MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1623 Red dust keeps cutting

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  The kings turned back and looked at Chu Feng together, their eyes were extremely strange.

   Still fighting the Macaque King more straightforward, directly asked: "What did you do back then?!"

  Chu Feng felt that he was even more wronged than Dou E. How many years have passed since then, how can anyone remember his "elegant name"?

  Furthermore, at the beginning, he was fighting for the local area, selling "aliens", and asking for ransom from the families of the sons of gods and saints, he was also regarded as half a "local hero."

  Who is taking down the stage? Chu Feng wanted to strangle him.

  However, the surrounding fairy kings don't think so, their eyes are blue and green, which is quite strange!

  The kings felt that this kid must have done no good things back then. How could someone call a trafficker when he returned to China? !

  Even, a fairy king directly reminded the juniors around him to stay away from the demon.

  "Who shall I be, the defeated men of the year, you aliens are back again, groups of gods and saints once again invaded my homeland, waiting for me to come back and kill all of you?"

  Chu Feng saw a few familiar people, and seemed to have sold them back then, so he was somewhat impressed.

Ahead, an out-of-territory **** child turned pale, and immediately explained: "Misunderstanding, Great Demon Chu, no, Great Demon King Chu, we were just blunt-hearted for a while, without any malice. I was really shocked just now and said you disappeared. , May be dead, I didn't expect you to reappear in the world."

   "Why can't you speak up? I might be dead, can I talk? I can't say shut up!" Chu Feng scolded.

   "We really didn't capture this piece of star soil. The main reason is that there are many secrets here, one famous mountain and one road, connecting the stars. This has become a node of the gathering of all worlds, and it is unprecedentedly prosperous. We are only here to travel and trade treasures."

  According to him, this place has become an emerging paradise in the evolutionary world, which is extremely attractive.

  "Furthermore, there is an inexplicable guardianship here. We dare not want to be presumptuous. In the early years, it seemed that a stone fox went crazy and destroyed a powerful cosmic race. No one dared to run wild here anymore."

  When he heard this, Chu Feng let out a sigh of relief and was very pleased. It was still effective to ask Shihu to take care of his homeland.

"Let’s go, don’t want to see you anymore, dare to call me a human trafficker, next time I’m caught, the male chops up the tintin to feed the tortoise, and the disabled and strong will go to dig black mines again, and the female will make the bed. Ask the girl to use it!" Chu Feng severely warned.

  After hearing this, several people were amnesty, and immediately fled.

  It’s terrible. It’s still the original recipe and the original taste. Chu Mo is forever, and human traffickers have never changed.

  Several sons of gods and saints, which can be regarded as the pride of their respective races, but now all their faces are pale, and they dare not look back when they are running.

Below   , blue waves are expansive, and islands are dotted with islands. Some evolutionaries are flying at low altitudes. Various sea beasts appear on the surface of the sea, and even dragons stir the waves.

  Looking at the magnificent sea below, Chu Feng sighed, thinking of the underwater dragon nest, thinking of the dispute and confrontation with the sea clan.

  At the same time, he even thought of the Dragon Girl, who stood on his side and fought side by side with him, but died on the shore of the starry sky and was killed by Taiwu.

  "Goodbye, Dragon Girl!" Chu Feng whispered, burning some paper money on the sea.

  Some people from the evolutionary and the sea race saw that they just wanted to scold them, but they all shrank their heads for the first time, and their faces turned green. Who is that, what have we seen, and where are we? Back in time, the era of Chu Mo raging the world is back? !

   "No, it's not goodbye. I believe you succeeded in reincarnation. You have taken Dragon Fruit and Su Hui. I believe that one day I will see you again." Chu Feng shouted to the sea.

  Since the scalpers, Ouyang Feng, Dong Dahu and others can all reproduce, he believes that one day Dragon Girl will also appear in front of him.

  The kings behind are all old antiques and living fossils, and their faces are calm, but the few young people who follow are all showing different colors, secretly sighing when this demon is also bad?

  Chu Feng went all the way to the west. Along the way, I saw that the sea was very lively. There were many evolutionaries from outside the territory. The flying tools included magic weapons and spacecrafts, entering and leaving the underwater world, and entering various islands.

   Soon, he entered the land, and the famous mountains were full of vibes and energetic, quite a little imposing.

  Chu Feng did not stop, and went all the way west, hurried to Kunlun Mountain.

   "Oh, melancholy, this king once occupied the mountain as the king here. He was one of the handles who participated in the East-West war, but now he never sees those old people again." Da Hei Niu said.

