MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1635 Carry the flag for defeat

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  The black city wall is like a mountain, tall and majestic, lying on the horizon, giving it a feeling of indestructibility, but it also smells of iron and blood.

  Is this the dark world? Even the city walls are so powerful, as tall as a mountain, and full of black and terrifying depressive aura.

   Since Chu Feng stepped into this land full of ominous power, he felt an invisible pressure, which made people tremble.

  He can fight against weirdness, ignore all kinds of ominous substances, but still frown. It can be seen that if a normal evolutionary comes here, he will definitely be more uncomfortable.

  The whole world is filled with strands of black matter all the time, causing it to appear slightly dim even in daylight.

  There is a **** day in the sky, through the ubiquitous black mist, bleak and beautiful light is scattered.

   Soon, Chu Feng realized that something was wrong, and that blood was dripping down!

  This is a bit scary, the sky is bloody, it is really unheard of, a bit terrifying.

  But after careful observation, he understood what was going on.

  Blood Sun is not a normal star, it is actually the corpse of an ancient phoenix, curled up into a ball, extremely large, refined into the sun, shining in the air.

  This world is full of weird, depressive atmosphere, even the day that shines on the earth, and everything is shocking.

   "Count the time, the blood of that ancient phoenix should have been drained in this age, and the fruit cultivated with his blood is about to mature." Jiudaoyi said.

  He is very familiar with this land, because, a long time ago, it should have been within the scope of the heavens.

  Time goes by. Thousands of years are no more than a flick of a finger, and thousands of years seem to be no more than looking back and gazing. For some undead creatures, after a long period of time, they always use the historical ups and downs as the basic unit of time.

   "It's a pity that some outstanding creatures died on this land back then. If they live to this day, some people will surely become the ancestors of Taoism!" said Jiu Daoyi.

  Gu Qing looked around, very cautious.

  The dog king and the carrion sigh lightly, very silent, and in the end they are slightly disheartened.

  After arriving here, they realized that the people they wanted to meet were impossible to see, and there was no chance again. The blood of those people was sprinkled on this land.

  Everything is annihilated in the whirlpool of history.

   "Who are the people in that majestic black city, the dark fairy clan?" Chu Feng asked.

   "A mixture of fish and dragons, a gray area where things don't matter." Jiudaoyi told that this place was a frontier city in the past, and it was considered a frontline position.

  It can be said that every inch of this land is stained with the blood of heroic spirits, and you can see the bones of the former sage by digging half a foot deep.

  Now, there are everyone in this city, murderers from the heavens, monsters from strange races, and residents in the original city.

   "Isn't this the territory of the weird race, it belongs to our forces?" Chu Feng was surprised.

"A long time ago, but countless times have passed. Many of the descendants of the former city guards have already walked in the shadows. In addition, the various people who came to settle here have caused the population composition to become more and more complicated. City, the land of evil, don't think that a human race will stand on your side, maybe even more dangerous than a strange race!" Gu Qing said.

   Killing people and looting goods here, looting evolutionary supplies, etc. are common things.

  Of course, there are some people who maintain the basic rules and order in the city, and there are dark rules, otherwise, who would dare to trade here.

   "Don't be surprised when you see a strange race here, you don't need to draw your sword right away." Gu Qing reminded.

  This ancient and dangerous giant city has long changed from its original frontier position into the largest black market.

  Even, to be precise, it is not a black market. It is a deal on the surface. It is not surprising that weird races and human races bargain.

  Chu Feng said: "Well, I want to see what the weird species here look like."

   The carrion sighed: "Naturally it is those dark fairy races. In fact, their ancestors are also creatures of the heavens, but they are completely alienated and blackened."

   "There are fewer true primitive and strange species, and they are all deeper in the dark continent." Gu Qing added.

Dog King said: "In fact, the lost world was more than this one, and there is even deeper. It depends on when to say that this is the so-called frontier position. If you go back to an older period, this place is actually ours. The hinterland."

  This is a heavy topic. You can imagine all the blood and chaos of the year. They don't want to mention it. What they uncovered are **** scars.

