MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 57 you are pregnant?

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The room was quiet, and I woke up in the middle of the night with an inexplicable sense of emptiness.

He put his legs down, waited for his head to clear up a little, and got out of Qiu Ci's arms.

His eyes were in sync with his consciousness, he opened his eyes quickly, saw a figure sitting on the bed, his heart fell, and he asked him in a hoarse voice, "Why are you awake, are you hungry?"

In the evening, the program team arranged dinner. Qiu Ci saw that Ran Dongling was sleeping soundly, thinking that he could sleep until dawn, so he didn't ask him to get up to eat.

He woke up in the middle of the night.


Qiu Ci turned on the night light by the bed.

Now I can see the person on the bed clearly, Ran Dongling slept with messy hair, half-closed eyes, and a sleepy expression.

He slowly touched his belly, he didn't feel hungry, just felt that he was thirsty.

He said softly, "Brother Qiu Ci, I want to drink water."

The maid had warm water in each room, Qiu Ci got up and got out of bed to pour him water.

Ran Dongling took the cup, drank two glasses of water, and threw it back on the bed, closing her eyes and falling asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, it was already eight o'clock the next morning.

He was the only one on the bed, holding a pillow in his arms, and Qiu Ci had already got up and packed their luggage beside him.

There are many staff members who came to S country to record this time. The program team directly booked a flight back to China and returned to China with the guests.

Qiu Ci and the others have to go to a neighboring country to see Ran Dongling's mother, so they don't go back to the country first, they just take a plane there.

There are many people at the airport, and this show is broadcast live to let domestic fans know that they are in country S. I heard that some fanatical fans have chased them here.

In order not to reveal the itinerary to neighboring countries, they separated from the program group.

Hearing this news, Ran Dongling's half-eaten bread fell into the plate, hit the fork, and banged softly.

Why go to see his mother?

Ran Dongling pouted unhappily, feeling that brother Qiu Ci didn’t say anything, he promised himself not to meet his mother, but now he suddenly said that he was going, even bought the air ticket, and there were still two Airfare after hours.

He took Chouci's bread away, didn't let him eat it, and said with resentment: "Brother Chouci, do you remember what you promised me, if you lie, pigs will grow nose."

If deceiving people will grow pig noses, then there will be more than one hate speech.

Chou Ci: "Honey, let's meet. Your mother's lab is too busy, so you can only spare an hour to see us, we won't stay too long."

Ran Dongling is not happy, not even an hour, an hour is 60 minutes, 60 minutes is... He doesn't know how many seconds, it's a long time anyway.

He still lied to him that day, "Brother Qiuci, you lied, you grow a pig nose, I don't like you anymore."

Civil words: "…"

No way, Qiu Ci coaxed him in a low voice, but Ran Dongling still didn't want to go.

He was too soft to eat, so he had to be tougher. He took out the wishing book, turned to the fourth page, and wrote a line on it.

To be with Qiu Ci all day.

"Honey, can you grant me this wish?"

Looking at the words on the wishing book, Ran Dongling felt that this scene seemed familiar, as if two days ago...

The bread in his hand is divided into two, Qiu Ci, the bad guy!

Ran Dongling turned her anger at Qiu Ci into appetite, ate two portions of bread, and said, "One day is too long, I can only accompany you for an hour."

Chou Ci was afraid that he would choke on so much bread, so he gave him his milk to drink, "Okay, then you stay with me for an hour, and I will accompany you for the rest of the time."

Ran Dongling finished breakfast first, picked up the coat hanging on the side and put it on, then put his hand in his pocket, and found that the pocket that should have kept a letter was empty.

He grabbed with his left hand, grabbed with his right hand, and grabbed a cloud of air.

Strange, he clearly remembered that he put the letter in, how could it disappear?

I touched the coat from start to finish, and there was no sign of the envelope.

He ran to find Qiu Ci and said anxiously: "Brother Qiu Ci! The letter you gave me is gone!"

Qiu Ci lowered his eyes, showing a very puzzled expression, "Is the letter gone?"

