MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1616 Go to the underworld

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  Is there blood dripping from the depths of God? !

   "A drop of blood can flood the universe, and three thousand drops of true blood will open up three thousand great worlds, and the immortal emperor will recover and return to his homeland."

   A grand and old voice came from outside the domain, echoing in the heavens, with great majesty.

  At this time, let alone ordinary evolvers, even the fairy kings are trembling and shocked. What level of creatures have returned?

  It means that Jiu Daoyi is in a daze. The soul and body of the past have left the old land and where they have gone. He doesn't even know where he has gone. Now he is back. It is impossible to predict the momentum.

  "Xiandi...Lu Jin-level creature, this is really against the sky, has a supreme creature descended?"

  No one is not shocked and feels the majestic pressure, even though the other party has converged, the blood is returned to himself and no longer diffuses.

   However, that kind of vague power, that kind of potential supreme fluctuation, still makes people tremble, and can't help but worship.

   "Sigh for the common people, sorrow, pity for sentient beings, suffering!"

  The old words carry a trembling emotion, giving people an unspeakable sense of sadness.

   Then, the boundless light interweaves, constructing a majestic building, descending down, appearing in the sun, and over Xiazhou.

  The light pattern fluctuates, and the roads are intertwined. The magnificent buildings appearing in the sky are even bigger than the central palace of the new emperor and kings below, and more like a palace of heaven.

   "I have seen... the emperor!"

  Some people can't help it, and they just visit.

  It is faintly visible, a figure sitting high in the huge heavenly palace with intertwined light patterns, majestic, looking down below.

   "Gudong!" Jiudaoyi couldn't help but swallowed. What kind of situation was this? He was just summoning his soul bone and flesh and blood. How could he come back to an immortal emperor?

   Could it be that the part that differentiated itself evolved into a dead-end creature outside?

   In other words, this is not himself at all, but an unknown creature?

"This world is too bitter, the weirdness is no longer dormant. From the unpredictable grottoes, ominous clouds cover the world. I heard the grievances in the history books of the world. I saw the sorrows of all living beings. Resuscitate, listen to the call of the world, I...come back!"

  The old man sitting cross-legged in the light pattern palace sighed, his figure was hazy, compassionate, and he wanted to fight for all beings!

   "See Lord Xiandi!"

  At this moment, even many old monsters knelt down, their souls trembling, and they kept knocking their heads.

   "Why don't you kneel and look at me like this?" The old man looked down at Nine Daoyi in the palace that was intertwined with light patterns.

   "I kneel to your lungs. If you turn your back, I am you, and you are me. Now I want to trick me into kneeling. The old man accepted you!"

  Nine Dao screamed, awakened many people.

  Does anyone want to kill the Emperor? Many people are extremely nervous.

  The old man Pi rushed up directly and rushed into the palace.

  At the same time, the surrounding yin and wind screamed, and all kinds of soul light fell into the palace, and belonged there.

  Then, people saw that blood, bone, soul, and skin were fighting in chaos, all kinds of roars, all kinds of roars, mixed together, fighting to one place.

  In the end, they merged into one person.

  Even so, his hands and feet are uncontrollable, and he will give himself a shot from time to time, such as slap himself in the face and punch the soul light in his head...

   "I'm a ruthless man, I'm going crazy and even hit myself!" Dog King commented from a distance.

  Everyone who knows the inside story knows, after Jiu Daoyi successfully summoned back his soul and flesh and so on, they were quite at odds with each other, and they started fighting.

   "The most useless human skin, hasn't grown for so many years, still wanting to fight for dominance with me?"

"The old man is not only human skin, but also retains the imprint of the original soul light. Otherwise, how will you return? All obey my call! I am the leader. If Pi has no soul, there is no noble spiritual core, so how can I protect the first? Mountain Taoism?"

   "What is the imprint of the main soul, you are just the dead skin I took off, and you dare to shake the sky?"


  Everyone was speechless. After the old man's skin summoned his soul and flesh, they actually fought with each other, and this kind of big problem happened.


  The sky is thundering, the chaos and lightning are intertwined, he is hacking himself!


   Then, he slapped his head again, which was quite strange.

   "You are crazy, hitting me is hitting yourself, I am you!"

  "Shut up, I am the leader. I can hit whoever I want!"

  In the body of Jiu Daoyi, three or four voices came out. I really don’t know how he split up back then, and they actually fought each other.

  In the distance, the carrion looked and looked again, his face was uncertain, and then he picked up the white and fat little Taoist priest, and without a word, he directly beaten him!

  "Mad, I provoke you to provoke you, why did you beat me?!" The little Taoist was a little dazed. Why, why was he beaten?

The carrion was simple and rude, and said: "Instead of having problems in the future like an old man's skin and fighting between the souls, it is better to convince you now, and then you will fight every day, so that you will not fight with me in the future! "

  The little Taoist priest was so angry after hearing that, there was an urge to cry, what kind of logic is it, and why, why should he suffer such a crime?

  He opened his throat and shouted directly: "Father, save me, old father Chu Feng, come and save your parents and children!"

  This kind of call made many people look sideways and then dumbfounded.

  The face of the carrion is green, why is it so embarrassing? This little fat man actually shouted so in public, where did he put his old face?

  Chu Feng was also speechless for a while. He is now a teenager, how could he become an old father? The child has really grown up!

