MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 468 Come back home

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Pang Xuelin's ignorance was considered to have completely restrained Yang Zhiyuan and Ferro.

Next, the two were persuaded to rename the Jerry World Wide Web Guide to Yahoo, and the corporate operation became extremely easy.

Soon, the three reached an agreement.

Pang Xuelin invested 5 million US dollars to establish Yahoo, which accounted for 90% of the shares. Yang Zhiyuan and Ferro respectively invested in technology and management, each accounting for 5%.

According to Pang Xuelin's estimate, Yahoo will be in the stage of burning money in the next few years, but for him, burning a few hundred million US dollars and then creating a super Internet enterprise with a market value of more than 120 billion US dollars is simply a profitable business. .

Yang Zhiyuan and Ferro were also overjoyed. It was their interest to engage in the guide of Jerry World Wide Web. However, after a sudden pass by Pang Xuelin, it has become their lifelong career.

Corporate operation, company registration, recruitment of employees, large-scale modification of the homepage of the website, the development of Yahoo mailboxes, and the introduction of some management concepts of future Internet companies.

In the meantime, Pang Xuelin didn't directly intervene in the company's operation, but all offered guiding opinions in some key links.

As for how to do this, Yang Zhiyuan and Ferro have to fumble for operation.

Three months passed by.

With the arrival of the World Cup, the entire United States has fallen into an unprecedented football boom.

The direction of the World Cup is exactly the same as in history.

Saudi Arabia, representing Asia, miraculously broke into the semifinals. Bulgaria from Eastern Europe defeated Argentina and Germany one after another, breaking into the semifinals.

Sweden stumbled all the way. In the case of no strong enemy, it finally competed with Bulgaria for the third and won.

Pang Xuelin invested a total of US $ 60 million in gambling funds through anonymous methods and some gambling channels of Huang Zaixing, and eventually made more than US $ 600 million in profits.

The only one who knows the inside story is Huang Zaixing, who helped Pang Xuelin to disperse bets.

For Pang Xuelin's magical predictive ability, Huang Zaixing felt a little more awe in addition to Pang Xuelin's unfathomable feeling again.

On July 18, 1994, the day after watching the final Brazil-Italy final in Los Angeles, Pang Xuelin boarded the plane to Xiangjiang.

At eight o'clock in the morning, after a long journey of more than ten hours, Pang Xuelin came out of the passenger exit of Kai Tak International Airport with a little fatigue, and he saw that Huang Zaixing and Liu Qi were leading a dozen black suits in the world respectfully and respectfully in the international Waiting at the passenger exit.

But what really surprised Pang Xuelin was the few people around Huang Zaixing.

Wearing a decent black-and-white dress and exquisite makeup, Mu Qingqing changed into a Tang suit. She looked a bit cautious, like three uncles and three aunts, as well as a suit, and Feng Wanying were like a pair of beautiful water girls. They were all on the scene.

"Brother Shuiwa, three uncles, three aunts, why are you all here?"

Pang Xuelin was surprised.

Although he has kept in touch with China in the past few months in the United States, it is not frequent.

It was only when the two days ago that I was on the phone that my three uncles and three aunts were still in Lancheng. Why did they suddenly come to Xiangjiang after a few days?

Mu Qingqing from the side said with a smile: "Huge brother, isn't this the summer vacation? The three uncles and three aunts haven't seen you for a long time, so they came to Xiangjiang to take a look.

Pang Xuelin glared at her, and of course he could see that the uncle of the third uncle and their arrival, Mu Qingqing's contribution behind him was indispensable.

At this time, Huang Zaixing stepped forward and said with a smile: "Mr. Pang, I invited your uncles, three uncles and three aunts to come to Xiangjiang. When you come back from the United States, the family can just gather and play in Xiangjiang."


Pang Xuelin was helpless.

Of course he could see that Huang Zaixing was covering Mu Qingqing.

However, he didn't have any intention of pursuing Mu Qingqing. He naturally descended.

After chatting for a while at the passenger exit, the crowd went directly to the parking lot.

A tiger in the water rushed to guard the three Rolls-Royce Silver Spirits and drove straight to the center of Xiangjiang.

Pang Xuelin got Huang Zaixing's car. Mu Qingqing accompanied aunts and uncles in a car. Liu Qi naturally took a car with Shuiwa and Feng Wanying.

After getting in the car, Pang Xuelin asked Huang Zaixing directly: "Old Huang, have all the money won in the World Cup already arrived?"