After taking a few bites of the bread, he came over to help Ran Dongling find the letter together. The two of them rummaged through the packed luggage, but there was still no letter.

Ran Dongling lowered his head and thought, suddenly realized.

"I see, brother Chouci, I fell asleep in the car yesterday. The letter may have been dropped on the car. Let's go and ask the driver."

Qiu Ci asked the staff to ask the driver, the driver searched again and said that he could not find the letter in the car.

Strange, really weird.

Why did the letter suddenly disappear.

If it's not in the car, then there are two places, he grabbed Qiu Ci's sleeve and said to him, "Brother Qiu Ci, did he fall into the school? Or the castle? inside?"

The distance back to school is too long now, and they have to catch a plane to a neighboring country, so the time is short.

Chou Ci proposed a solution and comforted him by saying: "I asked the housekeeper to send someone to look for it in the castle. If we find it, we will come back after watching your mother to get it. Write a letter to you, okay?"

They are about to leave for the airport, and they really don't have time to find a letter now.

But it was a letter written to him by brother Qiu Ci, and he had to keep it well.

Ran Dongling nodded gloomily, "Well, if you can't find it, you have to write the exact same letter."

The distance between the two countries is not far, and the flight time is only one hour.

Ran Dongling felt that after drinking two glasses of juice on the plane and chatting with brother Qiu Ci, they went to another country.

Unlike the warm sun in winter in country S, the weather in neighboring countries is not good, the temperature is very low, and when I got off the plane, there was still light snow in the sky.

Qiu Ci read the weather forecast in advance, and when he was in the castle, he added two clothes to him and wrapped him tightly.

Chen Yun came to the airport to pick up the plane, paying attention to the people who came out. At first glance, he saw the tall and tall hatred in the crowd, and then the little bear cub next to him.

Ran Dongling was surprised to see Chen Yun here, thinking she was here to play.

"Sister Chen Yun!"

Chen Yun greeted him kindly, took their luggage from Qiu Ci, and told him that a car had been arranged outside waiting for them.

According to the address given by Li Yin, Qiu Ci took Ran Dongling to the door of a Chinese restaurant to wait for her.

Before their appointment, Ran Dongling stepped on the snow in front of the door and chatted with Qiu Ci.

"Brother Qiu Ci, you can talk a little bit more."

Qiu Ci knew what he was thinking, he was amused, and asked him: "What did I say?"

"I don't know, if my mother wants to ask me a question, you can help me answer it." He was also very smart and gave himself a reason, "This is a chance for you to behave in front of my mother ."

While they were talking, a woman came from a distance.

The woman was dressed simply, with her hair tied back casually, she was still on the phone when she came over, and didn't hang up until she walked in front of them.

Ran Dongling guessed that she should be his mother, and hid nervously behind Qiu Ci, trying to block herself with Qiu Ci.

Little did he know it was more obvious, Li Yin glanced at him and ignored it.

"Sorry, I'm a little busy in the lab. I'm five minutes late. I heard that he has been staying at your house since he returned to China. I didn't cause you any trouble."

"No, Ling'er is very good." Qiu Ci patted the little bear cub hiding behind him to comfort him.

"Ran Dongling." Li Yin called him by his first and last name.

Ran Dongling originally wanted to dress up as a silent puppet, just wait for an hour to pass.

Suddenly stopped by her, he opened his mouth, not knowing what Li Yin wanted to say to him, nor did he know what to say to Li Yin.

He had no choice but to come out from behind the hatred and call her obediently, "Mom."

Li Yin hummed and walked into the Chinese restaurant.

She ordered two dishes skillfully, and pushed the menu to them. Ran Dongling sat in front of Li Yin and did not dare to move, for fear of being seen by her, Qiu Ci read the menu and checked it. Two of Ran Dongling's favorite dishes.

While waiting for the dishes, Qiu Ci stated the purpose of this meeting.

"Linger and I plan to get married when we return to China."

Hearing this, Li Yin was stunned for a moment, remembering that Ran Dongling's birthday was December 30th, that is, tomorrow, he would be 20 years old.

He has reached the age of marriage for men in China and can indeed marry.

