glance, they were martial arts. He was still a little worried, and asked Gao Yan, "Where are you taking our lambs?"

Gao Yan pointed to the street in front of him. "After that street, Uncle rest assured that he will not let Grandma get into trouble."

Although not far away, but there are too many people ... Xie Liqing originally wanted to go with them, but something suddenly happened over the door, he had to go over immediately. After thinking about it, he left Xie Rong and the governor of the house, and told the two children to pay attention to safety before he reluctantly left.

After Xie Liqing left, Wang Guanshi sat outside the carriage, and the four little ones sat in the carriage.

Xie Yan sat opposite Li Yu, beside Xie Rong, Gao Yan was farthest from her. Gao Gao is the one who loves to talk to her most. With the cold gaze of Xie Rong, he smiles completely: "Ama, where do you want to go? I know there is a place that is fun, should I take you there?"

Before Xie Yan had time to speak, Xie Rong had answered for her: "The lamb cannot go too far."

Gao Yan was not discouraged, and continued to ask: "Do you want to eat delicious? The crystal buns and sweet-scented osmanthus butter of Ruyifang are a must ..."

Ruyifang is several streets away from here. It took half an hour in the past. I do n’t know how long it will take. Xie Rong simply refused: "The lamb will not go."

Xie Yan blinked innocently, indicating that this was what her brother meant and had nothing to do with her. "I just want to go to the jewelry store you said ... I'm going to buy a **** for Ah, Ah."

She almost talked about leaking and gave Xie Rong a secret look. Fortunately, her brother didn't notice it.

When he looked back, he just hit Li Yu's gaze. She smiled at him and asked enthusiastically, "Why did Xiaoyu brother come out?"

Li Yu, with a small face, answered coldly, "No why."

"... Oh." Xie Ye used to be in contact with him, but he wasn't angry, and his flat mouth continued to talk to Gao.

As the carriage turned, it vibrated severely.

The body was skewed, Xie Xun did not sit still, and the whole person rushed to the opposite Li Yu. Her forehead hit his chin, both of them were in pain, and her tears almost burst out.

"Woo ..."

There was no time to cry, but a slam in the car again, and the body made a loud noise. Hearing sounds like they collided with another carriage, they are in the carriage, I don't know what's going on outside.

Xie Xie was scared this time, his hands were wrapped tightly around Li Yu's neck, his head was buried in his chest, and his voice was shaking with trembling cry: "What's wrong ... what's wrong outside ..."

After finally calming down, she still refused to let go, with a pair of small arms holding Li Yu tightly. Feeling that Li Yu moved slightly, as if resisting, she quickly said, "Brother Xiaoyu, don't push me away!"

Li Yu stopped moving immediately.

To be honest, he really wanted to push her away, but to see her so scared, it didn't seem to be justified to push her away ... forget it, although he hated her, he still managed to hold her for a while.

Xie Rong raised the curtain and got up to ask outside: "What's the matter?"

The coachman and the housekeeper were both afraid, and said the situation just now. It turned out that a horse-drawn carriage suddenly rushed out in front of the turn and came towards them. The driver tightened the reins and tried to avoid it, because it was urgent and accidentally hit the wall. I thought it was over. Direction, still banging at them, this was the two shocks just now.

The coachman said sadly: "The carriage is broken, and it is unlikely that it will go."

The group had to get off the carriage, but fortunately, it was not far from the jewelry shop, and it was only a quarter of an hour away.

A few others didn't think that much, but Xie Rong frowned.

The road is so wide, why just hit them?

He clenched Xie's hand tightly, and did not let her leave in one step: "Lamb, follow me."

After experiencing the danger just now, Xie Yan became much more honest, and followed her brother unwaveringly. "Brother, why did the people just hit us?"

Xie Rong also couldn't figure it out. He was worried that there was danger. If he wasn't afraid of his sister's disappointment, he would like to take her home now.

"Maybe accidentally." He comforted her.

Xie Yan said in fear, and stopped asking.

