MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1562 Six emperors lift the coffin

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"This family has been brilliant and powerful, and its radiance shines through ancient and modern times. The great achievements of its ancestors are innumerable. It can be said that the merits are greater than the sky. I don’t know, I’ve been fighting all my life, I don’t know if I am alive..."

Chu Feng's voice was gentle, not high, and he was slowly talking about some old things.

Perhaps, more than 90% of the people in the world do not know that there was such a heavenly emperor, and even the so-called super-evolutionary gate court was not fully known.

Only the true fairy, only the ultimate soul, and only the tyrannical groups such as the Heng Clan and the Dao Clan can understand who he is talking about at the first time, and that is the once brilliance of the lost era.

"Who is he talking about?" Many ancestors and many Taoisms all passed special magic lamps, bone mirrors, rune **** walls, etc. to show the true situation of the battlefields of the two realms.

People everywhere can see what is happening.

However, many young people do not understand who Chu Feng is talking about.

"He is talking about the Heavenly Emperor, whose glorious and invincible era has gone away in time, and it has been more than one epoch, and there will be no such powerful and invincible real Heavenly Emperor in later generations!" said a rotten Daeyu-class creature.

In the later generations, it is not that no one is called an emperor, but it is only a short-lived one, but it is only a faint fame. It is not a real emperor, and no one admits it.

The real heavenly emperors have gone away, or disappeared, and will never be seen again in the heavens.

"The God Emperor's merits overwhelm ancient and modern times, even though he was his parent-child, it is said that they all died in battle, and disappeared."

"Among the emperor's son, there is only one vein left, which is declining due to injury, unable to fight, and finally falling into the sun, barely continuing the blood of Heavenly Emperor, so as not to break the blood of the ancestor.

What a pity that was, and how terrible the situation implied. Only one person remained at the end of the war, the emperor died of injury, and lived in the sun.

The blood of Heavenly Emperor is almost completely cut off! ?

"The surviving emperor died in the end, so the unparalleled bloodline, so unpredictable strength, eventually died due to injury."

When he heard this, the dog emperor's body was shaking, he didn't believe it, there must be a prince alive, and a prince in the world, but I don't know where it is now!

Perhaps, went to God? The dog king guessed because it was difficult to accept the tragic reality that Chu Feng said.

"The emperor died. His descendants never used his ancestors' prestige and never made it known to the world. Instead, he was buried in the incognito and became an ordinary ethnic group.

"There is more than one era. They have participated in various wars. Whenever there is a big disaster, they will stand up and try their best to meet the enemy."

"Therefore, they are gradually becoming thinner and utterly declining, and even the Emperor's Dharma is almost completely lost, and the inheritance is very powerful."

"It's so low-key, so obscure, but they are still being targeted, and some people are coveting secretly and want to hunt them!"

"In the end, someone started on them, to seize the fragments of the emperor, to pursue the laws and mysteries of the Heavenly Emperor, and bloodyly targeted the clan!"

Chu Feng tells us that this is what happened to that ethnic group, and it was all learned from that old population.

Some people know it because they have heard it indistinctly, and even some extreme creatures even know the past of this group.

"For a while, there was only the last person left in the family. What a tragic and desolate person who was still alive, but his heart was already dead. His name was Yu Shang!"

Finally, Chu Feng said the name.

At this moment, the dog emperor's eyes were flushed, his teeth gritted, and his hair was blown up.

The body of the rotting corpse also exudes an inexplicable breath, and the whole body is full of shame, which is simply to tear the sky and kill everything!

"Senior Yushang, who had two sons and one daughter, was amazing in the sun, some were in the top three ranks of the **** king, and some of his peers were invincible, but in the end? All died, all of them were killed by the Yuan tribe died!"

Chu Feng directly pointed out the culprit of the Yuan tribe!

Even if this group of people is unpredictable and outrageous, it is suspected that there is an ancestor in the big world outside the sun, and there have been witnesses of the incredible existence of the heavenly emperor, but Chu Feng feels that there are now nine Daoyis, dog emperors, and rotten corpses, It should be able to deter and keep Yu Shang!

After all, this may be the only descendant of the emperor, Dog King... Could it not be crazy? !

"Which of you do it, do you want to die?" The dog king felt like he was about to explode.

The corpse is also a murderous sight, black cloud smoke surging out of his body, but he can't understand it, he and the dog emperor have also sensed, why don't you see the Emperor's bloodline appear?

The demon breathed quickly, and she foreseen something.

"Where is Yu Shang?" The Dog King asked eagerly.

Chu Feng had a complicated look. Speaking of which, the first encounter with Gouhuang was on the battlefield of the three parties. At that time, Yu Shang was not far away, but he and Gouhuang did not know each other and missed it.

Chu Feng later learned through various events, and gradually learned about the legend of the Emperor of the Heavens, learned that the dog emperor was his loyal loyalty, and his follower, and learned some things through Yu Shang, and then he learned many relationships.

"Yuan people, do you want to be wiped out?"

The dog emperor was furious, and the real body landed from outside the sky and directly killed the scene. The huge body stood between the world and was very scary.

Even if its dog hair is about to fall, some places are bare, exuding decay and decay, but it still shocks people's hearts.

This is a dog who has followed God!

Moreover, it has not only followed an emperor!

