MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 74 one more

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the second day.

The sky was gloomy, and Lin Ling, who inexplicably lost ten catties of wheat, didn't sleep well all night, got up rubbing his sleepy eyes, and set off by car in the dark.

Seeing that Lin Ling was in a bad mood, Xia Mo silently huddled with Brother Chou, trying not to provoke her: "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

In fact, Lin Ling wasn't in a bad mood either, but last night he chatted with her about ten catties of wheat and then disappeared. She didn't know what she was doing, and she didn't have any professional ethics at all!

But this is Lin Ling's private matter, and she doesn't need to explain it to Xia Mo, "It's fine."

Traveling all the way, we arrived at City G at noon. The city was still desolate and overgrown with weeds, but compared to half a year ago, there were more traces of human search in City G.

After entering the city, Lin Ling first drove to the largest agricultural equipment market in City G. Finding automated harvesting equipment was her primary purpose of coming to City G this time. After arriving at the agricultural equipment market, they quickly found the relevant agricultural equipment.

"All these?" Xia Mo asked Lin Ling, pointing to the equipment in the shop along the street.

"Yes." Lin Ling looked at the mechanized equipment placed in one shop after another, which was covered with dust. It can be seen that basically no one has touched these farming and harvesting equipment after the end of the world.

Xia Mo looked at a large harvester that was bigger than the small train they drove, and said worriedly: "These are so big, how do you move them back?"

Before coming here, Lin Ling did not expect that there would be so many large-scale agricultural equipment here. She thought they were all long, small and exquisite. After all, the land she had seen before was mostly hilly and mountainous, and large-scale agricultural equipment could not be used in those places.

"Let's take a look first." Lin Ling took out the list she had made, and searched for the machinery and equipment she needed. Because the truck was too small, she tried to choose small equipment that was easy to carry. She would consider it after planting a large area in the future. others.

The equipment in this market is very complete. In less than an hour, she found all the equipment she needed, such as small automatic rice combine harvesters, threshers, rice threshers, potato crushers, etc., all of which were optional plugs. Electric machines.

Lin Ling and Xia Mo laboriously moved the machine to the truck, and after it was neatly arranged, Xia Mo pointed to the store that hadn't been visited yet: "Sister, there are still ahead."

"There are all vegetable-growing machines in front." Lin Ling looked at the machines for sowing peanuts, peppers, and vegetable seedlings, and felt that human beings' creativity is too strong. "Take two, I don't know. Is it useful or not?"

At the end of Xia Xia, I went to get two well-packed machines, and let the ugly brother test and confirm that they can be used before moving them to the car: "I took two."

"Okay." Lin Ling got into the car, "There is a large seed market next to it, let's go there and have a look."

The situation in the seed market is not as good as that of the agricultural tool market next door. Most of the shops and warehouses inside have been evacuated. class of seeds.

Adhering to the idea of ​​"thieves don't leave empty", Lin Ling emptied all the flower seeds and plant seeds stored in the store. Although they were old, as long as they were not eaten by moths, she would be able to plant them alive after taking them back.

After emptying the seeds, Lin Ling drove slowly towards the urban area, stopping and stopping along the way, and found some useful things one after another.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Ling arrived at the transaction place she agreed with those people alone, and after sending out the docking signal, someone came out of the surrounding buildings.

The other party was wearing a hat, and the brim of the hat was pulled down very low, covering half of his face: "A battery."

This is a woman, and Lin Ling's heart became less guarded. She took out the battery from the trolley she brought: "Five catties of rice, one catty of peanuts."

This person has been planting the land for more than half a year since he got the land from the security zone, and he is about to harvest rice for the second time, so he is very generous: "Here."

Lin Ling checked it, and handed the battery to the other party: "The battery is fully charged, and you can watch TV continuously all night. If you just flush your phone, you can flush it dozens of times."

The man nodded: "Do you really have a chicken?"

Lin Ling hummed: "The price is expensive."

The man said, "How much do you want? When I harvest the rice, I want to buy two hens."

Lin Ling said: "One fifty catties of rice, if you have something good that I don't have, you can exchange it."

Fifty catties of saving food is enough to feed one person for four or five months. The man hesitated, "What do you need? I can find it."

Lin Ling said, "Pigs, cattle and sheep."

This person's face sank at a speed visible to the naked eye. If she had these good things, would she still pay a lot of money for the chicken?

The two did not reach an agreement on the next cooperation, and after the transaction was over, they turned around and left.

Lin Ling went to the next place, and traded charging treasures and batteries with seven or eight people one after another.

The last person who dealt with Lin Ling was also a woman. She stared at Lin Ling's exposed eyes and forehead for a while, "Did I meet you somewhere?"

Lin Ling raised her eyes and glanced at the other party, but she didn't have any impression: "No, you made a mistake."

"Impossible." The woman stared at Lin Ling for a while longer, "I'm sure I've seen you somewhere, your eyes are really familiar."

