MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 134 so enough

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In fact, for the Taoists of Qingxu and the others, it may be very important to explore the blessed land of the secret realm mastered by the Shenxiao faction.

But for Pei Xuanjing, who has gone through many simulations, he already knows that there is nothing that these people want in the blessed land of the secret realm, and the only valuable thing is the Shenxiao token.

The Shenxiao token may be related to the secrets of the Shenxiao faction and some clues to inheritance.

However, Pei Xuanjing was not in a hurry, it was as if the meat was already in the bowl, and sooner or later it was his own, so he didn't need to worry about it.

On the contrary, for him, it may be more valuable to be able to enter the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion of Zhenwuzong and watch those martial arts exercises.

No one has accurate information on how many martial arts secrets they have collected in their Sutra Collection Pavilion, which has been passed down for 600 years.

After hearing Pei Xuanjing's request, Taoist Qingxu smiled slightly: "Originally, fellow Taoist opened his mouth and wanted to borrow martial arts and martial arts, it's not a big deal."


When Pei Xuanjing heard this, he knew that there must be a turning point.

Sure enough, Daoist Qingxu continued: "However, as soon as the Daoist opened his mouth, he wanted to watch the martial arts of the Cangjing Pavilion, which made it difficult for Pindao to answer. After all, as the head teacher, Pindao naturally leads by example. , I'm afraid it will fall into place."

Daoist Qingxu is very willing to cooperate with Pei Xuanjing. Originally, after hearing Pei Xuanjing's request, it would be fine to send a few exercises, but if he was allowed to watch it, it would be inappropriate and would break the rules of Zhenwu Sect.

Even as the headmaster, he could not act recklessly and break the rules of the sect like this.

Because he is the headmaster, he needs to abide by the rules even more, otherwise, there will be complaints from the sect.

Pei Xuanjing smiled and was ready. He said to Pang Hong, "Pang Hong, show the things to the Taoist priest."

"Yes, teacher!" Pang Hong nodded heavily, then took off the wooden box he was carrying and put it on the table among the people.

Daoist Qingxu and Qingyangzi also looked at each other, not knowing what Pei Xuanjing was selling, and looked at the wooden box with some curiosity.


Pang Hong lifted the lid of the box, and the contents were displayed in front of several people.


Qingyangzi couldn't help taking a breath of cold air, and even Daoist Qingxu couldn't help but move slightly.

Inside the box were five thousand-level divine weapons: a knife, a spear, two swords, and a whisk.

The body of the long gun is assembled, and all are divided into three parts and placed together.

This is the magic weapon that Pei Xuanjing obtained by beheading Ding Yulong and still Wang Zhi and the four.

Pei Xuanjing said loudly: "I once made a deal with your faction, and today I will make another deal with your faction with these five thousand-level divine weapons, how about it?"

Five thousand-level divine weapons are of great value, and even a major force like Zhenwuzong would not ignore them.

But for Pei Xuanjing, he didn't need these five divine weapons, and it didn't make any sense to keep them in his hands.

"Gene Era"

After all, as long as he can accumulate enough Dao Rhyme value, his strength can continue to improve. At that time, not to mention the thousand-refinement-level divine weapon, even the ten-thousand-refinement-level divine weapon is no problem.

"Senior brother?" Qingyangzi looked at Taoist Qingxu.

I have to say that Qing Yangzi was also surprised by Pei Xuanjing's generosity. If the five-armed thousand-refined divine weapon spread to the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that many forces would be moved by it, and many warriors would fight for it, causing a **** storm.

Daoist Qingxu looked at Pei Xuanjing, and seeing the firmness in Pei Xuanjing's eyes, he seemed to see that when he was seeking the way, he moved forward firmly and was unmoved by foreign objects.

He sighed and said, "As long as fellow Daoists need the exercises and martial arts in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, you can read them as much as you want, and there is nothing allowed."

"Thank you for being perfect." Pei Xuanjing's face showed gratitude.

Of course, the two of them were very tacit and did not mention the town-style martial arts that are related to the inheritance of Zhenwuzong, such as "Pure Yang Wuji Gong", "Nine Heavens Harmony and Righteous Qi", "Tai Chi Gong" and so on.

Daoist Qingxu naturally wouldn't easily show these unique skills to others. After all, even the disciples of this sect would not easily teach such skills, so how could they be given to Pei Xuanjing.

Of course, Pei Xuanjing would not be arrogant enough to want to explore other people's fundamental techniques.

Daoist Qingxu looked at Pang Hong, who was standing beside him, and suddenly thought: "This disciple, fellow Daoist, looks good. If you have time, you might as well come to Pindao for a while."

Pei Xuanjing understood what he meant, and said to Pang Hong, "I don't want to thank the headmaster, no matter how many people ask for his advice."

The clever Pang Hong also reacted, with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Master Headmaster."

"Haha..." Taoist Qingxu stroked his beard and smiled.

In his mind, in addition to pointing Pang Hong, he still needs to give something to smooth this transaction.

Maybe the position of the station is different. For the Taoist Qingxu, the value of Qianlian Divine Weapon is higher than the martial arts of the Tibetan Sutra After all, the qualifications of the disciples are different. I don't know how much effort it will take to learn the Fa and become successful in cultivation.

And now the situation in the world seems to be turbulent again, I am afraid that this time the catastrophe is so extensive that even the True Martial Sect cannot survive alone.

With these five thousand-refined divine weapons, Zhenwuzong's strength can naturally be improved a little, and it will naturally be much easier to deal with disasters in the future.

Since then, Pei Xuanjing has lived in Zhenwuzong temporarily. Apart from refining and studying the divine jade book, he spends most of his time in the Book Collection Pavilion, reading books.

Zhenwuzong is worthy of being a great force that has been passed down for 600 years. The number of martial arts and martial arts in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion is far beyond Pei Xuanjing's expectations. There are countless low-level martial arts, middle-level martial arts, and dozens of high-level martial arts. There are so many, and he doesn't know whether the other party is intentional or not, Pei Xuanjing also found a semi-special "Xiantian Supreme Qi" in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, which is derived from the "Innate Supreme Qi".

This is an authentic Taoist internal power, which can give birth to a soft and unparalleled hurricane, which is pure and soft, with extraordinary power.

In addition, there are many manuscripts of cultivation insights left by the masters of Zhenwuzong in the Tibetan Sutra Pavilion, and there are many points of practice in it that are of great benefit to Pei Xuanjing.

In addition to the first time, there are still some anecdotes and strange stories. Although they can't provide any rhyme, they have opened Pei Xuanjing's eyes, and his understanding of this world has become a bit clearer.

Just when Pei Xuanjing was addicted to Zhenwuzong's Tibetan Sutra Pavilion and couldn't extricate himself, Zhao Baiyang, the leader of Maitreya sect, suddenly appeared on the Northwest Road and came to Iron Palm Mountain. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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