MTL - The Sacred Ruins-Chapter 1643 Continual friendship

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  The cold wind blew by, the sand and dust rolled up the grass roots under the soil, and the sky was everywhere. The land was barren, lacking vitality, and thousands of miles away.

  In the distance, there is a silver-haired woman with tears, constantly digging into the earth. At first she looked like crazy, and then she was mechanically like this every day.

  For twenty-five years, she has been digging in this icy frozen ground, leaving her footprints for thousands of miles.

  If a mortal woman has gone through more than two decades, she has already retreated, and the green silk is dyed in the snow, a few people can continue to dig the ground in one place like this.

   "Why, I must be here, I want to find you, live, I want to take care of you, and I will be with you when I die!"

  She cried again. Twenty-five years after that battle, her heart was cut every day. Whenever she thought of the last scene of the year, she felt that she was suffocating, and her whole body became cold.

She herself fainted for many days, and it took more than a month to wake up, only to see devastation, blood everywhere on the earth, countless dead bodies, broken mountains and rivers, and all the heroes disappeared, only the bones and dried blood were left. Mottled, recording the past sadness.

   Ying Xiaoxiao cried for a long time, and started to do it again. She clearly remembered that he fell on this land that day. She went crazy looking for more than 20 years, why didn’t she find it?

  There were many dead bones in the excavated underground. It was endless death. She really didn't want to recall the situation of the last battle.

  The King of Dogs wanted to send them away, but she was reluctant to be afraid that he would have an accident, because he had already seen the farewell in his eyes, and there might be no future in this life.

  So, at the last moment, she rushed out of the light curtain, no matter what, she would stay, even if she died, she would stay with him on this land.

   "Brother Chu Feng, where are you? I have been looking for you for many years!" Ying Xiaoxiao cried.

  Within a radius of thousands of miles, there are not many creatures. The vast areas of the earth are bare, and both the population and the vitality of the earth have dropped by more than 90%.

  It is another two years later, Ying Xiaoxiao is still digging, she will dig through the entire land, even if she sees the most unacceptable results, she will continue.

   "Why is my strength getting weaker and weaker, the essence of this world, all kinds of auras are getting thinner?" Ying Xiaoxiao looked up at the sky.

  Her beautiful dresses were already in tatters, but a woman who loves beauty did not hesitate these things and began to look for Chu Feng again.

  She didn't give up on this area, because she knew that the war that year changed the landform, maybe Chu Feng sank into the nearby underground.

  Siye, many peaks are broken, telling the horror of the First World War, the whole land is like this, and many areas are even more annihilated.

  On this day, she looked again as usual. When walking down a newly discovered crack in the earth, she suddenly opened her eyes in surprise. He saw the tattered suit and blood stains...

"It's his battle suit!" She rushed down like crazy, never forgetting, even if time passed for a long time, the memory will not fade, still remembering that he was wearing that moon-white battle suit in the last battle of the year. .

   But now, it is full of blood stains, it has already turned dark red, broken a lot, and it is just below.

   "Chu Feng!" Ying Xiaoxiao cried and rushed to the bottom of the big crack.

  She was afraid that the reality was too cruel, and she still had no figure of Chu Feng, and she was also afraid that after she found him, it was already a cold withered bone. She kept crying and fell down.

  Finally, she saw that the man was lying on the ground quietly, motionless, his arms and legs were a little deformed, it was severely injured in the war, and no one helped him recover.

   Ying Xiaoxiao trembled and hugged Chu Feng, as if she had found the rarest treasure. She was unwilling to let go, and murmured: "You are not dead, for sure, I will take you away and heal you!"

  She was very frightened, she didn't dare to immediately check whether Chu Feng was alive or dead, she just wanted to believe that he was still alive.

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  It wasn't until a long time before she calmed down, touched his heart with her hand, and touched his frontal bone with her soul light.

   "Ah, it's really good to be alive!" She is like a girl who knows nothing about the world, smiling happily, crying happily, jumping and jumping on the spot.

From loss to repossession, this kind of joy and touch made Ying Xiaoxiao unable to help crying. Earlier, she had prepared for the worst. She thought that even if she found it, it might be a mutilated and cold corpse, or even just a few pieces. Bone block.

   "God, I thank you deliberately for the first time!"

  Not long after, she found a stone jar in the ground fissure. Not far away, the jar was open, and there were various rare drugs in the jar.