   Suddenly, there was a shaking sound from the ground in the distance, and the earth shook, and a fierce and evil aura rushed from the end of the horizon.

  Gu Qing shot, Dao lines flowed, and a few people disappeared in the void in an instant. The character of the new emperor was that he did not want to cause trouble, but he could bear it.

  It was a group of fierce beasts, roaring blood lions the size of a hill, large snakes with wings flying at low altitude, and silver pangolins running like the wind.

There are all kinds of fierce beasts, all of which are mounts. Sitting on them are all black-armored knights wearing hideous masks, one by one with a **** aura. Their mounts are also tied with one head after another, which is very dead. awful.

  They whizzed and headed towards the black giant city in the distance.

  "Has the Black Armed Forces fallen to this level? Most of the people killed are the human races and the big clans in the heavens. What are they doing?" Gu Qing frowned.

  When it comes to the Black Armored Army, whether it is the dog king or the carrion, they are all in a trance. It used to be a strong army that resisted on the front line and was famous.

   But now, they are killing the same race, dealing with the creatures on the side of the sky?

  Jiu Daoyi frowned. As a Taoist ancestor, he was naturally supernatural. As long as he pays attention to it with his heart, he can hear any movement in the giant city.

  He knew what was going on right away.

   "It seems that from now on, this place is no longer a gray area. It has been completely blackened. The so-called Free Land, the forefront giant city, has been cast into the weird race!"

  Nine times and one whispered, his face is not so pretty.

  Those iron knights are all people from the giant city ahead, and the people they kill are all creatures in the city that are slightly biased towards the heavens.

  All these changes started in the near future, and the invincible existence of the strange races in this world is resurrected, and the greatest catastrophe will surely occur.

  So, the people of Black Giant City made a choice at this stall and started to clean up the dissidents inside!

  The dog king was very emotional, angry and disappointed, and this semi-neutral ancient city finally fell completely to the weird side.

  It was indignant because this powerful army was famous at the time and killed a large number of heavenly creatures. If those leaders survived into this life, they would definitely be famous giants.

 It's a pity, the descendants of the heroic spirits, the banner of this city, and those black armours, have turned to the enemy in the end.

The carrion understood its mood. He also walked from that place to that point. He patted the dog on the shoulder and said, "Times have changed. Besides, the real Black Armored Army...has already died in battle. Did not survive. I don’t think many of the current Black Armies are their descendants? They are all descendants of complex settlers from the past."

  The dog king seemed to lose his strength all at once, no longer angry, but a face full of sorrow. The Black Armor of the year... really drained his blood, and there were few people left.

   However, it is also very unwilling. Since it is not a descendant of the real Black Armored Army, why does it even raise this flag?

  It glared fiercely, looked at the dust of the iron horse that had left, then looked at Chu Feng, and said: "Boy, do you dare to set up a banner and test here?!"

   "I haven't killed an enemy in thousands of years, my bones are rusty, I want to move!" Chu Feng looked at it, not at all shocked.

   "Don't grow out of fragility. After all, this is a dark universe. If it alarms strange races, it will be very bad." Gu Qing discouraged.

   "What's terrible, they are only allowed to kill, and we are not allowed to fight back?" The dog king stared, it was full of anger.

  Gu Qing was embarrassed and couldn't help looking at Jiudaoyi.

   "I think it's okay, it's not a big deal." Jiu Daoyi nodded and agreed. The old man's skin is really going to be cruel, and he wants to shoot a few dark continents. What about breaking through the ominous universe occupied by a few strange creatures?

  However, he thought of those old brothers. Many people fell here, blood-stained on the battlefield and buried in the dark continent. He was quiet and couldn't bear to take action.

  In fact, the main reason is that even if he blasts through these dark places, it is meaningless. The most important thing is the source of Ertu, where there are Dao ancestors and even more invincible and terrifying creatures at the end of the road.

  If you don't destroy the strange source, you can't change the general trend after all.

  "If there is a big battle, what will happen to the supreme creatures from the strange race?" Gu Qing asked cautiously.