The sides of the street are much more prosperous than in the past. They can't look carefully in the carriage, and walking down the street now, they really know what it is to rub shoulders.

There are jugglers and troupes everywhere, as well as sugar pinchers and sugar cakes. Xie Xun was a child and had a lot of fun. He quickly forgot about the thrills and looked around curiously.

To be the most lively, is still the front team of Liyuanchun. You can hear euphemistic operas all the time, with melodious sounds that have attracted many people to watch. Seen from a distance, the head was throbbing and surrounded by airtightness. Xie Ye also wanted to make fun of him in the past, and Xie Rong was about to go, "Brother, let's go and see!"

Xie Rong stopped still and shook his head: "No, there are too many people."

The king's governor in the house also persuaded her that the place was the most chaotic and prone to danger.

Xie Yi begged twice, and the two were unmoved, so she had to give up.

Gao Yan and Li Yu followed, Gao Yan flattered, "If Grandma wants to see, I'll take you to listen to music next time."

Xie Yan immediately agreed: "Okay!"

As a result, Gao Ling was stared coldly by Xie Rong.

Gao Ming touched his nose, pretending not to see it.

To say that Xie Yun is a little fairy, then Xie Rong is a cold and ruthless judge. One eye can determine life and death, and the courage can't bear it.

They passed by Li Yuanchun's drama team, and the crowd suddenly disappeared for some reason, and the tide was usually squeezed out. The children were taken aback, and they were taken a few steps back by being pushed back, and when they looked inside, they realized that the opera of the opera team had finished singing and was about to end.

Xie Yan firmly grasped Xie Rong's hand and was hit by several adults. Where did she experience such chaotic scenes, she was so frightened that she only knew her brother.

Wang Guanshi guarded the young master and the girl tightly and went out in the direction of the crowd. The Gao family's servants came over to help.

However, after the show team had finished their work, they came to their side, and they happened to block the attendant's way, making them unable to approach. Wang Guanshi's arm was slammed hard. As soon as his hand became loose, Xie Yi was squeezed out by the crowd. She took two steps and looked around helplessly, and suddenly her surroundings became strange faces. After a while, she couldn't see her brother or steward.

Xie Yan's tears twitched in his eyes, forcing him not to cry: "Brother ..."

While she was desperate, she held her from the side with both hands and led her to the alley beside.

Xie Yan thought it was a bad person, struggling and shouting, "Who are you? Let go of me!"

Li Yu's voice came from the front, "Don't talk!"

She froze and burst back tears. At this moment, the familiar voice was a natural sound to her. She wiped her tears with her sleeve, and followed Li Yu into a remote alley.

The alley was very small, barely accommodating only one person to pass, and the rotting odor came from time to time. Li Yu and Xie Yi hid side by side inside, no one spoke. After a long time, she whispered, and asked poorly, "Brother Xiaoyu, what happened just now?"

Li Yu didn't know what was going on, but he felt that those in the theater were not at ease.

They deliberately trapped them, blocked their way, and scattered them one by one. If they hadn't run fast, they might have been arrested.

Thinking of the human teeth Gao Yan once said, he tightened his beautiful eyebrows.

After waiting for a while, he quietly leaned out his head and saw that the street was calm. There were not many people, and then he came out with Xie Yuan.

They searched around several times, but none of them found Xie Rong and Gao Ye.

Rao is no matter how brave he is, this will inevitably make him afraid. She stepped forward and held Li Yu's hand tightly, like Xiao poor: "Brother Xiaoyu, don't let go of me."

Li Yu took a break and shook her hands to break away from her. "No longer holding hands."

It was a special situation just now that he would hold her, and now it is not necessary anymore.

But Xie Yun disagreed, she clenched his hand again, "What if the two of us are separated ..."

Li Yu said no, and shake her off again.

Xie Ye was unyielding and soon got tangled up again.

Li Yugang wanted to shake her hand and turned to see her teary eyes, as if he threw her away again, she would really cry. He hesitated before he knew she was terrified.

Li Yu hesitated, holding her hand expressionlessly, and moved on. 2k novel reading network

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