MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 44

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Zhang Hang went home in a breath, and couldn't sleep after returning home. Just one or two years after Dahei died, he hated landing Hongbo Lu Chengye and everyone in the Lu family, but he did n’t have the slightest way to get them sanctioned. For others, only a dog died, even if The price of guide dogs is a bit higher, as long as you pay more, but no one understands how important Black is to him, and how close Black is to him.

At the time when Da Hei died, he was thinking of revenge. He didn't believe that Lu Hongbo and Lu Chengye had never done anything illegal in his life. He had to seize them and let them be punished by the law, even if it wasn't because of **** things. So he chose to go to high school and went abroad to study law, but gradually, his thinking changed.

He thought of Dahei, who had been taking care of him so tenderly. Dahei's past experience never reminded him and did not try to make him hate his parents. Although Dahei can't speak, Zhang Hang understands that Dahei always wanted to be clean, not to be disturbed by any darkness, and not to be defeated by any difficulties.

When I calm down, I think of more things.

He thought of his small house in the market, his investment in Beijing, and the small bar they planned to open before Dahei left. Zhang Hang suddenly realized that Dahei had already known that he was leaving? Do everything possible to keep his life from being troubled by money. Even if Dahei leaves, the money left is enough for him to do nothing, and live a comfortable life, not to mention the company that invested is getting larger and larger. Now He also wants to go public. He is not only worried about food and clothing, but also has economic life.

Dahei knows he can't stay with him for many years, so Dahei has been trying to make his life better.

Zhang Hang ’s hatred faded away. He thought that he still had to learn the law and maintain the law, but he could n’t do anything unreasonable because of hatred, let alone live in hatred because Dahei wanted him Be happy every day. But in addition to law, he wanted to learn what he was interested in. So he chose finance, because when he heard the name of this profession, he would think that Dahei was sitting in front of the TV and watching the financial channel. He couldn't see Dahei, but he could imagine it.

Gradually, the hatred was replaced by warm memories. As he studied, Zhang Hang tried to travel around the world in accordance with Dahei's expectations. He wanted to make himself happier.

Being able to go to Beijing after graduation, or even intend to settle in Beijing, is also an improvement for Zhang Hang. He wants to challenge himself, not letting what happened once make him hate the whole city. Even as soon as he arrived in Beijing, he remembered his grief when he returned to the market with his **** urn five years ago. He still insisted on living here.

He wants to be the strongest and gentlest person, so that one day, when he is at the end of his life, he will see Dahei again in another empty world, and be able to tell him with a smile, because of you, I have been very happy all these years.

Will Dahei wait for him for so many years? Zhang Hang had never doubted this. And even if Dahei doesn't wait, he will find it.

With such beautiful expectations, Zhang Hang's heart calmed down. He lived peacefully in Beijing for a while, but was interrupted by Lu Chengye.

Back home, when it was time to fall asleep, Zhang Hang turned around and couldn't fall asleep at all. Whenever he can't sleep, he always raises his hand. At that time, Dahei will stretch his head over, and when he touches his furry head, his heart will become extremely stable. In those most painful days, Dahei stayed with him like this.

This time, however, his hands were empty, and he couldn't touch anything. Zhang Hang sat up and covered his face with his hands in pain. For five years, more than 1,800 days and nights, his habit had penetrated into the bone marrow, and he could not change even another five years, because he didn't want to change from the heart.

In the five years that Da Hei was away, every time he raised his hand, it was empty ...


Zhang Hang moved his hand away from his face, and slowly stroked the hand he was holding by Lu Chengye with the other hand. Only this time, only this time, when he wanted to touch Dahei, he didn't make a splash.

Recalling what happened in the bar today, Zhang Hang quietly simulated in his mind what happened today.

Lu Chengye only had the intersection with him in that elevator. He only glanced at him in the elevator, and even if there was a car accident, he knew that he and Dahei were his life-saving benefactors, but his assistant was there. Zhang Hang probably knows Lu Chengye's personality in the outside rumors. His interests are supreme and cold and ruthless. In his eyes, the company has no family. After taking over the company, the entire family was cleaned up by him. Everything he did was not emotionally involved. Inside, the relationship with his siblings is also very ordinary.

Such people are justified in what they do after a car accident. But why would Lu Chengye find him in a car accident five years later? Zhang Hang tried to think for a while. If Lu Chengye really suspected that he was the murderer, would he come to see himself?

will not. He will only find someone to investigate himself and submit it to the judicial department after obtaining the exact evidence. He will not come to see him from beginning to end, and only the court summons is waiting for him.

Today, Lu Chengye came with a cane. His leg should not heal yet. What supported him to run to a bar at night to entangle a person who had nothing to do with himself?

