MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1577 One leaf and one era

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God, what a mysterious place, separated from the heavens, high above, overlooking the river of time, letting the vicissitudes of life, the world change, destroyed and revived, it is detached from above, and never reachable.

How many arrogances of ancient and modern days, arrogant to the heavens, shocking the ancients and sparking the present, deterring countless great ages, watching the entire ***, it is still difficult to ascend to God.

For those invincible in ancient times, even if their own merits overwhelm the past and the present, they can only sigh with their heads up, unable to fight for it.

If you don't enter the heavens, even if you are a **** against the sky, terrible disasters will eventually occur, ominous and impure, your soul will fall into darkness, and its "spirit" will wither strangely.

God is too far away, **** is too close!

How can you avoid it?

The road is exhausted, bleak and desolate, drifting and dissipating in the deep, and the strongest people in the past are tragic.

This is the terrible reality!

The sea is flowing, and the years have exhausted heroes. It is difficult for a single person to ascend to God by his own power in several epochs!

God is unpredictable to all sentient beings in the world, and even to the strong who can push the entire ancient history, it is also ethereal and unattainable.

However, today Chu Feng's accident is coming!

How can he not be surprised? A little confused for a while.

That's how it came up, and it was incredible to him to come to the highest sacred land where the harmony was endless, the celestial clouds were shining, and the aura was dazzling.

"Want to kill me? Crawl away!" he shouted.

At the critical moment, he did not lose his vigilance and was quite calm. The mechanical voice made him chill and felt a great crisis.

He carried the stone jar and smashed it straight forward.

It was a bright and thick silver arrow, shot forward!

The giant arrow broke through the six corners and eight wastes, and the void collapsed before it even approached. The world was unstable and the chaotic energy was surging, as if opening up the world.

The origin is unpredictable like a stone jar, and at this time, it is also revitalized with a dim light, passively counterattack, and the silver arrow feathers are turned away!


Behind Chu Feng, the boundless darkness, the abyss beyond the world, directly exploded like a big collapse, exploding the vast territory, and the void was vanishing.

This made him breathe in air-conditioning. What kind of power is this?

A thick silver arrow feather, coming with chaotic energy, can shoot through the universe, posing a serious threat to a great world.

Soon, he knew what it was, not a real feather, but a bunch of Chaos Thunder, transformed into "Tianzhu"!

Really have the power to break the world!

Normally, there is nothing to resist.

The creatures from the outside world, even if they are the peerless powerhouses who rushed here, have to be killed directly and shot into powder, without any suspense.

However, the stone pot is stable, rippling with a little halo, calmly!

The silver thunder was shocked far away by the tank, and the leaves of Chu Feng stayed away from the thunder.

This is shocking. If someone is here, they will be stunned. What kind of power is that?

The chaotic thunder waterfall transformed into Tianzhu, possessing the power to break through, and it was so shocked.

The killing and robbery did not fade, a bell suddenly emerged, hanging in the air, and its ripples were soft and holy, sweeping towards Chu Feng.


Chu Feng's pupils contracted, and this seemingly peaceful clock body was actually the carrier of the avenue, accompanied by that mechanical sound, and the word "delete" sounded again.

At this moment, Chu Feng seemed to have seen a whole ancient history one after another. This was depriving him of time, changing the years, and killing him with the clock of time.

For an instant, he clearly felt that behind him, the endless abyss was shivering, and even the world outside the world was shaking and afraid.

Even the dark zone is afraid of time on the road.

One can imagine how terrible the obliteration of this avenue carrier is.

The hazy brilliance of the stone jar became more and more intense, and as the clock body shook as time went by, it remained motionless like a rock.

Until the back, the ripples from the bell's body rolled backwards, all falling on itself, it seemed as long as it had gone through many epochs in an instant.

The big clock as a whole decayed and decayed, and then the rustling turned into dust, and the Taoist clock fell apart!

Even the avenue carrier will be exhausted, heading towards the end of destruction?

Chu Feng was shocked, and then he felt that there is nothing in this world that can last forever, and what can really last forever?

It is said that the peerless powers live with the heavens and the earth, with the same glory as the sun and the moon, but even the sun and the moon will fall, and even the great world will decay. No one in this world can truly live.

This is really a terrifying process of obliterating the heart and soul, but Chu Feng is not afraid, on the contrary, he has a complex expression and endless emotions.

"Failed to kill!"

After the four characters, the mechanical voice never appeared again.

It wasn't until this time that Chu Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and had the opportunity to look carefully at this so-called ancient land.