"As long as you don't kill Taoist ancestors here, what can you do? You just sink this dark land and it won't cause any repercussions. The eyes of the ominous source have never been placed on you and me. Don't think we are too important. "

"Even, killing a Dao ancestor here does not necessarily mean that Lu Jin-level creatures will be born. I think Lu Jin-level creatures ignore everything. Even their native Dao ancestors have never seen them. Didn't we kill one last time? Isn't it all right?"

   "Perhaps, the closest thing to the truth is that the supreme creature of the strange source is bound and can't walk away!" At the end of Jiudaoyi's words, an astonishing beam of light appeared in his eyes.

   "Then I will end, sharpen myself, and kill me on the dark ground without feeling guilty!" Chu Feng said.

  For him, a thousand years have passed, and he wanted to face off against the ominous species for a long time. Now that the opportunity is right in front of him, he can attack at will.

  "Okay, you will kill the current black armour for me, and take their banner!" The Emperor Dog roared, and the dog's fur was standing upright.

Jiu Daoyi patted Gu Qing on the shoulder, and said: "There is nothing to worry about, there is no need to worry about it, it is useless to think too much, if the road-end creature wants to do it, whether you or me are here, or dormant in the sky However, if that kind of existence wants to attack, the result will be the same. Therefore, instead of that, it is better to express your confession and do whatever you want!"

   "Yes, Chu Feng will carry the banner for a while and kill all the pseudo-black armor!" The carrion said, it was already fearless.

  The King of Dogs did it on the spot, took out a tattered flag, patched it up a bit, and solemnly gave it to Chu Feng, telling him that this was the banner left by the real Black Armored Army.

  Nine Daoyi said: "There are no creatures of my time in this city. They are all hairy boys. I will not participate. I will go to the places where the old brothers shed blood, where the bones were buried...

  The king of dogs and the carrion looked at him with blank eyes. This old monster is still leaning on and selling old.

   "My body is older than you!" said the carrion.

   "How many times have I changed my soul, one boy!" Jiu Daoyi despised.

The carrion's heart was a bit blocked, and said: "Old man's skin, what do you know, my physical body is the foundation of my way. I remember everything, and it is more important than the soul. Sooner or later, there will be a great Nirvana that will shake the whole river of time! "

  Nine Dao Yi left, and took Gu Qing away and told them to let Gu Qing help him dig out the bones and search for the bones of those old brothers in the dark underground.

  Gu Qing smiled bitterly. He, the new emperor, was actually going to be taken as a coolie.

   "There is a great fairy king in the city, don't be too careless." Jiudaoyi reminded.

  Chu Feng was on the road, carrying the tattered black banner alone, walking in the forefront, the dog emperor and the carrion followed far away and marched towards the black giant city.

  In fact, before they were close to their destination, the sound of earth shaking came from behind.

   is another group of iron horses, from hexagonal scale horses to blackened sacred scorpions. The knights on the mounts all wear sacred masks.

  Unsurprisingly, their mounts are also tied with some heads, which are trophies. It can be seen that they have returned soon after being hunted.

   "Another head!"

  The knights discovered Chu Feng and rushed over with howling. For them, this was a battle exploit.

  Recently, the adults in the city have turned completely, no longer maintaining the surface neutrality, completely throwing into the dark creatures and ominous races, chasing down the creatures in the city that were originally biased towards the heavens.

  "Don’t ask about his position?"

   "Ask what, it's in the wild anyway, just kill it!"

  With fierce eyes exposed under those hideous masks, there was no intention to question Chu Feng at all, but the iron hoof stepped on the ground and killed him directly.


  Someone swung a long knife, accompanied by a sharp light, and swept towards Chu Feng’s neck, to directly harvest his head.


  However, Chu Feng stopped and blasted at the knight with a punch. In an instant, the long knife shattered, and even the knight and his mount exploded in the void!

  "Who are you?!" The people on the other cavalry were shocked. Even though they were cold-blooded and gradually darkened, they still felt terrified.

   "Kill your people!" Chu Fenghan said, carrying the banner, and indifferently scanning all the iron knights.

