MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 67

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After the starch was dried, the chicken ancestor clamored to eat meat again: let me bring you a baby, and don't let me eat meat! I want to go back to the woods!

Lin Ling's eyebrows twitched, "That's not my baby, it's yours."

The chicken ancestor clucked dissatisfied: You let me hatch.

Lin Ling sighed, and wanted to send this ancestor back. She explained to the chicken ancestor very seriously: "But we really don't have meat now, so we can't kill the egg hen/chicken/, right?"

The chicken ancestor patted his wings with an expression of why not.

"I can't kill you." Lin Ling sighed, "I'll make you some twice-cooked pork later, I'm sure you'll want to eat it again."

Chicken Ancestor shook his head, pretending to be a little princess: I won't listen, I won't listen.

"Then what do you want?" Lin Ling thought for a while: "You have been here for two months, do you miss your old buddy? Then do you want to go back and visit relatives?"

It’s okay not to mention, but the chicken ancestor realized that he hadn’t seen the big flower for many days: when will he go?

"I'll go tomorrow." There was no work in the field for the time being, Lin Ling thought that it would be fine if he was idle, and then went to the woods to find some seeds and came back to fill the area outside the wall: "I'll find some seeds by the way."

Mynah jumped out: I'm looking for seeds.

Recently, starlings have been working part-time to find seeds in order to get two more pieces of meat, but starlings are not human after all, and they can't bring back many seeds at once.

"Go away." Lin Ling took out more than twenty unfertilized eggs and handed them to the chicken ancestor: "Take these eggs back to your brother Dahua."

Ancestor Chicken nodded in agreement.

Lin Ling picked up the basket and planned to go to the hole to pick up potatoes: "Then I'll cook some potatoes and take them on the road tomorrow."

The Chicken Ancestor stopped Lin Ling: Where is Sai Twice Cooked Pork?

Lin Ling: "Don't you want to eat?"

The ancestor of the chicken changed his mouth: we still have to eat.

"...All right." Lin Ling went to get some potatoes, washed them and boiled them. After cooking, scooped out a little more starch, then added a little water, a little salt and two eggs, and stirred well.

Then put a little oil into the pot, then use a spoon to scoop a spoonful of evenly mixed starch liquid into the pot, spread it out with a spatula, fix it into shape, turn it over and fry it for a while, and then it will be out of the pot.

After everything is fried, cut the oily cake into small pieces, then pour it back into the pan, add some leeks, stir fry a few times and it will be out of the pan.

The cake made of starch is very fragrant, soft and sticky. It is fragrant and oily after one bite. It tastes like eating twice-cooked pork. If you eat a few more bites, your mouth will be full of oil.

People who eat meat often will definitely feel bored, but Lin Ling and the others haven't eaten fatty meat for many years, and their daily life is also poor, so they only feel delicious, not greasy.

"It's delicious." At the end of Xia, he was glad that he came back with his sister, otherwise he would not have known that he was starving and freezing in that corner, or he might have been eaten by the cannibals.

The chicken ancestor also thought it was delicious: I will make it tomorrow.

Lin Ling raised her eyebrows: "Aren't you going to visit relatives tomorrow? You still want me to do it?"

The chicken ancestor said: Come back at night.

Lin Ling snorted, she also wanted Ancestor Ji to stay in the 'relative's house' for a longer period of time.

The starling launched the chick cub Chunmian: "Boss, tomorrow I will take Chunmian to see it too, Mr. Big Flower."

"..." Lin Ling was very clear about myna's thoughts, it was obviously being tightly entangled by Xiao Chunmian, and wanted to hide and relax, but she didn't like it: "Chunmian is still young, and I can't do without you."

She paused and reminded the starling: "You have spent too much time picking seeds recently, you must come back before noon, and teach you about spring sleep in the afternoon, remember?"

Starling drooped its head, looking at Chun Mian, who was twittering and calling her mother, it just wanted to say one thing at the moment: Raising children is not easy, be careful when giving birth.

Xia Mo couldn't help asking: "Shall we go too?"

"I'll go alone this time." Lin Ling let Xia Mo and Brother Chou look after the house, "You stay at home and take care of the crops, fish fry, chicks and egg incubators."

Now that the family has a big business, they can no longer go out with confidence. Lin Ling arranged work for Xia Mo and Brother Chou, and drove out in a fully charged car the next morning.

Traveling all the way in a hurry, it took three hours to reach the river.

As soon as the chicken ancestor arrived at the river, he yelled at the river. After a few minutes, he saw the water rippling, and a colorful snake swam over.

The chicken ancestor rushed up to the big snake for a long time, and then talked about the recent events with great emotion, and also said that it asked Lin Ling to make delicious food for the big snake.

Last night, when Ji Zuzu was eating Sai Twice-cooked Pork, he was thinking of his good neighbor Dahua, so he specially left two yuan for Dahua.

