MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 86 add more

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It was Lu Yu who was driving by Lin Ling, and he was the only one in the car.

She took the initiative to say hello: "Captain Lu."

Lu Yu parked the car behind Lin Ling's pickup truck, put one hand on the window of the car, and nodded to her with a relaxed expression: "Where do you put the seeds?"

Lin Ling looked at the seeds stuffed like a hill behind Lu Yu's cart, "They're all for me?"

Lu Yun hummed: "I will pay you."

Lin Ling smiled at Lu Yu when she heard the words, "I thought you forgot."

"I haven't forgotten." Lu Yu paused, "I'm free now."

It has been nearly two months since Lu Yu sent the piglet over last time. Lin Ling didn't expect Lu Yu and the others to go out for so long before returning.

Lu Yu asked again: "Where to put it?"

Lin Ling thought for a moment, then opened the wooden door, "Go in."

Lu Yu nodded, followed Lin Ling to drive the car into the fence, drove along the specially dug country road for two minutes, and arrived at the courtyard in the center.

"Captain Lu, you can just park your car here." Lin Ling pointed to the vacant space after dismantling the chicken coop, "I'll unload it later."

Lu Yu parked the car, took off his coat, and walked to the back of the carriage wearing a short-sleeved black T. He reached out to pick up a bag of seeds, "Where do you put it?"

Lin Ling didn't want to ask Lu Yu to help with the work, so he hesitated for a while and said, "Then put it in the yard."

Lu Yu nodded, then walked towards the yard with a bag of seeds in one hand.

Lin Ling thought to himself, Captain Lu has a cold face and a warm heart, but he is quite friendly, much friendlier than his team.

She nodded in satisfaction, and caught a glimpse of Lu Yu's back from the corner of her eye, and found that the biceps in his arms were very smooth. This person looked tall and thin, but he didn't expect to have such beautiful muscles.

Thinking of the word "muscle", Lin Ling thought of the trouble that Xiaolu caused that day, and her eyes fell on Lu Yu's thin waist and abdomen. A person with his profession should also have muscles Bar?

Sensing Lin Ling's gaze, Lu Yu looked back at Lin Ling with a slight frown.

Lin Ling turned her head quickly, and said silently in her heart: She didn't look at anything, she didn't think about anything.

Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling's guilty look, raised his eyebrows slightly, and continued to move the seeds.

"All these seeds were paid to me?" Lin Ling counted the seeds, almost thirty bags.

Lu Yun hummed.

Lin Ling counted the overwhelmed saplings, and there were only a dozen: "We can't use so many."

Lu Yu said, "Meal expenses."

Lin Ling was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Lu Yu to take the initiative to mention this matter. This person was quite polite, "Then I will accept it."

Lu Yun hummed and continued to move the seeds.

After moving the seeds, Lu Yu saw that Lin Ling was struggling to move the wood, so he went over to help, "For firewood?"

Lin Ling pointed to the location of the open space: "I want to build a viewing platform here and use it as a shelf for the stairs."

Lu Yu glanced at the wood, "Steel is more durable."

Of course Lin Ling knew this truth: "I can't find these things."

"It stands to reason that there should be signal towers, high-voltage wire towers, etc. around here, but I can't see them anywhere. In the last days, are there still people stealing steel pipes to sell? If there were, I would directly use the signal tower as a viewing platform."

Lu Yu's knuckle-boned fingers tapped on the carriage, and there were a few sunken pits on the steel made of steel plates. He looked at the pits blankly, reached out and pressed them, and the pits returned to normal.

After unloading the wood, Lin Ling's hands were extremely dirty. She glanced at Lu Yu's hands that were also dirty, and suggested: "There is water in the pond, Captain Lu can go and wash it."

Lu Yu didn't refuse either, and went to the pond to wash his hands. After washing, he glanced at the fish swimming in the fish pond next to him. The water was rippling and rippled.

Dahei, who was working hard in the pond, saw that Lu Yu had been staring at the fish they raised, and sprayed water all over him vigorously, warning Lu Yu: Don't stare at the fish raised by the owner. If the owner doesn't speak, no one will think about it. eat.

Lu Yu, who had no intention of avoiding it, was directly splashed, and his upper body was soaked.

Dahei Luyu was splashed by it, and flicked his tail proudly, making a huge splash, and then asked Lin Ling for credit: Master, master, I splashed the villain who wanted to steal our fish.

Lu Yu frowned and looked at Lin Ling, and gritted his molars: "I want to steal your fish?"

"It's nonsense." Lin Ling immediately explained that she didn't want to offend the other party. He is the captain of the cleanup team, and his combat effectiveness must be very strong. She was really afraid that the other party would use a random move and boil Dahei into fish soup, " Captain Lu, you haven't seen anything good, how could you steal my little fish."

Lu Yu drew his lower lip, "I really haven't seen it before."

This is to eat fish soup? Lin Ling looked at the little fish who hadn't grown up yet, pointed at Dahei and said, "Captain Lu, whatever you want."

Dahei froze for a moment: Master, the normal procedure should be that you protect me and beat the bad guys to death.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows: "Being half disabled?"

"It watches too many TV shows." Lin Ling glared at Dahei, who had no eyesight, "Captain Lu, I'm really sorry."

Lu Yu responded lightly, turned around and walked towards the car outside the yard. Xu felt uncomfortable all over his body, so he lifted up the black T-shirt and took it off.

Lin Ling, who was walking behind, looked at Lu Yu's thin but not thin back, which was a standard inverted triangle. She took two steps forward slightly, and looked at Lu Yu's eight-pack abs in front of him generously. The muscles are well proportioned, strong and powerful.

