MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 101

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Hearing Lu Yu say Happy New Year to herself, the corners of Lin Ling's mouth rose a little more, "I wouldn't even know today is New Year's Day if you didn't tell me."

Lu Yu said lightly, "I only found out at noon."

"I reminded the captain!" Duan Hu leaned closer and said, "When I looked at my phone, I found that the calendar in the safe zone was updated, so I realized that today is January 1, 4th year of the new calendar."

"Lin Ling, do you know that today is actually January 1st in the old calendar, no matter how you count it, it's New Year's Day."

Lin Ling is not surprised by this, anyone who compiles a calendar must start from January 1st.

"I was still on the phone and you said Happy New Year, but you didn't even reply to me." Duan Hu's words revealed a bit of grievance.

"I didn't look at my phone." Lin Ling also saw what Duan Hu meant, but she didn't want to respond to him.

"I guess it's the same." Duan Hu said with a smile, "So I came here to talk to you."

Lin Ling snorted, "Thank you."

"Everything should be done." Looking at the **** in Lin Ling's hand, Duan Hu couldn't help but said, "I found that you don't like playing with your mobile phone at all. You just work and plant trees every day. Don't you feel bored?"

"It's okay." Lin Ling still watches TV and feeds pigs and chickens every day. He is very busy, so he has no time to think about everything without being bored.

Duan Hu still wanted to talk, but was interrupted by Lu Yu, "Didn't you want to move something?"

Duan Hu made two oohs, and then remembered the good things he found in S City this time, "Lin Ling, we went to S City to find some good things this time, and the captain and I specially set aside some for you."

Lin Ling was quite curious about what it was, "What is it?"

"It's this." Duan Hu handed Lin Ling a bundle of roots, "Sugar cane."

Lin Ling looked at the sugarcane at the bottom of the bundle in surprise, "You found the sugarcane."

"I guessed that you would like it." Duan Hu said, "This is a specialty of City S. The water source over there is better than here, and many plants are still alive."

Lin Ling said with emotion: "That is really a fairy place."

Duan Hu said: "You don't have to be envious, the vegetation here is growing more and more luxuriantly, and in time it will be back to what it was before the doomsday."

"Excuse me." Lin Ling carried the sugar cane back, "Why don't you sit inside for a while?"

"Okay." Duan Hu immediately opened his mouth to respond, "We are out of water in the car, so we can go to your place to add some?"

"Yes." Lin Ling led the crowd into the fence.

Duan Hu said: "Help you lift it."

"Oh, thank you." Lin Ling was not polite to Duan Hu, "At the end of Xia, bring a few uncles in first, and I will take the **** and water pipe back."

Xia Mo said hello. Then they took Duan Hu and they went forward first.

Lu Yu asked another person to drive the car in, then turned around to help Lin Ling get the water pipe and other tools, "I'll do it."

"It's very light, I can do it myself." Lin Ling said.

"It's okay." Lu Yu took the water pipe from Lin Ling's hand, and explained: "I went to that forest temporarily, and the water ran out on the way back."

"Captain Lu, if you are short of water, just come here and get it." Lin Ling smiled at Lu Yu, his eyebrows and eyes curved, "The drinking water should be boiled clean."

Lu Yun hummed, "Have you been busy recently?"

Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu in surprise, "It is indeed very busy. I just harvested wheat, rapeseed and rice, and replanted some sweet potatoes. I am really tired."

Lu Yu: "Take a rest."

Lin Ling smiled: "That's the plan, wait for a period of rest before planting wheat."

"However, I don't dare to rest for too long. It is really not worthwhile to re-fertilize the land after it has been abandoned."

Lu Yu: "Grow slowly."

Lin Ling hummed, "However, I have been planting for more than three years, and I have to pay taxes in another year. If I don't plant all the plants, I will be fined?"

"It's too unclear." Lu Yu is not responsible for these things, so he is not very clear.

Lin Ling sighed, "Then I'd better try to be as diverse as possible. If so many places are fined, it will probably be a lot of fines."

Lu Yu: "Large farming machines can be used."

Lin Ling shook her head: "The large ones use diesel fuel."

Lu Yu: "You can hire someone."

Lin Ling: "Hire who?"

Lu Yu: "Me."

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment, "Captain Lu really knows how to joke."

