MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 54

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When Lu Chengye was a big black, he watched Hang Hang for five years. At that time, whenever he had a tendency to become a person, he might throw Zhang Hang out regardless. But now that he is a human, if it wasn't for the injury before, it depends on Hang Hang sleeping so nicely next to him every night, how could he not start.

Now he is finally injured and the problem between the two is also resolved. Lu Chengye actually came tonight with the task of throwing Hang Hang, but now ... he can't get it.

what? Is it a man? Come on, as a man he would just say a word.

Anyone who saw Hang Hang leaning on his own face with confidence after hearing his promise, Zhao Xiaolian's reappearance wiped out the haze brought by Zhang Hang, now he was writing with the words "There is a **** When I am safe, Dahei doesn't care if I become deep-witted and I'm not afraid of anything. There is Dahei who can sleep until dawn as soon as I feel asleep. ”Looking at this expression, Lu Chengye would not even start strangling.

So he could only look at Hang Hang's sleeping face patiently, sullenly, and silently. He couldn't even start. He couldn't even take a cold shower now, because Hang Hang fell asleep and slept so well. Quiet, these days Zhang Hang hasn't slept because of over-consideration. How could the person beside him not know how he is now willing to affect Hang Hang's sleep for some inexplicable reasons.

What else can you do?

Zhang Hang's sleeping face is too guilty of crime / crime. Lu Chengye did not dare to look into Zhang Hang's face too deeply before his desire / desire was satisfied. He could only shift his eyes to dissipate the fire, hoping that when Hang Hang wakes up tomorrow morning, It wasn't the corpse where he was stabbed to death.

Zhang Hang himself did n’t need to turn on the lights when he was at home, but after Lu Chengye came in, Zhang Hang did not forget to light up the lights in the living room and bedroom even in the hot kiss. Lu Chengye did n’t dare to look at Zhang Hang, so he could only rely on the lights. Look up and down Zhang Hang's bedroom.

From this perspective, Lu Chengye really didn't know what to say.

Whether it is the interior structure or furnishings of this house, it is exactly the same as the house he and Hang Hang bought with the lottery money. There is a difference between the housing structure of Beijing and the opening market, and Zhang Hang is blind. How did he arrange this room to be the same as that one? Perhaps he asked others to take photos or videos, but even the same decoration, the details would be different, and he wanted to arrange them so consistently ... What emerged in Lu Chengye's mind was Zhang Hang in the house where they used to live Touching every corner a little bit, remembering every inch of that house in your heart by touch, and when this house in Beijing was renovated, Zhang Hang leaned on his own hand and revised the details a little bit.

Maybe ... not just Beijing and the opening market. According to Lu Chengye, Zhang Hang has such a small-sized house as a temporary place of residence in several large cities. In other words, it is very likely that these rooms are this Look.

After the death of Dahei, in the past five years, has Zhang Hang survived by relying on the memories of the past?

Thinking of this, Lu Chengye's heart felt a spasmodic pain, and he could not breathe.

Many people regard pets as important as their families. They will also be sad when their pets die, but only for a while. Not to mention pets. Even if the parents, spouses, and children die, people cannot live in the past for so long. Some people are even reluctant to live in the environment they used to share in order to avoid touching the scene. But Zhang Hang insisted on leaving himself five years ago. When he was alone in this room full of sweet memories, how did he spend it alone?

Lu Chengye knows that because of past experiences, Zhang Hang actually has a deformed feeling for Dahei. This feeling is moving, but if people depend so much on something, they cannot survive in this world too. old. As a **** man, Lu Chengye made a series of preparations for Zhang Hang's life. His preparations were not in vain. Even after he left for five years, Zhang Hang still has nothing to worry about, and he has the power to help other blind people. However, he ignored the psychological help to Zhang Hang.

Perhaps at that time, Lu Chengye was vaguely aware that Zhang Hang would not be able to continue this way, and he would become unable to leave him. But he ignored this because of his selfishness, and let Zhang Hang continue to like and rely on him.

Now, Zhang Hang seems to be living very well in front of people. He is an excellent successful person. Few blind people can do what he does. But when he saw this bedroom, Lu Chengye came to his senses. In fact, his sailing will always be the young man who yearned for care. He wrapped his heart in a cool and powerful shell and guarded it tightly, but was suffering in this room alone. All this was caused by Lu Chengye.

He got all of this person, at the cost of holding him firmly next to him, from physical to psychological.

Lu Chengye knows that his feelings may have been deformed because of those years of interdependence. Otherwise, if Hang Hang is in this state now, why is there a faint joy?

Looking down at Hang Hang's sleeping face, the palm of his hand touched his mature face carved out by years. Such an excellent person is his. No doubt, it belongs to him completely, even if he leaves this world, he will not be owned by others.

