MTL - The Squeamish Little Brother of the Actor-Chapter 86 Who can have children?

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Ran Dongling made psychological preparations for a long time and decided to confess to Qiu Ci before this secret was exposed by others.

Anyway, they are married now and have children. Even if Qiu Ci knows that he is a monster, he can only be with him in this life!

He was ruthless, he told the secret that had been held in his heart for a long time, and a slightly choked voice sounded in the dark room.

, and three older brothers, who also said that because he didn't listen to the third brother, he was too playful, and accidentally fell into the ice lake, and then said that as soon as he woke up, he entered this world, appeared in the hospital, and met Qiu Ci.

He said that after the two met in the hospital, they stopped talking, the stone in his heart fell, Ran Dongling couldn't hold back, and his emotions were exposed.

No one spoke for a while, except for Ran Dongling's low sobbing in the room.

I imagined under what circumstances I would know about this, but it was a bit sudden tonight. Qiu Ci felt that his mood after listening to it was calmer than he thought.

The story that Ran Dongling told was similar to what he had guessed, but it was from his own mouth, and the meaning was different, which meant that Ran Dongling began to trust him from the heart, and then told himself this matter .

"Well, I see." Qiu Ci gently patted his back to soothe his nervousness.

When he stopped crying, Qiu Ci asked him, "Does it hurt?"

"Does it hurt when you fall on the ice?"

After so long, Ran Dongling forgot the feeling of falling on the ice, it seemed to be a little painful, but at that time he couldn't care about the pain, he passed out as soon as it got dark.

Qiu Ci's performance was too bland, and asked him if it hurt to fall on the ice, which was completely different from what he imagined, Ran Dongling couldn't help reminding him.

"Brother Qiu Ci, I am a monster."

"You are human, not a monster."

"Aren't you afraid? I came from another world."

"I'm lucky to meet you in this world."

No, not at all.

Ran Dongling broke away from the emotion of fear and felt puzzled by the indifferent reaction of Qiu Ci.

Why is brother Qiuci not surprised or afraid?

"No." Ran Dongling felt that since he knew the content of the letter, the confession letter did not need to be opened, and could be kept as a collection.

"When we get home, you can go and see..." Qiu Ci was halfway through and changed another sentence, "We'll go home now and go back and read that letter."

The letter that was not sent out, but now I hope to be seen by the person in the letter.

Ran Dongling heard his eagerness, broke free from his arms, got out of bed in the dark, and found the letter in his small schoolbag, "Brother Qiu Ci, I brought it here."

The envelope contained the same letter paper, but the content on it was different from what was originally read. It was no longer just two sentences, but was written from beginning to end.

After reading the letter for a long time, Ran Dongling read every word written on it very carefully.

Looking over line by line, the hands holding the letter trembled slightly, when he finished reading, there was a little more moisture on the letter, and the moisture continued to increase, wetting the last three lines.

"You, you..." Ran Dongling burst into tears, "Why don't you tell me."

"I'm afraid you will cry."

Chou Ci was telling the truth. That night abroad, he hesitated because he was afraid that Ran Dongling would cry when he read the content of the letter. Happy smile.

So it's okay to never know.

Ran Dongling grabbed Qiu Ci's hand, the two interlaced their fingers, and responded to the last sentence in his letter with a crying voice, "Brother Qiu Ci."


"I love you too."

"Jeep! ji ji!"

A new day begins with the chirping of a little fat bird.

The two birds were brought back to the hotel by them yesterday. There were no hooks in the hotel room, so the bird cage could not be hung up, so Ran Dongling had to put them on the table by the floor-to-ceiling window.

The morning sun penetrated into the living room, and the little fat bird lifted its head from its furry chest and found that it was dawn, and the bird in its body awakened and chirped.

Ran Dongling felt that there were two hundred birds chirping in his ears, so annoyed that he covered his ears and tried to isolate the sound, but the door of the hotel room was not very soundproof, and the sound of birds was penetrating It was strong, and the chatter still came in intermittently.

He opened his eyes in a daze, met a pair of smiling eyes, Qiu Ci woke up at some point, and observed his sleeping face through the weak light in the room.

The eyes of the two met, and Ran Dongling avoided him unconsciously, feeling that something had changed after last night.

Chou Ci noticed his small movements, raised his hand and rubbed his hair which was messed up when he slept, and said as usual, "Wake up when you wake up, there is a chicken pie you like this morning, And blueberry yogurt."

Small fireworks.

It was great to have chicken patties and blueberry yogurt today.

Standing awkwardly on the pole.

Looking at the food box in the bird cage of the little fat bird, there was still a little water left, and the bird food was empty. Qiu Ci changed the water for him, and put a little bird food in it. It eats by itself.

After feeding one bird, Qiu Ci tore the black cloth of the other bird cage, the starling woke up long ago, tilted his head to observe the tall man who gave him bird food, yellow mung bean eyes He blinked and said.

"Good morning."

