MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1808 Heavenly Emperor

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Everyone saw this change, and they were very focused, and they widened their eyes and were at a loss.

They can't see the power of faith, but knowing this change is certainly not simple.

After the infusion of the power of faith, Tang Yan’s body was stable, and he could look at him again and found that he became somewhat illusory, and he had a kind of high mountain and awe from the heart.

When the eyes of the King of Tibet were bright, they saw the clue and said, "Are you moving towards the Protoss?"

Tang Yan took a deep breath and calmed down his mood. He did not expect his own proposal to lead to such a big change. For him, this is a big chance, no less than the epiphany of the Tibetan king.

Facing the eyes of the Tibetan kings and the crowd, he nodded and said, "Yes! You have a force of faith flying out of your body. After you have finished your body and mind, you will have this change. My godhead is in the same place." Little bit formation."


Everyone is puzzled, the first time I heard the term.

Tang Yin explained: "This is what I have just realized after I have combined the power of faith. The godhead is the most important thing of a Protoss, just like the heart of a human being, about the life and death of the Protoss and the power of it."

That's it!

Everyone has a look of ignorance.

"God is related to the Protoss life and death, you mean that the Protoss will also die?" The King of the Divine King’s eyes, directly pointed out the key points.

Protoss will also die?

The spirit of the people was shocked and the eyes were bright. If this was the case, the Protoss would not be terrible.

As long as you die, there is a way to let him die, and there is a way to defeat the Protoss.

Tang Hao nodded. This is what he realized after he combined the power of faith. He said very calmly: "Yes, the Protoss is strong and not fake. The life of the Protoss is almost immortal, but God can also be killed. Dead, the Protoss can also fall, just like a mortal, just not so easy."

These words are like a shot of a strong agent, quickly injected into the hearts of the people, stimulating their inner unyielding will and high morale.

Tang Yan faced everyone and simply snarled the things he had learned. He only listened to him and said: "The gods are a little condensed. When the gods are completely condensed, it is the day of promotion to the Protoss. It must have condensed a part of the godhead, but it has not really succeeded, so it has been abandoned halfway. The power of faith helps me to condense the godhead, which is the key to help me advance to the Protoss."

The crowd gradually became clear, and the Emperor couldn’t wait to say: "What are you waiting for, build the altar, plasticize the body, and help you to condense the gods and advance to the Protoss."

"Yes, this is the most important thing, then our top priority."

The people reached an agreement, but there was no such thing as Don Juan.

After this war, the human mind has become more and more fragile. It is the time to find spiritual comfort and faith. Therefore, when the altars rise up and the golden bodies stand proudly, countless people come to the scene. Almost the threshold of the altar was broken.

The altar is springing up in the world, not only in China, but also in the whole world. Of course, the altar in the ruins of the tree of life is the most magnificent.

The tree of life is gone, and the altar is rising. Humans believe that the altar can protect the human world and replace the role of the tree of life.

Not only that, but under the command of the King of the Divine King, a group of altars appeared. Li Xiaotian walked as a ghost, and he was the main force in the construction of the ghost world.

She is an excellent manager and organizer. The altar of the ghost world is more magnificent than the human world. When Tang Yan saw it, even he himself gave birth to a kind of worship and awe.

Of course, the effect is outstanding!

The world is temporarily safe, and Don Juan does not have to run around. Every day at home, the power of faith continues to flow from all directions.

After merging more and more faith, his godhead is getting stronger and stronger.

This is the easiest time for him to embark on the path of practice, and he can accompany his family wholeheartedly. Especially after Fang Shishi is pregnant, this companionship is especially important.

As the poetry of Fang Shishi grew bigger and bigger, the subtle feeling of being a father made him very excited, no less than the wonderful feeling of the power of fusion.

The poetry of Fang Shishi is getting bigger and bigger, and the days of production are approaching. This feeling is especially strong, and there is also a kind of fear and embarrassment.

Even in the face of a strong enemy, or the end of the world, he does not have this feeling.

However, the calm days have come to an end. He has not waited until the child is born. The news that the Emperor suffered heavy losses was like a blockbuster flying, which made him surprised and angry.

The work of the Emperor of Heaven is not only cultivation, but also runs between the various altars. I don’t know when the Emperor of Heaven has been regarded as a high priest. It is the most powerful and highest-ranking **** in addition to the **** Tang Yin. people.

Tang Zhen knows about this matter. After all, the Emperor of Heaven is a high-powered man, revealing a few miracles, enough to make the world people convinced.

The Emperor of Heaven traveled to the altar, and the harvest was not small. Although he could not be as enlightened as the Tibetan king, he was promoted to the sacred place, but he had a deeper understanding of cultivation.

Therefore, his repairs have risen to the height of the ship, and he has already stepped into the holy place for half a foot, and only one foot is on the door, and you can do it.

This kind of realm of the realm will still be hit hard, it can be said to be a sensational news.

Is this the world, is there a second sacred person?


Tiandao has been removed, Yuan Ying also went to find the Protoss, how could there be such a master?

There must be a demon when things go wrong.

Tang Zhen realized that the situation had changed, so when he heard the news, he hurried to the altar of the accident.

This altar is above the ruins of the tree of life.

Don Juan's speed is already faster than any plane, and his thoughts have moved. He has disappeared into the place. It didn't take long before he came to the scene of the accident.

A towering altar stands on the ruins, and the original appearance of the ruins was deliberately preserved, so that humans could appreciate the thrilling and fierceness of the original war.

The altar has a high step that leads straight to the top of the altar. At the top is the golden statue of Don Juan, where you worship.

As for the high steps, it is to test and sharpen people's minds. When they climbed the long steps, the fear and worship of Tang Yan has risen to the apex, and then they pay homage to the golden body. Such as the Lijiang River generally spewed out.

These are the results of the negotiations between Li Xiaotian and the Emperor, but the effect is the same.

When Tang Yin arrives at the altar, he can see the sky above the altar. A large group of beliefs, such as rolling clouds, are surging.