Lu Chengye stared at Zhang Hang's sleeping face for a long time, then suddenly lowered his head and kissed Zhang Hang, who was asleep. Ben Hang, who was so light-hearted, was awakened immediately by such a pro, and his eyes were still so beautiful. Even if he was a little scared, he wouldn't show up in his eyes. The eyes were as deep and bottomless as before.

Lu Chengye's kiss moved from his lips to his eyelids, and Zhang Hang obediently closed his eyes, apparently a little stunned, but instead of asking, he silently responded to the landing profession as soon as he was awake.

"Hanghang, I want to bear it." Lu Chengye put his lips on Zhang Hang's eyes, and said dumbly, "I don't want to ruin your good mood, but now I can't stand it."

"Why bear? What to bear?" Zhang Hang asked subconsciously.

Lu Chengye pinched his chin and asked, "Hang Hang, how did you learn the sanitation class in junior high school?"

"... That's not an exam course. The teacher took up our physical activity time, so that the study committee members read a textbook on physiology and hygiene, and they just taught such a class." Zhang Hang didn't understand anything after all, his face Stained with a hint of red, "I was ... presumably remembering that physical exercise class that had been forcibly requisitioned. I had been thinking about playing football, but I didn't listen at all."

"So when you grew up, did anyone seduce you where I didn't see it?" Lu Chengye's lips moved from Zhang Hang's eyes to his ears. The movement was actually very regular, but I don't know why, even the voice With a hint of color / love.

Zhang Hang hesitated. He didn't want to answer Lu Chengye's question. He didn't want to misunderstand because of this. But Lu Chengye gripped his chin's fingers to increase his strength, as if urging, he had to say, "There are ..."

He was vague, and Lu Chengye didn't want to ask "how many people are pursuing my man". He now focuses on flirting: "How to seduce?"

Zhang Hang is calm and strong again, and has never experienced such a thing. He was tightly restrained / unable to move in his arms. The person he likes blows in his ears and keeps asking if he is derailed ... Zhang Hang still thinks that Lu Chengye is jealous of finding Shen Mingfei for him. All his previous experience cannot be used to deal with feelings. Of course, when he refuses people who like him, he has always been calm, but in the face of Lu Chengye ... Zhang Hang's confusion is sometimes high, sometimes sinking to the bottom, every ups and downs are helpless like free fall.

"Just ... just touch it with your hands, but I dodged." He promised quickly.

"Oh?" Lu Chengye's lips twirled a playful smile. "How did you touch it? Is it this way, or that way?"

As he spoke, his fingertips simulated movements on Zhang Hang's body. Zhang Hang was made by him like a red pepper, and even his fingers became pink.

"No, not so much, they touched my shoulders or waist and hands, and when they touched me, I avoided them in time." Zhang Hang explained hard.

"Confirmed" that during the five years when they were separated, Zhang Hang was really as stagnant as white paper. Lu Chengye couldn't help showing a cheerful smile. He hugged Zhang Hang vigorously and wished to rub this person into his own blood. From now on you have me and you, and I will never be separated.

Well, when they die, they will be cremated together so that no one can separate their ashes and stay together forever. This attention is really good.

Lu Chengye knows that his thoughts are getting more and more deformed and abnormal, but he just can't help it, and Hang Hang ... This lover, who is as simple as a teenager, will probably never understand how crazy his thoughts are. He must hide this thought carefully, so as not to scare Zhang Hang.

"Hanghang," Lu Chengye said in Zhang Hang's ear, "I really did not expect that you, as a hegemon, have never learned one."

"What?" Zhang Hang grabbed Lu Chengye's shoulders a little helplessly, and hugged him equally.

"Don't worry, I will teach you now." Lu Chengye kissed Zhang Hang forcefully, and the two were trapped in the mattress together. He reached out and picked up the shirt he had thrown on the ground at will, and took out the Taotao and Ky, he kept hiding these two things, but couldn't find any opportunities to use them.

Zhang Hang obediently allowed Lu Chengye to act, and soon sweat swept across his back, and tears shed in his eyes that could not be said to be pain or joy.

Lu Chengye is a novice, Zhang Hang has never been in contact. Lu Chengye is afraid of hurting Zhang Hang. This time he did not indulge himself at all. He was very gentle and gentle, and he quickly took people to the bathroom to take a bath. The bathroom furnishings are the same as they were five years ago, and he is familiar with them.

When it was renovated, Da Hei made the bathtub so large that he could lie down for two adults because of his unknown desire. He hugged Hang Hang and soaked in the bathtub together, watching the lethargic Hang Hang leaning on his shoulder, kissed his hairpin, put his fingers / crossed / enter Zhang Hang's fingers, ten fingers / Phased.

"You are mine." 2k novel reading network

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