  He is not strong enough to be in the forefront with the kings like Chu Feng, but now he is also confused.

  Chu Feng slowed down, came to the back of the team, walked with the scalpers, Dong Dahu, Da Lao Hei, etc., all sighed, and then fell silent.

  Too much happened here, and Chu Feng also regretted that some people might never see them again. Although they sent the Kunlun Great Demon to reincarnate, it is impossible for everyone to come back with memories.

  Even, including his parents, there is no news yet.

  Chu Feng stands on a peak of Kunlun Mountain and looks out over the magnificent mountains and seas. The majestic mountains are continuous, carrying countless memories.

  He thought that there are too many people, the horse king with a big bald head, with a heroic personality, he had been clamoring to marry his daughter to Chu Feng.

  In the old days, it was also in the starry sky. King Ma was killed by Taiwu and left. Returning his opponent's master, the old lama, also splashed the stars in the sky. There are also the Mastiff King, who has a strong personality and can't bear humiliation. There are also the old ape who founded the Dalin Temple in Songshan, and Wu Qifeng, the old master of Wudang Mountain. These people have been to Kunlun, and later participated in the Battle of the Great Abyss, Chu Feng I really hope they can reappear.

  At this time, the dog king also sighed and said: "Kunlun, it was once the hometown of one of my old friends. I haven't seen it for many years. Most of the dust has returned to the dust, and the hero has already entered the loess."

   "Among your heterogeneous friends, there are heroes? People gather in groups and people are divided into groups. How do I feel that it is impossible?" Jiudaoyi asked it.

   "Wang, do you know who I am talking about?" The Emperor Dog stared and said: "The Mount of the Emperor, Longma, came out of Kunlun Mountain back then."


  After that, Chu Feng went all the way to the west, flew over the mountains and oceans, and hurried to the west. He wanted to see the road he had traveled.

  Because I don’t know when I will be back today if I leave, this may be the last farewell to Hong Chen.

  Olympus, and a certain holy city, have left his footprints.

  Finally, he stopped near a volcano, where the undead Phoenix King died and Nirvana was an egg, just hibernating here.

  At this time, he accidentally discovered a palace, with flames surging, and unexpectedly discovered...The Phoenix King.

  At the beginning, the black phoenix was actually resurrected and reborn from its shell.

  Chu Feng thought of what happened at the beginning. Feng Wang had lost his memory and became his blind date. That scene was really embarrassing, and he couldn't do it again when he was young.

   Seeing the slender King Feng with a black hair shawl standing in the palace from a distance, Chu Feng naturally thought of another blind date, Xia Qianyu, and promised her and Jiang Luoshen to send them back to Earth.

  Now that the black hands of the earth have gone, Chu Feng felt that the next time someone could send the two women back to fulfill their promise.

  "Who are you?" King Feng found Chu Feng, and he had already stepped into the palace.

  As for the kings, they didn’t follow, they were still far away from the volcano.

  Chu Feng sighed, this old man has forgotten everything after Nirvana. Fortunately, forget about the world, cut off the fetters of Chenfan.

   However, if the opponent is in trouble, he will still help.

   "I'm a friend of yours, come and see you." After Chu Feng finished speaking, he left a scripture and put some herbs on the bookcase, then turned and left.

   "I see you very familiar, who are you?" King Feng asked afterwards, but Chu Feng disappeared in an instant.

  Chu Feng returned from the West to the East. Many of the people he wanted to see were no longer alive, a little sad.

  However, there are still many acquaintances, those classmates, those old friends, etc. Are you going to meet one by one?

  "Forget it, there are a group of fairy kings by my side, to reminisce with them, both sides are uncomfortable."

  Besides, he is also a troublesome figure now. His enemies are all too high in rank. If those classmates and deceased get involved, it would be bad.

  Chu Feng will eventually cut off Hong Chen and embark on a path of no return. This time he will come back, firstly to bring in the behind-the-scenes man behind the strong aid club for a while, and secondly, he himself wants to bid farewell to Hong Chen's past.

  This time he returns, he no longer wants to find familiar people to reminisce about the past. After all, his future road will be extremely difficult and dangerous, and it may affect those related to him.

  However, when he returned to Dongtu, someone had great abilities and found him the first time.

   Yuxugong, Lu Tong, this old man with white hair and tears in his old eyes, said: "Smelly boy, haven't you come to see me since you came back?!"

