MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1633 Have sustenance

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  If it is not for darkness to erode, mountains and rivers will collapse, and the world is destined to be in turmoil. Who wants to leave their homeland and leave their loved ones to fight?

  Knowing that it is a path of no return, we will not look back.

  Weirdness is permeated, the world will sink, and the horrible scroll of blood and fire has slowly unfolded.

  If it can last for a long time, Chu Feng is willing to return to the mountains and forests with Zhou Xi to experience the tranquility of the world, and to walk in the world and experience the various forms of life.

  Unfortunately, there is no if, even if he does not give up, he should go back.

  Red dust and fireworks, towering mountains and rivers, I wonder if the future can only be remembered in memory?

   I'm afraid to look back again, the flames are already rushing into the sky, landslides and galaxies are broken.

Chu Feng returns to the sun. If he is going to a foreign land this time, he will bring a lot of people, the descendants of kings, the leaders of all races, and the progressive rising among ordinary people, but those who dare to come to the end of the world will not lose them. opportunity.

  Lao Gu, Tian Tian, ​​scalpers, saints, etc. will naturally go on the road and enter a foreign land.

  In the middle and young dynasties, only Chu Feng was not afraid of the erosion of gray matter. These people wanted to stay in a foreign land for a long time, and they all needed to stay by his side.

  Of course, except for the demon in the posture of the sky, she is enough to guard against the sky, not long ago, after learning about the foreign land, she had already stepped forward to retreat.

  "Miss, are you back?" A few years later, Zi Luan finally waited for Zhou Xi to come back, very happy, staring at Zhou Xi and Chu Feng with round eyes, shouting that she would also go to another place.

  She twisted her waist, and chirped, quite cheerful. This arrogant bird no longer said that she was the reincarnation of a Daewoo-class creature, but she was a little disgusted.

  Now, she proudly announces that she used to be a peerless fairy king in her previous life and is working hard to awaken. This time, she must follow up with a foreign land.

  Chu Feng didn't say anything, but just rewarded her with a thump, and went to see Jiudaoyi.

  In recent years, the heavens have been oppressive. In fact, the sun and the heavens are like this.

  They killed a Taoist ancestor who came out of a strange source. The various races have been worried about the ominous coming, and they suddenly attacked and tore the whole world.

  This is definitely not an imagination. The creatures of the weird earth are used to it. Once the time comes, they will never be allowed to survive for a long time.

  So, the end of the world will come at any time, and the catastrophe may destroy everything in an instant.

Jiu Daoyi danced with hair, and said in a deep voice, "What are you afraid of? Even if you pray and kowtow, they should subvert the world, or they will subvert the world. This has nothing to do with whether you or I kill the Taoist ancestors or compromise. , What should I do!"

  The dog king agreed, and said: "Yes, you should eat and drink, the practice of the practice, the degeneration of the fall, the world is still the same, no matter how much you and I think, it is useless, just kill more enemies in the future."

The carrion also said: "The big deal is turned upside down, the avenue collapses, the worst is that you and I no longer exist, no big deal. We have been here, we have fought, we have fought, we have bleed, and we have no regrets when we die. , Ancient and modern times are surging, always running forward, you and I can face it calmly!"

  They are not sensational, and they don’t say any great reason. They are all careless and indifferent, but how many sad pasts are there?

  People know that they have experienced too much, spent more than one epoch, saw too much life and death, and even saw off the emperor.

  Their children, their teachers, and those who fought alongside them are gone, almost all dead.

  In their hearts, there were pains and wounds, and even more unwillingness, but in the end, there was only silence. Only the ultimate battle can vent, and death is not terrible to them.

  They are afraid that after years of exhaustion, they will eventually become numb and muddled. Either killing the enemy or dying by themselves is not a relief.

  People who understand their state of mind are all sighing, thinking that the old guys are actually very pitiful and very desolate.

  At the same time, people are also thinking about themselves. If they survive the most terrible catastrophe, will they also live like nine ways, a dog king, a carrion, etc.?