  She knew that this should be a life-saving medicine that Chu Feng had prepared for her deadly battle, but it was a pity that the essence and medicinal properties of it were almost lost.

   "It looks like a Daewoo-class powerhouse runs the breathing method on its own, unconsciously absorbed?" Ying Xiaoxiao doubted.

  Such words suffice to explain the seriousness of Chu Feng's injuries. Those rare herbs were swallowed by his Daewoo-class body, but he still did not wake up.

  She kept inputting pure vitality into Chu Feng's body, trying to wake up.

   "Chu Feng, wake up!"

  I don’t know how long, Chu Feng heard the call, the soul in the dimness gradually recovered, saw the light, and then saw a familiar but extremely haggard face-Ying Xiaoxiao.

  All of her silver hair lacked luster, the dress she wore on her body was also tattered, her face was dirty, and she was full of tears, but she was smiling when she saw him open her eyes.

   "You finally woke up."

   After a long time, Chu Feng struggled to sit up, his bones crackled and all reset.

  This time, he was badly injured, mainly in the soul, but after all, it was the woman on the pollen road who helped him, and it was not overwhelming.

  Otherwise, at the last moment, when multiple Dao ancestors blasted him together, it would be annihilated!

  Later, he discovered that it should be Nine Ways, Carrion and others desperately roaring, wanting to avenge him, and in the end he went black and didn't know anything.

  "Don't cry, Xiaoxiao." Chu Feng leaned against the rock wall of the big crack and ran the breathing method. He has no major problems now. After a long period of silence, his soul has almost recovered.

  Suddenly, he saw the stone jar at a glance, why is it still there?

  He clearly remembered that in order to save Nine Way One, he had shot the stone pot out. He didn't know where it fell, how could he be here? It is impossible to sink with him.

   "Xiaoxiao, this stone jar?" Chu Feng asked her.

   "When I found you, it was by your side."

  Chu Feng frowned. This is a bit weird. Could it be that the jar really has self-consciousness and ran back by himself? Can Tiandi was originally just a joking call, but now its will has fully recovered? !

  He thought quietly, if it weren’t for the jar itself, what power seemed to be pulling cause and effect?

  However, soon he stopped thinking about it. There was a silver-haired girl in front of him. She dug herself out of the big crack in the ground. Was she looking for her all the time?

   "Xiaoxiao, why are you here?" Chu Feng asked.

   "I... have been looking for you." Ying Xiaoxiao cried, and couldn't help crying. For so many years, she never gave up, and finally found brother Chu Feng.

Chu Feng's heart moved. When he thought of the war, he shouted to the dog king to take care of those people. At the last moment, someone ran out and did not leave with the bright light curtain. It was... Xiaoxiao .

   "You stayed, did not retreat with them?" Chu Feng asked.

   "Yes, I can't bear you!" Ying Xiaoxiao raised her head and said. She didn't twitch or whisper, but told him directly.

   Chu Feng felt ashamed and moved even more. He didn't know what to say. Finally, he asked her how many years have passed since the war and what happened to the outside world.

When he learned that Xiaoxiao was searching every inch of land here alone, and after looking for him for twenty-seven years, Chu Feng's nose was sour, he touched her messy silver hair, and saw that her big eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, obviously. Without a good rest, and with that very haggard face, the deepest part of his heart was touched. Some people, regardless of life and death, withdrew from the way of escape, desperately looking for him, how could he be indifferent.

   "Thank you Xiaoxiao, but you shouldn't come back, Yang Jian should be very dangerous now." Chu Feng seriously suspected that after he fell, there was a mysterious power hiding him, allowing him to escape.

  Otherwise, not only Xiaoxiao should have found him a long time ago, but the Dao ancestors of Ertu will never let go of him as a "cremated Dao ancestor."

  Those people clearly saw where he fell.

   "I'm very willing to come back, I am very happy now." Ying Xiaoxiao wiped away her tears, and smiled heartlessly, extremely brilliant.

  What happened to the outside world? Ying Xiaoxiao didn't know either, because her area of ​​activity was limited, only in this area, she kept digging the earth to find Chu Feng.

  At that time, Xiaoxiao was also in a coma for a long time, at least for more than a month, without seeing the final result of the battle, and she did not have the mind to understand the outside world.

  She only knows that the survivors are far from reaching even one place in the world.

