MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 144 Too bad it's a tigress

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The Taoist Qingxu put his five fingers together, turned his hand into a palm, and slowly fell.

Two palms!

One of the secret legends of Zhenwu Zhenshan, which focuses on the superior martial arts of the inner family that overcomes the rigid with softness and overcomes the enemy with will.

This palm seems to be slow and powerless, but it is extremely powerful, and the damage is amazing.

Daoist Qingxu's Liangyi palm landed on the neck of the giant beast, and the continuous palm force spread along the beast's fur and spread to its entire body.

I only heard the constant crackling and crackling sound from the body of the behemoth, and then the beast, which was fierce but with amazing momentum, suddenly stopped moving, like a mountain, lost its support, and fell directly to the ground, setting off smoke and dust everywhere. .

Daoist Qingxu jumped out in one step, landed in front of the giant beast, and bowed to Pei Xuanjing and said, "I'm sorry to bother you two fellow Daoists for waiting for a long time."

"It's been a long time." Pei Xuanjing nodded with a smile.

"Go up and see what kind of monster this is." Bai Xiaosheng gestured to Pei Xuanjing.

The two stepped out a few steps and came to the dead giant beast.

The three circled around the giant beast, looked at it for a long time, and finally came to the conclusion that this is the tiger.

I just don't know why it grows so huge, it is almost several times the size of the tigers seen on weekdays.

"Maybe it's the reason for this secret realm blessed land?" Daoist Qingxu guessed.

"It should be like this." Pei Xuan nodded.

There is another guess in his heart, that is because of the methods of the Shenxiao faction.

Since this Secret Realm Blessed Land belongs to the Shenxiao faction, it is not clear that the other party will do some experiments in this Secret Realm Blessed Land.

You must know that since the Shenxiao faction can come up with a longevity plan and almost create an immortal god, then it is not a problem to create a tiger that is several times larger.

And Pei Xuanjing was thinking, if human beings can cultivate, then when the world is full of energy, will those beasts open up their wisdom and embark on the path of cultivation, just like the legendary monsters.

After all, in myths and legends, the genus of immortals and gods is not necessarily just human beings. In addition to humans, birds and animals, flowers, trees, feathers and insects are also the genus of all spirits.

So there will be a recovery of the world one day, will there be the rise of these aliens that do not belong to human beings?

This is not impossible.

However, since there was no special evidence, Pei Xuanjing did not mention it either.

Of course, he didn't think he couldn't think of this with the wisdom of the two in front of him.

"Hey, it's a pity that this tiger is only female. What a pity." Bai Xiaosheng sighed suddenly.

Daoist Qingxu was stunned for a moment and asked, "What happened to the female tiger?"

Bai Xiaosheng said quietly: "If it is a male tiger, I can make up for you, the old Taoist."

"Heh." Pei Xuanjing suddenly understood, and a smile appeared on his face.

Daoist Qingxu was teased like this by Bai Xiaosheng. Rao was always calm and indifferent, so he couldn't help but look excited: "Old Daoist is a monk, but you need to make up for it."

Bai Xiaosheng was boring, but he smiled disdainfully and didn't say much.

Originally, such a tiger, whether it is flesh and skin, is valuable, even if it is taken out, it can be exchanged for a lot of money.

But now the three of them have other important things, and there is no way to take them on the road. They can only break open the corpse, take some of the essence of flesh and blood as food on the road, and discard the rest.

But among the three, Daoist Qingxu is the headmaster of Zhenwu Sect, Bai Xiaosheng has a rich family background, and even Pei Xuanjing has a lot of wealth. Although these things are valuable, they are not too pity.

In this way, the three of them hit the road again, following the route on the hide map.

This side of the secret realm is not too big or too small, but the three are all powerful people, and the speed of the journey is far beyond ordinary. When the night falls, they also arrived at this destination.

Along the way, several people also encountered several similar giant beasts, including giant bears and giant crocodiles, all of which were easily beheaded by three people.

At this moment, the three of them came to a quaint palace.

Looking at the closed door, Daoist Qingxu said to Pei Xuanjing, "The next thing is to see fellow Daoists."

According to the information left by the Shenxiao faction at the beginning, only the descendants of Shenxiao who have practiced the Shenxiao Jade Book can open the organs of this palace.

Seeing that both of them were focusing their attention on himself, Pei Xuanjing naturally would not refuse, and nodded: "It was originally an agreed matter, so I will naturally do it."

He took a few steps forward and climbed the steps to the front of the palace.

However, Pei Xuanjing did not rush to do it, but first carefully observed the palace.

This palace is not as splendid as other palaces, but is full of simple and heavy atmosphere.

In front of the palace gate, there are two ancient unicorn beasts made of black jade sculptures.

The two gates, which are more than ten feet high and several feet wide, are tightly closed. The same style of thunder pattern is engraved on the door. At the center surrounded by the thunder pattern, there are two unicorn heads protruding with a ring in their mouths. .

Pei Xuanjing already knew the way to open it. He circulated Shenxiao's infuriating energy into his hands, and then slowly held the two rings.


Shenxiao's true qi was transmitted to the ring by Pei Xuanjing's hand, and the ring began to slowly glow purple-blue light, and then quickly spread all over the and then spread out around.

The thunder pattern carved on the door of the hall was also stimulated by Shenxiao's infuriating energy, and began to emit a warm light until all the thunder patterns on the entire door of the hall were lit up.


I have to say, this is a very tiring thing.

With Pei Xuanjing's current accumulation of infuriating energy, he also felt a little tired.

However, after all the thunder patterns were lit up, a series of clicking sounds began to be heard from the entire hall door.

Soon, the two temple doors began to slowly move backwards, revealing a gap.


The door of the temple was completely opened, and a dark and empty road was revealed in front of the three of them, and they didn't know where to go.

Taoist Qingxu and Bai Xiaosheng also climbed the steps and stood side by side with Pei Xuanjing.

The three of them looked at each other, each holding the weapons in their hands, and stepped into this unknown palace.


After waiting for the three to step in, the two hall doors closed again, and the outside of the hall returned to peace, as if the three of them had never appeared.

When the door to the hall was closed, the three of them fell into darkness completely.

Even with the keen perception of the three of them, they found that within this palace, they could only feel the movement within ten feet nearby, and their sensitive perception was greatly suppressed.

Just when the three of them didn't know how to act, they only heard a pop.

Puff puff...

A series of sounds came, and the candles suddenly lit one after another in the darkness, illuminating the empty hall.

"Emperor Shenxiao!"

Pei Xuanjing said.

In front of them, there was a huge statue of a god, the ancestor of thunder that was worshipped by the Shenxiao faction. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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