  In the middle of the night, Chu Feng couldn't sleep for a long time. He came to the window and looked at the bright moon sky.

  "Can't you sleep?" Zhou Xi came gently.

   "I have concerns and obsessions are too deep." Chu Feng sighed. Many people have appeared, why can't he find his parents.

  If the two were alive and awakened from the memory of their previous lives, they should have contacted Heavenly Court, because Chu Feng’s reputation was really great.

   is about to go to a foreign land. He wants to let go of some obsessions before leaving, but after all, he has concerns.

  Early in the morning, Chu Feng and the others were on the road, and Zhou Xi was going to a foreign land with her company. She didn't want to be separated from Chu Feng for "thousands of years."

  She wants to accept the baptism of the years together with Chu Feng, leaving similar traces of time.

  Unfortunately, they couldn't depend on each other to grow old together.

   "Why not?" Zi Luan blinked her big eyes, quite bewildered.

  "Because, I am a girl like a god, how can I grow old!" Zhou Xi's smile was extremely pure, exuding a soft glow in the morning glow, and even her hair was dyed with golden glow.

   "But people are going to get old after all." Zi Luan whispered.

   Zhou Xi looked far away, without mentioning the possible parting of life and death in the future, let alone sadness, her white cheeks were filled with a bright smile, and her whole person was glowing.

  The battleship turned out to be crowded with people, and a large area of ​​darkness was crushed. They were young evolutionaries who wanted to enter a foreign land with Chu Feng. They were all leaders of various races.

  Nine Ways One, Gu Qing watched them behind, silently watching them go away.

  "They are all good children. It's a pity. I don't know how many people will survive in the future." The old man Pi sighed. He has experienced similar things many times.

  Era changes, each time is accompanied by tragic songs. When the evolutionary civilization is completely destroyed, the entire era will be buried. The races and civilizations on this land have changed one after another.

  This is an extremely heavy topic. Neither Jiu Daoyi nor Gu Qing want to talk about it any more.

  They are just waiting, hoping that the people who were killed in the past are still alive, and they will return one day to fight the ultimate battle and quell the ominous creatures!

  Unfortunately, one era after another has passed, but the world continues to sink, there is no hope, no dawn.

  This time, they are coming again!

  In the beginning, the warship was not very fast. It was like giving people who had left time to look at the homeland. It gradually accelerated in the sky, and the vast land was fully visible.

  The majestic mountains, the roaring river, and the snow-covered plateau, all flew far away below.

  "It will be thousands of years as soon as I leave!" Someone sighed lightly, this is a more emotional person.

  They go deep into a foreign land, and will never be able to see their family again for a long time, and cannot be reunited.

There are also people who are strong-minded, and said: "For thousands of years in a foreign land, maybe only one or two years have passed since this world. When you come back, it is estimated that your family is still wondering, why did you come back so soon? Shouldn't you be a deserter? Right!"

  Many people laughed, and the sadness of parting was diluted.

  Chu Feng stood on the bow of the ship without speaking, looking down at the earth, looking at the big river like a dragon, if the heavenly sword reached the famous mountain in the sky, he was restless and had no intention of admiring the wonder.

  He always felt like he heard a soft call. Is this an illusion?

  It means that the heart has thoughts, so there are feelings?

  Chu Feng looked back inexplicably, always felt that the left side had a certain attraction to him, like the deepest instinct in his heart, which made him want to stop.

  This kind of feeling is very strange, he can only be so sensitive when he has the Dao Ancestor-level magical power with the help of the stone pot.

  Now, he is just himself. Why does he have such an abnormal instinct that makes him want to stop.

  Thinking about it carefully, he is already an evolutionary at the Hunyuan level, a supreme power in the eyes of ordinary people, and if there is something closely related to him, he will feel it.

   So, his restlessness, restlessness, is there someone and something that is extremely important to him, so it triggers inexplicable interaction?

   "You go first, and I will join you later!" Chu Feng said solemnly.