The leader of the knights headed by    changed their colors. They dared to go out of the city to hunt down those cruel characters who fled. Of course, they would not be weak, they were all masters.

  Don’t think that this iron cavalry has only more than a hundred people, but there are two creatures close to the Daewoo class, and the weakest in the team is at the level of the gods, and there are only a few.

  On this dark land, in a lost world, an extraordinary martial artist, who can become an army, must have a master.

   "Kill him!" The leader shouted, his eyes fierce, like a wild beast resurrecting, he was the first to kill.

   Then all the knights roared, bursting out with earth-shattering murderous intent, the energy resonated with each other, condensed into one body, and killed Chu Feng.

   Chu Feng didn't want to entangle them too much, and directly urged the Nine Treasure Magic Technique, the nine-color light wheel flew out, became extremely huge, and pressed forward.

Puff puff……

  Even if there are quasi-Daewoo-class creatures similar to Chu Feng's realm, it is not enough to see, the light wheel turned out, causing everyone to crack, and then burst!

  After Chu Feng's blow, the black knights were completely destroyed.

  "Who?!" At the end of the horizon, there was a loud shout from the huge black city, which was about to smash the sky and let the void explode.

  How could the blood qi fluctuations here be hidden from the fairy king? Let the big people in the city feel directly, and then stop drinking, and there will be invisible avenue ripples sweeping towards Chu Feng.

  The fluctuation of the fairy king level is enough to tear apart mountains and rivers.

   "Your grandfather!" The King Dog opened his mouth, protruding a big paw, and with a loud bang, the ripples of the avenue spreading from the end of the horizon burst open.

  The big paws of the dog king are simply devastating!

  Heaven and earth cracked and spread to all directions, but the city in front was very special, and the dense avenue runes lit up, actually blocking the immortal king-class energy raging.

  The city was quiet for a moment, and then a voice came out: "Which dao friend is here, the people sent out by the old man are just for experience. If you offend the dao friend, you still look at Haihan."

  In the city, the person who spoke was an old man, thin and dry, but there was an extremely terrifying spirit in his body. He was a supreme immortal king, the city lord of this place. .

  Beside him, a dark fairy said: "Father, why be polite with them, you are already a peerless fairy king, it won't be troublesome to kill it."

"Shut up!" The fairy king in the city scolded, then secretly opened his mouth, and said: "That **** paw looks familiar, don't it be it? Go ahead and invite your Uncle Huai to get out! "

  There are two fairy kings in the black giant city.

  Not long, someone came at the end of the horizon, approaching Chu Feng and the King of Dogs.

   "Hei Ye, wouldn't it really be you?" At the end of the earth, the thin and dry fairy king said hello from afar, but there was a chill deep in his eyes.

"Who am I? Cangqing, the supreme celestial immortal of the Tyrant-blood clan back then, is now a king, and he ran here to take over our Black Armored Army!" The dog emperor said coldly, it looked bad, and carried anger.

  "I’m not watching the Black Armed Forces decline and their talents are lost, but Hei Ye, you have all disappeared and disappeared, and are no longer born again. Therefore, I kindly pity them, so I took over here."

  The thin and dry Cangqing smiled faintly.

"Father, is it the black dog that followed the Emperor of Heaven back then?" Behind Cangqing and King Huai, a few people followed, a dark fairy secretly transmitted the voice, and said: "It has taken the blood of the Emperor of Heaven. It kills and refines the true blood, maybe it can unearth part of the secret of the origin of the heavenly Dao pattern from it!"

  In an instant, the dog king stood up all over his fur. As a special fairy king, even if a true fairy speaks in secret, it can intercept and hear it.

  Without a word, it patted forward with a paw, ready to kill the true fairy.


   Cangqing shot, although thin and dry, but directly against the big paws of the dog king, making it impossible to shoot down.

Around   , ghosts are crying and howling, there are countless laws of the road, and the constant roar is caused by the confrontation between the two.

  At the same time, the dog emperor and Cangqing both glowed, sheltering the vast territory behind each of them, without sinking or collapsing.

