MTL - The Sims: I Create a Fairy Way For All Beings-Chapter 99 don't be sneaky

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Remember [New] for a second,! After having this idea, Pei Xuanjing also understood why a warrior like Qing Yangzi chose to leave the court after breaking through the first-rank realm.

But unfortunately, Jiang Bin himself is a member of the bureaucracy, so naturally he will not allow this kind of thing to happen.

Without the help of the other party, it is not so easy for Pei Xuanjing to easily lead out Qian Ning.

After all, there are warriors who are not inferior to him in Tiandu City. Although Pei Xuanjing is not afraid, he can't kill them all, and there is no way to kill them and then escape.

Seeing that Pei Xuanjing temporarily put this matter on hold, Jiang Bin put his heart down, and he finally knew why those people were so apprehensive when dealing with first-rank warriors.

Martial artist, after reaching this state, the so-called thousand army is easy to defeat, and ten thousand husbands are not defeated. It is no longer a lie.

Except for the warriors of the same realm, they are also difficult to be restrained by any, and no one can restrain them.

"Since Brother Pei disagrees, then think of other ways." Jiang Bin finally compromised.

In any case, Jiang Bin was unwilling to let Pei Xuanjing take such a shot.

Pei Xuanjing was noncommittal about this. He was infuriated, and the letterhead in his hand ignited spontaneously without wind, turning into fly ash and leaving.

To be honest, now that he has murderous intentions towards Qian Ning in his heart, he thinks in his heart that if Jiang Bin really can't bring down the opponent, then he will definitely take action and no longer give the opponent a chance to survive.

"Brother Jiang, I want to know the origin of that father-in-law." Pei Xuanjing said suddenly.

Although the other party is a eunuch, as a first-rank martial artist, there is still some respect that should be given.

He is also very curious about the identity of this old eunuch. Although the two have not yet fought, he can feel that the other party's strength should not be bad, but it seems that due to the age, his blood is a little degraded.

"Which father-in-law? You're talking about the one next to His Majesty." Jiang Bin reacted at first, and then understood who Pei Xuanjing was talking about.

"That one's name is Wang Zhi. Have you ever heard of that name?" Since the other party asked, he didn't hide it. After all, even if he didn't say it, someone would say it.

"It was him!"

Pei Xuanjing was a little unfamiliar when he heard this name, and felt a little familiar.

I only heard Jiang Bin tell the other party's origins. This old eunuch's name is Wang Zhi. He has been in the palace for a long time. As early as when Emperor Xianzong was approaching the court, he had already appeared in the palace. Because he was valued by a noble concubine, he has since Step into the sky.

The other party went from an ordinary little **** to a high position step by step, and because of his outstanding martial arts talent, he was highly valued by the emperor.

Even because of the merits, the commander-in-chief of the heavens and the army was elite, breaking the precedent of the internal ministers in charge of the forbidden army.

Later, with the death of Emperor Xianzong, the other party began to hide in the palace, worshipped as the royal family, protected the safety of the emperor, and was deeply trusted and valued by successive emperors.

"This one is also the founder of the West Factory, and the other is the first director of the West Factory.

"Jiang Bin said with some deep meaning.

It is precisely because of the existence of this Wang Zhi that the West Factory, which should have been abolished because of the chaos many years ago, has survived. It can be seen that the emperor has a lot of trust in him.

But these are just some of the other party's experiences. The most important point is that the other party has lived for about three and a half Jiazi since Emperor Xianzong.

"Three and a half Jiazi, more than two hundred years, what a long time!" Pei Xuanjing couldn't help sighing.

More than two hundred years, in terms of previous life, it has been two centuries.

A person's life can reach two centuries. For Pei Xuanjing in his previous life, he was no less than a fairy.

Martial arts practice, the rebirth of the third-rank realm, is extraordinary, not only the transformation of strength, but also the change of the essence of life.

The lifespan of a third-rank martial artist is two Jiazi, and if you break through to the second-rank martial artist realm, you will have three Jiazi. As for breaking through to a first-rank martial artist, you can live four Jiazi if there is no accident.

Of course, the warriors are constantly fighting, and most warriors may not really be able to live that long because of the dark wounds left in the struggle and cultivation.

"Yeah, it's enviable." Jiang Bin also sighed, but thinking of this, he looked at Pei Xuanjing with envious eyes.

Wang Zhi is enviable, but Pei Xuanjing in front of him is even better than the other party!

The opponent's breakthrough of the second-rank realm at the age of less than twenty-four surprised many people, and when he showed the strength to kill a first-rank warrior, it was even more shocking.

Generally speaking, the lifespan of a second-rank martial artist is three Jiazi. Even if Pei Xuanjing, who is now in his twenties, has stagnated his strength, he will be able to shock the Quartet in the next hundred years. I am afraid it will only be in the last few decades. , When the body is old and the blood is weakened, his deterrent will be reduced.

However, for such a young second-rank martial artist, will his future really stop here?

I'm afraid no one would believe that Pei Xuanjing would be so silent.

At least Jiang Bin was the first to not believe it.

He was even guessing that, with the talent of the other party, he would not be able to step into the first-rank realm before the age of thirty.

At that time, compared to those 'predecessors' who were at least one jizi faster to enter the realm of 1st rank, what kind of strength would Pei Xuanjing have, and could he really be comparable to the original Sanfeng Patriarch, who overwhelmed the world, and the lonely moon volleyed into the sky!

Everything is unknown.

Everything in the future is unknown, but at least the strength displayed by Pei Xuanjing now has made everyone look at him.

Of course, some people want to see Pei Xuanjing's growth, but there are also people who don't want to see Pei Xuanjing's breakthrough.

Perhaps, someone was already conspiring to kill this hope when he broke through.

At that time, I am afraid it will be an unpredictable storm!

Thinking of this, Jiang Bin couldn't help but reminded: "Brother Pei, you'd better be more careful today."

Pei Xuanjing smiled lightly, "Brother Jiang, have you heard any news?"

With Jin Yiwei's hands and eyes reaching the sky, he must have gotten some news, otherwise Jiang Bin would not be like this.

"Someone from Yinsi is coming towards Xuanfu and seems to want to kill you." Jiang Bin spoke slowly.

"Oh!" Pei Xuanjing's face was cold, he hadn't asked Yin Si for trouble yet, but he didn't expect Yin Si to dare to come to seek his own bad luck.

"It seems that the characters sent by Yin Si this time are very powerful!" Pei Xuanjing thought.

Jiang Bin nodded, "It is rumored that one of the five ghost emperors of the Yin Si went out of the customs and brought people here in person."

Pei Xuanjing nodded: "No wonder."

"So you have to be careful. It's best not to go out alone these days," Jiang Bin reminded.

"Sir!" Lin Qingyi walked over quickly from a distance, and said softly, "I just received the news, Your Majesty has summoned, and let the adults see you quickly."

Hearing the emperor's call, Jiang Bin naturally no longer delayed. He bowed to Pei Xuanjing: "I'll be here today. Brother Pei will return together."

"No need. Since His Majesty has summoned him, Brother Jiang should not delay. As for me, I would like to take another look at this wonderful river and mountain." Pei Xuanjing declined.

Jiang Bin nodded, and didn't say much about returning with the others.

Pei Xuanjing stood alone on the top of the mountain, with his hands behind his back, looking from afar, his face was calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

I don't know how long it took, Pei Xuanjing retracted his gaze, turned around, and said:

"Since you're here, don't be sneaky."

As Pei Xuanjing's voice fell, five figures appeared a hundred meters away.