Light and mist shrouded, Rui Cai said one after another, in the peaceful pure land, the fiery red spiritual grass was crystal clear, like a large sunset on the ground.

This shocked Chu Feng. Could this be the fairy grass that was sprinkled with fairy blood and true dragon blood in the legend?

Farther away, the golden flower buds with the big mouth of the bowl are extremely bright, carrying flames, the petals are radiant and fragrant, and there are rippling blue clouds of different trees, embellishing the flowers and grass.

The few low mountains, although not majestic, let alone majestic, there are waves of immortal gas transpiring, quite out of the world, and there are divine springs surging under the mountains.

The most shocking thing is the sights in front of you!

An immortal lotus, very thick and holy, in the secret liquid of rooting, it is bigger than the towering giant tree.

It towers into the white clouds and stands between heaven and earth.

The leaves of the immortal lotus are very large, the smallest are several acres in size, and the colors are different, some are as bright as blood, some are as dark as ink, some are dark and dull, and some are as silver as electricity...

Chu Feng's super fiery golden eyes turned into runes, with a restrained spirit, he saw all the leaves, including a new leaf on the cloud, a total of thirty-six!

In addition, there are three flower buds, juxtaposed very strangely!

The flower buds are like mountains, huge and boundless, exuding chaotic energy, and transpiring with fairy light, full of vitality!

This is no longer a lotus in the ordinary sense. It is so huge that it is not enough to call it a flower tree.

Of course, these are not the most weird. In fact, the most attractive are the creatures on the lotus leaves that exude chaos.

Densely dense, there are many skeletons on each huge leaf, and there are many mummy corpses, either lying horizontally or sitting cross-legged, dry and lifeless.

Chu Feng sucked in the air, and he crawled through the black abyss and crossed the ten thousand realms earlier, as if vying to become the strongest of all realms in the past, wouldn't they all gather here?

This is simply the gathering of the strongest Tianjiao in history!

Only when they got here, their condition was worse, and they were dead, with only a layer of black and cracked old skin or feathers and scale armor wrapped in bones, lifeless.

Some creatures are about to break away from the leaves, fall down, and hang on the edge of the leaves like a hanging ghost, swinging with the wind, looking terrifying and crippling.

Those are creatures that don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago, with disheveled heads, sunken eye sockets, skinny, like ghosts.

Chu Feng's pupils shrank, and what did these creatures fight to get here? On the verge of eternal silence, almost completely dying, this is the so-called detachment?

"Is that the true phoenix who shed feathers?"

Chu Feng had to sigh. Before that, he had never seen such a pure-blooded fairy bird, and all he had encountered was a mottled, non-pure-blooded descendant.

But in this place, that kind of birds are hanging on the lotus leaf as if they are old and dead, and there are more than one or two.

Besides, what did he see? Tianlong, the scales of the dragon fell all over, and the old bones were broken, and it was limp to the ground, motionless.

As for the three-eyed **** man, the six-armed demon king monkey, etc., he has seen them all. They are the strongest creatures in the history, and they can all be seen here.

"If these ancient monsters recover, if they run to the outside world, they will definitely stir up a mess!"

Chu Feng's voice is low, and this is simply the source of disaster.

Some monsters must surpass the true immortal, and their strength is boundless.

After all, the people behind the cycle of reincarnation want to cultivate an existence beyond the immortal king, even if only one is born, it is a big profit.

Therefore, the creatures here have everything from approaching rotten Daewoo to beyond!

Fortunately, they were dying, and they seemed unable to return their yang. They were in an extremely special state, motionless, no different from ghouls.

Chu Feng stepped on this special land boundary and looked at the four fields carefully. He frowned. This is not a magnificent continent, but like an isolated island, suspended in boundless darkness.

Especially around the isolated island, there are broken gaps, like being cut off from a certain place.

He thought of the earlier voice, saying that he was a foreign body and broke into God, but it was clearly a small piece of fracture.

"Could it be that this was cut from the heavens, a corner that was knocked down because of some kind of high-level war, became an island in the heavens and beyond the world?"

The boundless gloom is outside the island, isolated from the ten thousand realms, and disconnected from the heavens. It seems that sooner or later, it will swallow all the great universes, destroy the boundless great worlds, and the four wild black holes, such as the ghost of the world opened its huge mouth, and the strange aura is transpiring.

Chu Feng retracted his gaze, and once again observed the most eye-catching giant lotus and the dense corpses on it.

By the secret liquid pool where the giant lotus roots, there are floating soil, broken rubble, giant rocks, etc. It is hard to tell where it was back then.

