MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 1 The Sims

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[Dao Yun accumulates to 100 points, and the life simulator starts. 】

[Do you want to start a life simulation? Hint: 100 Dao Yun is required. 】

In the cold and lonely Taoist temple, a young Taoist with a handsome face sat cross-legged on a futon with a surprised expression.

The young man's name is Pei Xuanjing, the Taoist name of Changsheng, and he is the master of the watch named Changsheng Guan.

He was originally an ordinary person from Earth Star, but now that he has come to this world, there is no need to mention all kinds of things in the past.

This world is very similar to the ancient world of the previous life, but there is a difference in that this world has the existence of "Martial Dao".

In martial arts cultivation, one should cultivate internal qi, then refine the muscles, bones and skin externally, and refine the internal organs and marrow, and even if one advances to the next level, entering the realm of transfusion and rebirth, it is no longer a lie to say that a thousand armies can be easily defeated by ten thousand men.

A martial arts expert in this realm can easily defeat an army without the same level of power head-on, cover a hundred zhang range with a single blow, and smash mountains and rocks, but no more than the palm of your hand.

He is now an incompetent martial artist who has just cultivated his inner qi and is preparing to train his muscles and bones outside.

When he first came to this world, Pei Xuanjing was still very happy. After all, everyone has a dream of carrying a sword and a knife, wanton in the rivers and lakes, indulging in wine and singing, and rejoicing in enmity.

But when he was six years old, he had already recognized the reality somewhat.

First of all, he is neither the utterly useless talent that transcends the protagonist, nor the peerless genius that is seen once in a thousand years. He is an ordinary middle-aged person, which is used to set off the background of the protagonist's existence.

Originally, with his aptitude, even if he inherited this Taoist temple, but he insisted on guarding this dilapidated Taoist temple, but he had no cultivation resources, and the final result was nothing more than his own master. And finally.

After coming to this world for nearly 16 years, he never imagined that he would have the golden finger one day.

According to the introduction, this is similar to a game he played in his previous life, but what this simulator needs is not gold and silver, but the so-called 'Dao Yun'.

Daoyun is the perception of one's own practice, or the perception left by watching and learning from others.

In the first sixteen years of this world, he was just a little daoist in the concept of longevity. From the moment he began to read and hyphenate words, to cultivating martial arts, nourishing his inner qi, and watching the manuscripts left by his predecessors, he was there all the time. Accumulate rhyme.

However, because of his low strength, his initial accumulation was relatively slow, so it was only just now that he accumulated enough Dao Yun before the simulator really started.

Thinking of this, Pei Xuanjing's eyes moved slightly, and he was thoughtful.

Since there is such an opportunity, it is better to give it a try and fight for a future.

"Turn on!"

When the words were finished, the surroundings of Pei Xuanjing fell into silence, as if even time had stopped.

At this moment, his sea of ​​consciousness seemed like chaos, and then there was a loud noise, and the heaven and the earth were separated.

I don't know how long has passed, it seems like a moment has passed, and it seems like a thousand years have passed.

A flash of light appeared, followed by countless pictures, as if it were a movie.

[Avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, escape to one of them! Therefore, everything in the world has a chance of life! 】

Sixteen years old: Your master sat down, and you inherited the concept of longevity. However, due to your master's transformation, there is no support, and Taoist temples have been suppressed by other forces, and their income has gradually decreased.

In the face of oppression, you choose to endure the humiliation and bear the burden, and work hard to practice the martial art "Yimu Jue" of your sect, in order to break through to the ninth rank as soon as possible and become a real martial artist.

Seventeen years old: Due to lack of income, you have no choice but to sell some Taoist items in exchange for gold and silver, hoping to buy enough resources to practice.

Twenty-five years old: After consuming a lot of resources, you finally succeeded in practicing the first stage of "Yimu Jue".

You have waited for almost ten years, just waiting for an opportunity. You have to fight for it, not to prove that you are amazing, I just want to tell others that your master's choice was not wrong, and you will regain what you lost. Therefore, you decided to establish the prestige of the concept of longevity and take back what should belong to you.

Twenty-six years old: You have regained everything that belongs to the concept of longevity and stood at the top of this small town.

Twenty-eight: You have been practicing hard for two years, but you still haven't made any progress in your practice, so you decided to go on a tour. Not long after you left, you met a bandit who was looting. You made a righteous move, but the bandit killed you. .

【This life ends】


Pei Xuanjing didn't know what to say, is this the first time he came out of the rivers and lakes, and he fell out of hatred?

Didn't you expect that you would accumulate inner qi from the age of ten, and you would not be able to step into the ninth rank until the age of twenty-five?

You must know that the immortal way in the world today is declining, and the martial way is flourishing.

Dao, Brahma, Demon, Confucianism and other schools have different ways of practicing, and there is no unified name for the realm.

Six hundred years ago, the previous dynasty collapsed, the heroes rose together, and the dragons and snakes rose to the land.

The Great Emperor Taizu of the Ming Dynasty rose at the end of the world, and with his three-footed sword, he made an indelible feat, swept the four barbarians, unified China, and established the world.

Then he made a statement about the ninth level of cultivation:

Those who refine the three layers of muscles, bones and skin externally are the lower three grades; those who refine the internal organs and marrow are the middle three grades; and those who undergo blood transfusion, defetus, hair removal, and marrow washing are the upper three grades.

Divide the cultivation realm with these nine for the purpose of recruiting scholars in the Ming Dynasty.

Now, it has been more than 600 years since Taizu came to Ming Dynasty. The theory of practicing the ninth grade has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and has been recognized by all sects.

It took fifteen years of cultivation to become an entry-level martial artist, and this aptitude is really ordinary enough.

[At the end of the simulation, you can choose to keep one of the following rewards. 】

[One, the cultivation realm at the age of twenty-eight. 】

[Second, the cultivation experience of "Yimu Jue". 】

Seeing this, Pei Xuanjing smiled.

With such a reward, it's not a loss when you think about it.

As for how to choose?

Pei Xuanjing chose the first item without hesitation, the 28-year-old cultivation realm.

Because for him, strength is the most important at this moment. As long as he can obtain the strength of a ninth-rank martial artist, then he can solve the problem from the root cause and make a big turning point in his life.

The next moment, he felt the inner air circulating throughout the body, the muscles of the whole body began to become full, and the skin membranes around the body began to vibrate slightly with a unique rhythm. Only a faint white mark was left on it.

The skin is as tough as a drum and cannot be broken by a knife. This is the symbol of a ninth-rank martial artist.

"Is this a ninth-rank martial artist?" Pei Xuanjing muttered to himself.

At this moment, he knew that his life had changed, and he would never be like his master, who spent a lifetime of ascetic cultivation, but in the end he was mediocre and could only sit in this wild town.

He turned his attention to the simulator and found that as his strength improved, he needed more rhyme.

[Do you use a life simulator? Need to consume 200 Dao Yun points. 】

When the strength is increased by one notch, does the consumption of Dao Yun double?

Read The Duke's Passion