MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1571 Reincarnation Mausoleum

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"Sorry, everyone, this son has been lacking in advice since childhood, rebellious, and often made jokes, I will teach him a good lesson when I go back!"

Nine Dao opened his mouth and apologized in public.

However, no matter how you look at it, there is a lack of sincerity. Is this as simple as making a joke?

Especially, Nine Daoyi wiped the bronze war spear distressedly, as if afraid that the spear's edge would be damaged.

Everyone was speechless. It should be understood that a bunch of creatures in the cycle of rebirth made the copper spear thrown by the lunatic Chu pierce away, and you actually looked at the copper spear in pain.

"Fellow Daoist, is it a bit past?" The Immortal King of the Yuan clan said outside the sky.

"You haven't left yet?!" The Emperor Dog bared his torn teeth, intimidated and threatened there, and said, "Do you want to bachelor leave another arm?"

Outside the sky, the ancient ancestor of the Four Tribulations Sparrow Clan also spoke, "Heh, the Emperor of Heaven should be elected in the near future. In any case, we have to speak up, speak our own opinions, and select the most suitable candidate!"

With a sigh, a shadow appeared in the shattered and blurred cycle of reincarnation, as if it was very decayed, its body rickety, old-fashioned, skinny, like a skeleton, like a prehistoric ghost returning to the world.

It gradually became clear, and if you look closely, its hair is almost falling out, and its face and scalp are dry, sticking to the skull.

"Everyone, this is really unfair. Someone killed my disciple, but was exposed so lightly?" This old ghost-like creature is terrifying, at least it is also a fairy king.

This made Jiudaoyi all look dignified, staring at it again and again.

"It's a bit unfair!" Si Jie Que was the first to speak.

People from the Yuan clan and Renwang Mo's family also nodded and agreed there.

"Everything has a cause and effect!" Jiu Daoyi's face was gloomy, even with red light flashing deep in his eye sockets, and said: "Who left this cycle?"

What Jiu Daoyi wants to talk about is that one, there are nine ancient scarlet coffins in the depths of this reincarnation, and even his parents and children are buried here!

As a result, the people who came out of this place had abandoned their original intentions and embarrassed the descendants again and again, such as being hostile to the first mountain and wanting to kill Chu Feng. Therefore, Jiu Daoyi always had a powerful murderous intent in his heart.

The one he admired the most was that, right now, everything he left behind, even his son’s burial place had problems, how could he not be angry?

Therefore, he let Chu Feng kill him!

Of course, he wasn't very worried about the cycle of reincarnation and the nine ancient vermilion coffins left behind.

This road is the place of reincarnation that the district dug the ancient palace did not find everything he wanted, but is different from the ancient palace opened up vigorously. Jiudaoyi firmly believes that no one can shake it!

He was indignant about the betrayal of these creatures in the cycle of rebirth.

Jiu Daoyi guessed that these creatures were supposed to be like guardians of the tomb, but now they occupy the place and claim it for themselves.

This is very bad. If you abandon the entrustment of that person, and in turn target the latecomers in this line, if you think deeply, you should be blamed!

Jiudao Yiqiu asked: "You people have forgotten the original intention and remember the mission you shouldered. Although I don't know it, I can guess that this does not belong to you. There are nine ancient coffins at the end of Samsara. If they recover, you can block it. Hold their anger?"

He felt that some people in the nine ancient coffins might be able to survive and reappear in the world one day.

Because he always believed that his parent and child could not die, and with his invincible posture that overwhelmed the past, the present, and the future, how could he watch his heirs die forever?

If his son cannot survive, it would be too tragic, cruel, and desolate for that one.

With a sigh, the old ghost-like creature with its body squatting in the cycle of rebirth said, "There are indeed tomb guards, but I am not."

When hearing this news, everyone was shocked.

Jiu Dao was furious and said: "Do you dare to occupy this place? When it is all destroyed!"

Who dares to do this, even the weird and ominous, as well as the creatures of the sacrificial ground, dare not set foot here, and there are others who dare to rebel?

"Although I am not a mausoleum guardian, I have something to do with it. I can't be considered an intrusion, and I am qualified to live on the periphery of this road." said the old ghost-like creature.

"Old man skin, we need to take action to help you clear the door and kill him together? If you have a big ticket, you can dig this road. Maybe you can get a lot of good things in one nest!" Big.

"Everyone, let me finish, who would dare to enter the designated area? What you see is only the outer unrelated area, and I am only waiting in the land of no owner, in the area outside the reincarnation, They are all the reincarnation spider webs naturally formed by the heavens and the earth, surrounding the reincarnation that was opened up!" The old ghost-like creature explained seriously, not wanting to fight at this time.

This kind of explanation makes everyone breathe in air.

The reincarnation created by himself is actually so powerful? Even the heaven and the earth naturally surround it, deducting the cycle of reincarnation, densely packed like a cobweb.

Does this mean that it is already on par with the ancient land that connected to God in the most ancient times?

Some people say that the road that surpassed the most ancient times before the fall of the emperor may have been created by the avenue itself, while others said it was opened by creatures in an unrecordable age.

In any case, its origins are extremely shocking.

The weird creatures that first inhabited the ancient palace are no parasites, far from being the ones in charge.