Li Yin: "Why so fast, is it what Qiu Zhenghao meant?"

She called Qiu Zhenghao's name directly, her tone was very flat, as if she was just saying the name of a stranger.

Qiu Ci didn't care, shook his head and said, "It's me, I want to marry him."

Ran Dongling whispered to help Qiu Ci and added: "Mom, because I received a bouquet, I and brother Qiu Ci are going to get married."

There is no necessary relationship between receiving a bouquet and getting married.

When Li Yin was thinking, his fingers habitually tapped the desktop.

"Forget it, he is an adult, what he wants to do is his own business, I won't interfere too much, you don't have to tell me when you get married, just tell the Ran family, the laboratory I'm too busy with work, I may not have time to go back."

Qiu Ci nodded and said, "You are his mother, and it is best to come on the wedding day."

Li Yin did not agree to him, the waiter brought the dishes, she skipped this topic.

"Let's eat first."

The fish-flavored eggplant in this Chinese restaurant is delicious, but the plate was placed on Li Yin's side, and Ran Dongling didn't dare to pick it up.

Qiu Ci acted naturally, and used the public chopsticks to hold a few chopsticks for him.

Li Yin felt strange when he saw him eating happily, "Ran Dongling, don't you like eggplant?"

She said that Ran Dongling didn't like eggplant before, but now Ran Dongling likes to eat it.

Qiu Ci interjected at the right time, "The eggplant made by the chef at home is delicious, even people who don't like eggplant can eat two more bites, and the taste will change with the person."

Whether Li Yinxin believed it or not, Ran Dongling dared not eat eggplant again.

A meal was eaten very quickly, mainly because Ran Dongling didn't move his chopsticks very much, and he said he was full after eating only half a bowl of rice.

After meeting and having dinner, Li Yin wanted to go back to the laboratory. Before going back, she proposed to have a few words with Ran Dongling alone.

Ran Dongling looked at Qiu Ci subconsciously.

Li Yin didn't give him a chance to refuse, "Tell my mother a few words, maybe the next time we meet, it will be a few years later."

He followed Li Yin to the side, and turned his head three times to see the Qiu Ci behind him.

Li Yin sneered, "You really like him."

Unable to hear what Li Yin meant, Ran Dongling nodded, "Brother Qiu Ci also likes me very much."

Although Ran Dongling didn't turn his arm inwards before, but Li Yin now sees his arm turning outwards, and his heart is faint.

"Does the enemy treat you well?"


"What about your uncle and the others? Have you troubled you? If you get married, stay away from them. The Ran family are not good people."

"Second uncle asked me for dinner once before, and my cousin scolded me, so I haven't been there."

"Aren't you going to scold you back?"

But he doesn't curse.

Ran Dongling didn't dare to say it, he tapped the floor with his toes and didn't speak.

Li Yin didn't know what to say about him.

When Ran Dongling was still here, they seldom communicated. She was busy with work. She worked overtime in the laboratory more than when she went home every month. Mother and son often did not see each other for a month. to several times.

She has no maternal love for Ran Dongling, only one responsibility. She promised Ran Jin that she would nurture him until he became an adult.

So she made a condition with Qiu Zhenghao that he should not have any contact with Qiu Ci before he was eighteen.

I don't know if this condition is useful or not.

Li Yin looked at him carefully, and found that Ran Dongling was much better-looking than before, not so depressing.

I am also fatter than before, and my taste is different from before. Qiu Ci still cares about him so much.

A thought came to mind, Li Yin probably knew why they were so anxious to get married.

She glanced at Ran Dongling's belly, he was wearing a lot of clothes today, and he couldn't see his waistline.

Ran Dongling was still looking down at the floor tiles, waiting for her to speak, and then heard Li Yin ask him.

"Are you pregnant?"

She asked so directly, Ran Dongling's face instantly turned red.

He replied nonchalantly: "Qiu, Qiu Ci said that I don't have it yet."

Not yet.

Li Yin suddenly felt that he was easy to deceive.

She told Ran Dongling as a mother.

"Don't be deceived by men, remember to wear a condom when going to bed with Qiu Ci."

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