  Chu Feng’s eyes were also slightly moist, this old man took good care of him back then, and he did not hesitate to betray the palace lord of Yuxu Palace.

   "I don't know you are still on the earth, I am afraid that you will be infected with great cause and effect because of me." Chu Feng said softly.

  At this time, he felt deep in his heart, thinking of all the old things back then, how can he just break all kinds of sentiments?

  Red dust keeps cutting, how can I cut?

  If you really want to split, just let it go, you will lose the most essential emotions of human beings, which is flawed.

  Chu Feng stepped forward and held the gray-haired Lu Tong's arm.

   "I don't care, what big cause and effect, I don't care!" The old man Lu Tong said firmly, he had already become the speaker of Yuxu Palace.

Then he murmured and said: "The person who was in the same group as you back then, the girl Ye Qingrou, and Du Huaijin with clairvoyance, and Ouyang Qing with clairvoyance, they ran into the starry sky. It is said that they were treated as underworld species and succeeded in being killed. I took it to Yangjian, the old man, I also went to chance, but I was really reluctant to leave, love my homeland, and finally wandered for a few years, and returned from the stars."

  "If you meet Ye Qingrou and some of them, take good care of them!"

   "When I am old, I will not leave. Whether I live or die, I stay in this homeland."

  Chu Feng nodded and continued to agree.

  For this reason, he separated from the kings and spent a long time chatting with the old man. There were too many things to say to each other.

  Because both of them have feelings, this time when they parted, there may be no time to meet again in this life.

  Although Chu Feng left him a lot of great medicines and gave him some secret scriptures, most of the old man’s talents will not achieve much.

  There is always a parting in life, but it is difficult to meet again after waving his hand, Chu Feng is silent, and goodbye to Lu Beng, he cannot stay.

  Now, his practice, his future path, the cause and effect that he will bear in the future, are all going to the vast universe.

  Hope that the weirdness will end early and the ominousness will be eradicated. This is his wish. Otherwise, one day, the heavens will be overthrown, and all the old people such as Lu Tong may turn into nothingness and become the sand at the fingertips, which cannot be kept or kept.

  Where is Shihu Tianzun? Chu Feng wandered around for a long time, but he didn't find this old fox.

  "Dig three feet into the ground and find out!"

  Then, he found Nine Daoyi, found the ancestor of the monkey, and asked them to help find the stone fox.

  The result...It was really dug out from the ground!

  Even if his tortoise is breathed out and petrified, the immortal king Daozu and others want to find someone, he can still figure it out.

  This old guy feels too keen. Others on the earth can't find the abnormality not long ago, but who is he, he has noticed the confrontation between the black hand and the kings of the outside world.

  At this time, he was dug out from the ground, and his shape really made Chu Feng speechless.

  A little stone fox, cute, motionless.

   Seeing him pretending to be dead, Chu Feng looked left and right, and said, "I will just break it to pieces, anyway, it's just a clay doll!"

   "Smelly boy, do you dare!" Shihu recovered for the first time, covered in flesh and blood. Now he is already powerful. In a place like the earth, he can get rid of the plight of the stone body?

  And he was promoted?

   "What's your condition?" Chu Feng was suspicious.

"There is a great demon on this earth. After I occasionally found out, I was almost scared to death. Although he was sleeping in the heart of the earth, the overflowing breath made me collapse, but I still couldn't escape, like There was a certain entanglement with him, because I was nourished by his avenue fragments before I got rid of the stone fox body, and my condition was better."

  Especially not long ago, Shihu was scared to death on an almost business trip. The black hand recovered and ignored him, but he was going to be cruel to the outside, which really shocked Shihu.

   However, at that time, he did not know the realm of Black Hand and the level of the kings.

  Now, when Shihu really realized that there was a group of immortal kings who had reduced their aura. He was watching him at this moment. He suddenly exploded and felt that the whole world was deeply malicious towards him.

   "It's okay, old man, don't be afraid, here, you go to talk with senior Jiu Daoyi, I am here, don't be afraid!"

   "Who is the predecessor of Jiu Dao Yi?" Shi Hu asked.

   "A Taoist ancestor, don't be nervous, this is nothing!"

  When he heard this, Shihu went straight and almost fell, Daozu? His liver is shaking!

"By the way, there is a ten-tailed celestial fox among your descendants. I have almost transferred all the opportunities you gave me to her." Chu Feng informed the situation and secretly transmitted the voice to ask him to talk to Jiudaoyi. Exotic things.