   "Old father, what are you in a daze? Where is there time to get lost?" The little Taoist looked anxious.

  The carrion directly covered his mouth, which was really overwhelming.

   "You shut up, you are me, I am you, you and I are friends with the highest creatures, and the roots and feet scared people to death, how are you now?"

   "Woo...oh, you let go, why do you hit me, I am just a creature of the road end level, and a son of man?" The little Taoist struggled.

  "Friends, senior, please raise your hand high and don't hit my son!" Chu Feng said.

  Although he is very polite and has respect for his former sage, this kind of words still hears the carrion's ears...too ominous and makes him want to run away!

Everyone around    also had weird faces, but they did not dare to booze or speak.

  Only the dog king dared to ridicule and laugh, gloating, very happy, and said: "Yes, fat fat man, stinky Taoist priest, it is not easy for you to find your relatives alone for so long. Just stay a little longer and don't be rough to your family.


  Two pairs of old monsters fighting with them on the scene caused the atmosphere to be quite weird and made people laugh and laugh.

  The original soul and flesh of Jiu Daoyi returned, it was very sacred, the scene was also very grand, and mysterious, but now there is no such momentum at all.

  In addition, the carrion and the little Taoist are mixed, which is a bit dirty.

  Finally, when everything calmed down, Jiudaoyi was in an inexplicable state, with a terrifying aura. He stood there silent for a long time without speaking.

  The return of soul and bone, so fused together, not only strength but also different life experiences from eternity are shared with each other.

  He has been very restrained, but all the fairy kings can still feel that he is really extremely powerful, and he is definitely a Dao ancestor-level creature.

  Even though it was Chu Feng, he encountered an inexplicable and terrifying situation more than once, but he still couldn't help being shocked.

  One day, can Jiu Daoyi go further? Going to the top level, I can see the state of road end-class creatures in the distance.

   even said that he might be the strongest Taoist standing at the top of the pyramid now? However, this is mostly difficult!

  Chu Feng once looked at the woman at the end of the pollen evolution road. In front of her, there were five elders who pioneered the pollen road. They were all unimaginable creatures.

  In fact, if the five elders who opened the original path had not owed some fire and luck, they were qualified to become creatures in the realm of roads.

   "We will set off in three days and head to the homeland!" Jiudaoyi finally spoke, with a solemn expression on his face, invisibly with terrifying majesty.

  Even though the new emperor Gu Qing is very strong, he feels great pressure!

  Many people sighed with emotion that Gu Qing became an emperor in this era and met a powerful Taoist ancestor who existed alongside him in the world. He was really a bitter emperor.

  Gu Qing himself was in a trance. He inevitably thought of a certain era. There was once a strong Jinwu tribe who became enlightened in the Age of Domination. It is really amazing!

  The old Golden Crow named himself the Great Emperor, squeezing the world, but finally caught up with the rise of Emperor Ye Tian.

  Originally nothing, but the Ye Tiandi was too strong and suppressed him in all directions, leaving the old Jinwu stunned for a whole life, living very hard, and extremely cautious.

  For help, [app] can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal your friends’ book tickets and vote for my book.

  Until, the old Golden Crow was about to sit down, before he died, he dared to shout: Go to you#@¥天帝, and finally no longer need to see you.

  After venting in this way, the old golden crow smiled, was extremely satisfied, relieved and relieved... and went away.

  Gu Qing is a little bit suspicious of himself. When he encounters Jiu Daoyi in this life, will he become his demon? Will the old man Pi suppress him in the years to come?

   Obviously, he had thought about it a lot. What Jiu Daoyi wanted to suppress was the soul and flesh, but he didn't even think of him.

  Three days later, the various ministries of Heavenly Court were mobilized, and the first big assembly and expedition began.

  None of the immortal kings from all walks of life have fallen, and all of them have to go on the road, because at the last moment, Jiudaoyi took out a picture scroll, known as the burial map.

  I don’t know its origin, or its power. This thing was brought back from outside the domain by his soul bone. It needs Dao Ancestor-level creatures to bring many immortal kings together in order to exert its maximum power.

  "Seniors, don’t you need to think about it anymore? Our destination is too deep. The black hand behind the scenes can’t imagine how strong it is and who it is. There has never been any clue."

  Chu Feng made the last effort, trying to persuade everyone not to go.

  However, this is futile. Everything has already been set, and it cannot be changed.


  A huge beam of light penetrated the barriers of the world, opened up the chaotic zone between the sun and the small underworld, opening a special path.

  There is no doubt that there is nothing to stop the fairy king from opening the road, and there is no barrier between the world.

  In an instant, people felt a special Taoist rhyme for the first time!

  Even the fairy king is a bit creepy, feeling cold in his hands and feet, this little underworld seems to be really gestating great terror!

   "No wonder the old people don't want to set foot easily, there really are mysterious rules here, suppressing the entire universe!" The fairy king said solemnly.

  The more powerful the creatures are, the more serious their faces are, and they always feel that there is something extremely terrifying in this world!


  In the instant these people blazed a path and reached the little underworld, creatures in an eternal unknown place were alarmed and gradually recovered.

  "Who is disturbing my dreams, who is raising the time of history, who is subverting the vision of the future, who is looking for my roots..."

  Revived in the long river of time, awakened outside the world, a bright and mysterious flower bud was born in the long river of time with mist, blooms rapidly, and grows in the historical time. It wraps a certain creature and gradually wakes up!

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