MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 160 0 Xiaosheng wants to stand on the 3rd list

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Yin Si's killer is famous all over the world, but no one knows where Yin Si is.

At that time, in a mysterious place, the lord of Yin Si, the Great Emperor Fengdu, sat high on the throne, with long hair covering his body and wearing a black dragon emperor robe.

Below, King Yama, the head of the Ten Halls of Yama, said: "Emperor, this time, due to the incident of King Ning Zhu Chenhao, our Yin Division has damaged two first-rank warriors from the Central Ghost Emperor, King Chu Jiang, and the three Lords of Hell and four second-rank warriors. , there are ten third-rank grandmasters and pseudo-grandmasters such as the ghost kings, and there are nearly a hundred killers below the third-rank..."

As the first person under the Ghost Emperor Fengdu of Yin Si, King Yama knew the whole matter of the Yin Si well, and carefully told the Ghost Emperor of Fengdu about the loss this time.

After King Yama finished speaking, he stood there, waiting for the order of the Fengdu Ghost Emperor.

Da da da,

Fengdu Ghost Emperor sat quietly on the throne, tapped his fingers on the armrest, listened carefully, and did not express any opinion on what King Yama said, as if these losses were not worth mentioning.

After a long while, Fengdu Ghost Emperor said slowly: "The remnants of the Ming Shu are about to be born, you send someone to bring them back. As for other matters, put it on hold for the time being, and everything will take this matter first."

"Yes!" King Yama didn't have any doubts. The words of the Great Emperor Fengdu in the Yin Division were the imperial decree, even more useful than the imperial decree, and no one was allowed to violate it.

Since the Great Emperor opened his mouth, bringing back the incomplete pages of the Ming Shu is the first priority of the Yin Si.

Meanwhile, Northwest Road.

After listening to his disciple, Yu Yiyao, the saint of Maitreya Sect, saying the latest news, he said decisively, "Tell them, start packing up and prepare to evacuate."

With Zhao Baiyang's wisdom, he understood that this time the Maitreya Sect started a riot in the Northwest Road just to serve as a cover for Yangzhou's King Ning Zhu Chenhao.

Even if the Maitreya Sect had other ideas, the foundation of everything was based on the fact that Zhu Chenhao drew the main attention of the Ming court to act. In general, the real main force still depends on Zhu Chenhao's actions.

But now that Zhu Chenhao's side has failed, no matter how it fails, the situation in Yangzhou will naturally calm down soon.

Then the Northwest Road will really attract all the attention of the Ming Dynasty, which is doomed to the failure of their plan, and it is difficult to have any chance of success.

"Yes, Master." Yu Yiyao took the order.

She admires her master's wisdom very much, and naturally trusts Master's analysis of the situation.

But she still asked: "Master, what about the others?"

The other people she was talking about, of course, was referring to those who rose along with the turbulent currents and attached themselves to their Maitreya Sect who wanted to take advantage of the fire.

"Others?" A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhao Baiyang's mouth: "Someone must be responsible for this matter, if we don't keep them, then the Ming Dynasty will definitely bite us, you

Understand? "

This time, the chaos caused by the Northwest Road was not small. If Maitreya Sect wanted to retreat, he naturally had to leave behind some people to block the sword.

Since these people joined in with the intention of taking advantage of the fire, they must realize that something is imminent and they will die.

"The disciple knows what to do." Yu Yiyao smiled and nodded, then left slowly.

Zhao Baiyang looked at the sky in the distance, with a smile on his lips, and said to himself: "Pei Xuanjing, you are making me more and more curious. Are you really the kind of person who has the world in your heart? I am looking forward to it, if one day, There is a conflict between the world in your eyes and the longevity you seek, how will you choose?"

It has to be said that even if he has only met Pei Xuanjing once, combined with the news sent by Yu Yiyao, Zhao Baiyang really understood the purpose of Pei Xuanjing's action this time.

Surprisingly, he was not surprised by Pei Xuanjing's behavior that surprised many people, but seemed to understand it very well.


In the inn, Bai Xiaosheng laughed: "We don't have to tout each other here anymore. I came here today because there is something I want to share with Brother Pei."

"Huh?" Pei Xuanjing raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "What's the matter?"

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Heaven and earth are about to recover, and the next world will be a turbulent era, so I want to set up three lists to record the world's heroes."

According to Bai Xiaosheng's idea, in the next time, after the recovery of heaven and earth, countless heroes will rise, and the old forces will be broken. He wants to set up three lists to record these Ranking of heroes.

"Three lists? Which three lists?" Pei Xuanjing said with interest.

As the saying goes, there is no first place in literature, and no second in martial arts.

He has been in this world for so long, but he has never heard of any rankings. Now that Bai Xiaosheng mentions it, he is a little interested.

Bai Xiaosheng said slowly: "The three lists are named: Qianlong List, Fengyun List, and Supreme List."

"I would like to hear the details." Pei Xuanjing motioned.

"The Qianlong List is tentatively selected for a total of 108, which is equal to the number of heaven and earth. It means that the younger generation above the rivers and lakes has the dragon of the hidden Anyone under the age of 30 , Rank 3 and below, all can enter the list.”

"The wind and cloud list is tentatively selected for forty-nine people, which means that the world's wind and clouds are my generation. There is no age limit for the people on the list, no martial arts. Only in terms of the influence of what they do in the arena, this list is the third Every year."

"The Supreme List is tentatively set to be eighteen, and those on the list are the Supremes of Jianghu, who have the power to influence the power structure of Jianghu."

The three lists almost include all heroes in the world, which shows Bai Xiaosheng's arrogance.

Pei Xuanjing asked, "Brother Bai's plan is extremely arrogant, and I am afraid that the entire river and lake will be turbulent because of these three lists in the future."

He thought to himself, I'm afraid Bai Xiaosheng has not been planning this for a day or two.

Most of the warriors are very competitive. Now that there is a list, I am afraid that the warriors in this world will compete to make a name for themselves.

Bai Xiaosheng said a little embarrassedly: "I want to make Brother Pei the leader of the rankings. This time I use the name of Brother Pei for my use, so I came to let Brother Pei know."

Originally, from Bai Xiaosheng's standpoint, it was fine even if he didn't tell Pei Xuanjing, but for the sake of the friendship between the two, he decided to take the initiative to inform them. After all, it could not affect the cooperation between the two parties.

"Me, the leader of the list? I'm afraid it's too much of a name?" Pei Xuanjing was a little surprised.

Bai Xiaosheng looked at Pei Xuanjing's expression, shook his head and said, "Among the martial arts in the world today, in the past ten years, Brother Pei has been the most popular person. This is not a false statement."

Pei Xuanjing was stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, according to what Bai Xiaosheng said, there really seems to be nothing wrong. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!