Now, people are shocked to hear that the path that he has opened up has resonated among the heavens, and he has created many cobwebs of reincarnation around him, which is really frightening.

"Friends, do you want to kill me, I am not a tomb guard, but I am not weak, and we are not one or two people!" The old ghost-like creature said lightly.

"Believe it or not, I will kill you alive now, and then destroy all the betrayers on your road!" Jiudaoyi believes that some of the tomb guards are mostly renegade.

"Friends, don't do it anymore. We really don't want to go to war. After so many years, the world has gone up and down, and some people have grown into giants. You better stop shouting like this!" the old ghost-like creature said.

"Friends of Daoist, there is no need to mobilize troops!" At this moment, someone spoke out.

Including the Four Tribulations Bird tribe, and the ancient ancestors of the Six-eared Macaque tribe who are biased towards the Nine Ways.

They didn't want any accidents. The former was afraid that Jiu Daoyi would save what was left behind, while the latter was afraid that some supreme creature would really come out and kill Jiu Daoyi.

"Everyone is important to the overall situation, and internal friction is not allowed. You should aim for unification!"

"Yeah, friends of the Nine Daos, you said yourself, now that the situation is urgent and the end of the world is approaching, it has reached a critical period related to the survival of the race. It can't be exhausted. I will wait to unite as soon as possible. The most important thing is unification!"

Some people stepped forward one after another, there were fallen fairy kings, and there were also fairy kings from other great worlds, and together they dissuaded the nine ways.

The dog emperor and the carrion also spoke secretly. After all, if the tomb guard was really a person from that era and lived to this world, someone might have achieved the supreme master status!

For a long time, they have lived in the marginal area of ​​reincarnation, that kind of creature is simply unimaginable.

Having just experienced the Soul River battle, the dog emperor and others were also a little frustrated, and didn't want to fight the supreme creature anymore.

"Okay, let's expose it for the time being, and it will be liquidated when the time comes. If someone who guards the tomb really betrays, I actually don't need me to clean the door by myself, hey!" Jiudaoyi sneered.

Such words made many people hairy, and even the fairy king was shocked, feeling the fear from the soul.

Certain people, certain areas, cannot be touched and cannot be turned away, otherwise there will be great cause and effect! This is the thought of all old monsters.

After all, even the weird and ominous do not want to take the initiative to touch everything about that person.

Jiu Dao nodded and said: "In this case, I will discuss major issues and let the idlers wait to retreat. For example, if disgusting monsters such as weird and ominous are still peeping, all fellow daoists will take action and kill them!"

Then, he added, glancing at Chu Feng, and said, "Of course, people like you should leave earlier."

why? Chu Feng was stunned.

"You get in the way here and can't help much. We will discuss the result soon. Go and practice!" Jiudaoyi said calmly.

This is disgusting him, Chu Feng is speechless, after all, he has no right to speak now, and no one cares about his opinions if he stays here.

"No hurry, Sister Yaoyao and I have to talk about the past. Senior Yu Shang and I have a lot to say. Zhou Xi and I also have important matters to discuss. Ouyang Dalong and I also have accounts to settle, and Lao Gu and I have to Secret discussion, I..."

Chu Feng didn't want to leave, but was directly interrupted by Jiudaoyi.

"What are you? Go, right away!" After Jiu Daoyi said, he looked at the old ghost who came out of the cycle of rebirth, and added: "As long as you and I can't wait, you can figure out the others, you can go and kill them. Chu Feng, um, you can do this! Of course, the true immortal level does not allow you to stretch out your hands indiscriminately, and the rotting Daewoo creatures do not end up!

When they heard this, others were amazed, and sure enough... it is worthy of the great pit gate of the first mountain. It seems that there are no disciples left in the past. There is Li Yan, who has died forever, how did he die? All are so pitted to death!

This line is aptly called to train the strongest, and it is necessary to give the strongest and most terrible experience, but it is really easy to reduce the number of employees, and the death rate of disciples and disciples is simply scary.

After so many years, what about the people in this line? It's gone.

Some people say that this vein is dead, and some people say that the disciples of this vein are sent to a grand battlefield to fight in another world.

Naturally, Chu Feng was like a clay sculpture and wood carving, and wanted to curse very much. This named disciple of himself was nothing but a nickname, and had no real meaning at all. It had nothing to do with the first mountain. This old smasher actually wanted to bury him like this.

The old ghost-like creature suddenly laughed and said: "Haha, yes, I have heard that this son is very powerful, and there is nothing else in my cycle. The genius is that the old heroes are like rain. , Countless, they are all accumulated over the past generations. Many of them were once the strongest of an era. They have been in the Palace of Reincarnation for countless years. It is time to let them go!"

Many people were suddenly shocked, because people thought of an extremely serious and terrifying problem.

Throughout the ages, some peerless geniuses and some invincible mythological characters disappeared inexplicably, not old age, not war dead, but eventually disappeared suddenly, becoming insoluble mysteries and unsolved cases in history, shouldn't they all fall into reincarnation On the way? !

"Your uncle, come, come, come, I, Emperor Chu, will hit a hundred, kill a thousand, and destroy 10,000. My Chu Wudi overlooks the world, who will fight?!"

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