In addition to the twice-cooked meat, Ji Zuzu also asked Lin Ling to fry two eggs for Dahua: You can try Dahua, it's delicious.

Dahua opened his mouth wide, and swallowed a few pieces of eggs and two pieces of cake together. He didn't taste anything, but he vaguely felt that it was good: delicious.

The chicken ancestor jumped up and patted the big flower with his wings: why don't you save some for me?

Da Hua tilted her head: Didn't you bring it specially for me?

The ancestor of the chicken said: "That can also be shared with me."

Dahua rubbed the snake's head against the chicken ancestor's body: Next time.

Lin Ling interrupted the interaction between the old chicken and snake best friends, "Big Flower? Could you please help tie this rope to the tree on the other side?"

For the sake of the chicken sisters, Orochi helped with this.

After the big snake tied the rope, Lin Ling tied the rope familiarly at this end of the river, put on the pulley, and then slid across.

"You guys talk about the past slowly, I'll go pick up tree seeds." Lin Ling prepared ten big bags this time, specially for picking up tree seeds, so they disappeared as soon as they got into the woods.

This mountain forest is a supply station belonging to the safe area, nourished by the water sprayed by big snakes. There are many kinds of vegetation in the mountain forest, and it is impossible to distinguish them one by one. Lin Ling can only pick up what he sees, and try to pick up trees and weeds that grow longer Generally, this kind of vitality and reproductive ability are relatively strong.

Because of the ancestor of the chicken, Lin Ling knew that there were no other mutant beasts within five miles of its original nest, so she could safely pick up seeds in the woods.

After a busy morning, Lin Ling picked up several sacks of seeds, most of which were pine, chestnut, oak, ginkgo and so on.

Ginkgo seeds are very smelly, but Lin Ling endured the smell and picked up a lot. She thought about planting a single ginkgo, or planting two rows by the side of the road. When she grows up, there will be the most beautiful road in late autumn on her land .

If she could, she would also like to find more maple leaf seeds, and it would be nice to have a red maple forest by then.

Little Green worked hard to curl the seeds that fell on the ground into a pile so that Lin Ling could put them in a sack. After picking them up on the ground, it climbed up the tree again, knocked down the seeds, and ran back and forth Many times, I was so tired that I wheezed.

At noon, Lin Ling was so busy that she was so hungry that she sat on the ground and shouted to Xiaolu, "Take a break."

Xiaolu said yes, then jumped down from the tree, landed on Lin Ling's shoulder, and leaned on her shoulder like a baby: I'm so tired.

"Rest and rest." Lin Ling took out a potato from his backpack and gnawed on it, "Do you want to eat it?"

Little Green doesn't eat, it only likes to eat meat.

Lin Ling ate potatoes: "You are not tall because of picky eaters."

Xiaolu didn't admit it: I'm soft and cute and easy to push down.

Hearing this, Lin Ling almost choked to death on the potato on her throat. She coughed several times before swallowing the potato, "...don't learn from mynah."

Little Green shook the leaves: It always tells us these things.

Lin Ling said, "I didn't hear that."

Little Green: It dare not tell you.

"That's true." Lin Ling patted her back. She almost choked to death just now. She looked at Xiaolu helplessly: "Aren't you going to grow up? I fed you so many delicious foods , all in vain?"

Xiaolu unhappily climbed up the tree behind Lin Ling, don't you know why I can't grow up?

Forget it, now you know nothing.

Xiaolu looked at Lin Ling's back anxiously, when will you remember?

Lin Ling, who was able to eat and drink enough, didn't know what Xiaolu was thinking. After she finished eating the potatoes, she took a sip of water and continued to work, "Let's go ahead and pick them up."

The further you go in, the more luxuriant the branches and leaves are, and there are many thorns around, which hinder Lin Ling's progress.

Xiaolu pointed to the bright red fruit in front: What is that?

It was a little far away, and Lin Ling couldn't see clearly: "Pick one and come over to have a look."

Xiaolu jumped over easily, picked some bright red fruits from the treetops and came back: Look.

Lin Ling took the fruit and took a closer look. It was small and oval in shape. It looked a bit thick and had a sour smell. "It seems to be jujube."

Little Green shook the leaves: Can I eat it?

Lin Ling wiped the jujube on her body, then put it in her mouth, and bit it down, it was so sour!

Although it is sour, it is high in vitamins. Eating more can also improve immunity. Lin Ling adhered to the principle of letting go and not giving up, and asked Xiaolu to pick all the remaining jujubes. She eats alone.

Lin Ling gritted his teeth and ate all the jujubes left in his hand, and then picked up all the jujube seeds that fell from the ground.