"I'm not joking." Lu Yu said, "After the task is completed, the safe zone does not need to be guarded, so you will be unemployed in the future?"

Lin Ling would not take it seriously, and replied with a smile: "If you are unemployed, you can still go home and farm."

Lu Yu said yes.

Duan Hu, who was carrying a bundle of sugarcane, was walking in front. He raised his hand and bumped the arm of a buddy who was walking beside him, "Brother Qiu, the words I just said are educated, right?"

Chugo gave a thumbs up, "Yes."

"I also think I have." Duan Hu touched his chin, "You said that I have known her for so long, what are the chances of winning?"

Brother Qiu only knew that Duan Hu liked this woman when he heard Duan Hu mutter a few words in the car when he was arranged to go out together this time. , there should be an 80% chance, right?"

Duan Hu thought it was the same, he straightened his hair confidently, "Then how about I confess my love today?"

Brother Chu said, "Yes."

"Then I'll listen to Brother Qiu." Duan Hu patted Brother Qiu on the shoulder, "Only you are optimistic about me, He Ming and the others persuaded me to give up."

"Ah?" The only "optimistic" Brother Qiu just said casually, "Why aren't He Ming and the others optimistic?"

Duan Hu said: "They said that I am not as good as the captain, and women generally like the captain."

Brother Qiu glanced at Duan Hu, "Then you are indeed not as good as our captain."

Duan Hu: "Brother Qiu, that's too much!"

"If this happens again, I won't go on a mission with you next time."

Brother Qiu laughed loudly, "I always follow the captain's arrangement."

"I asked the captain to put you in Big K's team." After finishing speaking, Duan Hu touched his dark skin and said very confidently: "I think I look pretty good, and I also work in the safe area, yes If there is a system, it is still an iron rice bowl before."

Brother Chu: "..."

No wonder when he came out this time, He Ming reminded him not to listen to some nonsense.

Brother Qiu glanced back at Lu Yu and Lin Ling who fell far behind. The two seemed to be talking and laughing. His heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly felt that there was only a 10% chance.

"Brother Qiu..." Duan Hu followed Brother Qiu's line of sight to the back, and shouted foolishly: "Hurry up, Captain, are you hungry and unable to walk?"

Hearing what Duan Hu said, Lin Ling frowned and looked at Lu Yu: "Captain Lu, you haven't eaten?"

Lu Yu wanted to say that he ate, but after hesitating, he decided to tell the truth: "I didn't eat at noon."

"Then I'll eat chicken for you." Since Lin Ling raised a lot of chickens, he was very generous with the chickens. "Do you want to eat spicy chicken, stewed chicken with potatoes, stewed chicken with vermicelli, or stewed chicken with soybeans?"

Lu Yu: "Can you do it?"

Lin Ling smiled: "There is a recipe."

After returning to the yard, Lin Ling boiled water for Lu Yu and the others, "Would you like tea?"

Lu Yu said no trouble.

"No trouble." Lin Ling went to take out a pack of unopened tea leaves, "It was produced before the end of the world, but the packaging is intact, so it shouldn't be damaged. I'll make you a cup."

Brother Qiu used to be a tea drinker, but after the end of the world, there will be no chance to drink tea. He looked at Lin Ling's brewed tea, and the tea was full of fragrance, "I haven't had tea for a long time."

Lin Ling said: "I have some more here, if you like, I can give them to you."

Brother Qiu: "Give it to me, what about you?"

Lin Ling said, "I planted a lot of tea trees."

Brother Qiu: "Then I won't be polite."

"You're welcome." Lin Ling doesn't like to drink tea. She brought it back to make preserved eggs, but the results of the previous experiment were not very good, so she gave up making preserved eggs.

"Sit down for a while, I'll catch a chicken and eat it." Lin Ling went straight out the door and went to the bamboo grove behind the house to catch a chicken.

The starling shouted excitedly: "That's great, I'm going to eat chicken again today."

"Boss, don't take that medicine today, I have a nosebleed after taking it."

Little Green Akimbo: Share it with those people, do you still want to share the chicken?

"What? Don't give it to me?" Mynah flapped his wings dissatisfied: "Then put a little more medicine, so that they all have nosebleeds."

Chun Mian agrees: Yes, let them bleed to death.

