MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 116 Halfway interception, Huangquan swordsmanship

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Ding Yulong, a first-rank martial artist, skilled in the machete, with a mysterious origin.

It can be said that even among the Jinyiwei with many eyes and ears, many people do not know much about this sojourn master.

For Ding Yulong, he and Jinyiwei have little to do with him. He came to Xuanfu this time because he was invited by Qian Ning to repay his favor.

Today, Qian Ning, the commander of Jinyiwei, has died, and Ding Yulong himself has been disgraced, but fortunately, he did not suffer too many injuries that day. After these days of recuperation, he has recovered as before.

After all, Ding Yulong clearly remembered the cruel words that Pei Xuanjing left when he left, which made him thorn in the back. Therefore, he is also unwilling to continue to stay in this Xuanfu, which is under the attention of the public.

While waiting for the sea capture document about Pei Xuanjing to spread all over the world, Ding Yulong also hid his figure and quietly left the Xuan residence.

However, Ding Yulong never thought that soon after he left, he would meet someone he never expected to see.

Ding Yulong rode on the horse, his eyes flickering at the man standing with a sword not far away.

"I waited for you a long time."

The cold wind howled, and Pei Xuanjing's voice resounded through the forest.

He stood there, the true meaning of martial arts on his body permeated the four directions, as if he was integrated with the heaven and the earth.

Ding Yulong sighed softly and said, "Brother Pei, in fact, there is not much grudge between you and me."

To be honest, after experiencing the battle on the Long Street, he and the two first-rank masters have never won the other side. Ding Yulong really doesn't want to fight with the other side.

"I started on the same day, just because I owed Qian Ning a favor and couldn't refuse. Now that Qian Ning is dead, there is no reason for us to do anything." Ding Yulong explained aloud.

"Go ahead!" Pei Xuanjing was unmoved.

The three words of Pingdan carry a will that cannot be rejected.

Ding Yulong may be telling the truth, and the other party really doesn't want to fight against him.

However, at this point, what is the difference between true and false?

Pei Xuanjing could not let go of any enemy who had besieged him, had murderous intentions towards him, and still threatened him until now.

His current situation does not allow such kindness.

If today Ding Yulong can say that he shot himself for some unavoidable reasons and let him let go of the other party.

Then if someone uses the same reason next, will he let him go or kill him?

What's more, this time is different from the past.

The current Pei Xuanjing is a remnant of Shenxiao who was wanted by the Ming court for a reward. Pei Xuanjing was tempted to see the valuable reward, so what about the others?

In these rivers and lakes, people who want to exchange their heads for bounties are probably like crucian carp crossing the river, I don’t know how many!

"Brother Pei, if you raise your hand today, then wherever you go in the future, I will retreat." Ding Yulong made a concession again.

Pei Xuanjing's body circulated with true energy, Yingying's blood energy erupted, and he stepped out to arouse strong winds, and the mountains and forests shook, "No matter what reason you have, you will die here today!"

In order to reduce troubles and deter those Xiao Xiao, then Pei Xuanjing needs to establish an image: Anyone who dares to provoke himself and shoot at himself will only have a dead end.

Perhaps as he said, there is no need for life and death between the two.

But unfortunately, Pei Xuanjing needed to kill the chicken to warn the monkey, and he unfortunately became the chicken that was killed.

Therefore, Ding Yulong must die!

"You forced me!"

Feeling the terrifying killing intent on Pei Xuanjing's body, Ding Yulong's smiling face became cold.


After all, he was a first-rank martial artist. Although he had the idea of ​​seeking peace just now, seeing that Pei Xuanjing was unwilling to let him go, he naturally did not lack the courage to fight.


Ding Yulong jumped up from the horse, and instantly pulled out the machete from his waist.

Almost at the moment when the sword was drawn, a sword intent that severed the heavens and the earth penetrated.

No one can describe how fast that knife is, and one knife already has the power to shatter the sky.

Knife drawing!

This is Ding Yulong's killer move.

At this moment, seeing that Pei Xuanjing was unwilling to compromise, he no longer had the slightest bit of holding back, and his shot was a killer move.

"This knife is very good."

Pei Xuanjing also drew his sword in an instant, and the Shenxiao sword was unsheathed, and the sword intent bloomed freely, just like the bright sun.

This sword drowned Ding Yulong's sword light, and his sword intent was swallowed by sword intent.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to have this brilliant sword intent left, and it was domineering and isolated from everything.


The domineering sword intent seems to be tearing apart everything, Pei Xuanjing's thick infuriating energy, boiling blood energy surged out, setting off a terrifying huge wave and frenzy, even the mountains and forests on both sides of the road were shaken, and the mountains and rocks flew, and the trees were broken!

The sword light is brilliant, and the wind and thunder follow.

Ding Yulong only felt that all his perceptions were covered by the sword intent in front of him, even if he exhausted all his strength, it was of no use.

The only thing he could perceive was the domineering sword intent, which enveloped him like a glorious sun, and he had nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape.

It seems, let yourself struggle.

But still can't escape this sword.


The sword light and the sword light collided, and the sky rumbled like thunder.

Ding Yulong spewed blood from his mouth and retreated several feet in a with a single strike, seriously injuring a first-rank martial artist.

"Let's die together!"

Ding Yulong's eyes were flushed red, and the color of determination flashed in his eyes.

Even if I go to hell, I will take you, Pei Xuanjing, with me.


Pei Xuanjing originally thought that Ding Yulong had lost the power to fight back, but he did not expect the opponent's momentum to increase again.


The momentum on Ding Yulong's body turned, and it actually carried a terrifying aura of death.

He swings the knife out again!

The blade Qi that was several meters long slanted down, with the Qi of death that wiped out everything. Wherever the blade Qi passed, the vegetation was plundered.

This knife seems to come from hell, as if it exists only for killing and extermination.

Huangquan swordsmanship!

This is a unique sword technique obtained by Ding Yulong. Although it is only this move, it has the power to destroy everything.

"High in the Sky"

This style of swordsmanship is extremely evil. To cultivate this style of swordsmanship requires constant killing and the use of blood to practice the sword in order to achieve success.

Ding Yulong owed Qian Ning's favor because he wanted to practice the Huangquan Swordsmanship. If it wasn't for Qian Ning's use of power to provide him with a lot of death row prisoners to practice swordsmanship, I'm afraid that he would have attracted countless people from all corners of the world before he succeeded in his practice. chase.

However, even if he succeeded in practicing this trick, he would not dare to use it lightly. One is because he has not fully mastered this sword yet, and the other is because he does not dare to expose such an evil sword technique easily, so as not to cause some people's jealousy. and chase.

But now, being forced into a desperate situation by Pei Xuanjing, he couldn't bear it any longer, and he was determined to use this trick, even if he died with Pei Xuanjing. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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