MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 73 catch me!

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The audience below was silent for a few seconds, and began to whisper.

"What's that? Are those chips?"

"It's like potato chips, why did the potato chips come out? Damn... This is too embarrassing, my toes have already scratched two floors for him."

"Mr. Xu, is this... a special opening that you have prepared? It's quite innovative, and it can indeed attract the attention of the students to him."

"Why didn't Qiu Ci move or speak when he was up there?"

The three guests in the same class as Qiu Ci saw this scene and joined the whispering force.

Lu Lu asked cautiously: "It's so embarrassing...Is this the snack that Qiu Ci is going to prepare for Xiaoling? He was too full, did he forget that there is a speech today? thing."

Yu Han and Cheng Nuo looked at each other and looked puzzled in each other's eyes, "Is this Xiaoling's schoolbag? I even saw him packing snacks this morning."

Cheng Nuo also saw it, Ran Dongling was packing snacks in the room in the morning, the door of their room was open, and everyone who passed by could see that it should be Ran Dongling's schoolbag, but now it appears here .

Reconnect the line.

He looked up at the auditorium below, the whispering voices disappeared immediately, and his eyes returned to the podium.

Without a manuscript, Qiu Ci can also play on the spot, he adjusted the angle of the microphone and started his speech.

The embarrassing accident I had no reaction to the incident, and the teachers and students sitting below quickly entered a state of listening carefully.

Ran Dongling carried Qiu Ci's schoolbag to class 2 to find him, and found that the classroom of class 2 was empty and there was no one in it.

No, there is another person inside, Li Bai.

Li Bai didn't go to the key department to communicate, and stayed in the classroom to play with his mobile phone. He swiped a post and laughed out loud. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a person by the window, another "protagonist" of the post .

Li Bai just wanted to call him, but Ran Dongling ran faster than a rabbit and disappeared from the door.

Why are you running so fast, and he won't eat him, Li Bai also wanted to show Ran Dongling a post on the school forum.

The school forum was built privately by the seniors and sisters of a certain class, and there are also teachers who act as administrators. As long as they don't make some excessive remarks, the teachers will turn a blind eye.

Since the "Forever You" program group came to their school to record the program, new posts on the forum have grown by an astonishing triple digits every day, and the posts are also much taller than usual.

A few minutes ago, a new thread appeared in the forum.

[The moment of death: in front of the school leaders, "that" thing flew out of my school bag]

As long as the title is good, I am not afraid that the number of clicks will be small.

Many students clicked on the post with the idea of ​​wanting to see "that" thing. Every time they clicked, they would bring up the thing that Qiu Ci wanted others to forget.

Ran Dongling couldn't find anyone, so he returned to class one in despair, and found that his classmates were not looking at him right.

Ran Dongling: ? ?

A learning exchange took a whole morning, and it was not until after school at noon that Ran Dongling and Qiu Ci exchanged the schoolbag again. There are also a lot of snacks inside.

Unconsciously, today is Wednesday, and the school has a half-day break in the afternoon, so they can leave the school and go outside.

A half-day vacation is only a few hours. For students, these few hours can be enough to go out for a meal and go shopping.

For the guests, these few hours are a rare opportunity for them to touch freedom. They want to go out, but it is not easy to go out.

The program team came here to record the program. No one knew about it on the Internet for the first two days. Later, the information in the forum post was spread out. The door, but hiding around, but as soon as the guests go out, the cannon is aimed at them.

Since it's not easy to go out, let's stroll around the campus.

I heard from the students that there is a lover's forest behind this school, and there is a lover's bridge in it, and when you cross that bridge, it is the lover's stone. It is said that the name of the lover is written on the lover's stone, so that you can graduate They won't break up after that.

It's quite interesting, the guests want to go and see what this lover stone that can break the spell of graduation and breakup looks like.

When they passed the canteen, no one mentioned it, but they walked in in unison. Ran Dongling grabbed the hatred that he wanted to go forward, and pulled him into the canteen.

Chen Yao looked at the ice cream in the freezer and asked, "Do you want to eat popsicles? It's cool to have one in winter."

In winter, you have to eat hot soup. No one eats popsicles. Ran Dongling disagreed with what Chen Yao said. He followed Qiuqi to choose Oden, and when he looked back, he saw that everyone was picking popsicles in the freezer. He also ran over and picked one.

The ice lolly was frozen hard, Ran Dongling tore open the package, and a strawberry-flavored popsicle appeared in front of him. He stuck out his tongue and licked it up like an ice-cream.

The moment the tongue touched the popsicle, an inexplicable attraction stuck them together.


Ran Dongling tried to pull the popsicle out, but instead of pulling it apart, there was a tingling sensation on her tongue.


His tongue stuck to the popsicle and couldn't move!