  Chu Feng returned to the surface. After changing his appearance, he walked on the ground with Xiaoxiao and saw devastation and bones everywhere.

  He sighed slightly. Most of the sacrifices were made. It was like a sacrifice of 80% of the creatures, and the remaining 20% ​​were destroyed in the following years.

  Will the creatures in the depths of the earth return to the sun?

   Then, he frowned. There was not too much strange matter left, but what about the aura of this world? But it also dropped sharply, less than 10% of the original.

   "The Age of Domination Is Coming?" He frowned.

  In the next few months, Chu Feng took Xiaoxiao around the world, but he did not find an old person, not even a high-level evolutionary.

   encountered a monk with a very low level, but they didn’t know the result of the battle on the day of the big sacrifice, because their Taoism was too low. At that time, they didn’t even have the qualifications to watch the Dao ancestor battle, and they couldn’t look beyond the domain.

  What about those old people, nine ways one, what happened to the carrion?

  Thinking of this, he felt a pain in his heart, seeing Gu Qing Dao collapse, and even seeing the dog emperor exploding in front of him, splashing blood.

   "Even you are dead. Where are the people you sheltered?" Chu Feng said to himself.

  Not long after, Chu Feng realized a very serious problem. The aura of the whole world was still declining, and the sun was about to dry up.

  This is an unimaginable rate of decline. This big world is no longer suitable for spiritual practice. If this continues, it will lead to an era of infinite spirits. Without aura, there will be no monks in the future!

  Ten years later, Xiaoxiao has been unable to fly, and the psychic energy in her body is a little bit less.

   Twenty years later, Ying Xiaoxiao began to like to look in the mirror, because she found that her body showed signs of losing her youth.

  She was scared, holding one of Chu Feng's arm, and said: "Will I become an old woman?"

   "I... if I really want to get old, please send me to a quiet mountain village in advance. I don't want you to see how I am getting old, I want to leave quietly by myself."

   Obviously, she has already realized that this world is not suitable for evolving people, and it is very likely that no one can evolve in the future.

  However, Chu Feng's changes were only subtle, far stronger than her, and still the same.

   "Xiaoxiao, I have a talisman here. It was given to me by the dog king and told me to use it for escape." Chu Feng directly gave it to Xiaoxiao. He thought this talisman might be able to send Xiaoxiao to a realm with aura.

  "Will you follow me?" Xiaoxiao asked.

"No, I want to cultivate into the Red Dust Immortal in the Age of Dominance. I want to realize the heart of the immortal king in this desperate land. I want to rise from this ruin, realize the true truth, and achieve the status of Taoist ancestor. I am not willing to lose like this. Now, I will go to Ertu for revenge!" Chu Feng's voice was low and he clenched his fists.

"If I don't leave, I will stay with you in this world. Although I may not see you in the future, I know that if you are still in this world, I will feel at ease." Ying Xiaoxiao asked Chu Feng to send her away To a quiet mountain village, she wants to live the life of an ordinary person.

  When Chu Feng tried to persuade him to be useless, he did not insist, because he was afraid that the Taoist talisman of the dog king was not so effective, because even it died himself and could not escape.

  There is still time, he thinks of something more.

  After he left, Chu Feng found that outside the small mountain village, Ying Xiaoxiao had stood for a long time, but never left.

He went back quietly and saw tears on her face. He was whispering to himself: "I really don't want you to go, but I don't want you to see how old I am. I am so sad. I will be alone. Silently waiting for your news here, I hope you can become a Red Fairy in the future. Before I get old, I will leave here quietly. I don’t want you to see how I am getting old and what I look like after death. it is good."

  Chu Feng couldn't help it anymore, and strode out, hugging Ying Xiaoxiao, who was full of tears but with shock and joy.

  "You have not left yet, do you have to stay with me for a while? But not too long, I am getting old."

   "Nonsense, you don't seem to be even thirty years old, how can you be considered old?"

  "But I used to be only twenty years old, but now I am getting older quickly." Ying Xiaoxiao was depressed.

   "I won't go, stay with you, what kind of fairy, if I even want to escape this, let you cry and grow old here alone, what kind of fairy? Too incompetent!"

  Not only did Chu Feng not leave, he also decided to stay with Xiaoxiao and grow old with her. How could he not understand her intentions?

  She gave up the chance to escape, stayed and kept looking for him, still crying and sad, how could he let him down? !

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