Huang Zaixing said with a smile: "Mr. Pang, it's all here. Do I need to transfer it to your private account?"

Pang Xuelin pondered for a moment, and said: "Not for the time being, don't you still hold a British passport? You want to visit the UK in a few days and find a way to buy a company called ARM."

"ARM company?"

Huang Zaixing was slightly surprised.

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "Don't ask for the specific reason, in short, you can do this well!"

"it is good!"

Huang Zaixing no longer hesitated and nodded directly.

Pang Xuelin wants to buy ARM, naturally for his ARM instruction set.

In the era of mobile Internet, ARM is a well-known existence.

The entire smartphone camp, whether it is Apple, Samsung or Warwick, their processor architecture can not do without ARM authorization.

But in this era, ARM is still an ordinary small company.

The so-called ARM refers to the ARM instruction set.

The ARM instruction set is a reduced instruction set.

For a long time, the improvement of computer performance is often obtained by increasing the complexity of hardware.

With the rapid development of integrated circuit technology, especially VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit) technology, in order to facilitate software programming and improve the running speed of the program, the method adopted by hardware engineers is to continuously increase the instructions that can achieve complex functions and a variety of flexible programming Address method.

Even some instructions can support complex operations after the classification of high-level language statements.

To make the hardware more and more complicated, the cost has also increased accordingly.

In order to achieve complex operations, in addition to providing programmers with functions like various registers and machine instructions, the microprocessor also implements its extremely powerful functions through microprograms stored in read-only memory (ROM). After each instruction, a series of elementary instruction operations are performed to complete the required functions. This type of design is called a complex instruction set computer (plexInstruputer-CISC) structure. Generally, the number of instructions contained in a CISC computer is at least 300, and some even exceed 500.

The X86 instruction set headed by Intel is the masterpiece of the complex instruction set. The combination of X86 and Microsoft's WINDOWS occupies the main market of personal computers.

Of course, a computer with a complex instruction system has a strong ability to handle high-level languages, which is beneficial to improve the performance of the computer.

When the design of computers developed along this path, some people did not follow the trend. They looked back and looked at the path they had traveled in the past, and began to doubt this traditional approach: IBM was not organized at the New York Research Center in 1975. Research the rationality of the command system.

Because I felt at that time, the increasingly complicated command system is not only difficult to realize, but also may reduce the system performance.

In 1979, a group of scientists led by Professor Paterson also began to carry out this research at the University of California, Berkeley.

The results show that the complex instruction set has many shortcomings.

First of all, in this kind of computer, the usage rate of various instructions differs greatly: 80% of the instructions used in the operation of a typical program only account for 20% of the instruction system of a processor.

In fact, the most frequently used instructions are the simplest instructions to fetch, store and add.

In this way, long-term commitment to the design of complex instruction systems is actually designing a processor that is rarely used in practice.

At the same time, the complex command system inevitably brings the complexity of the structure.

This not only increases the design time and cost but also easily causes design errors.

In addition, although VLSI technology has now reached a very high level, it is difficult to make all the hardware of the complex instruction set on one chip, which also hinders the development of single-chip computers.

In the complex instruction set, many complex instructions require extremely complex operations, and most of these instructions are direct copies of a certain high-level language, so the versatility is poor.

Due to the use of two-level microcode execution, it also reduces the running speed of simple instruction systems that are frequently called.

Therefore, in view of these shortcomings of complex instruction sets, Patterson et al. Proposed the idea of ​​streamlining instructions.

That is, the instruction system should contain only a few instructions that are used frequently, and provide some necessary instructions to support the operating system and high-level languages.

A computer developed according to this principle is called a reduced instruction set computer (Redustruputer-RISC) structure, or RISC for short.

The reduced instruction set did not blossom in the early era of the Internet. The existence of the wintel alliance directly suppressed the development of reduced instruction set technology.

This can be seen from the development history of ARM.

In 1991, ARM was founded in Cambridge, UK, and mainly sells chip design technology licenses. With the use of ARM technology intellectual property (IP core) microprocessors, in the 1990s, processor shipments lingered.

After entering the 21st century, due to the rapid development of the mobile phone manufacturing industry, shipments have shown explosive growth. The reduced instruction set processor has quickly won the favor of mobile phone manufacturers due to its low power consumption.

