MTL - The Seeing Eye Dog-Chapter 7

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The paternity test takes seven working days to produce results. Although it can be expedited, I don't know what kind of psychology Zhang Qiming had, and did not choose to expedite it. Instead, he took Zhang Hang home after undergoing the test. He left Zhang Hang alone in the home that seemed a little too empty at this time, and was driving somewhere, nowhere.

Zhao Xiaolian still did not return. Zhang Hang sat quietly at the desk alone, his mind was blank, he felt that he should think of something, but he couldn't think at all. The front was covered by fog. He couldn't see any way to go in the future. .

At this time Zhang Hang already knew what had happened to his eyes, but Zhang Qiming's attitude prevented him from speaking at all. As for going to the hospital for tests ... he had a confused brain and didn't want to do anything.

Although it is winter, the northern heating is very good and the room is warm. However, in this home, Zhang Hang only felt extremely cold. The home that was warm in the past now looks like a black hole to swallow people. It is terrible to just sit at home. Zhang Hang wants to escape, but where can he go? He was afraid to think about whether Zhang Qiming was his own son. If not, he didn't know how to go in the future. If he didn't, he didn't feel happy, but he was very sad and sad.

He just felt cold. In this winter day, the temperature of a person is too small to warm himself at all.

"Wang"! "Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang"!

The familiar dog bark sounded outside the window, Zhang Hang rushed out of the room, Dahei was scratching the door. His beard and mouth were covered with hoarfrost, and his claws were stained with snow. Just after he was chasing behind the car, it was impossible to chase them to the hospital. If he could not find him, he ran back. This was running. How far has it been.

The Labrador looks intently at himself, his eyes are black and black, and his eyes are full of concern for himself. He injects a warm vitality into Zhang Hang's heart and restores his limbs to temperature, and finally feels This home is not so lonely.

Lead Da Hei to the bathroom and carefully wash his paws and dry them to prevent Da Hei's feet from being frostbite. After doing all this, Zhang Hang rubbed the hair on Dahei's body and whispered, "You are so warm."

It was so warm that he warmed himself up.

Lu Chengye's big head meets Zhang Hang, feeling deeply helpless as a dog. If you are still a human, even a teenager, you can at least talk and comfort Zhang Hang, so as not to leave him alone in this empty home. Think about his stupid behavior just after chasing a car. The paternity test takes time. The biggest possibility is that Zhang Hang will go home. He ran so many hospitals and was so exhausted that he left the teenager alone at home. It's better to go home early, at least, he has hair and hairy animals are very cured!

Don't let go of all kinds of coquettishness and excitement, and finally make Zhang Hang's face a little popular, Zhang Hang is also a bit happy, like facing Dahei, like saying to himself: "I do n’t care if it ’s Dad's child, I will Be nice to yourself. Dahei, let's check the eyes tomorrow at the hospital, shall we? "

He went to look in the eyes, and he could only be accompanied by a dog. Lu Chengye was uncomfortable, and all he could do was lick Zhang Zhang's palm, leaving a wet blessing.

You'll be fine, he said so with his eyes.

Zhang Qiming was very good to Zhang Hang and Zhao Xiaolian before, neither of them was short of money. Zhang Hang, a high school student, has saved tens of thousands of dollars in New Year's money these years, which is a considerable figure in 2005. He still has money to see a doctor. Zhao Xiaolian even has an unlimited card, which will be blown out every month, and Zhang Qiming also helps her pay off her debts obscurely. There was a lot of jewelry and cash in Zhao Xiaolian's room, and I guess she couldn't remember how much. Before leaving the house, Lu Chengye left a heart, turned around in Zhao Xiaolian's and Zhang Qiming's room, and found more than 10,000 pieces of cash, secretly stuffed into Zhang Hang's bag.

One person and one dog went to the opening hospital, and Lu Chengye could not enter, waiting for Zhang Hang quietly outside the door. But how about it, he can run to see the eyes now is a good thing, he should be actively treated when he is sick.

After waiting for a long time, Zhang Hang took a few bottles of medicine and recorded it in the clinic. Lu Chengye looked at his face and instinctively felt that there was something bad.

However, Zhang Hang said nothing and took Dahei home. He was very worried along the way, and he squeezed his hands in the clinic record book without speaking. Lu Chengye peeked at his medicine, which is a vitamin-like medicine, which is nothing special.

How is this going?

Back at home, Zhang Hang threw himself on the bed with his eyes closed as if sleeping, and he was breathing very lightly. If he didn't look carefully, the person would be as if he was angry.

Lu Chengye stared at the outpatient record book and tried to read it several times, but Zhang Hang kept pinching, he had no chance.

On this day, Zhang Hang only mixed Dahe with rice, but he didn't eat anything. Lu Chengye called to him for a while and firmly stated that you will not eat me nor eat. However, Zhang Hang did not react like a wooden man. Lu Chengye thought that he would eat it by himself. In the event of Zhang Hang's fall, he must have the strength to ask for help.

I was tired, and in the evening Zhang Hang fell asleep. Lu Chengye listened to his breathing evenly, then secretly pulled it with his paw to get the outpatient record book. Dogs' night vision ability is much stronger than humans, and then faint luminous, Lu Chengye saw on the outpatient records, diagnosed as retinal pigment degeneration. Treatment, conservative treatment can alleviate vision loss.