  "Black Lord, calm down, children are ignorant, so why do you have common knowledge with him!"

   "If you don't understand things, then you need education!" Dog Huang said coldly. No one has dared to insult him like this. It is only a younger generation who dares to threaten to kill him and refine his blood, which is really unforgivable.


  At this moment, Cang Qing's heirs exploded. As a true fairy-level evolutionary, hiding behind his father, he still directly exploded into a cloud of blood.

  Fortunately, Cang Qing responded quickly, grabbing his soul light, keeping his true spirit intact, and there is a chance to save him.

However, Cang Qing's face is not so good-looking. He is convinced that the dog king is in poor condition. The foundation was damaged by the war in the past, and now he is too old to be his opponent, the supreme immortal king, but the dog king’s methods are too special. Behind him, he hurt his son.

  He is a little afraid, after all, the other party has followed the Three Heavenly Emperor!

   "Hei Ye, don't worry if you have educated him, I don't know why you came?" Gu Qing said.

"Take a junior to experience, and I walked to this place unknowingly. You might as well find some strong people with similar realms, and teach this kid, so that he understands that there are mountains beyond the mountains, and there is sky beyond the sky." The dog emperor said with a smile. .

"Okay, enter the city, I'll make arrangements!" Cang Qing nodded, but the depths of his pupils were dark and extremely faint. He didn't think anyone would dare to walk on the dark ground, and those without evolution could be invincible here. After all, at any time Undefeated creatures of the same level can be invited from the ominous race.

  In the giant black city, there are many living beings, all races, and busy, which is actually quite prosperous.

  If it hadn’t been for the recent suppression and hunting down a group of people who tended to the heavens, the city would be even more lively.

   "Hei Ye, what do you think of the city I manage?" Cang Qing asked with a smile.

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the dog king and the carrion. This is the territory of the Black Armored Army. He was a creature of the overlord blood tribe, who originally had an old grudge with the Emperor of Heaven, but later generations actually ran here and grabbed this territory. Dare to ask? !

  However, the smile on Cangqing's face didn't last long before it turned cold.

  Because, in the giant city, Chu Feng had already begun to be tempered and killed all the way. The masters who had come out of the Black Armored Army collapsed in one breath, and all of them were blown away.

  Don’t say one slap, but, it’s not all, Chu Feng stood on the court and swept the so-called Quasi-Daewoo-class creatures in the city.

  "Too weak!" Chu Feng shook his head.

  One of his hands was always carrying a tattered black flag, which was the real black armored military battle flag. Many people changed their faces after seeing this flag.

  In addition, Chu Feng wrote two words on the banner: Seek defeat!

  This is simply provoking all the evolutionaries in the city who are similar to his realm.

"I come!"

  In the end, Cang Qing's descendants actually ended up personally, and he thought that he could retreat calmly even if he was lost.

  Besides, the terrifying artifact in his hand can kill the opponent.

  Unfortunately, Chu Feng didn't give him a chance. It was simply unfathomable. It was enough to blast other quasi-Dayu-class creatures. Facing the descendants of the Supreme Immortal King, he just slapped him twice!

  A total of three slaps before and after, with a bang, Chu Feng exploded this extremely conceited and indeed extremely powerful quasi-Dayu-class descendant, bursting into a cloud of blood.

  Cangqing stood up directly, not angry but mighty, exuding the coercion of the fairy king.

  The dog king is indifferent and has also got up, and the black road pattern spread around him.

   "Is there anyone? They are too weak!" Chu Feng shouted in the distance. He carried the banner from beginning to end, and he still had no opponents with one hand.

   "Go to the depths of the Dark Continent, to blacken the immortals who can't turn their heads, please come out, and tell the strange races and the peerless monsters among the ominous creatures, tell them that they have an opponent!" Cang Qing secretly ordered someone to report.

  He didn’t believe that the young monsters who came out of the strange source would be defeated. Some were descendants of Dao ancestors, and some were even descendants of the blood of the supreme creature. Chu Feng was destined to have rivals!

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