"Yuan people, I pinch you!"

It aimed at the Yuan people in front of the battlefield of the two realms.

The Yuan tribe, the famous Yang tribe, is enough to rank among the top ten heritages.

This is not yet their foundation in other big worlds, it should be stronger and more terrifying. After all, their real ancestors are rumored to be sitting outside the sky, not in the sun.

At present, the Yuan people are all elites.

It can even be said that the Yuan tribe has the highest fighting strength at the Yangjian Mountain Gate.

Among them, a decaying Daewoo-class creature, this powerful Yuan family became enlightened in the ancient times, known as the strongest person in the ancient times!

At that time, it was he who led the plan against the Yuan tribe, the extermination of extermination, the exile of the exile.

There is one more member of the Yuan tribe, who became the ultimate creature in prehistoric times, and is the oldest and most powerful creature of the Yuan tribe in Yangma.

In addition to these two people, there are the Yuan people's power and Tianzun present. Relatively speaking, these people are not enough to compare with the most powerful cosmic creatures in ancient times and the old man.

The dog king's big eyes of copper bells locked all of them!

The rotting corpse also came, and the murderous coverage did not know how many miles, he smiled on weekdays, now the master is killing!

The dog emperor protruded the big paws, and poked at the two strong men of the Yuan clan, treated indistinguishably, with huge and sharp claws covering it.

Its movement is very slow, if there is anything else to ask, it wants to directly stab these people!

"Where is Yu Shang?" In this process, the dog emperor asked Chu Feng again.

"Taoyou's mercy!"

At this time, a shout came from outside, a large purple gold hand approached, pierced through the sky, blocking the dog's big paws.

In fact, the Daewoo-class strongmen of the Yuan tribe, known as the unmatched Yuan Sheng, and the elder Yuan Yuan of the prehistoric era, are also evading themselves.

They are very strong.

However, in the face of the angry dog ​​emperor, they found that their body was actually shaking, imprisoned in the field and could not break free!

If there were shouts from outside the region to stop the dog king, the two would be desperate and feel dead.

"Who dares to stop?" the rotten corpse shouted, striding forward, his right hand slapped out, slamming into the big hand of Zijin.

"Taoyou, please be kind!"

In addition to the voice just now, someone spoke again, also from outside the domain, breaking the sky.

Indistinctly, I can see that it is a **** sparrow, exuding at least the fairy rhyme of the fairy king, dim and scary, reflecting the world.

The horrible existence of the four robbery birds!

Someone recognized it and took a breath.

"Senior, you ask me where Yu Shang is, is this okay now?" Chu Feng said, he was afraid of this situation, and the giant hair outside the sun was difficult.

"No problem!" Jiu Daoyi said, he was ready to shoot.

"Don't move, let me come by myself!" The dog emperor was annoyed. It had followed the emperor, but now it's really not as good as a chicken? It is old and its blood decayed. As a result, some surviving strong races will be **** for tat against it? !

It temporarily withdrew its large claws and stared at the outside of the domain, and it sensed several powerful breaths.


Somewhere in the sun, Ziluan ran excitedly and panicked all the way to a quiet pasture, shouting: "Senior Yu Shang, guess what I heard, the demon, the suspected demon sister appeared, in the sun, in There are two battlefields!"

"What, that child, didn't she fall into the little hell...Abyss?" Yu Shang sat directly from the wicker chair, rushed out of the garden, trembling, and her mood fluctuated violently.

They do not yet know the upheaval that has occurred at the battlefield in the two realms.

However, Yu Shang couldn't help but want to go out of the mountain, to find the demon, to see the child!

At this time, many young people in many ancestors everywhere in Yangyang are wondering, who is the Heavenly Emperor mentioned before the battlefield of the two realms?

Because, the long time passed, about the Emperor of the year, about their achievements in the world, etc., have long been unknown, and many people and things are covered under the dust of time.

Some old people, helmsmen of the same family, etc., mentioned for the first time today to the younger generation, and described some vague rumors that they also vaguely knew.

Heaven Emperor, after an inexhaustible period of time on this land, was once again told about the past of a half-claw.

In front of the battlefields of the two realms, the dog emperor was angry. He felt provoked. This not only blocked it, but also disrespected the heavenly emperor. Dare to persecute the descendants of the heavenly emperor, dare to target and block in this way? !

"Daoyou don't need to be angry, there is nothing to uncover." Someone said quietly in the sky.

"Fuck your mother, this emperor's soldiers are facing today, I think who dares to resist!"

With a flick of his body, he instantly dropped six distinctive dog hairs, turned into six dark lights, and walked away.

And, the dog emperor stopped Jiu Daoyi and the rotting corpse, it just wanted to try it out for himself.

For a moment, outside the region, the wind and thunder burst, the avenue of God sound was deafening.

The six hairs turned into six black lightning bolts, and returned shortly after disappearing.

All of them turned into the shape of a dog emperor, and a coffin was lifted from the depths of the universe outside of that world. Its bronze material is as ancient as it is, and it lives forever in the world!

The six dog emperors shook their bodies and carried the emperor's coffin.

"This emperor borrowed the emperor's weapon, today he wants to kill, who wants to die, get over!" Dog Emperor shouted. ,

The Six Emperors lifted the coffin and made the heavens silent.

Read The Duke's Passion