   "Boy, did you come back to reminisce about the old days, looking for people, all kinds of chats, where is the former residence of the Emperor of Heaven?" The emperor couldn't help it.

   "Go, take you there!" Chu Feng led the way to a small town, a very typical oriental town, some buildings are more classical.

   "Here, this is it!" Chu Feng pointed to a house that had been vacant for a long time.

  The scalper showed a strange color for the first time. It is no stranger to this place. It has lived for a long time.

   "Whose former residence is this, what the **** is this place? Are you sure this is the place where Emperor Ye Tian lived?" The King of Dogs stared.

   "The Former Residence of Emperor Tian, ​​mine, don't you think that I am the Emperor of Heaven in the future, Chu is the ultimate!"

  The King of Dogs heard this and immediately wanted to kill him!

  The old emperor Gu Qing is even more twitchy, wanting to say, the old man hasn’t collapsed yet, so have you prepared for the rebellion in advance?

  However, he thought again that he would collapse at every turn, and that the emperor shouldn’t be the emperor. It’s just that you, a hairy boy, usurped the throne a bit early!

  The dog king bared his teeth and said: "Boy, did you cook yourself, or wait for me to bake you and eat it?"

   "Didn't I bring you to the former residence of Emperor Tian, ​​this is the residence of Emperor Chu Tian, ​​I didn't say it belonged to Emperor Ye Tian again!" Chu Feng eloquently said.

  However, after seeing the dog king unreasonable, the kings stared at him, and he persuaded him again.

  Afterwards, he took everyone to a barren wilderness and told that this was the place where the Emperor Ye Tian was born.

  "Who is it to lie to?" There was dissatisfaction with the fairy king.

   "No flicker this time, this is definitely the former residence of the Emperor of Heaven, but everything has returned to the dust, you can build it well." Chu Feng vowed that it was correct this time.

  Everyone looked at the dog emperor, and found that it was in a trance. It turned out to be...really?

   "How do you know here?" The Emperor Dog asked viciously.

   "I asked my son privately. He awakened part of his memory and knew this." Chu Feng smiled.

  At this moment, the carrion jumped like thunder and wanted to strangle the little Taoist priest. Did you recognize your father again?

  The little Taoist priest is very innocent. That dad secretly shamelessly asked, can he not tell?

  The carrion glared, and the dog king also had a black dog face and wanted to howl the wolf.

  Chu Feng saw that the people looked bad, and quickly diverted their attention, saying: "Go, take you to the place where Ye Tiandi entered the starry sky back then, watch the starry sky and eat the Tiandi gourmet food!"

  The next stop, they came to the top of Mount Tai.

   "Look, here is the Jade Emperor Peak. The Nine Dragons pulled the coffin down from the sky, leaving behind a legend with a group of young people who had dreams but accidentally broke into the ancient starry sky. Since there has been an emperor in the world."

  Chu Feng was there, like a tour guide.

  "Hey, everyone, don't be black-faced, I have already arranged it, and I will have a banquet for the Emperor of Heaven at Yuhuangding!" He added quickly.

  Chu Feng said grinningly, saying: "What are the eight major cuisines, what Manchurian banquets, what street barbecues, what special snacks, as far as I can buy, there is no food I can't bring."

   "Are you sure, these are all eaten by the emperor?" A fairy king asked.

"Of course, since the one who walked out here, and after Emperor Ye Tian, ​​I don’t know which epoch started, the black hand has subsequently recovered, allowing the earth to reincarnate, recreating the old scene of the year, hoping that two people like that will be born again. Am I born to be robbed?"

"Take it far, I mean, the earth repeats itself, the reincarnation of civilization, and all the special foods can't escape naturally, and they are all the reappearances of the past. In addition, I think, as long as I love to eat, it is also the former Emperor Ye Tiandi. Love it!"

  Chu Feng is crooked there, and quite narcissistic.

  The dog king looked at him and said, "I really want to kill him!"

  Fortunately, it was held down by Jiudaoyi, otherwise the old dog would rush out to attack.

  "Here, this is the favorite of the emperor!" Chu Feng introduced the dishes, such as braised, steamed, boiled, grilled, various types, everything.

"What kind of dish or oil do you use? It's not golden poultry oil refined by golden crow, or tiger bone oil refined by a wild tiger, let alone fairy grape seed oil refined by celestial grapes. Isn't it too common, the Emperor of Heaven loves to eat this?" A fairy king asked.