Lin Ling's eyes showed an imperceptible astonishment. She really looked thinner when she was dressed, but she had flesh when she undressed, and she had a perfect figure.

Lu Yu threw the wet black T into the car, took out a clean black T and put it on again.

Lin Ling sighed in disappointment. Isn't it hot to wear black on such a hot day?

As soon as Lu Yu turned his head, he saw the disappointment in Lin Ling's eyes, "Is it good-looking?"

It is undeniable that it is really pretty, Lin Ling nodded.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows:? ? ?

Lin Ling's ears felt a little hot, she coughed lightly, and said seriously, "You have quite a lot of black T."

Just changing the subject so bluntly, Lu Yu snorted softly, "That's quite a lot."

"Where did you buy it wholesale?" Lin Ling saw that Lu Yu's black T-shirts were of good quality, and she also wanted to find a few. She went to X City and G City a few times but couldn't find any suitable clothes, so they should have been taken away.

Lu Yu took out two pieces from the car and threw them to Lin Ling, "I haven't worn them."

Lin Ling glanced at the label that hadn't been torn off, it was a big brand, "Thank you."

Lu Yun hummed, accepting her thank you.

Lin Ling pursed her lower lip. Neither of them was a talkative person, so they didn't know what to say for a while.

Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling, ready to say goodbye and leave. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the birds, dogs and two fire-breathing chickens who were secretly observing and guarding against him. A few mutant beasts were protecting the master.

Mynah called out, "Boss, I'm hungry."

The implication is to remind Lu Yu to leave quickly, we are going to eat.

Lu Yu chuckled, this broken bird.

Lin Ling glanced at the sky, it was noon, it was time for lunch.

After collecting so many seeds and two new clothes from Lu Yu, Lin Ling couldn't drive him away: "Captain Lu, why don't you stay for lunch?"

The starling's feathers immediately exploded: Boss, are you afraid that you drank fake wine? ? ?

Xiaolu was also a little dissatisfied: those chickens were raised by them, so they couldn't share them with this wild man.

Lin Ling ignored Starling and Xiaolu: "I just made a batch of vermicelli. Captain Lu can have a taste."

When Lu Yu heard the word vermicelli, his eyebrows moved slightly, he was afraid that he would have a bad night if he ate too much, "No need."

Lin Ling looked at Lu Yu in confusion, "Captain Lu doesn't like vermicelli?"

Lu Yu said hesitantly: "Just eating vermicelli will make you scratch your head."

Lin Ling didn't expect that Lu Yu would also know about this: "...then I'll add a chicken to you, Captain Lu, and it happens that half of the chicken that was killed before is left."

Lu Yu stared at Lin Ling's face, trying to find out the reluctance on her face.

Seeing this, the starling let out a yell: Smelly rascal, why are you staring at my beauty? Look at the money!

Chun Mian, a professional fanboy, opened her mouth in a timely manner: How much is the charge?

Starling: Of course the beauty is because he can't afford the price!

Chun Mian nodded in agreement: Dad, you are right.

Lin Ling continued: "Captain Lu, why are you still afraid that I won't succeed in poisoning you?"

"No." Lu Yu paused, "What do you want? If I can't help it, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat this meal."

Lin Ling smiled when he heard the words, and talking to smart people is easy, "It's not difficult. I heard that the safety zone has recently started to build a manufacturing industry. Can you give me some products first? Can I exchange food?"

The first things produced by the manufacturing industry must only be supplied to the safe zone, and they will not be able to enjoy them for a while, so Lin Ling said this.

Lu Yu said, "What do you want?"

Lin Ling thought for a while: "Vinegar."

Lu Yu looked at Lin Ling's clean cheeks, the corners of his eyes were slightly upturned, with a unique charm: "You like to be jealous so much?"

Lin Ling inexplicably felt that this sentence sounded familiar, but didn't think deeply about it, "It's okay."

"The main reason is to eat hot and sour noodles. It would not be perfect without vinegar." Now that she is no longer short of food and clothing, Lin Ling naturally tries to restore the food that can be restored, so she is not reconciled to not being able to eat hot and sour noodles.

Lu Yun hummed, and the ending sound rose slightly, "Is it really that delicious?"

"It's delicious if you like it." Lin Ling used to like to go down to the community to eat noodles, Chaoshou, hot and sour noodles, bridge rice noodles, steamed stuffed buns, fried dough sticks, and eat them in rotation every week. less money.

Lu Yu nodded: "What else?"

Lin Ling thought for a while: "Soy sauce, wine, salt, etc., if there is a face wipe, I want it too."

Lin Ling had found a lot of skin care products from the outside before. Although they had not been opened and had been vacuum-packed, after opening they always felt that they were not as good as the new ones. I don't know if it was a psychological effect.

"Besides, it would be better if there are women's products." Lin Ling also found some sanitary napkins before, although they are still usable, they are still not as good as new ones.

Lu Yu froze for a moment, feminine products?

Seeing Lu Yu's confusion, Lin Ling felt a little embarrassed when she thought of saying these things to a man she didn't know very well.

But people who have experienced the end of the world will not be shy for too long, Lin pursed his lips: "Now that I can eat enough, my aunt has started to visit, and I need these things."

Lu Yu nodded and said yes.

After finding the 'purchasing agent', Lin Ling breathed a sigh of relief and took out her mobile phone: "How about we add a forum friend? When the time comes, you can directly notify me when the stock is available?"

Read The Duke's Passion