MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 131

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The post-apocalyptic bees have also become more vengeful than before. At the end of summer, they jumped into the pond and kept watch for ten minutes. They left when they saw that there was no way to continue stinging them.

After the bees left, they ran out of the pond at the end of Xia, looked at Lin Ling with aggrieved faces, "Sister, it hurts so much."

Lin Ling said angrily, "Who told you to provoke the bees?"

"I didn't provoke them, it was Xiaolu who provoked them." Xia Mo described the chaotic scene at that time, "It's fine for them to sting Xiaolu, but they still sting us. They really don't know right from wrong."

Lin Ling probably guessed it: "Little Green has honey on her body, and she has rubbed it on you a lot. The bees will definitely think that you have also stolen the honey from the smell."

"We obviously don't have any." Xia Mo was extremely wronged, "My face is swollen."

"Come here and let me deal with it for you." Lin Ling took Xia Mo and the others home, pulled out the stingers one by one, and then washed the wound with salt water, "Don't touch it, it will be fine in two days."

At the end of summer, I felt my face was hot and painful. Is it really going to be better in two days?

Xia Mo looked at her face in the mirror that was almost swollen into a pig's head, "It's so ugly, I can't even go out to meet people."

Lin Ling asked, "Who do you want to see?"

Little Green, whose leaves were also swollen, said: He wants to see pears.

Xia Mo quickly denied that it was not: "There are many people in the school, I will definitely be laughed at if I go like this."

As children grow up, they gradually develop a sense of shame and self-esteem. It is normal to be afraid of being laughed at, so Lin Ling gave some advice to Xia Mo, "Why don't you all wear hats to school tomorrow?"

The ugly guy with the swollen nose barked dissatisfied: I won't go to school tomorrow.

Chun Mian, who had a swollen cockscomb, also said, "I won't go to school."

Lin Ling: "If you don't go to school, you won't be able to keep up with the teacher's progress, and you will be the first in the exam at the end of summer."

Xiaolu wanted to take the first place but didn't want to lose face: so what should I do? When I went out with two fat leaves on my shoulders, people thought I had married off someone else's child.

Lin Ling burst out laughing, "Let Dahei spit some water and apply it to your faces."

At the end of Xia, he glanced at Dahei: "It will be cured after just one application?"

Xia Mo: "Dahei's water will take a long time to recover."

Lin Ling: "Then go find Xu Mengling and get it for you."

At the end of Xia, thinking that the man would become prettier after massaging his sister for a while, he nodded hurriedly: "Sister, let's go together."

"Okay." Lin Ling went to prepare food, and he couldn't let others work for nothing.

After getting things ready, it was almost dark, so Lin Ling went out with a few swollen-faced little guys, and when he just walked to the gate of the courtyard, he met mynah flying back with a loud voice: "Boss, why don't you have dinner?" Why don't you wait for me? I'm so hungry."

Lin Ling, who hadn't cooked yet, gave Mynah a look, "Didn't you go to your wife's house?"

The starling flapped its wings: "It hasn't agreed to have a baby starling with me yet."

Xiaolu shook the leaves in distaste: Then you are still rushing to deliver them to your door? You are useless.

"You're useless!" Mynah retorted and Xiaolu realized that its leaves were swollen. "Hahahaha, little dwarf, why are you swollen?"

Following Mynah, I found Xia Mo, Chou Ge and Chun Mian who also had swollen faces, "Oh, why are you all swollen? You're so swollen like a pig, I'm laughing so hard, hahahaha..."

Xiaolu was so angry that he jumped up and beat the starling: If you laugh again, I will beat you to death!

"Help me..." Myna flew behind Lin Ling and hid, muttering dissatisfiedly: "Little dwarf, you are too domineering, why don't you let others tell the truth?"

"Okay, myna came back just to watch the house." Lin Ling took the food and led a few and went out, "I don't want to follow with my face still swollen tomorrow."

It was pitch black, but there was very little black fog, and the road could be vaguely seen.

Lin Ling led Xia Mo, Brother Chou, Xiao Lu and Chun Mian out of the fence, and walked towards Xu Mengling's house along the road next to the ditch, passing by more than a dozen villagers' homes on the way, and every house was lit with smoke.

Although a person's home is deserted, once the courtyard door is closed, it is quite comfortable to play with the mobile phone for a while after eating and drinking.

When she reached the place where Xu Mengling lived, she was sitting at the door, eating steamed buns and playing with her mobile phone. The voice in the game was ding ding dong dong, and it sounded like she was playing smoothly.

Lin Ling stood at the gate of the courtyard and called out to her, "Xu Mengling?"

Xu Mengling was so frightened that she almost dropped her phone, "Village chief?"

"What is the village head looking for?" Xu Mengling guessed in her heart. Could it be that tall and handsome man is coming back? So the village head wants to come for a beauty treatment?

Lin Ling pointed at Mo Xia's face swollen into a pig's head, "Can you make them go down quickly?"

Xu Mengling looked at Mo Xia's pig-headed face, suppressed a smile and nodded: "Yes."

Lin Ling handed the reward to Xu Mengling, "That's troublesome."

Xu Mengling's family didn't have any extra tables, chairs and benches, so Xia Mo could only sit on the only bench alone, and wait until one was cured before treating the other. "You sit here first, and I'll come after I wash my hands."

