MTL - The State Arranged For Me To Farm-Chapter 94 Second watch

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Unknowingly, another month passed, and the green plants outside the wall widened a lot. As far as the eye could see, it was full of green saplings, full of vitality.

At the end of summer, after watering the newly planted saplings outside the city, he carried a bucket and quickly ran towards the hillside where March bubbles, wild mulberries, and wild sweet potatoes were planted in the enclosure.

Half a year ago, Lin Ling transplanted some prickly pears, Sanyuebaoer, wild mulberries, wild sweet potatoes and other wild fruit trees back to the village. Now Sanyuebaoer has matured, and the fruits are as red as rubies, making mouth watering.

Xia Mo ran fast, and Brother Chou ran to keep up, making a barking sound from time to time, reminding Xia Mo to run slowly and not to fall.

"If you don't run faster, myna and Chunmian will eat it all." Xia Mo speeded up and rushed up the hillside, watching myna standing on the branches and leaves pecking at the red fruits, "Myna, you must not eat them all." , My sister hasn't eaten yet."

The starling who wanted to eat alone had to stop, "I'm going to pick it up for the boss."

"My sister won't eat the pitted ones you pecked." Panting, Xia Mo ran to the hillside and looked at the clumps of March bubbles, which had a faint sweet and sour fruity aroma. It smells very good.

The scientific name of Sanyuebaoer is raspberry and raspberry. The branches and leaves are covered with tiny thorns. It is a very common wild fruit in the mountains and forests. Lin Ling dug back the perennial rhizomes directly before, so it bears fruit quickly. .

At the end of the summer, carefully avoiding the thorns, I picked a red fruit and put it in my mouth. The sweet and sour taste is delicious.

He only ate one, and picked off all the remaining Sanyue bubbles and took them back for Lin Ling to eat.

"Sister, you eat."

Lin Ling took two, wiped the ash off them, and put them in her mouth. The sweet and sour flavors were all from childhood memories.

Xia Mo handed the rest to Lin Ling: "Sister, there are more here."

"I won't take it, you can share it." Lin Ling's teeth are a little sensitive, and she feels a little uncomfortable after eating something sour. She thinks she needs Sensodyne toothpaste.

Xia Mo said: "There is no more on the mountain, sister, if you don't eat, there will be no more."

Lin Ling said, "It's okay, I'll have it again in a few months."

Calculated according to the normal season, March Pao'er should mature around Qingming every year, but now the climate is chaotic, and it depends on Lin Lingmu's supernatural power and Dahei water to feed these plants, so as long as you continue to water, March Pao'er It won't be long before it will continue to bloom and bear fruit.

"The mulberry next to it is also fruiting, and it will be ready to eat in half a month. Then you can pick it earlier, so as not to be eaten up by starlings again."

Starlings are very good at finding seeds and food, and they can smell the smell from a long distance. If it wasn't for myna's slip of the tongue this time, both Lin Ling and Xia Mo would have forgotten that they should eat the Sanyue bubble on the mountain.

Xia Mo hummed, "I remember this time."

Lin Ling paused, "Also, last time I went to see the sweet potatoes planted in the nearby field, they have already produced fruit, and I guess they will gradually grow red in the past few days. When you go there, if you smell the sweet and fragrant The sweet taste can be picked."

Xia Mo was so happy that his eyes lit up, "Sister, we have a lot of fruits to eat."

"There will be more fruits to eat in the future." Lin Ling also planted peach trees, pear trees, orange trees, and plum trees around the yard. They were all dug up with roots and trees, and now they have been planted for a year There are too many, the branches and leaves have grown very lushly, and it is estimated that it will bloom and bear fruit in a year or so at the latest.

"That's great." Xia Mo looked at the fruit trees planted on the acre of land outside the yard. He never dared to think that he could live such a good life. When he could eat it in the future, he must eat a little more to help Mom and Dad eat together.

"We still have to wait for a long time for the fruit, but now we have something good to eat." Lin Ling passed by the rocky field on the other side where the crayfish were raised, and found that the crayfish gave birth to a lot of crayfish. The crayfish also grew up unknowingly, and they are quite big, so they should be edible.

"I'll grab a few and cook them at night to taste." Lin Ling walked towards the crayfish field with a bucket in hand. When he went, he happened to see some crayfish lying on the edge of the field to enjoy the food before dark. The last time the sun warmed.

I was caught by crayfish before the end of summer, and now I still have lingering fears, "Sister, they are very fierce in trapping people."

"I brought tongs." Lin Ling specially brought tongs, and pointed at the crayfish one by one.

Xiaolu cheered Lin Ling up and shouted: Come on! Squeeze it! Clip more!

Starling and Chun Mian watched Lin Ling's ferocious movements, and they couldn't help shrinking their necks, and stepped back a little. They always felt that if they didn't dodge, the tongs would fall on their necks in the next moment , Xia Mo looked at Lin Ling adoringly, why didn't he think of holding another poker just now?

Lin Ling didn't catch a shrimp, so he took a closer look, and put it into the bucket after confirming that it was a newborn male shrimp. If he caught a pregnant female shrimp, he put it back in the field.

There were not many prawns, Lin Ling caught only 30 of them in total, washed them by the pond, went to the prawn heads, prawn tails and prawn strings, and there was only a small bowl of prawn tail meat left.

The shrimp heads, shrimp tails and shrimp threads were all given to Da Hei, so Da Hei had no share of the shrimp meat at night, Lin Ling returned home with the shrimp tails, "What can I do with so few?