Lin Ling didn't want to talk any more with the woman, so she turned around and was about to leave.

The woman saw the little green curled up on Lin Ling's wrist with keen eyes, and immediately exclaimed: "I remembered, we came out of the safe zone in a truck."

The woman pulled off the kerchief covering her cheeks, revealing a young face, "Do you remember? But I have been sitting next to you."

Seeing the woman's exposed cheeks, Lin Ling also remembered that at that time, besides Lin Ling, she was the only young woman in the truck. At that time, everyone was on guard against each other and no one spoke.

It was after this woman opened her mouth to imagine the beauty of the future that everyone began to fantasize about the future one after another. Later, the atmosphere in the car became much better, and they arrived near City G with ease.

"I asked you at that time, which piece of land was allocated to you by the country, do you remember?" The young woman asked again.

Lin Ling nodded: "I remember."

"I didn't expect us to meet again." The young woman said softly, "We've been out for almost ten months, right? How are you doing?"

After the young woman said this sentence, she felt that what she was asking was nonsense. The fact that someone can sell batteries proves that her life is much better than her.

Lin Ling smiled faintly: "It's okay."

"That's good." The young woman paused, "I'm doing okay too."

"I used to think that the safe zone could protect me, but after I left the safe zone, I realized that I was more diligent and my life was much more comfortable than in the safe zone."

At the beginning, in the safe zone, I relied on doing work to earn points to exchange for food. It was very difficult to earn points when I went out. I finally earned the points to exchange for food, and I also faced the risk of being cut in line, being tricked, and having food stolen.

Leaving the safe zone and farming, she thought she would not be able to survive, but when she accepted the life of opening up wasteland and farming with expectations, everything became easier.

"Except for the first month when I was always worried, it gradually got better." Probably because it was a rare meeting, the young woman chattered non-stop.

Lin Ling hummed lightly as a response.

"At that time, there were more than 20 people in our first batch, and I don't know what happened to the others." The woman said again.

Lin Ling didn't pay attention to other people's traces: "I don't know either."

The woman hummed, "It's fate for us to meet. Let me introduce myself? My name is Zhao Xiaoling, and I have an earth-type ability. If you need help with the earth-type in the future, you can contact me on your mobile phone."

Lin Ling already had Xia Mo's help, so she didn't need to hire another person, but for the sake of the four-day car ride together, she gave her name: "Lin Ling."

"00?" Zhao Xiaoling laughed when she heard the words, "That's why you named it Quanquan?"

Lin Ling: "Almost."

Zhao Xiaoling smiled and said with emotion: "You are really talented."

Lin Ling looked at the unconcealable smile in Zhao Xiaoling's eyes. It seemed that she was a person who loved to laugh. She had laughed many times when talking to her. People who love to laugh don't have complicated thoughts, "It's okay .”

"I'll change one when I go back." Zhao Xiaoling put two batteries and ten charging treasures on the bicycle she got up, "It's getting late, I have to hurry back, I'm worried about growing so much food at home. "

Lin Ling looked at Zhao Xiaoling's eagerness to go home, and suddenly remembered the words that Zhao Xiaoling said on the truck that aroused everyone's heartstrings. She said that she would plant all the land that could be planted with grain, and raise a few more. A pig, a few chickens and ducks...

She couldn't help but asked, "At the beginning, you said that you would plant all the places that can be planted with food, did you plant them all?"

"I planted a lot." Zhao Xiaoling said: "My luck is very good. The owner of the land next to my land is a wood-type supernatural power. We cooperated and helped each other plant, and the crops grew faster. Otherwise, I don’t even have the confidence to buy batteries and charging treasures.”

"Oh, that's right." Zhao Xiaoling thought of what Lin Ling said in the forum, and couldn't help asking, "Did you really raise chickens?"

Lin Ling hummed.

"Then when my batch of corn is harvested, can I buy a few hens from you?" Zhao Xiaoling said seriously, without any intention of taking advantage, "I don't have any rare items, only the grain that was safely separated for me Kind, how much do you want? If I can’t buy two, I’ll buy one.”

"Now I can barely support myself and don't have to worry about food like before, so I thought about raising some livestock."

Lin Ling nodded, "Very good."

"There are a few chickens raised at home. Chickens are cheap, ten catties of rice for one, and three or four month olds are more expensive, fifty catties of rice for one, and more for corn."

Zhao Xiaoling felt that it was a little expensive, but she still wanted to buy eggs in order to eat eggs in the future: "Okay, I will come to you when I harvest."

Lin Ling hummed.

"Then I'll go first." Zhao Xiaoling pedaled vigorously in another direction of the city on her bicycle.

Lin Ling looked at Zhao Xiaoling's back with soft eyes, and after she was far away, she quickly took another shortcut to find Xia Mo and Brother Chou.

Before approaching, Lin Ling saw Xia Mo and Brother Chou standing face to face with five people from a distance, and one of them was trying to reach out to grab Xia Mo.