ARM processors occupy the global mobile phone market. In 2006, global ARM chip shipments were 2 billion, and in 2010, ARM partner shipments reached 6 billion.

The reason why Pang Xuelin decided to acquire ARM is on the one hand to prepare for the future mobile phone market, on the other hand, if he is going to make his own chip, he will master such an infinite instruction set and architecture. Open licensing, or directly closed to develop their own, are all beneficial without harm.

Pang Xuelin and Huang Zaixing talked about the general situation of ARM Company. Unconsciously, the car drove up the hill along the Central Ring of Xiangjiang Island.

Pang Xuelin was slightly surprised, wondering: "Lao Huang, where are we going?"

Huang Zaixing said with a smile: "Mr. Pang, I also made a lot of money with you in this World Cup, so I am adept at buying a villa for you in Mid-Levels and registering it in your name. Your third uncle Aunt San came over this time and I arranged them directly here. The Filipino maids working in this villa were also selected by me carefully, and I also got several top bodyguards from the security company to take charge of them in Xiangjiang During the trip is safe. "

Pang Xuelin smiled and said, "Here you are!"

He didn't feel much surprised that Huang Zaixing was so kind.

He made 600 million US dollars in this World Cup himself, and Huang Zaixing estimated at least 100 million US dollars.

For tens of millions of dollars to buy house prices in mid-level luxury houses to please Pang Xuelin, for Huang Zaixing, of course, it's an affordable thing.

The convoy went all the way up the Panshan Highway and finally stopped at the door of a mansion near the top of Taiping Mountain.

Everyone got out of the car, and a Filipino servant had taken the initiative to wait at the door and opened the door to let everyone in.

The villa has a total of three floors, plus two basements, a swimming pool in the courtyard, and a large terrace on the roof, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Xiangjiang Central and Victoria Bay.

When everyone arrived, it was almost noon.

The Filipino servants have made a delicious lunch.

After lunch, Pang Xuelin called Liu Qi into the study and asked about the sales of Xinghuan CVD.

Speaking of the Star Ring CVD, Liu Qi suddenly became very excited.

"Brother Pang, in the past six months, our CVD business has been selling like crazy. Xiangjiang has shipped nearly 300,000 units from last year to the present, and my brother under the old bean is selling these pirated discs everywhere. Almost every household in Quanxiangjiang now has our products. As for the mainland, it is even more exaggerated. Do you know how many units we have shipped now?

"how many?"

Pang Xuelin said a little curiously.

Liu Qi stretched out a finger and said: "100,000 units! And it is still growing slowly. I estimate that by the end of this year, there will be no problem with breaking one million. And the CD piracy market on the mainland has also risen. I estimate that we Sales of CVD products are still on the rise! "

Pang Xuelin couldn't help being surprised.

Five thousand one sets of Star Ring CVD, which sells 100,000 units per month, wouldn't that be able to break 500 million monthly sales?

There are so many rich people in the Mainland?

Pang Xuelin felt that he probably underestimated the purchasing power of the mainland.

Compared with the sales of 20,000 units a year when Wan Yan was founded, Xinghuan's annual sales volume has directly increased by 50 times.

But this is understandable.

On the one hand, CCTV advertising and media hype made Xinghuan CVD quickly become a household name in the entire mainland market.

On the other hand, the rise of the pirated optical disc industry has enabled buyers of CVD to quickly buy pirated optical discs of various film and television works at extremely low prices.

Think about the price of seven or eight thousand LD laser disc players can sell hundreds of thousands of units in the mainland market every year, UU reading Star Ring CVD annual sales exceeded one million, it seems not so surprising .

"Oh, by the way, Brother Pang, CCTV sent us an invitation letter some time ago, inviting us to participate in the CCTV Advertising Bidding Conference in October. Next year's CCTV advertising, how much do you think is more appropriate."

After thinking for a while, Pang Xuelin said, "120 million, don't exceed the price."

Liu Qi froze for a moment: "This high?"

Pang Xuelin said with a smile: "This year, 50 million yuan got so many gold advertising spaces. We have already taken advantage of it. Other companies cannot see the advertising effect of CCTV. There will definitely be money at any cost. Advertising Doubled fees are not necessarily insured. We bid directly at this price. I estimate that ten thousand Jiǔ will succeed. "

You have to know that in the history of 1994, the advertising fee of CCTV Biaowang was more than 50 million, and now it has been directly turned over so much that Pang Xuelin ca n’t believe it.

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