  Zhou Xi walked over immediately, gently holding his hand, to walk shoulder to shoulder with him, not to let him go on the road alone.

  Chu Feng nodded, in the eyes of everyone in amazement, stepping on the Dao pattern, shrinking the ground to an inch, and instantly disappearing at the end of the sky.

   Soon after leaving, Chu Feng quickly opened his super fiery eyes, scanned the earth, and moved towards the direction he felt.

It was a small mountain village, not big, but very lively. Some men went hunting in the mountains early, and some women picked mulberries in the early morning. The children ran after the big yellow dog, and the old people stretched their muscles and bones in the warm morning glow. .

  This small village is quite peaceful, with yellow hair hanging down and happy.

  Chu Feng rushed to this place, and he focused on a man and a woman. They were only teenagers, and they seemed to have a level of stability, peace and calmness incompatible with their age.

  He was excited and wanted to yell, but finally held back, and gradually calmed down.

  The man and woman are teaching some children to breathe, which is a very practical breathing method. They speak peacefully but are serious.

  Chu Feng was in a complicated mood. In any case, he did not expect to see his parents here, and they were still together!

  Too unexpected, it exceeded his expectations.

  It’s no wonder that he has a feeling in his heart, restless and restless. Sure enough, there are people and things closely related to him. As the warship flew over, he was a powerful and keenly aware.

  Perhaps, he also has thoughts, and he hasn't let go of it recently, so that he can communicate easily.

  They were reincarnated, and they were still together. This surprised Chu Feng deeply, but it was also a joy for them. This was the best reunion.

  Finally, the man and woman turned around and saw Chu Feng at a glance. Although they had the stability and maturity that did not match their age, they still exclaimed.

How can    forget it? Everything is as if yesterday.

  Although they have reincarnated, their souls and light have not changed, and they should have awakened from the previous lives.

  Chu Feng pulled Zhou Xi and quickly walked over, but both sides restrained and made no sound. They didn't talk desperately until they came outside the village.

   "Child, is that you?" Wang Jing grabbed Chu Feng's arm, as if she couldn't believe her eyes, how could they meet here?

  Chu Feng had the same mood, always regretting, thinking in his heart, thinking that he would never see each other again in his life, and completely cut off contact with his previous life.

  This area is very closed and has little connection with the outside. Also, there are too few people who know the breathing method nearby, and evolutionary people generally do not come to this country.

  "It's me!" Chu Feng's nose was sour. Looking at the young mother, her appearance changed, but her soul was still the same as before, and he was the same child.

  Chu Zhiyuan also stepped forward and slapped Chu Feng on the shoulder, his excitement was beyond words.

   "Mom, Dad!" Chu Feng's eyes were red, and he couldn't help himself.

   "It's really Xiaofeng!" Wang Jing yelled, and she burst into tears.

   Then, she muttered, talking about her thoughts over the years.

   Back then, the two died in the starry sky and reincarnated in the sun. They thought that everything was a matter of the previous life, and they would never see the son of the past. They met now, it was too sudden and pleasantly surprised.

   "Back then, the two of us were at the end of the cycle of rebirth, holding hands together, and sinking into the vortex of reincarnation together. We didn't want to be separated. Unexpectedly, we were born in an adjacent village.

  This was Chu Zhiyuan’s explanation. His face was full of smiles, but tears almost fell in his eyes. He didn't want to lose face in front of his son.

  Chu Feng's nose was sour. It was indeed too painful when he had a good-bye. His parents died and almost all his old friends died in battle. Under him, he spent a long time in grief.

  Insert one sentence, [app ] It’s really good, it’s worth installing, after all, there are many books, all books, and fast updates!

  To have today's reunion, and to meet both of them at the same time, everything is God's best arrangement, even though he doesn't believe in God.

  "Fortunately, you have not become brothers and sisters. Otherwise, you should be in pain or gratified. After all, the relationship has changed, but they are the same."

