MTL - The Science Fiction World of Xueba-Chapter 494 Nine hundred and twenty one rocket

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Compared to the disturbances from the outside world, Pang Xuelin has not been affected much.

Superconducting materials are just a small branch of many technology trees. Although they will have a very significant impact on this era, looking at the future, room temperature superconducting materials can only be regarded as a small step in the process of human climbing the technology tree.

It was the Qiantang laboratory, which once again caught fire at home and abroad.

Many people believe that the emergence of the Qiantang laboratory has given China the first time that it has a top laboratory enough to compete with the Los Alamos National Laboratory in the United States.

Of course, the impact of this paper is much more than that.

After this paper was issued, the resumes of scientists from all over the world flew into the mailbox of Qiantang Lab like snow flakes again.

If last time, when the Qiantang laboratory was just set up, the main recruitment target was the top Chinese scientists in the world, then this time, it really attracted the attention of global scientists.

After all, not everyone can regard the Nobel Prize for nothing.

Whether it is Kirton Walker or Cao Yuan, Li Changqing ’s experience proves that cooperation with Pang Xuelin has the opportunity to produce major scientific research results and the opportunity to win heavyweight awards.

Not to mention, in this era of China, the national power is booming, and the technology blockade of Western countries against China has been smashed through the Golden Dragon Battery. Whether it is industrial output value or overall economic strength, it is almost a superpower comparable to the United States.

After coming to China, the various treatments and research funding that can be provided are no less than in the United States.

Pang Xuelin even saw the figure of Cao Yuan's former mentor Herrero in the establishment of job search.

At the same time, Cao Yuan, Li Changqing and others also benefited greatly from this paper.

As the co-corresponding author of this paper, the outside world generally believes that Cao Yuan and Li Changqing will hope to share next year's Nobel Prize with Pang Xuelin.

Even when the CCTV interview team came over, Pang Xuelin politely declined the invitation to go to the camera, but asked the CCTV team to put more shots on Cao Yuan and Li Changqing.

Pang Xuelin did not care about the disturbances in public opinion.

For Pang Xuelin, honor, money, power, and status have reached the peak of the scientific community, and even his words and deeds are enough to change the country's future development and policy planning.

Therefore, Pang Xuelin is now starting to consciously reduce his exposure, while cultivating talents, he will put more energy on how to reproduce the various technologies acquired by the plane world in the real world.


At the end of October 2022, a Yun-9 modified from Yun-9 slowly landed at Haikou Meilan International Airport.

Although this Yundian-9 is affixed with the word Yun, it is actually an all-electric passenger aircraft from AVIC, and it is also the first truly all-electric passenger aircraft in human history.

This passenger plane was modified from the Yun-9 transport plane, but apart from its appearance, neither the avionics system nor the internal structure of the aircraft had any connection with the original Yun-9 transport plane.

Ten tons of lithium-air battery packs were installed in the wing and in various areas of the body, making the entire aircraft have a range of more than 50,000 kilometers, and can fly continuously for 120 hours in the sky without interruption.

It is said that the military has applied this technology to early warning aircraft, anti-submarine patrol aircraft, electronic warplanes and other platforms, which has greatly enhanced the soft power of the Chinese Air Force.

The radar power is doubled, and it can fly in the air for three days and three nights.

With super cruising range, it can cover the entire Pacific anti-submarine patrol aircraft.

There are also electronic warfare aircraft with various electronic warfare equipment whose power has been greatly improved.

Significantly compresses the space of the US Navy and Air Force's activities in the Western Pacific.

Of course, this Yundian-9 equipped for Pang Xuelin is naturally not related to military use.

The most advanced materials are used for various decorations inside the aircraft. The aircraft has bedrooms, kitchens, toilets, meeting rooms, offices, etc. Because of the low-noise electric propellers, the quiet performance of the entire aircraft is excellent The jetliner that I used to fly before Pang Xuelin was just one heaven and one underground.

"Professor Pang, welcome to Hainan!"

In the airport, General Tao Yongchang in military uniform smiled while holding Pang Xuelin's hand.

This time Pang Xuelin came to Hainan, on the one hand, he had to participate in the site selection of the electromagnetic catapult space launch system.

On the other hand, it was to go to Wenchang to observe the grand launch of the 921 rocket.

Although Pang Xuelin proposed the electromagnetic catapult space launch system, the senior management transferred a large amount of funds to this project.

But China's traditional space launch project has not been affected much.

In the past two years, various Chinese aerospace projects have developed rapidly.

Needless to say, the space station project, as the Tianzi No. 1 project of the space station, in the past two years, the Long March 5B carrier rocket has continuously launched the core module and the experimental module of the space station, and successfully established China ’s A large space station.

At the same time, the Chang'e-5 and Mars exploration projects are also progressing smoothly.

The Chang'e-5 unmanned probe completed the soft landing of the moon and the return process of the unmanned probe, making China the third country after the United States and Russia to complete the landing on the moon and return to the earth.

The Mars exploration project also allowed China to successfully launch the first Mars rover on Mars.

It can be said that in recent years, the domestic science and technology boom, in addition to being driven by Pang Xuelin, has also contributed to the victory of the aerospace industry.

The only thing that made the astronauts a little bit depressed was that when they began to look forward to the achievements of the next decade, Pang Xuelin suddenly killed in and directly divided up nearly one-third of the expenses of the aerospace portal.

Although this money does not have to come from the aerospace outlet, UU reads, but in the next few years, it will be very difficult for China's space expenditure to increase again.

"Professor Pang, let me introduce you, this is Academician Liu Xuesong, the chief designer of the 921 Rocket!"

"Academician Liu, hello!"

Pang Xuelin took the initiative to say hello to Liu Xuesong.

"Professor Pang, hello, welcome to watch the 921 rocket first flight mission!"

Liu Xuesong's tone seemed a bit cold. He was not present at the last Xiangshan meeting. Although he knew the capabilities of the young man in front of him, Liu Xuesong was not optimistic about whether Pang Xuelin could make an electromagnetic catapult space launch system.

On the one hand, because the electromagnetic catapult space launch system has many scientific difficulties, the project is extremely difficult, on the other hand, it is purely private perception.

After all, Pang Xuelin stretched his hand to the mouth of the aerospace to grab food.


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