MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 84 The domineering Jiang Bin

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Seeing these people pounce on them like a cat asking for a fishy smell, how could Lin Qingyi bear it?

He flicked his sleeve robe and said coldly: "Impossible, this is the person I caught by Jin Yiwei, how could it be handed over to you, don't even think about it."

In the case of the sinister killer, which side did not have.

This is the person that Jin Yiwei took a lot of energy to win, and for this, he owes Pei Xuanjing a lot of favor, how could he easily let him out.

You must know that this has something to do with the previous case of Pei Xuanjing's assassination. The emperor and the court officials paid great attention to this case. It can be said to be a great contribution.

He Lin Qingyi also hoped to take this opportunity to remove the sub-word on his head, and then take the opportunity to exchange resources for promotion.

Hearing Lin Qingyi's unhesitating refusal, the scene suddenly turned cold.

"Jin Yiwei is getting more and more domineering." A sarcastic voice came out.

The person who spoke was another **** next to Zha Xiaobo who was dressed almost in the same way.

The person who spoke was Lian Feiwen. He was one of the stall leaders of the East Factory. He was trusted by Zhang Yong, the director of the East Factory. He was also a third-grade master.

And different from the embarrassing position of the West Factory, the East Factory has no concessions in the face of Jin Yiwei.

Jin Yiwei said that he was the leader of the two factories and one guard, and felt that the two factories were suppressed, but the East Factory did not recognize this.

The director of the East Factory is now the **** of the Si Lijian, who is now known as the internal minister. He ranks first in the Slijian. With the addition of the Admiral Dongchang, his position is almost as high as that of the commander of Jinyiwei.

So Lian Feiwen spoke in a sarcastic tone, and didn't care what Lin Qingyi thought.

Hearing this, the expressions of all the Jin Yiwei present changed, and the grumpy White Tiger took a step forward, his aura exploded.

However, Lian Feiwen turned a deaf ear to the threat of the white tiger, so what about the third-grade master.

Me too!

Lian Feiwen's true energy flowed and his blood was full of energy, which was **** for tat with the aura emanating from the white tiger.

But at this moment, a loud and rich voice came from a distance.

"Even if Jin Yiwei is domineering, so what?"

Everyone looked at the prestige, and saw the appearance of Jiang Bin, the commander of Jin Yiwei, dressed in flying fish clothes and embroidered spring knives. Obviously, that sentence was what he said.

"I have seen Mr. Xianshi." All the Jinyiwei bowed to greet him.

And the three parties that were originally surrounded by them unconsciously made way for Jiang Bin.

Lian Feiwen and Baihu restrained their momentum very tacitly.

Lian Feiwen, Fu Changge, and Zha Xiaobo also clasped their fists at the same time, "I have seen Mr. Jiang."

Not to mention that Jiang Bin's official rank is the highest among all, and the other party is also a popular person beside the emperor.

So even if he is arrogant like practicing Feiwen, he will not be arrogant in front of Jiang Bin. Because the other party is on the same level as the director of the East Factory.

Jiang Bin nodded slightly, and when he walked past Lian Feiwen, he glanced at him casually, and then walked past him as if he didn't see it.

Perhaps other third-grade masters would also respect Jiang Bin, but he did not pay attention to the people of these two factories, even if they were third-grade masters.

He took a few steps to Lin Qingyi and others, and nodded to Lin Qingyi, Qinglong and others, "You have worked hard."

"Thank you very much for your concern, the responsibilities of a lowly position, everything is due." Lin Qingyi and others replied respectfully.

Pei Xuanjing also bowed his hands slightly at this time, "Mr. Jiang."

A warm smile appeared on Jiang Bin's face, "Brother Pei has worked hard. I have just heard the report from my subordinates. If it wasn't for Brother Pei's strong help this time, I, Jiang, would have been embarrassed."

Pei Xuanjing smiled and waved his hand, "Mr. Jiang is very polite, not to mention that this matter has something to do with me in the first place, and the relationship between me and Brother Lin naturally cannot be ignored."

Pei Xuanjing did not return the favor, but secretly gave Lin Qingyi a hug.

Sure enough, Lin Qingyi cast a grateful look at Pei Xuanjing. He thought to himself that he was right in holding his thigh this time, and Brother Pei really was a person who values ​​love and justice.

And many people present also cast envious glances at Lin Qingyi. After all, being able to form a friendship with a second-rank warrior who is still so young, and the other party can still speak kindly in front of Jiang Bin, no doubt makes them want to replace their bodies. .

Sure enough, Jiang Bin would not let Pei Xuanjing's words fall into the void. He immediately made some vague promises. He looked at Lin Qingyi and the others: "You have made good command of this time, and I will naturally not ignore his credit."

Then he said to Pei Xuanjing, "Of course, we Jinyiwei will not treat our friends badly. This time, Brother Pei will help us, and we Jinyiwei will have a big reward."

The intention to win over in his words was not concealed in the slightest, but everyone present, whether it was the East or West Factory or Fu Changge of Six Gates, did not despise it, but felt it was right.

After all, most of the time, first-rank warriors are used to suppress all parties. Second-rank warriors are already extremely powerful beings. It is very hopeful for all parties to be able to win over a second-rank warrior.~www.novelbuddy. com~ Even if it wasn't for the wrong occasion today, both Fu Changge and the people from the East and West factories would cast an olive branch on Pei Xuanjing to show their intention to win over. .

Pei Xuanjing cupped his hands and expressed his gratitude, "Mr. Jiang is very polite."

Jiang Bin nodded, and did not continue to dwell on this matter.

He turned to face the three parties and said, "Let's leave today's business! I'll take it back to Jinyiwei Prison. If you don't agree, you can ask your superintendent and chief arrester to ask me for someone."

Such domineering and arrogant words, but unexpectedly, the three parties did not have any meaning, but they honestly retreated.

It can be said to be domineering and overbearing.

However, Jin Yiwei's people took it for granted, and there was nothing strange about it.

Jiang Bin also seemed to have done something trivial, without any accident.

Pei Xuanjing was stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted. He remembered what Gu Ji said to him. This was Gu Ji's admonition after he learned that he and Jiang Bin had a relationship:

Although Jiang Bin treats you modestly, he seems very friendly, and has been showing his favor to win over you. But you must remember, you must be on guard, and don't be fooled by the appearance of the other party.

He is the emperor's confidant and a vicious dog kept by the emperor. Even if there is a moment of kindness and humility, he is the vicious dog after all. His loyalty and submission will always only be for the emperor, and for the rest, as long as the emperor needs him, he will bite without hesitation. .

At this moment, Pei Xuanjing somewhat agreed with Gu Ji's words, and also had some understanding of Jiang Bin's true colors.

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