  After the sadness and excitement, Chu Feng couldn't help returning to his nature and teasing his parents.

  At the same time, he also feels very special. This couple is too young, under twenty years old, but has mature souls, his parents.

  "Smelly boy, even dare to make fun of my old lady?" Wang Jing pulled his ears directly.

   Then, when she saw Zhou Xi nearby, she suddenly became a little embarrassed, and then let go of her hand. After all, she was in front of outsiders.

   "Mom, go on, this is not an outsider, she is your daughter-in-law." Chu Feng introduced with a smile.

   "Mom!" Zhou Xi came forward generously and affectionately, and hugged Wang Jing's arm. Whether it was address or etiquette, it was not in accordance with Yang Jian, but the same as in the Earth Age.

   "Dad!" Then, she smiled and greeted Chu Zhiyuan again, very pleased, and said: "Chu Feng has been missing you all the time, and now our family can finally be reunited."

   "This is our daughter-in-law?!" Wang Jing opened her eyes wide, and then she was surprised in an instant, and said, "What a handsome man!"

   "Didn't you always force me to go on a blind date and get married earlier? No, I brought my wife directly to you!" Chu Feng laughed.

  Chu Zhiyuan was even more happy, and said: "You kid, you are still the same as before. Not only has your appearance not changed, you are even younger, and your personality is still so detached. He always feels like a child."

  He was naturally excited and happy about the reunion, and he was extremely satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

  Chu Feng muttered: "Say I am like a child. Look at yourself. Although I am mentally mature, but with that tender little appearance, I dare not call you when outsiders are present."

   "Smelly boy!" Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing held his ears together, but when the two of them saw each other's teenage appearances, they couldn't help laughing when they thought of packing up their son in this way, and they both took their hands away.

  Zhou Xi pursed her mouth, feeling the atmosphere harmonious and interesting.


  They have too many things to talk about, about the past, and their future plans, and so on.

  Chu Feng and Zhou Xi stayed, and did not leave for two days.

   "Dad, Mom, let me pick you up and change to a safer and more livable place. I am not at ease here because I am afraid of accidents, and it is too closed here." Chu Feng has been persuading.

   Zhou Xi also meant this, because it was really remote and wanted to bring them into a piece of Xianjia Pure Land.

  However, Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing shook their heads at the same time. They were joyful, gratified, and open-minded and relieved to see everything.

"I've experienced even death, and we have nothing to look away. My child, I know you have great skills now, but we have discussed it and won't go anywhere. It's here. It is better to have less contact with the outside world. Being able to meet you two, we have no regrets in this life, and no pursuits. You must not prepare for us any fairy-level breathing methods, do not give us any magical medicine, I think everything started in the past, and finally In this life, let us live, grow old, sick, and die here naturally and normally, just to live the lives of ordinary people. Regarding longevity, about evolution, about being strong, we really don’t have that thought anymore. Having experienced those things in the past, we just want to be two people together, both Live well, and then accompany each other, and walk through this life without twists and turns, so it’s good, this is blessing."

  Chu Zhiyuan and Wang Jing seem to have seen everything. What they are after is a simple and peaceful life of harmony, and there is nothing else they want.

  In their view, what is so good about becoming an evolutionary, even if so powerful? In the end, I can't escape the fight, the fight, the blood and the chaos, the life is alive, and what I want and pursue in the end is peace of mind, and being strong cannot solve everything.

  The two of them are satisfied with the peace of mind. They have experienced too much in their lifetime, ups and downs, being killed, and even experience in reincarnation, and they really don’t want to be any more powerful evolutionaries.


  Finally, Chu Feng compromised and gave in for half a step without picking them up. After all, this is also the home of the two in this life, and there are relatives here.

  However, Chu Feng told Gu Qing, he even went to Nine Daoyi, asking them to bother, if there is a change, take care of him, and don't let his parents accidentally.

  As for the spirit herb medicine, Chu Feng felt that it would be better to secretly give some to his parents. He selectively respected the choice of the two.