"Don't make trouble." Lin Ling grabbed a big fat rooster and went back to the yard. Duan Hu stepped forward to take the rooster, "Lin Ling, let me help you."

"Okay, you kill the chicken." Lin Ling didn't refuse, and then went to the pond with the bucket, "I'll catch another fish."

"Help you." Lu Yu helped to catch the fish.

Lin Ling said yes.

Duan Hu watched Lin Ling and Lu Yu go to the pond outside the yard to catch fish together, and it was very unpleasant to look at the chicken in his hand for a while.

There are hundreds of fish in the pond, and in the past two years, all of them have grown to about four or five catties. In addition, many small fish have been born. The densely packed pond feels like it can be easily caught by hand. Catch a fish.

Lin Ling squatted beside the pond, looking at the fish inside, looking for the fattest fish.

Lu Yu looked down at the densely packed pool of fish in the fish pond: "The shrimp you raise is also in it?"

Lin Ling looked up at the tall and straight Lu Yu, "Captain Lu, what did you say?"

Lu Yu slightly bent his knees, "Shrimp."

"Shrimp?" Lin Ling snorted, "The crayfish are in the field over there."

Lin Ling pursed her lips, "How did Captain Lu know that I raised shrimp?"

Lu Yu coughed lightly, and said subtly, "You said it before."

"Really? I forgot." Lin Ling stared at Lu Yu's face for a while, and had a vague guess in his heart, but he didn't dare to confirm it.

"I caught a fish." Lin Ling urged Xiaolu to tie up a big grass carp weighing six catties, "I caught it!"

After returning, Lin Ling cleaned up the big grass carp, and then began to slice and taste, planning to make a pot of spicy boiled fish.

After preparing the dishes, Duan Hu also killed the chicken.

Lin Ling washed the chicken, chopped it, blanched it and fried it, and then stewed it with potatoes.

When the stew was almost ready, Lin Ling started to cook the boiled fish.

First pour in the rapeseed oil grown by yourself, and when the oil is hot, add dried chili knots, peppercorns, bean paste, etc. to fry until fragrant, then add green onion, ginger, and garlic, and fry for a while, then add water, and then add salt, cooking wine, etc. material.

Then put the fish head and fish bones in, wait for the water to boil, then add the vegetable leaves pulled from the vegetable field, after boiling, remove them together with the fish heads and fish bones and put them in a large stainless steel basin.

Next, put the delicious fish into the soup base and cook for a few tens of seconds. After it is cooked, put it into a large iron basin, sprinkle minced garlic, dried chili, and pepper on it, and pour hot oil on it. Stimulate the aroma of peppercorns.

The last step is to sprinkle the most important coriander.

Lin Ling likes to eat coriander, so he spreads it all over the place, which looks like a pot of green coriander.

After the spicy boiled fish is ready, another pot of stewed chicken with potatoes is also ready.

Two large pots of vegetables were placed on the table, and everyone gathered around the table to eat.

"The meat of this boiled fish is tender, spicy and delicious, delicious!" Brother Qiu inhaled while eating.

Duan Hu nodded in agreement and said without raising his head, "It's delicious!"

"Lin Ling, your cooking skills are really good, much better than those of the cooks in our cafeteria."

Brother Qiu: "Do you dare to say that Da Liu's workmanship is not good? You don't want to eat anymore when you go back?"

"That's the truth." Duan Hu took a deep breath, "Lin Ling, can I come to your place for dinner when I have free time?"

Lin Ling: ...

"What kind of face do you have?" Another person laughed, "If you want to eat, at least you have to exchange it with something valuable every time."

Duan Hu thought in his heart that when he confessed successfully, eating for nothing would be nothing!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-12-3100:11:24~2021-01-0208:24:06~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: coty3;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: 2 beef jerky; 1 mountain outside the mountain; thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of letting time go with the wind; 50 bottles of Lianwei; 30 bottles of KW, finished; Ding Ding, 86025349, Baa, Nympho 20 bottles; Wan, Qingyan, Ao Yingying, Riyueming, Xiaoliumang, 35846265, Shafengyu, Woah, Zhegui 10 bottles; Full Cup Red Pomelo 8 bottles; Oudoute, 18852082 , Nine-tailed Daji Empress, 5 bottles of giraffe; 2 bottles of Kiki; 261 bottles of apples and leaves; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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