MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 10 6 items

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[Dao Yun: 1647 points. 】

[Do you use a life simulator? To use it once, it needs to consume 1000 Dao Yun points. 】

Pei Xuanjing chose 'Yes' without any hesitation.

[Avenue is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, escape to one of them! Therefore, everything in the world has a chance of life! 】

Eighteen years old: You have broken through to the seventh-rank realm, and created a "Yimu Lihuojue" by combining "Yimu Jue" and "Lihuo Gong". Then you are ready to leave, wanting to increase your knowledge, refine your body, and practice martial arts.

Nineteen years old: Not long after you left the small town, you encountered a group of bandits who were looting caravans. People who practice martial arts should have a chivalrous heart, you will not hesitate to help, kill the bandits and save the caravan.

The owner of the caravan is very grateful to you, a seventh-grade warrior who made a righteous move. After learning that you want to go to Anping City in the Northwest Road, he kindly invites you, and you feel that you will go along with you.

Half a month later, your group came to Anping City steadily. You bid farewell to the caravan and chose to live in a Yuelai Inn alone.

A few days later, you are visiting the city, but you meet two young men and women arguing, it seems that the youth is entangled in the pursuit of the woman. You smiled indifferently and prepared to leave, but unexpectedly, the woman held her as a shield for no reason.

Although he is a newcomer, he has a benevolent heart. But you're not the kind of person who is abusive. You scolded the woman righteously, and then left gracefully, but you didn't notice the woman's resentful eyes.

The next day, the entangled woman brought a few companions to come to trouble you. Because the Ming court in the city stipulates that warriors cannot use force without authorization, they force you to compete on the Lunwu Platform in the city to make you embarrassed.

On the top of the martial arts platform, you fought against seven young masters in a row, attracting applause from the onlookers, and your reputation became so popular that the woman and others left in embarrassment.

But I never thought that the woman was born in a big family in the city. The next day, she was a friend and a companion. She found Liu Ruilong, a young master who is known as the top ten of the Anping House generation, to fight with you. You showed the strength of a seventh-grade martial artist on the same level as Liu Ruilong. , and have a match with the opponent, and finally ended in a draw.

At this time, after hearing your performance and knowing your innocent background, the Anping Mansion first calmed the woman who was causing you trouble, and then recruited you, promising to help you break through the sixth rank, and you gladly responded.

Twenty-year-old: It really is "the six doors are good for cultivation". With the help of the palace, you broke through the sixth-rank martial artist. At this time, Fu Zun told you that he needed you to do something for him.

The Secret Realm Blessed Land was born, and Fu Zun needs you to lead a group of people into it to compete for the strange things in the Secret Realm Blessed Land. Because of Fu Zun's kindness for helping you break through the realm, you did not refuse.

Three months later, you led the people of Fu Zun into the blessed land of the secret realm and wanted to seize the strange thing.

However, you didn't expect that this secret realm of blessed land has such a great attraction, and it is so dangerous, it is full of dangers, killing every step.

With the help of your companions, you worked hard to **** the strange thing, but before you could leave, you were surrounded by the rest of you.

Facing the siege of many people, you were outnumbered, and eventually lost the strange thing, and was killed by people.

[This life is over. 】

"What is the strange thing in this secret land, why does it attract so many people to fight for it!"

After the simulation ended, Pei Xuanjing frowned and thought.

According to the experience in this life simulation, not only people in the rivers and lakes regard it as a treasure, but even the mansion of Anping Mansion coveted it, and even spent a lot of money to help him break through the sixth rank , and only for a chance to capture that strange object.

You must know that the one who lives in the prefect of Anping Prefecture, is in the fourth-rank official position, has countless people under his control, is rich and rich, has never seen anything rare, and even went further to be promoted to state shepherd or transferred to Tiandu. A chief officer is not bad, why is he so eager for that strange thing?

It's a pity that I live in a remote town. Although I have a life simulator in my hand, I can stay behind in the martial arts approach, but I still know too little about this world. Not to mention those very secret things, it's just some Northwest Daoists. I don't know much about other things.

Sure enough, there is no way to raise Jiaolong in shallow water, so I won't be able to stay in this small town for too long.

Pei Xuanjing felt a sense of detachment in his heart. On the one hand, this place is remote and far away from the rivers and lakes, so he can't get any news quickly; on the other hand, if he wants to accumulate Dao rhyme faster, he needs to leave here and go to a wider place. .

Suppressing this disengagement temporarily, he turned his attention to the reward this The simulation is over, you can choose to keep one of the following rewards. 】

[One: Sixth rank martial arts realm. 】

[Two: The combat experience of sixth-rank warriors. 】

[Three: Information about the Secret Land Blessed Land. 】

This time, Pei Xuanjing directly chose the first item without thinking too much.

The information of the secret realm is not very important to me now, so what if I know it? It's just the moon in the water, like a flower in the mirror.

A bird in hand is better than a thousand birds in the forest.

The reward for his last Sims selection was just to pave the way for this time. Since the previous internal energy has been completely converted into the internal energy of "Yimu Lihuojue", now is a good opportunity to break through the sixth-rank martial artist.

After making the selection, he immediately felt the inner qi in his body begin to rapidly revolve, purify and compress.

Thinking of the last time he broke through, Pei Xuanjing immediately picked up the prepared medicinal meal and drank it.

As the medicinal meal entered the body, the internal qi that originally circulated in the body accelerated several times, and it also began to transform into true qi.

In two hours, Pei Xuanjing drank more than a dozen bowls of medicinal food, and just now he supported the transformation of all the internal energy in his body into true energy.

Although the amount of infuriating energy in the body is now more than ten times less than the original inner energy, the quality of infuriating energy is also nearly ten times higher.

He opened his eyes, circulated the infuriating energy in his body, his right hand formed sword fingers, and a sword energy shot out, directly smashing the bowl from which he had just drank the medicinal meal.

True qi, compared to inner qi, is not only a qualitative change, but can be separated from the body and used as a means of killing.

At the same time, the True Qi in his body began to slowly nourish his five internal organs.

Read The Duke's Passion