MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 108 It's the sound of the grass growing on my head

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Ran Dongling was walking forward, but because Qiu Ci stopped, he had to stop, seeing that he didn't move for a long time, and urged him.

"Brother Qiuci, what are you thinking, let's go."

Qiu Ci shook his head, he can't leave now, under this embarrassment, he is still lucky - fortunately they are in the suburbs now, if it is in the city center, then he...

Life passes quickly, and it is not impossible to live in another place.

He stared at the umbrella bone on his head, thinking about how he could take off the red belly pocket without others noticing.

Nowadays, there are not many passers-by and pedestrians, they have seen everything they have seen.

One pulled over Ran Dongling, Qiu Ci settled him on the wall beside the shop, walked over, then closed the umbrella at lightning speed, and touched it on the top of the umbrella Block red belly pocket.

Ran Dongling frowned, looked at the red apron in Qiu Ci's hand, and asked him sharply: "Brother Qiu Ci, why do you hang the apron on the umbrella, it's all wet, and the baby can't wore!"


Chou Ci looked at his puffed-up look and really wanted to ask him why, the red belly pocket appeared on the umbrella.

"I'll tell you when I get home." His implication - I'll settle the account with you when I get home.

Because Qiu Ci hung the baby's red bellyband on the umbrella, and didn't tell him the reason, Ran Dongling was angry and unhappy, thinking that Qiu Ci had a problem with his mind, and didn't want to go shopping with him.

"I want to go home." His implication - I want to go home and tell Grandpa!

This is exactly the meaning of Qiu Ci, he freed one hand to call the driver, the phone has not been connected, Qiu Ci hangs up directly.

In less than a minute, Ran Dongling miraculously saw a familiar car appear and stop in front of them.

"What a coincidence, uncle driver, did you just pass this way, so as soon as brother Qiu Ci called you, you came over." As soon as he got in the car, Ran Dongling lay on the back of the seat, Ask the driver in front.

The driver was taken aback by his question, shook his head at Qiu Ci in the rearview mirror, and echoed him with a haha, "Yes, it's a coincidence, as soon as the second young master called me, I Seeing you in front, isn't this coming?"

"Oh, let's go back then."

There was a pregnant woman in the car, the driver did not dare to drive fast, the car drove slowly on the road, no one spoke in the car, and it fell into silence.

"Are you hungry, have something to eat?" Qiu Ci took out a bowl of sweet porridge from the small incubator in the car, stirred it to dissipate the heat, and asked.

Ran Dongling was still angry, he heard the words and snorted, but his eyes looked uncontrollably at the sweet porridge in his hand.

Chou Ci looked at his changeable expression, and thought how could he be so cute, the corner of his mouth tickled, he consciously picked up the spoon to feed the porridge.

Enjoyed the service of a special person, Ran Dongling finished eating the porridge and put it on Qiu Ci, his eyes began to roll, and a ghost idea came to his mind.

He still has to sue his grandfather, but he can sue at any time, but it doesn't come out every day.

"Uncle driver, take me to Brother Xiao An's house, and then take Brother Qiu Ci back."

This time, without looking in the rearview mirror, the driver can perceive the meaning of the words of hatred from the sudden drop in temperature around him.

"Hehe, this... or let the second young master accompany you."

"I was arguing with him."

While talking about the quarrel, he put a sticker on Qiu Ci. The driver didn't see that they were arguing, only that Ran Dongling, a clingy spirit, really wanted Qiu Ci to accompany him.

The driver smiled dryly, but he didn't really send his revenge back, but sent them both to the door of Xiu Zhi'an's house.

Because it was a temporary visit, Ran Dongling was worried that there was no one at Xiao An's house, so he and Qiu Ci stood in front of the door and rang the doorbell.

Jingle Bells—

Only Xiu Zhi'an was at home. He was adjusting the oven time, thinking that Chen Yao, a foolish person, forgot to bring his key, and angrily went over to open the door for him.

"Chen Yao, you... are Qiu Ci and Xiaoling, why are you here?" Xiu Zhi'an put away the words he wanted to scold and replaced them with a happy question.

Since the last time I went to the hospital to see Ran Dongling, the two have not seen each other for almost a month. A feeling of relief.

"Brother Xiao An, I miss you so much." Ran Dongling jumped into his arms and hugged him, rubbing against him like a kitten.

Xiu Zhian felt that something was pressing against him, but he didn't react, and he was soft-hearted, raised his hand and rubbed the back of his head, seeing Qiu Ci's stinky face , burst out laughing.

"Come in first, I'm baking cookies, I'll give you a taste of the freshly baked ones."

Xiu Zhian asked them to sit for a while, and he went to put the second batch of cookies in the oven and they came out.