A bird said good morning to a person, no matter how I looked at this scene, I found it funny, Qiu Ci was in a good mood, and I felt pretty when I saw the bird, so I replied.

"Good morning."

Mynah took two bites of bird food, and in order to thank the tall man who fed him bird food, it took two steps to the middle of the pole and began to go crazy.

"Husband! Husband!"

It is about to become refined, not only can it learn to speak, but also imitate the tone and voice of the person who said it, it sounds like Ran Dongling said it himself.

Ran Dongling, who was happily eating breakfast, heard the stupid bird talking nonsense again, put down the half-drinking porridge, stood up with a bang, walked quickly to the birdcage, picked up the A piece of black cloth covers the birdcage.

"Brother Qiuci, don't listen to his nonsense, this bird can't be returned today, and will be returned tomorrow."

He looked very cute with an angry look, Qiu Ci was moved, couldn't help teasing him, and said, "Didn't you say it yourself? It's just learning your words."

No! certainly not!

Ran Dongling refused to admit that he said that, and blocked Qiu Ci's mouth with chicken pie.

Eating breakfast, he remembered the question Qiu Ci asked him yesterday, and what Ran Feng had talked about with himself.

Since he told Qiu Ci all the secrets, Ran Dongling felt that his handle had a protective shell, and he told Qiu Ci all the chat content with Ran Feng yesterday.

After finishing speaking, he also apologized to himself for cheating yesterday.

"Brother Qiuci, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lie to you, I was just afraid that my cousin would tell my secret, and that others would regard me as a monster."

How could Ran Feng know?

Chou Ci himself guessed his story through his daily interactions and the information that Ran Dongling revealed to him inadvertently.

Ran Feng did not get along with Xie Dongling who had passed through. The only time was when they went to Ran's house for dinner. Other than that, they didn't have any communication.

Qiu Ci couldn't think of the channel that Ran Feng knew, and thought that he did not give him 3 million according to Ran Feng's conditions yesterday, but gave him an insulting number, he secretly said in his heart Not good.

He is now far away in the ancient city, and he is not familiar with Ran's family and the business district. He can't go to Ran Feng and ask him to understand. The top priority is to prevent Ran Feng from telling the secret.

Chou Ci asked Ran Dongling to eat breakfast slowly, he went to make a phone call.

ding dong—

Someone was ringing the doorbell, Ran Dongling got up to open the door, Chen Yun and assistant Xiao Chen were outside the door.

Chen Yun: "Good morning, Xiaoling, it's windy outside today, you should wear a hat to avoid catching a cold."

Ran Dongling asked them to enter the room, and then said to Chen Yun: "Sister Chen Yun, I'm not going today, I'm going to train birds in the hotel."

Today he must make that silly bird back to its original state.

"Have you also learned bird training?" Chen Yun was surprised, but he didn't expect him to have this skill.

Ran Dongling shook her head and answered her obediently, "I haven't learned it, but I have other methods."

What other methods, he refused to say, Chen Yun smiled and asked no more with a wink.

Qiu Ci made two phone calls to the family in the room, and when he came out, he had already changed his clothes.

Ran Dongling wants to train birds, Chen Yun is not good to stay here, Qiu Ci will let her take a half-day vacation, she can move freely in the hotel, just keep an eye on the phone.

Ran Dongling didn't have to go out, she wore comfortable plush pajamas in the hotel, and sent revenge at the door.

Qiu Ci grabbed his hand, turned his back to Chen Yun and Xiao Chen outside the door, blocked him with his tall body, and said in a low voice, "Did you forget something?"

Forgot something?

Qiu Ci nodded his face to remind him.

Ran Dongling remembered it, he put his toes on his toes and glanced outside the door, but he didn't see anyone else, so he quickly kissed Qiu Ci's face.

"You are so annoying, hurry up." Ran Dongling pushed him out with one hand, and closed the other hand as soon as he walked out the door.

With this kiss, Qiu Ci was in good condition all day long, and almost all single-player scenes were over. Influenced by him, the other actors entered the scene quickly and made few mistakes. Today's scene was filmed at 4:00 pm, and everyone left work early.

"Brother Ci, someone called you just now." Xiao Chen quickly handed over the phone.

There are two phone calls on the screen, both from Lin Yuan.

Qiu Ci called back again, the bell didn't ring for a long time, and the other side connected.

"You just filmed? No one answered the phone twice." Lin Yuan was planting flowers with Qiu Zhenghao in the old house. When Qiu Ci called, she was digging a hole for the flowers, full of gloves. is soil.

"Well, Chen Yun didn't follow me, Xiao Chen didn't dare to pick up."


"What's the secret?" Qiu Ci was curious.

"The secret is that Xiaoling can have children, and that Ran Feng is also true, how can you threaten Xiaoling with such a thing. But don't worry, your grandfather and your father have solved this matter, The Ran family has been warned, if the people of the Ran family who know this matter dare to speak out, don't blame our enemy family for being cruel in business."

Qiu Ci thought he heard it wrong, and those words left his mind blank.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Who can have children?"