  Finally, in the early morning of the third day, Chu Feng decided to leave. He was going to a foreign land and could not delay.

  It was the most unexpected thing for him to meet his parents on the way, and it gave him the biggest surprise.

"When do you...when do you want children?" Before leaving, Wang Jing asked Chu Feng from behind. As expected, she still had her past character, even if she was open-minded to face this life, but some thoughts never changed. She always wanted to embrace her grandchildren. It.

   "We have been working hard, and we will be more diligent lately!" Chu Feng said boldly and stubbornly.

  Zhou Xi's face flushed immediately. She was originally generous and decent, quiet and natural, but now she is uncomfortable.

  "Then I will wait to hear the good news and come again next time. I hope a family of three will come together."

  When he heard this, not only Zhou Xi, but also Chu Feng hurriedly fled, galloping all the way, and quickly ran away.

  When they arrived on the battleship, although there was a delay of three days, everyone did not have any dissatisfaction. The most important thing in this journey is to help them with the help of Chu Feng to help them resist the erosion of the gray matter.

  In the splendid sunrise, Chu Feng stood on the bow of the ship, his body seemed to have undergone some transformation, with a little golden brilliance.

  In his heart, there was no such heavy weight. He let go of his obsession. Before leaving, he unexpectedly met his parents. Such a reunion made his soul radiant, pure and brilliant.

  His mind seemed to be sublimated, and his soul power became more and more complete.

  Let go of the past and prepare to face the catastrophe of the future. He feels that he has no regrets anymore. Since then, he can go all out to evolve and go to war in the future!

  In the morning glow, Chu Feng looked back and looked at the distance, the direction of the small mountain village quietly.

   "What are you thinking, don't you worry about them?" Zhou Xi asked.

   "No, I was thinking, this reunion, this meeting, it's too unexpected, is it specially arranged for me by the great supernatural power?" Chu Feng whispered.

   "What?!" Zhou Xi was surprised, and then felt a little horrified. What she saw was false? !

"Don't panic, don't worry!" Chu Feng comforted her. He sighed and said, "Even if it is illusory and unreal, that person is also kind. Let me see my parents again, and I am moved when I see them. Reunion with joy."

After saying this, Chu Feng bowed to Xiazhou and said, "Thank you, even if it is false, but at that time, my feelings, my inner tremor, my thoughts, my joy, and the affection of my parents, All this is too real, and it made me touch the lost things again. Thank you for allowing me to have this experience again."

   Zhou Xi was stunned.

  Chu Feng turned around abruptly, no longer looked back, and quickly wiped away some of the wetness and crystallinity from the corner of his eye.

   Zhou Xi is in a trance, are there so many coincidences in this world?

  If not, it means that Chu Feng’s parents may be gone.


  In a foreign land, the mountains and rivers remain the same, there is not much change, and many famous mountains are covered with gray mist.

  Although Nine Daoyi and Gu Qing shot and killed a sleeping weird monster here, after all, it had long been mutilated and was an incomplete body, so it did not cause terrible damage.

  Chu Feng has been away for many years, but the former opponents of the foreign land are no longer there. For more than ten years outside, it has been many thousands of years in this world.

  On a grand mountain peak, there was an ancient sacred tree. Chu Feng sat cross-legged underneath, holding a scripture, and silently reading it. It was the emperor scripture given to him by the demon.

  The yellow leaves were falling, the mountain wind swept away the last dead leaves, and the snowflakes fell down. Chu Feng didn't realize it, so he had to meditate day after day, year after year, and he had already changed several books and was reading.

  Sometimes, he will get up, stretch his limbs, wave his fist marks, and perform magic tricks he has learned.

  But most of the time, he sat cross-legged under the sacred tree, quietly reciting the scriptures.

  The vegetation has withered and prospered. Unconsciously, thousands of years have passed by.

  Sacred Ruins is about to end, and I have been working hard to write recently.

  Also, help people make an advertisement "Hunting the God of Creation".

Read The Duke's Passion