When she was ready, Xu Mengling continued to treat Xia Mo's face, trying her best to restore the swollen area to its original state.

Lin Ling didn't disturb Xu Mengling. While waiting, she took a sneak look at the house, and found that although it was a house with earthen walls, it was cleaned very cleanly, and she could be seen as a person who loves cleanliness.

While waiting for her to rest, Lin Ling asked her, "Are you still used to it here?"

"I'm used to it. It's much better than where I used to live." Xu Mengling wiped the sweat from her brow.

Lin Ling tapped the ground with the toe of her shoe, "It's still not as good as before the end of the world, and it's not as good as inside the safe zone."

Xu Mengling: "Of course it was good before the end of the world. Everything is very convenient. Everywhere in the safe zone is clean and bright, but I always feel out of place when I stay there."

"Anyway, I still think this place is good. There are mountains, rivers, and land. Where there is land, there is food. Food is the most important thing."

"That's true." Lin Ling doesn't deny this, but she still hopes that the infrastructure can keep up. Running water, hot air, and electricity can keep up. The next step is to renovate the house and lay floor tiles and other things. Let everyone experience a return to normal life, "it will be fine in the future."

"That's for sure." Xu Mengling continued to give Xia Mo's face a red and swollen face, "It would be great if my ability could be higher."

Since her awakening, Xu Mengling's ability has not increased. No matter how hard she tried, it was obviously a very precious ability, but in the end she was still despised like a waste material. Fortunately, the village chief didn't dislike her for being too weak.

Lin Ling did not suppress Xu Mengling's self-confidence, but comforted her: "Don't think too much, you know what others can't. Although you are not strong enough, it is enough for us. This is better than many people."

Lin Ling will not dislike Xu Mengling's weak ability, her ability is very special, and it will be of great help to them.

Xu Mengling nodded, "It would be even better if I had wood and earth elements."

"Everyone has something they are good at. They don't necessarily have to be good at farming. They just need to be good at other things." Lin Ling told Xu Mengling: "And there are still many villagers who are not capable, and they live well .”

Many ordinary villagers do not have the ability, and Lin Ling, as the village head, will not force everyone to catch up with the wood-type abilities who are good at farming.

She thinks that those with strong abilities should do more things, and those with lower abilities can do less. If you want to do the opposite, you can work harder anyway, and all the results will be shown in the final surplus. As long as she is willing to accept such a result, she has no opinion.

Life is very tiring, there are many things to do, uneven distribution, too tired, too hard, everyone will be dissatisfied, so Lin Ling did not choose to arrange everyone to work together at the beginning. The results of each will be borne by each other, and no one will blame anyone, and no one will exclude anyone.

Facts have proved that everyone is more willing to accept their own ways, but they are still full of enthusiasm, "Now a lot of people come to you to help with beauty and massage, right? The food you earn is enough for you to live on?"

Xu Mengling nodded, "Many people will ask me to press it when they are too tired from work."

"That's right." Lin Ling nodded: "So don't be unconfident. If you envy other people, others will also envy you."

After Xu Mengling was released, her mood improved a lot, "Thank you, village chief."

Lin Ling: "You're welcome."

When Xiaolu's swollen parts had almost recovered, Lin Ling took them and left: "Is everything all right?"

Brother Chou pouted his pouty lips and made a sound: "It's still a little swollen."

Lin Ling looked at Brother Chou's mouth and couldn't help but want to laugh, "She's exhausted, you go back and soak in the **** water for a while, and you can regain your handsome appearance in the morning."

Chun Mian clucked and crowed: I'm afraid of water.

"Then you're swollen." Lin Ling looked at Chun Mian's slightly swollen chicken comb, which looked a bit like fried shrimp crackers. "Actually, the swollen looks pretty good. It looks like a large crown."

It's not good-looking! Chun Mian felt uncomfortable in her heart, turned around angrily and walked towards the wall.

Lin Ling smiled and followed. The way back was very quiet. Occasionally, there were a few birdsongs. She didn't feel scary at all, but hoped that there would be more and more such sounds.

Lin Ling looked up at the dark sky. Although the moon and stars could not be seen yet, the black mist was getting less and less, and the fires of the villagers' houses could be vaguely seen in the distance. The fires were dim and warm.

She looked at the surrounding green crop fields and forests, her eyes were full of relief, everything was changing for the better, and soon this place would become an oasis.

Lin Ling withdrew her gaze, turned around and walked towards the village with big strides. As she walked, she heard muffled quarrels coming from a forest.

A woman begged in a low voice: "I beg you, for the sake of our acquaintance before, don't come to me again, don't come to disturb my current life, okay?"

A man: "Are you willing to be a peasant woman here for the rest of your life?"

Woman: "I am living a stable life now. I think it is very good here. Please don't tell the doctor about our news."

The man reprimanded the woman in a low voice: "The doctor treats you so well, but you hide here and don't go back. Are you worthy of the doctor?"

Xia Mo and Chou Ge heard the conversation and wanted to rush up, but Lin Ling stopped her, she hid secretly until the two people who were arguing came out from behind the forest one after the other.

After seeing the other person's appearance clearly, Lin Ling's eyebrows subconsciously tightened.

The author has something to say: I think I can finish it before February 10~·