The starling silently handed Lin Ling the "100 Home Cooking Dishes" that Lin Ling gave to his father and son a few days ago, "Boss, why don't you take a look at it?"

Xiaolu, who was wrapped around Lin Ling's wrist, glanced at mynah in distaste.

The starling thought to himself that it was because he was afraid of death that he tried every means to return the book back!

Lin Ling noticed the interaction between Xiaolu and mynah, twitched the corner of her mouth, and then borrowed a book to turn to the catalog: "Stir-fried green rattan vegetables, starling soup with chestnuts and ginkgo, chicken soup with red dates, peanuts..."

Chun Mian, who had been watching the excitement without making a sound, raised her head subconsciously: It didn't do anything, why is it in the recipe?

Lin Ling continued to turn a page, and clicked lightly: "I found it, let's make fried shrimp tails with green onions in a while!"

There are fewer shrimps and more scallions, and some lettuce slices are added. In addition, chili, pepper, and bean paste are naturally not missing. In short, the taste is still very good after being stir-fried in a pot. Thanks to the cold-faced and warm-hearted Captain Lu. seasoning.

"I thought they were ugly, but I didn't expect them to be delicious." After feeling the joy of eating crayfish, Xia Mo and Xiaolu were immersed in the deliciousness and couldn't extricate themselves. "We need to raise more."

"Well, we need to raise more." Lin Ling has tasted enough of the pain of not being able to eat enough, so the more the better, he is like the chicken raised behind the bamboo forest, which has just hatched a hundred chicks, and now it is starting again. In the second round of hatching, they chirped and screamed all day long, very noisy, but they felt very rich.

The first batch and the second batch of chickens have already started to lay eggs, and now the egg production is very high. Basically, more than 30 eggs can be collected every day. For the chicken ancestors, Chun Mian will eat two, and save all the others. In less than ten days, he has saved nearly two or three hundred.

But now that he can eat a chicken and a fish from time to time, and there is oil and water in the dishes, Lin Ling's demand for eggs has dropped a lot. It's okay to eat once in a while, but he can't bear it if he eats it every day.

There are too many eggs, and storage has become a problem, so Lin Ling made salted eggs and preserved eggs with the existing raw materials after researching for a long time.

The common salted eggs are made of duck eggs, but eggs can also be made. There are many ways to pickle eggs, such as yellow sand pickling, salt salt pickling, white wine soaking, etc. She uses the simplest method Salted eggs.

First prepare a clay pot, pour the prepared boiled water and salt into it, mix well and taste the taste, if it tastes salty and bitter.

After the boiling water cools down, put the washed and dried eggs into the salt water, and put in 400 eggs one after another, and then stop after filling a large earthenware pot, then pour in a small cup of white wine, Then seal the mouth of the altar and save it, and wait for a month to take it out and eat it.

The chickens continued to lay eggs, and Lin Ling took out the remaining eggs to make preserved eggs. The method of preserved eggs was also learned from books. First, you need to prepare fresh eggs, white lime, tea, salt, plant ash, loess, rice husks, etc. .

Plant ash, salt, and loess rice husks are all available at home, and she found things like white lime and tea from nearby towns.

It was the first time to make it, and she didn't know if it could be done well. She took 50 of them to practice, and after a month, if they were formed, they would make a large number of them according to this ratio.

Before Lin Ling could breathe a sigh of relief, Xia Mo came back with a basket of eggs: "Sister, the chicken laid another thirty-five eggs today."

"..." Lin Ling hummed, "Take out the ones that can be hatched, and put the rest in the basket."

Say hello to the end of summer.

After a few days like this, another hundred eggs were saved.

At this time, Lin Ling also received a private message from Zhao Xiaoling: "Master 00, I gave birth to an older son yesterday!"

Lin Ling replied, "Congratulations."

Zhao Xiaoling said again: "Can I sell some of the fish I told you about?"

"Yes." Lin Ling paused: "Shall I bring it to you? Or do you have someone come to G City to pick it up?"

Zhao Xiaoling: "Can you deliver it for me?"

Lin Ling: "Are you sure?"

Although everyone knows each other, they haven't reached the point of visiting each other. After all, self-confidence is indispensable.

Zhao Xiaoling said indifferently, "You have everything I have here, and you definitely don't like it."

Then Zhao Xiaoling sent the coordinate address, "When is it convenient for you to deliver it?"

Lin Ling thought for a while: "Tomorrow."

Zhao Xiaoling said: "Okay, then send me a message when you are about to arrive, and I will go out to pick you up."

"Okay." Lin Ling then went to prepare the fish that Zhao Xiaoling needed, and she also prepared some eggs as gifts.

It's not easy to go out, Lin Ling also prepared some other things, going to Zhao Xiaoling's residence and going to the market opened by other people to exchange some things she needs.

It took seven hours to drive to Zhao Xiaoling's residence. Lin Ling was worried that the car's battery on the road was not enough, so she took Brother Chou out, and Xia Mo took care of the house.

Speeding all the way north, bypassing City G for another three hours, she finally arrived at Zhao Xiaoling's allotted land before three o'clock in the afternoon.

The land here is the same as her land boundary, there are mountains and flat land, and the surrounding hillsides are also full of vegetation, very lush.

There is a river here in Zhao Xiaoling. The river meanders and leads to a village surrounded by walls in the distance. There is smoke rising from the village, accompanied by the sound of chickens crowing.

Lin Ling asked Brother Chou to guard the car outside the fence, and she entered the fence alone. As she walked, she saw two cars parked next to the place where the cooking smoke was burning.

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