MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 12 Weigh the shot

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This time, Pei Xuanjing's target was Anping Mansion. After all, Anping Mansion was the closest big city to him, and it was also the place where the Northwest Daoist martial artist occupied the most.

As for the purpose of this trip, of course, it is for the secret blessed land more than a year later.

Although the results of many life simulations about the uncharted paradise are not very good, it is full of huge risks and crises. But equally great crises also come with great rewards.

Regardless of whether you will enter the Blessed Land of Secret Realm next, you must at least arrive at Anping Mansion first, and then make a decision.

However, since it was still a long time, he rode on the horse, not eagerly urging the horse under his crotch to gallop, but just swaying forward like this.

Although it is said that with the help of the life simulator, the martial arts practice is going a thousand miles, but Pei Xuanjing never puts all of his own on it.

Internal refining of the three realms, nourishing the internal organs and bone marrow with true qi, waiting for the realm of great achievement, even if it devours gold and iron, it will not hurt the internal organs.

The main practice of a sixth-rank martial artist is to nourish and strengthen one's five internal organs with infuriating energy.

While studying the handwriting of the exercises he obtained from Jiang Yan, he refined and accumulated Dao rhythm, and at the same time cultivated his true qi and nourished the five internal organs.

Afterwards, I went along with the situation, advancing during the day, resting at night, observing the changes of the day and night, comprehend the nature, and the heaven and earth.

He traveled all the way for more than half a month, whether it was refining the manual of the exercises, or comprehending the nature of the world, he had accumulated a lot of Dao rhyme.

However, due to the breakthrough of the realm, the Dao Rhyme value required for his next life simulation also increased, and he needed to accumulate enough 2000 points to open it.

This journey, including the previous retention, is only 1430 points, and it is far from enough to start the next life simulation.

On this day, when passing through a narrow valley road, Pei Xuanjing, who was originally studying the handwriting of the exercises, suddenly became condensed, put away the handwriting in his hand, and looked ahead.

As a sixth-rank martial artist, he had keen eyes and ears, and heard the sound of fighting in the distance.

'I remember that in the last life simulation, there was this incident. It seemed that a group of caravans encountered thieves and looted. ' Pei Xuanjing thought to himself.

After thinking about it, he chose a hidden path and slowly leaned over.

Pei Xuanjing never considered himself a good person, and of course he also considered himself a bad person.

If he encounters someone who wants to hurt himself, he will fight back without hesitation; when he encounters an injustice, if he has the ability to rescue him, he will not spare his strength to help, but he cannot save himself for the sake of saving others. Ride in.

As for the description of this matter in the life simulator, Pei Xuanjing would not care too much about his own righteous actions to easily solve these thieves.

The existence of the life simulator was originally an accident. Is the self in the life simulation the real self?

Yes, but no. It was just one of the countless branches that I chose in my next life.

So even if he encounters these caravans being robbed by bandits, he has to evaluate whether he has enough ability to take action. If these bandits are not strong, then he will undoubtedly choose to help.

But if the strength of these bandits exceeds Pei Xuanjing's ability to target, then he will not take action, even if the people in these caravans may be very innocent.

Killing the rich and helping the poor, doing justice for the heavens, eliminating harm for the people...

All kinds of words are placed on those bandits, but they are just used to put a layer of disguise on themselves. No matter what, they can't hide the brutal, disorderly, chaotic, and evil nature of these bandits.

Standing on a high place, Pei Xuanjing could easily have a panoramic view of the distant scene.

The bandits with all kinds of weapons were divided into two groups to block the two ends of the valley road, leaving a caravan in the middle.

The number of bandits was obviously larger than that of the caravan. In addition to the part of bandits who were fighting, there were seven or eight bandits who were swept aside by a bandit who was obviously dressed as a leader.

Two of the eighth-rank, five of the ninth-rank, and the rest are all bandits who are not in the stream.

After weighing it for a while, Pei Xuanjing already had certainty in his heart that these bandits had no existence that could threaten him, so he could make a move.

After making up his mind, Pei Xuanjing went around from a height, returned to the right path, and rushed over quickly.


"If I can go back this time, I will definitely file a complaint with the government. Are all the people in the Thousand Households just eating? No one knows that there are so many bandits gathered here." The arrogant bandit screaming, Shen Xiang thought viciously in his heart.

He is the third shopkeeper of the Anping House of the Shen's Chamber of Commerce. He was born in the second room of the Shen family. Originally, his younger brother Shen Chu was responsible for escorting the goods, and he did not need to do it himself.

But just before departure, Shen Chu broke his leg because of an accident, so he could only run this trip by himself.

Originally, the journey was safe, but Shen Xiang never thought that he was on his way Seeing that he would arrive in a few days, something went wrong.

The origins of these bandits are unusual. Even if they offered to buy road money, the other party would not agree. It seemed that they had to kill themselves and others.

"The shopkeeper, look there." The guard next to him pointed to the exit of Gudao.

Shen Xiang followed and looked over, and saw that the bandits who were still aggressive suddenly became confused, as if these bandits were attacked.

"This is, are there reinforcements?" Shen Xiang's face was overjoyed.

No matter who came, at least it gave him hope of surviving.

"Quick, rush over there." Shen Xiang commanded immediately.

On the other side of Gu Dao, when Pei Xuanjing drove a horse to a hundred meters away from the bandit, he was already discovered by the bandit who was plundering the formation.

After the group of bandits saw Pei Xuanjing alone, the bandit leader immediately ordered a dozen bandits to rush towards Pei Xuanjing on horseback.

Seeing this, Pei Xuanjing did not shy away from it, the ancient pine-patterned sword was unsheathed, the light of the sword was piercing, and the rank six warriors were almost crushing those ordinary bandits, unable to do even the simplest blocking.

The horses met quickly and came to a distance of ten meters from the leader of the bandit. Pei Xuanjing jumped up from the horse and volleyed several meters high. .

The bandit leader of the eighth-rank martial artist didn't even have time to say a word, and was headed by Pei Xuanjing.

The bandits were originally a group of rabble. Seeing the leader's death, the bandits no longer had the will to fight, and immediately dispersed as birds and beasts.

Seeing the bandits disperse, Shen Xiang did not let the guards chase him, but asked them to restrain and help the wounded or dead guards, while he walked towards Pei Xuanjing.

Read The Duke's Passion