He didn't know much about the disease. He ran to Zhang Qiming's room to secretly turn on the computer, and typed these words with his paw. After seeing the explanation on the Internet, he felt that his blood was cold.

This kind of recessive genetic disease may not exist in both parents, but the child will have it. The combination of close relatives will increase the incidence. The initial symptoms are night blindness and narrowing of the field of vision, which can cause complications such as cataracts and glaucoma. However, this disease cannot be cured. There is currently no medical method. It can only prolong the use of the eyes. As for remission, you can only eat more vitamin a, etc., to delay the deterioration of the disease.

In the end, it will be blind.

Lu Chengye turned off his computer and squatted beside Zhang Hang's bed, only he didn't know how to care for the child. He hates Zhang Qiming and Zhao Xiaolian. Sometimes he even thinks that he who is not born is not a cricket. Zhang Hang is a high school student and can take care of himself. He still has some money on hand. It should be no problem to spend sophomore. As long as he is strong, You can live your own life.

But now, he begged for God from the bottom of his heart, and Zhang Hang must be Zhang Qiming's child. Even if the man hates it, it doesn't matter. He cares about his child at least. With him, Zhang Hang can get the best care, delay the deterioration of vision, and ... in the event of blindness, he can also get the best care.

The blows these days are too big for such a child. Disasters that are unbearable for adults all fall on Zhang Hang. As a dog, he was powerless.

The next day Zhang Hang got up, wiped his dry eyes vigorously, ran to the store and bought a lot of carrots without eating, so he tried to squint, his eyes flushed like a little rabbit. Lu Chengye saw that he was uncomfortable in his heart, and he ran out with a small change in his mouth. People in the nearby shops also knew him, and knew that Zhang Hang had a well-behaved dog. When he saw the money over to buy bread, he even loved it. He also gave Lu Chengye two ham sausages.

Carrying the shopping bag home, put the bag under Zhang Hang's feet, and yelled at the bunny carrying carrots. Even if eating carrots can slow down the disease, you can't stop eating!

The little rabbit was awakened by the bark of the dog, and looked at the bread in the shopping bag on the ground, and wept silently. Tears wet the large black hair, which was very cold, but Lu Chengye felt that the tears were amazingly hot, as if to burn his skin.

Under the care of Dahei, Zhang Hang seemed to regain some of his spirit. He actively took medicine and supplemented vitamins every day. He was also very good at himself and worked hard to eat.

Seven days elapsed. On the seventh day, Zhang Hang shook his hand and pressed Zhang Qiming's phone number.

After half an hour, Zhang Qiming drove to pick up Zhang Hang. His body was full of alcohol, and Lu Chengye didn't yell at him at this time. His attitude was very soft. I only hoped that Zhang Qiming was in a better mood and was better with Zhang Hang.

In fact, he hated Zhang Qiming's actions with Zhang Hang, but he could understand. Even if Zhang Qiming was an adult, he would probably not be able to face this result. Zhao Xiaolian didn't go home for seven days without heart or heart, I was afraid that he would not accompany Zhang Qiming to the hospital, and he could only drag Zhang Hang. And in the beginning, the two went together. Now Zhang Hang took the initiative to call Zhang Qiming, and he naturally took him to the hospital again.

They didn't bring the landing contract again, but this time Lu Chengye already knew which hospital they went to, started to run behind the car and chased it all the way.

Zhang Qiming and Zhang Hang quickly arrived at the hospital. After taking the test results, Zhang Qiming shook his hands, and eventually he would have the courage to watch.

He only glanced at it and the test sheet fell to the floor. Zhang Hang stooped to pick it up, his vision was blurred, he couldn't see clearly, but he couldn't see clearly at this time!

But is it still useful? Zhang Qiming's attitude is the result.

He stumbled a few times, grabbed the test sheet from Zhang Hang, and stared at Zhang Hang fiercely for a while. After all, he didn't hit anyone in the hospital, left Zhang Hang and took the test sheet and drove away.

Zhang Hang was left alone in the hospital alone. He just felt that people coming and going were looking at himself with weird eyes. He couldn't bear this look, ran out of the hospital, and ran wildly in the snow. I don't know where I went.

White snowflakes were falling in the sky, and in the winter days of the northern country, silver was only pale and weak. Zhang Hang found a wall sitting weakly in the snow, and the snow fell on his hair and coat. Become a snowman.

Snow touched the warm skin and turned it into water. Drop by drop into his neck, Zhang Hang didn't feel cold, so he sat idly on the ground, watching the snow falling in the sky, sometimes blurry and sometimes clear.

There are no more people on the side of the road, and there are fewer cars on the street. Zhang Hang didn't know where he was, and didn't want to know, he thought it was good, no one, and no one would look at it with a strange look, quietly.

The sound of fine footsteps came very, very lightly. If there was no snow on the ground, he probably wouldn't hear it. Turning his head stiffly, a big dog that had been covered with snow and became half black and white was watching him in the pale world.

"Big black!" Zhang Hang grabbed Da black's neck, leaning his entire body's weight on the dog.

The snowflakes fell, but Lu Chengye didn't feel Zhang Hang's hot tears, hurting to the extreme, and he couldn't cry.

In the winter of 2005, it was extremely cold. 2k novel reading network

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