MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1802 Swallowing

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Heaven completely lost its reason and snarled wildly: "This is what you forced me, even if it is the same, I will not let you succeed."


There was a loud noise in the sky, and then there was a hole in the sky, like a horrible force to tear the sky away.

At the same time, there were cracks on the ground and turned into a gap that turned the oasis into ruin.


Tang Yan saw this scene, the eyelids jumped, and the heavens really wanted to fight.


The wind has swept away, and this sky has become a **** of hell.

"Heavenly, stop, do you want to destroy the world?" Tang Yan shouted in shock.

Heavenly Fury: "This is what you forced me, what about human destruction? I will not destroy, no one can stop me."


A gap has emerged and quickly spread from the tree of life to all directions. It seems that it is really necessary to cut the world's land into countless pieces.

"Yuan Ying is separated, you are also going to stop." Tang Yan has no choice but to persuade another one.

"Ha ha ha..." Yuan Ying was madly laughing: "Don Tang, you can't stop it, how is he ruining the world? We still have heaven, and when we can, we can survive."

"Nonsense, the human world is our foundation, what good is your destruction?" Tang Yan retorted.

"A world that doesn't belong to me, what is the relationship between ruin? You are still optimistic about the drama, Tiandao is just dying, useless." Yuan Ying said disdainfully.

"Desperately struggling, I will also pull you back." Heavenly hysteria, has lost reason, mad.


A black gas stretched out of the chasm, like a shackle, firmly grasping the tree of life.

At the same time, the cracks in the sky also appeared a lot of black gas, rushing to the black hole.

I don't know when, the sky is gradually darkening, as if it is pulling the dark curtain.

Tang Xiaokong shrank, and suddenly there was an ominous premonition, and he was shocked and shouted: "The night falls."

Heaven said triumphantly: "Yes! I can teach the king to come to the night, then I can of course use it, and the rumor is far above him. Do you think I have no choice? You are all wrong!"

Tang Yan’s heart twitched. He saw the coming of the night, knowing that this is a very powerful supernatural power. If Heaven’s rumors on the night of the night are far beyond the king, his heart is not at the end. I wonder if Yuan Ying’s avatar can Resist.

The voice of Yuan Ying’s body became low. He knew this very well. He couldn’t turn his bow and he didn’t have a choice. He had no choice but to go forward.

"Then I will try your eternal night, see if my swallowing is powerful, or your eternal night is coming." Yuan Ying was not scared, and his voice became high and full of infinite fighting spirit. .


The black hole spins up quickly, and the endless deep darkness seems to have a magical power that can swallow everything.

Swallow the sky!

Tang Yin’s heart was suddenly stunned and immediately recognized. This is the highest realm of the engulfing of Yuan Ying’s body - swallowing the sky.

Since Tang Yan completely cultivated and successfully swallowed the heavens, there was no real firepower, and the power of the swallowing technique was fully applied.

Therefore, even he himself does not know the true power of swallowing.

One person will show the night, one will cast a swallow, the tip of the needle will be against the mang, whoever is deer, there is no definite answer.

Tang Yan sighed and said: "Heavenly, you want to destroy the world. If you don't do this, I may still be neutral, but if you look to pull the world into the water, then you can't blame me."


He vacated, stepping on the clouds, and swooping down to the black shackles.

The mysterious sword has a dazzling light, descending from the sky, turning into a giant sword, it seems to break through this world.

"Don Juan, you still helped him!" Tiandao was furious and roared.

"This is also what you forced me." Tang Yan said helplessly.

"Then you will go together, you must all die." Heaven is murderous, and a chain of chains slams into Tang.


Xuanzang sword hit this chain, the chain is broken, and Tang Hao has not had time to catch his breath. After the break, the black spots of the stars are reunited.

A new chain was reborn, the chain was stirred, and the atmosphere between the heavens and the earth was driven. It turned into a black tornado and roared to Tang.

The tendon cloud is fast and flexible, and it is around the tornado. I saw the sword light, the bang, the tornado burst, and the mysterious sword once again smashed the chain, and the eye-catching sword light dispelled all the darkness.

"Ha ha ha, Tang Yan, good, you and I are one, should be courageous, and fight against this heavenly road, let him completely finish!" Yuan Ying was overjoyed and laughed.


The power of the swallowing technique has been raised to the extreme. The black hole is getting bigger and bigger, the rotation is getting faster and faster, and the tree of life speeds up to the black hole. As for the black chains, it can't block the power of the black hole.

Tiandao shouted: "Don Juan, you are going to die."

Tang Zhen is a sacred place, the real master, Tiandao can not ignore his attack, especially under repeated attacks, Tiandao had to be distracted, or stretched, and did not as easily as he said, can kill Tang Hey.

Tang Yan also saw this point, speeding up the attack, and the chain was broken, as if the right arm of the heavens was broken, and the heavens roared, and it was obviously not a small one.

"Never nights come!" Suddenly, the heavens roared, the sky completely darkened, and the light between the heavens and the earth seemed to be absorbed, as if someone had turned off the light switch in the night.

There was a darkness between the heavens and the earth, and I couldn’t reach my fingers.

The darkness gathered from all directions, and the overwhelming force on Tang Yan seemed to be squashed.

"It’s really a must for a good night."

Tang Zhen cultivated the Chaos King Kong, and this dark power attempted to crush him, which is easy.

I saw him flashing in the golden light, like a King Kong, dispelling the power of darkness, there is no way to harm him.

However, his breathing is also a little bit urgent, after all, the pressure can not be underestimated.

The tree of life is surrounded by darkness, and even the radiance is so weak that it seems to be swallowed up by the darkness.

Yuan Ying has a big voice: "swallow the sky!"


The earthquake shook, the earth flew from the sky, and the rock flew out of the ground and quickly flew to the black hole.

A moment later, a huge pothole appeared, and the earth seemed to be defective. More earth rocks flew to the black hole and disappeared.

The heavens met, and I was shocked: "Do you really want to **** the world away? If you swallow the sky, you can really swallow the sky. There is really such a magical power in the world."


Yuan Ying’s avatar did not answer his doubts, but the great movement of the earth’s shaking was like responding to him. The world seemed to be swallowed up.

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