"Master, please be content. When the Emperor was still a mortal before his enlightenment, he ate much worse than you. Anyway, this is also pure natural and pollution-free organic food. Do you know what the Emperor ate back then? , It's all waste oil, of course he doesn't know it, how many years later did he understand it, if you don't believe me, ask the king!

  The dog king has bad eyes and stares at him, which is simply death contempt.

  When others saw that the dog king didn’t speak, they knew it was a acquiescence, but some people were curious and didn’t know what the cooking oil was and they wanted to taste it.

  "It’s a bit difficult. It’s okay. When you’ve finished eating, the remaining leftovers will be chilled. I will refine and extract it for you. Waste oil will be produced."

   "Fuck you demon!"


  Nine Daoyi looked at Chu Feng and said, "Since you can find the recipe of Emperor Ye Tian, ​​then find me the favorite delicacy."

"Simple, wait!" Chu Feng turned around and disappeared. He returned shortly after, carrying a large exquisite container-a huge silver pot, and handing it to Jiu Daoyi, saying: "The favorite of the emperor Jane!"

  Nine Dao is suspicious, but he is not afraid of bad food. He is the ancestor of Taoism. Even if he eats a truckload of the most potent poison, he is fine. He is still alive and kicking.

  However, when his mouth was on the spout, he swallowed a big mouthful, and with a pop, he sprayed out again, and the white liquid was spilled all over the floor.

  The old man Pi said with a gloomy face, and then a little frustrated, and said: "The old man is very old and has lived for several epochs. How dare you feed the old man...milk?!"

   "vulgar!" Chu Feng calmly.

Seeing that Jiu Daoyi was about to go wild, he hurriedly put a smile on his face, saying: "Shi Yi Shi Yi, this is a healthy drink. Besides, I have consulted the three elderly people for advice. I love this one the most!"

  Chu Feng pointed to the three veterans around Jiu Daoyi, indicating that they had told him that he loved to drink animal milk the most.

  Who, still have this preference? Many fairy kings have their ears pierced and listened carefully for fear of missing them.

  Even, a fairy king secretly decided that it is necessary to follow this example to cultivate offspring. There is enough animal milk, and we will feed it from childhood to 80 years old!

Chu Feng quickly added: "Let me tell you, this is the person I entrusted to Yuxu Palace who rushed to a folding space on the earth just now, and found a fierce beast. The freshest beast was squeezed into you immediately. Look, your milk is still steaming!"

  Your uncle! Jiu Daoyi wanted to greet him so much, but he couldn't retreat.

  Because, some things are true. Even when he was young, he still loved this game most.

"You drink it while it's hot, I tell you, this planet is made by combining some representative fragments of the nine heavens and ten territories with great magical powers. The beast milk you drink now may be the one you love. The direct descendants of the original batch of fierce beasts, so please rest assured, the milk source has not changed, it still tastes like that!"

   "You shut up!" Jiudaoyi couldn't stand him anymore.

  "Of course, you also have to thank the semi-dark creatures, after all, he is making the earth reincarnate and reappearing all the species back then!" Chu Fengmoji.

   "If you dare to say one more word, the old man will shoot you to death immediately!" Nine Dao's beards were curled up.

  Chu Feng was very unwilling, and opened his mouth. After all, he did not dare to spit out another word, but he just scratched some words in the void with his hand: Are you still that follower? If yes, it is time to gulp this steaming pot of animal milk!

  The kings watched the excitement and laughed.

  Nine Dao flicked his robe sleeves one by one, causing Chu Feng to disappear, and directly let him fly out one hundred and eight thousand miles into space.

  Chu Feng came to space without stopping, and went straight to the old site of the Great Dream.

  Now this place is very desolate, because it was razed to the ground by Taiwu Tianzun’s disciples.

  Nine Daoyi arrived afterwards. Although the two of them were tossing just now, they happened to get rid of everyone by this.

  On this planet, the vegetation is sparse, it was bloodbathed that year, the star source was beaten through, and it became a barren land.

  However, the entrance of the Great Dream Pure Land to a foreign land is still there, hidden in a ruin.

"Well, this entrance is weird, and there is really a mysterious power entrenched in it. It's not easy, or should we throw Gu Qing in first?" Jiu Daoyi discussed with Chu Feng, which made people feel very unreliable. .

Chu Feng said: "No, no, no, he is secretly hurting himself, he himself will die from time to time, if you do this, is this going to send him to death in advance? In that case, this era will end too soon. Are you really ready to wait for me to be in the big position?"