The car accident five years ago and the accident five years later all happened to Lu Chengye ... Dahei likes finance, and the hotel that took him to Beijing is Lu's industry ...

Zhang Hang's hands clasped tightly together, an incredible conclusion emerged from his mind.

is it possible? Is it really possible? But how to explain that Dahei can know the lottery number of that day, how to explain that Dahei can understand the rising trend of that stock, and how to explain Dahei when Dong Mingyi's company products have not been developed, he knows that he can definitely earn?

In the end, was Da Cheng first, or was Lu Cheng Ye a big black? Or is this just a delusion that he misses Dahei too much?

The two "Wangs" that landed in the industry tonight constantly echoed in his mind. A person so arrogant and indifferent to President Lu would learn dog barking in front of everyone because he asked the other party to compensate his dog? how can that be.


Zhang Hang thought more and more of his mind. He pressed the mobile phone, and the mobile phone time was now more than three in the morning.

More than three o'clock, it was too late to contact anyone, and they would not be allowed to visit Lu Chengye Hospital. The computer in his home is a gift from a hardcover house and is not suitable for blind people. His computer with voice recording function was so angry that Lu Chengye was left in the bar last night. He couldn't find some information on the Internet and check Lu Chengye's life. Lu Chengye is very famous. Lu's enterprises are also among the top ten in the country. As the president, Shen Cheng Encyclopedia can find Lu Chengye's experience. Of course, the information given by the government may not be true, but if you take a look, you can always catch the clue.

But it was too late, and he could do nothing.

Zhang Hang couldn't lie down on the bed, waiting anxiously with his eyes open. This is the longest night in his life. In this night, he regrets why his eyes cannot be seen. If he can see it ... If he can see it, he can directly open the computer and check Lu Chengye. people.

Wait, wait, it's been over 10,000 years, the mobile phone finally reminds it to seven in the morning. Zhang Hang immediately grabbed the phone and called Xiao Ren.

Xiao Ren is 4 years older than Zhang Hang and 29 years old. He is still not married, of course, he is not young. In recent years, Xiao Ren has been working on his work. Since Dahei's death, the game has rarely been played. He has broken several major cases in a row. When Zhang Hang returned home, he was transferred to Beijing and became the deputy of the Interpol Brigade. Captain, although young, is also a backbone. He doesn't play games now, he works normally, he also learns to cook, and occasionally he comes to Zhang Hang to make a change of appetite for Zhang Hang. He gets up at 5:30 in the morning and runs in the morning. After an hour of running, he goes back to take a shower and eats breakfast. At 7:00, he is preparing for breakfast. Sitting at the table, Xiao Ren receives a call from Zhang Hang.

"Hey, Hang Hang? Why are your voices dumb and sick? No, what's wrong with you? Okay, I'll be right there! Don't worry!" Xiao Ren put down the phone and didn't even eat anything, rushed downstairs and drove straight to Zhang Hang Family.

In a traffic jam in Beijing, I do n’t know how Xiao Ren drove the car to Zhang Hangjia in half an hour. Zhang Hang opened the door, his face was tired and embarrassed, Xiao Renyi was anxious: "What the **** is wrong with you, why ... Isn't your face crying?"

Crying is a shameful thing for men, but fate is too cruel to Zhang Hang. Xiao Ren hopes that Zhang Hang can cry, crying dimly, and scolding God. However, in the five years since Dahei's departure, Zhang Hang has never shed tears. The family who can lick tears for him is no longer there.

"Ren brother ..." Zhang Hang's voice was a little hoarse. He grabbed Xiao Ren's arm and said excitedly, "You can help me find a person. Any news is fine. Please check the information on the Internet first, then check him again." , I want to know everything about him over the years. "

"Okay, don't get excited." Xiao Ren walked into the room and helped Zhang Hang to sit in a chair and asked, "Check who, what does he check?"

"Lu Chengye, don't ask me what to check first, help me check it." Zhang Hang fumbled to turn on the computer, was pulled by Xiao Ren, Xiao Ren went to turn on the computer. This computer Zhang Hang has not touched at all, and can't be disturbed.

Turning on the computer, he first checked Lu Chengye ’s life directly on the encyclopedia. Xiao Ren clicked on Lu Chengye ’s name and said, “I ’ll read it for you, and then find someone to check his affairs. Lu Chengye, chairman and president of **** Group, was born In 1988 x month x ... "

"Don't read it," Zhang Hang suddenly grabbed Xiao Ren's hand, and burst into tears. "Don't read it, I already know."

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zhang Hang crying, Xiao Ren was confused and at a loss.

"His birthday ..." Zhang Hang's tears crossed his face, "It was the lottery number that Dahei bought for me that year, Dahei ..."

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