Yu Han, who was closest to him, found his tongue stuck, laughed out loud, and took out his phone to take a picture.

"Come on, let's take a picture together."

"Xiao Ling, look at the camera."

Ran Dongling was still fighting with popsicles. Hearing the words, he stared blankly at the camera. Yu Han was quick to take a picture of his cute expression.

When he finished filming, Ran Dongling felt too tired to stick out his tongue all the time. He put the popsicle in his mouth, intending to let the popsicle melt by itself.

The popsicle will not melt for a while, and when Ran Dongling opened her mouth to pull the popsicle again, she found that even her lower lip was stuck.


This is a big deal!

Qiu Ci bought oden and picked out another rice ball to heat in the microwave. While waiting, he saw Ran Dongling running up to him with a popsicle and whimpering at himself.

"Woooooo, woohoo!" Ran Dongling's tongue was stuck on a popsicle, and he couldn't speak, so he could only gesture frantically at Qiu Ci with his right hand.

You can't lick popsicles directly in winter, probably only gluttonous children will forget this sentence.

He took Ran Dongling and the popsicles to flush the water, the water touched the popsicles and quickly melted.

When the popsicle was separated from the tongue, Ran Dongling sighed, just now the popsicle was stuck in his mouth, and he couldn't breathe.

The tongue and lips were also numb from the cold. He would not eat that popsicle again. Qiu Ci brought him a hot Oden and let him drink the hot soup first.

Ran Dongling lowered his head, like a kitten, drinking the soup little by little, Chen Yao and Yu Han sat beside him, as if not afraid of the cold, chewing the popsicles with their teeth , making a rattling sound.

They are annoying.

Ran Dongling didn't want to stay with them, got down from the chair and went to drink soup between Lan Wanru and Lu Lu, but they were also chewing popsicles, and there were crackling sounds everywhere.

The louder the sound of chewing the popsicle, the more Ran Dongling felt his tongue hurt.

Wait for them to eat something good, and then set off to the lover's forest. The lover's forest is very easy to find. The school has put up a sign outside the wood, which says the lover's forest. Below is a sentence written in small print: Walk forward 200 meters to the Lover's Bridge, cross the bridge and walk forward 150 meters to see the Lover's Stone.

Stopping and going all the way, when they came to a big rock with the school motto written on it, they suddenly felt cheated.

The stone is smooth, the school motto is written on the front, and the school song is written on the back. Where is the shadow of the lover's name, the guests are very suspicious that this legend is made up by the school to deceive the students.

The photographer worked conscientiously by the side, gave a close-up of the stone, and gave a close-up of the speechless expressions of the guests.

The sun was still out in the morning. When I came back in the afternoon, it was dark outside, and a strong wind was blowing.

The bear hat that Lin Yuan bought came in handy, and Ran Dongling wore that hat to go to school in the evening.

come out.

The little bear hat was pressed very low by Ran Dongling, completely covering his forehead. He also wore a red scarf around his neck, covering his chin, only revealing a pair of big eyes.

Whether from the camera or from a distance, it looks like a little bear wearing a red scarf.

Ran Dongling packed up quickly, he went out first and waited for others.

He stood in the corridor for a while and saw two boys playing a game of hugs, one of the boys ran to the other boy and jumped directly on him, the other boy was Holding each other with one hand, the two walked into the dormitory maintaining this movement.

Ran Dongling blinked, thoughtful.

When brother Qiu Ci comes out, he will also play this game with brother Qiu Ci.

He looked around, looking for a better way to run, then he walked over to the photographer and stood.

"Did you see it?" No one came out yet, and he chatted with the cameraman.

"What did you see?" The cameraman just took pictures of him, but he didn't notice the movements of the two boys.

"There were two boys hugging each other just now, I'll run over to hug my brother later and see if he can catch me!"

The cameraman was dragged down by him and wrote a 300-word review with tears. He pondered for a while, looked at the camera in the corridor, and thought, there should be no teachers in the dormitory, right? No one will come to catch puppy love, right?

He hadn't figured it out yet, the door of the A606 dormitory opened from inside, and Qiu Ci walked out.

Ran Dongling found the target and ran towards Qiu Ci like a small cannonball, shouting at him, "Brother Qiu Ci! Catch me later!"

Chou Ci watched a little bear cub running towards him, with a smile on his face, opened his hands to welcome the little bear cub.

This scene is very beautiful. Adding some music and special effects in the later stage must be a hot spot. The photographer quickly aimed the lens at them.

When she was about to run to Qiu Ci, Ran Dongling learned the same way as the boy just now and wanted to jump on him. , failed to jump up.

The expected scene did not happen, his feet were unstable, he knelt down and kowtowed to Qiu Ci.