Ran Dongling couldn't wait, he dragged Qiu Ci to wander around the lobby on the first floor, and saw the familiar black cloth, the black cloth used to build the myna's cage.

The black cloth was only half covered, and the other half was lifted up, revealing the starling standing inside.

Seeing mynah again, Ran Dongling's mood is completely different from that at the beginning. At first, he was annoyed by mynah, but now I look at it, but I think this bird is still so stupid, stupid and cute.

Sure enough, it's either my bird or my peace of mind.

"Hello." Myna didn't know him for a long time, and when he saw a stranger at this time, he said the same opening remarks.

"Hello." Ran Dongling also greeted him, and made a grinning face at the starling, "Slightly!"

"Slightly." Starling tilted his head, imitating his voice.

After playing with myna for a while, Xiu Zhian also baked cookies and came out to chat with them.

The three of them were sitting on the sofa in the living room. Chen Mao appeared out of nowhere and squatted in the corner of the sofa to watch them.


"It's Mao Chen, I haven't seen you for a long time, meow, come here." Ran Dongling beckoned to it.

Chen Mao walked out gracefully, and when he walked in front of Ran Dongling, he raised his paws and fell on him, and was picked up by Qiu Ci.

"I'll hold it." The cat's claws were sharp, he was afraid that Ran Dongling would play with Mao Chen, and the cat's claws would not have eyes.

Chen Mao was hugged by him and did not struggle, but kept his eyes on Ran Dongling's belly, then lightly bit Qiu Ci's arm, meowing at Ran Dongling's belly, motioning him to Move over yourself.

Qiao Ci ignored it and touched the fur on its body twice, it was smooth and smooth.

"Meow Meow Meow!" Chen Mao was very dissatisfied with the human who was holding him and scolded him with Meow Meow.

"Why did you suddenly think of coming to me today?" Xiu Zhian asked the doubts just now.

"I went to the hospital with brother Qiuci today to see the baby, and then I quarreled with brother Qiuci on the road. I didn't want to go home, so I came to play with you." Because of the intermediate consequences, it is all said.

This sentence contains a lot of information, Xiu Zhian didn't know what he meant by looking at the baby, nor why he and Qiu Ci quarreled and came together, let alone return What is the relationship between home and playing with him?

He smiled and asked a question, "Baby? Who gave birth to the baby?"

"It's my baby, little Ang, I have a baby." Afraid that Xiu Zhi'an would not believe him like the netizens, Ran Dongling also took Xiu Zhi'an's hand and gently placed herself on it. stomach.


"Chou, Qiu Ci?" He looked at Qiu Ci in disbelief, not understanding what Ran Dongling meant.

The haters on the side are used to this kind of divine manipulation. Xiu Zhian is Ran Dongling's good friend, and she can't hide her belly, so it's okay to tell Xiu Zhian.

"Well, he's pregnant."

No matter how calm Xiu Zhian is, he needs a little time now to re-examine his worldview.

Chen Mao moved from Qiu Ci's arms to Xiu Zhi'an's arms, her back was being patted back and forth, just when it was about to be bald, Xiu Zhi'an finally recovered from the shock Come back to your senses.

"I baked the biscuits with coffee powder, so please don't give them to Xiaoling. I will bake some milk biscuits next time."

"Okay, let's put dried raspberries!" The dried raspberries called raspberries are sweet and sour and delicious.

Ran Dongling had just eaten sweet porridge, but now he is not greedy. He also knows that he has a baby, and many foods cannot be eaten as before.

Jingle Bells—

The doorbell rang again, this time it was none other than Chen Yao, who forgot to bring his key.

"It should be Chen Yao, I'll open the door." Xiu Zhian put down Mao Chen and was about to stand up.

"I'll go." Qiu Ci took a step faster than him, stood up and walked towards the hall.

Chen Mao was not held by anyone, so he got close to Ran Dongling, sniffed his stomach with his little nose, and put his head up.

Looking at Chen Mao's movements, Xiu Zhi calmly asked, "Xiao Ling, can I listen?"

"Of course you can." Ran Dongling nodded and made room for him on his stomach.

When my sister-in-law was pregnant, he often leaned on her belly and listened to what the baby was doing.

Qiu Ci and Chen Yao walked in and saw this scene.

Xiu Zhian half-knelt on the ground, resting her head on Ran Dongling's belly, Chen Mao followed his movements, one person and one cat were listening to what the baby was doing.

Ran Dongling asked him, "Brother An, did you hear anything?"

Xiu Zhi listened attentively, and heard nothing but the sound of his nervous heart. He told the truth, "I only heard the sound of dong dong."

"What is the sound of dong dong?" Ran Dongling didn't understand.

"It's the sound of the grass growing on my head."

Chen Yao's eerie voice sounded behind him.

Read The Duke's Passion