MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 52 Together;

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Cat ears are cute decorations for Ran Dongling, but not for Qiu Ci.

Ran Dongling gave birth to a very beautiful face, which was amazing and inspiring, but he didn't know it.

He doesn't know how attractive his beauty is to a man.

"Brother Qiuci, I'm your kitty now." He didn't perceive the danger of the people around him, and was just learning to play with cats.

Qiu Ci's breathing began to become heavy, and his five fingers clenched into fists, suppressing the heat in his heart.

"The very cute." He walked over and touched the cat's ears, which were very soft.

Hearing Qiu Ci complimenting him on his cuteness, Ran Dongling liked this cat ear headband even more. He bought the cat ear headband and even wanted to wear it directly, but was stopped by Qiu Ci. .

"You can't wear a hat if you have ears."

The wind was blowing outside, and it looked very cold.

Qiu Ci took him to a nearby Chinese restaurant. The restaurant was a restaurant he had looked forward to in advance, and all the dishes in it were pure Chinese food.

Ran Dongling is not used to eating Western food abroad, and always feels that the bread is not as full as rice, and she wants to eat rice every day.

They walked along an avenue in the cold wind and came to a Chinese restaurant with two big red lanterns hanging in front of the door.

The decoration of the restaurant is very simple, but there are many small objects, such as lucky cats, fortune trees, transfer stones, big koi, the most conspicuous is the empty space in the hall for the statue of the God of Wealth .

The tables in the restaurant are also different from those in ordinary restaurants. Each table is covered with a transparent glass, and under the glass are the menu and two pieces of red paper.

A piece of red paper reads: Fortunes are rolling in my pocket;

Qiu Ci looked down at the menu, checked a few dishes, and asked him, "Is there anything you want to eat? Let's take a look."

Ran Dongling took over the menu, he liked all the dishes that brother Qiu Ci had checked, and from the beginning to the end, he ordered another brown sugar dumpling.

When the uncle saw that they had finished ordering, he came over to receive the menu, and saw Qiu Ci's face when he took off his mask.

"Always You" is only popular in China. Uncle is in S country. He doesn't pay attention to domestic entertainment news, and he has never watched the variety show "Always You". He only watched Qiu Ciyan movie, that's how he recognized him.

"Yo, you're the star who made the movie, what's your name, Qiu Ci? You're quite famous in China, right?"

Besides them, there was only a foreign couple in the restaurant. They didn't understand Chinese, and they weren't afraid of being secretly filmed and overheard.

Qiu Ci nodded lightly without thinking about hiding it.

The uncle was surprised for a while after seeing the world. Seeing that Ran Dongling beside him was also very good-looking, he asked him: "Is he your brother?"

Chou Ci: "It's my lover."

He was a big star who came abroad and brought a partner. Uncle understood, he patted his chest and said.

"I understand, I understand, you are coming to play abroad, yes, you young people in China have to be chased and photographed by paparazzi fans, so uncomfortable. Don't be afraid, My old king is serious, I definitely won't say anything about it today."

Ran Dongling listened to their conversation, secretly observed the dress of the uncle, and saw that he was wearing a lot of gold rings and gold necklaces on his hands and necks, with the decoration in the store and the two pieces of red paper, it really was very nice rich look.

"Thank you, but it's okay, everyone knows it."

The back kitchen quickly cooked the dishes they ordered, and the uncle left voluntarily.

Each dish is freshly fried in a hot pot, and the taste of the dish is the same as the domestic stir-fry, very delicious.

Ran Dongling's Chinese stomach was satisfied, and he ate two bowls of rice in one go.

When they went to checkout, the uncle gave them a 15% discount, and then asked Qiu Ci, "Can you sign my name? I keep it for myself."

Qiu Ci rarely signs autographs for others, but he is in a good mood today and talks well about everything, so he signed his uncle.

Uncle saw Ran Dongling staring at him all the time, and asked him: "Well, if you hate him, do you want to sign your name and make a pair with him."

Ran Dongling didn't know much about star chasing culture, but he still wrote his name next to Qiu Ci's name, and the names of the two were side by side on a small card.

Uncle said it was his collection, and he did not use their signatures as a propaganda head, he pressed the card under the glass of the table.

Shortly after the recording of "Always You" ended, a fan came to S country to check in, happened to come to this Chinese restaurant, found this unexpected signature, was photographed and sent to Weibo, caused a small stir among fans.

On the way back, Ran Dongling was looking for something in the bag, suddenly raised her head and asked Qiu Ci, "Brother Qiu Ci, why don't you ask me why I didn't buy your gift."

I didn't buy it, then you can be my gift. Qiu Ci didn't say anything, and followed his words: "Why?"

Ran Dongling took out a small book from the bag, "Because I want to give you a surprise, I actually bought a gift from you, you can open it up and take a look."

The book is only the size of a palm, with a pencil attached, and the words "Wish Book" are engraved on the cover.

Ran Dongling is very proud, because he secretly bought him a gift in front of his elder brother Qiu Ci, and he has not found it yet.

"Brother Qiu Ci, this is a wish book, you can write your wish on it, and I will help you realize it."