Chu Feng walked around it, and saw the traces of the ancients by the poolside. There was an inscription on a stone, which was illegible, and he didn't know the font of the era.

However, the avenues are connected, it contains the most principle, and its intertwined patterns can convey information that crosses the civilization of the times.

"One Leaf... One Era!"

He actually read such information!

He raised his head and looked up at the giant lotus again. There are 36 leaves in total. If you look at the vaguely written description on the boulder, doesn't it mean that this lotus has gone through... the 36th era? !

This is hard to imagine, incredible!

"The Reincarnation Lotus!"

After a while, he parsed out these words again, which made him dazed, and throbbed in the depths of his soul.

This thing is absolutely extraordinary, it is amazing.

Throughout dozens of epochs, this plant and its special name have all revealed its weird and terrifying, so extraordinary.

Chu Feng thought, this so-called reincarnation lotus, the reincarnation in its name, is probably the most primitive reincarnation, rather than the reincarnation in the later world.

Soon, he made another amazing discovery. In the front, it was not in the secret liquid, but in the pile of rocks, with the roots of the giant lotus exposed, and it entangled a stone piano!

"Sure enough, Shiqin's body is here!"

"This thing belongs to me, take it away!"

Chu Feng's eyes were full of divine light, and he was quite aggressive. Today, he came to ransack his home and cleaned up the place.

The main reason was that he had some associations with Shiqin. After all, the material was so special that he couldn't help but think of the stone pot around him.

Could it be artifacts from the same period? !

If you really need to be able to master it and urge it, perhaps the lethality is unimaginable!

He saw some vague ancient characters on the huge rock next to him. After analyzing it through the Dao pattern, he learned that the piano is difficult to shake and cannot be taken away!

Obviously, some creatures had made up their minds, but they were helpless.

"Brother tank, this may be your relative, don't forget the rich and honorable, take it with you later!"

"Here...what's the mark, something familiar!"

Suddenly, Chu Feng made a new discovery. He saw a smash mark on the ground with a mottled rune pattern, which looked quite old.

"There are flowers, birds, fish and insects, there are strong gods and monsters, from all spirits, and chaos moire. Where have I seen them?" Chu Feng stared at the ground.

Suddenly, his face changed, and he thought of where he had seen it.

The one in the Nine Paths and the Emperor in the Mouth of the Dog King each have a copper coffin. It is said that the copper coffin was originally one, and the three coffins were triple coffins.

And he was fortunate to have seen its shape, these lines on the coffin!

Chu Feng was shocked, and his heart was turned upside down.

This place... has been smashed by a copper coffin? !

I just don't know if it was the one who smashed it, or it was caused by the emperor in the eyes of the dog king!

Chu Feng was waiting to study. Suddenly, a rustling sound came from high above, and then the rustling wind exploded.

It was the giant flower bud on the top of the giant lotus that was shaking like a mountain, triggering a vision, causing the sky to become almost transparent, and a large swath of colored light was dropped.

Even Chu Feng passed through the transparent area, vaguely seeing the vague and endless boundary above, the majestic and majestic mountains, the vast and boundless territory, boundless.

That piece of land has no end, and the rich immortal energy almost turns into liquid, flowing in the void.

"Where is that, shouldn't it be God?"

The flower buds shook, and in the rustling sound, in the wind, countless streamers were forcibly ingested by the flower buds, and entered this suspended island, raining light.

This flower bud stole a special substance from God across the world?

Chu Feng saw that the light and rain were all taken from the majestic mountains and rivers, although it was insignificant compared to the boundless territory and could be ignored.

However, this kind of light rain is enough to change this place, making the suspended islands full of vitality, sacred and peaceful, and Ruiguang.

Moreover, Chu Feng felt the great benefit for the first time. After this special substance fell on his body, it made his body return to the mother's womb of the heaven and earth origin.

"This is... the body's desire. It can slow down my'exhaustion period' and heal the damage caused by perennial evolution. This kind of substance allows me to evolve again without having to wait for 10,000 years!"

Chu Feng was shocked, this is a great fortune!

It can be seen that the special substances that landed are directed at the giant lotus to nourish the body!

Even if it is the dried corpse on the lotus leaf, even though it comes in contact with it, it is almost impossible to get this substance.

Chu Feng was amazed. In an instant he understood what was going on. It was the stone pot on his body that had participated in the sharing of the spoils and blocking the flow, so he was also exposed.

Otherwise, this substance will not fall on him!

"Come on, let the torrential rain come harder, come at me!" Chu Feng looked up at the sky.

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