Then I went to the nearby forest to have a look. Luckily, she dug up some orange trees, as well as perennial prickly pears, prickly pears, sang pears and wild sweet potatoes, all of which are small wild foods in the mountains. It was the fruit she loved to go to the mountains and forests with her neighbors and children when she went to her grandmother's house.

These plants grow fast, and they can bear fruit next year if they are planted this year, and the climate is unstable now, maybe they will be able to eat these wild fruits in a few months.

Xiaolu took advantage of Lin Ling's head buried in digging the roots of the plants, and ran forward.

Lin Ling shouted: "Don't run around, we can't go deep into the forest."

Xiaolu didn't run far, so she turned around a few tens of meters ahead, picked a handful of small fruits and handed them to Lin Ling: Here, here you are.

Lin Ling looked up at the things that Xiaolu picked up, her eyes lit up, "Where did these come from?"

Xiaolu pointed to the front: there are still many ahead.

Lin Ling: "Take me there."

What Xiaolu picked back were green peppercorns, bunches of which smelled a little numb. Lin Ling, who loved spicy food before the end of the world, said that she felt that she had picked up a treasure.

Following Xiaolu through the thorn grass forest, Lin Ling strenuously walked to the place where more than a dozen pepper trees grew. She looked at the pepper trees and nodded with satisfaction: Well, there are more ingredients for making boiled pork slices. kind, perfect!

The pepper tree is covered with small thorns, which defends everyone who comes close.

Lin Ling couldn't climb up the tree to pick them. She directly activated her supernatural ability to use the branches and leaves of the pepper tree to pick peppers, and she picked them up a lot in a short while.

Lin Ling took the sack and picked it up below, and soon filled a sack full of peppercorns. This should be enough for her to use for several years, right?

She looked unwillingly at the remaining pepper trees that had not been picked, and hesitated whether to pick them all back. Anyway, these will fall if no one picks them, and they will bear fruit again next year. pity.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she decided to pick all of them. She can sell them on the forum if she can’t finish them. Maybe some people like to eat peppercorns?

After she finished picking the peppercorns, Lin Ling hurriedly left the woods and went back to the place where the grass and trees were sparser to pick up tree seeds and dig saplings. She was so busy until the afternoon when the sun was westward that she finally filled up a dozen sacks .

Among the fifteen bags, two bags are pepper and pepper branches, another seven bags are roots and saplings, and the remaining six bags are all seeds. These planting branches are enough to replant a large barren hill.

Lin Ling laboriously carried fifteen sacks to the river, and then went to find the chicken ancestor who had been talking for a day: "Chicken ancestor, it's getting late, we should go back."

Ancestor Ji looked at Dahua reluctantly, and Ancestor Ji looked at Ancestor Ji reluctantly, both of them were reluctant to part with each other.

A sly glint flashed in Lin Ling's eyes: "Ji Zuzu, since Da Hua hates you, why don't you stay and live for a while?"

Dahua immediately looked at Ji Zuzong expectantly after hearing the words, Ji Zuzong thought about it very seriously, and then rejected Lin Ling's proposal very simply: I want to go back! Otherwise you will miss me.

Lin Ling thought to herself: I will never give up.

"But it will take a long time for us to come here next time. What should Dahua do if he misses you? A snake is also very lonely."

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal. I am used to living in a small building and enjoying the good life of being served, and the chicken ancestor is not willing to live in a cold cave now: Dahua, the food she makes is delicious , why don't you go to her house with me.

Lin Ling wanted to vomit old blood and looked at the ancestor of the chicken. It was already very difficult for her to raise such a violent old hen, but she also raised a big boa constrictor with a great appetite? She can't bear that little wealth!

She coughed lightly, and interrupted Ancestor Ji's continuation, "Da Hua needs to guard this place, so he shouldn't be able to leave his post without permission, right?"

Big Snake raised his head and nodded.

Lin Ling secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to the hesitant chicken ancestor, "Since you don't want to part with the big flower, stay with it and pick you up when we come to pick seeds next time."

The chicken ancestor clucked reluctantly, and said to Dahua: Dahua, I'd better come to see you next time.

Lin Ling: "..."

It seems that the friendship between chicken and snake is not as strong as she imagined.

Dahua seemed to have expected this, but she didn't say anything, and sent them to the river with her twisted body.

When it came to the river, Da Hua looked at the other side of the river vigilantly. It lowered its body and dived into the river silently. At this time, the big snake was not as gentle as it looked when it was with the chicken ancestor. It moved quickly, and the snake The letter trembled without making any movement. He was the fiercest hunter in the jungle.

Lin Ling walked to the river bank and looked at the woman standing next to a big rock on the other side of the river. She looked at her vigilantly: "Why are you here?"

The author has something to say: Sai Twice-cooked Pork was named blindly, because it was a bit greasy to eat, and I don’t know why I liked it so much when I was a child?

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