He made so many wishes today, but brother Qiu Ci didn't make many wishes. It seems that it was also in the marriage temple. Only brother Qiu Ci didn't put up a wooden sign.

Brother Qiu Ci fulfills his wish every time, so he thinks that he will also help brother Qiu Ci realize his wish.

"Any wishes?" Qiu Ci asked him.

"Anything is fine, but I will only pick the wishes that I can achieve for you."

The vehicle was driving smoothly on the road, Qiu Ci picked up the pencil and wrote a sentence on the first page.

Ran Dongling leaned over to see what wish he had written and what was the first thing he had to do.

Be my bride.


Brother Qiu Ci was too anxious. They only said they were going to get married during the day.

But he just sent the wish book to Qi Qi, and the first wish cannot be fulfilled for him, so it doesn't look good.

"Brother Qiu Ci, write another wish."

Qiu Ci held the pencil and did not drop it for a long time, but Ran Dongling urged him to write his second wish.

Be my kitty tonight.

This is not easy.

Ran Dongling took out the cat ear headband directly from the bag and put it on.

"Brother Qiu Ci, meow—"

Qiu Ci's eyes darkened as he looked at him, he still didn't know what he was going to experience.

They returned to the castle and met Cheng Nuo on the way back to the room.

The cat ears on his head are so conspicuous that they can't be seen as fake ears from a distance.

Ran Dongling took out the gift she bought, "Brother Cheng Nuo, this is my gift to you and Sister Wanru."

Cheng Nuo was flattered, but he didn't expect him to go out to play and remember them, and he didn't know what he bought.

The gift was packed in a small box and looked small, Cheng Nuo asked him, "Can you open it and take a look?"


With permission, Cheng Nuo opened the box and saw a crystal ball with the word love inside.'s like something from a small commodity wholesale market.

His finger accidentally touched the button below, the crystal ball emitted colorful light, Cheng Nuo smiled, and closed the box the next second.

"Thank you Xiaoling, I like this gift very much, and I would like to say thank you for your sister Wanru."

After parting with Cheng Nuo, Qiu Ci accompanied him to deliver gifts to other guests. When it was delivered to Chen Yao and the others, no one answered the door.

He wanted to knock on the door again, Qiu Ci took his wrist.

To Ran Dongling's questioning eyes, Qiu Ci paused and explained, "They may have gone out, so I'll send them off tomorrow."

When they returned to the room, Ran Dongling just put down the bag when he heard the door behind him locked, his waist tightened, and Qiu Ci carried him to the middle cabinet beside the door.

Ran Dongling didn't react to anything, and dropped a kiss on the face.

After kissing, Qiu Ci released him a little and let him breathe.

"Do you know why you didn't knock on the door just now?" he whispered. "Guess what's going to happen on their wedding night?"

Ran Dongling was short of breath and her heart beat faster by this inexplicable kiss.

What will happen, of course...the bridal chamber is full of candles.

"Remember what I said during the day?"

Ran Dongling's mind is blank now, what did he say?

There was a little more weight on his head, and Qiu Ci touched the cat ears on the top of his head.

"Kitty, let's play a game."

It's only ten o'clock in the evening, playing games for a while before going to bed is just right, and playing games can relieve stress and relax your body and mind.

Ran Dongling has never played the game, not even an account, Qiu Ci helped him register an account, and explained the game content to him while opening the game.

The content of the game he talked about was boring, Ran Dongling didn't understand it at all, and he didn't want to understand it.

It doesn't matter if you don't want to listen, Qiu Ci told him, just follow him for a while.

Qiu Ci is very talented at playing games, and he is also a legendary money player. He first bought Ran Dongling's novice equipment, and after helping him change the equipment, he took him into the forest to fight monsters and upgrade.

There are low-level mobs in the forest. Qiu Ci instructs him on how to fight monsters. He can use skills or ordinary attacks.

If Ran Dongling defeats a monster, Ran Dongling can gain experience upgrades, but if he is defeated by a monster, he will lose his equipment.

The game has only just started, Ran Dongling is very good at playing games, he can't even beat the mobs, and there is no equipment left to lose after a few hits.

Equipment can be dropped, mobs must die.

Ran Dongling stabbed at the little monster with a long sword, and was swept by his tail.

He was defeated by the mobs again, and this time he lost even the long sword.

The novice equipment that Qiu Ci bought for him has all been lost.

Ran Dongling's sad tears fell straight down, she cried and was speechless, and she whimpered aggrievedly.

Chou Ci didn't know where he got so many tears, he took back the hand that was still playing the game, hugged him into his arms, and gently wiped his tears and coaxed him.

"Don't cry."

Ran Dongling was still aggrieved, and felt that the game Qiu Ci was looking for was not suitable for him, and it was too difficult, and he could not learn it at all.

He wanted to play another game, but was pulled back by Qiu Ci.

"I'll accompany you, okay?"


In the next game, with the addition of Qiu Ci, the mobs really played a lot easier, and they played the game until midnight.

Ran Dongling couldn't stand it anymore, his eyelids were heavy, he was about to go to sleep when he closed his eyes, and before going to bed, he heard Qiu Ci speak in his ear in a daze.

"Be good."


"I love you."

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