MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1825 Spirit world

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Time flies, this world is not what it used to be.

Tang Yan said goodbye to his family members and came to the Heavenly Palace. He saw that there were many figures on the ladder, not only humans, but also other races.

The dragons are particularly conspicuous among them. The dragons have always been strong and have a higher start than the humans. Therefore, many dragons have climbed the ladder, feeling the road and absorbing the power of faith in the palace.

There are a lot of extraterrestrial days, standing on the ladder, looking at the Heavenly Palace, staring at Tang Yan.

Of course, there are also many ghosts in the ghost world standing on the ladder. In the past, ghosts and creatures could not stay in the world for a long time in the daytime.

It is totally different now.

Tang Yan used a great magical power to transform the Tianshan aura and introduce yin. These yin qis do not harm humans, but they are the guarantee of the life of ghosts.

A space channel is established between the ghost world and the human world. The strongest in the ghost world can reach the Tianshan Mountain, the ladder, and the Tiangong Palace.

However, they can only be restricted to activities in the Tianshan area, and there will be no harm to the human world.

Moreover, now that the two worlds are good-neighborly and friendly, no one dares to take the world out of the world and commit crimes and provoke contradictions.

A pair of eyes saw Tang Yan in front of the Temple of Heaven, and various ethnic groups were sensational.



Everyone exclaimed, and it was difficult to hide the color of surprise.

Tang Zhen has many identities and many names.

Tang Xiao smiled at the various ethnic groups and said with aloud: "You, the practice is to go against the water, and if you don't advance, you will retreat. I have paved the way for you, but this road is also full of thorns, and you still need the thorns." Can climb the Temple of Heaven and cultivate into God."

His voice was bright and clearly passed into every ear, shocking his heart.

"We must live up to your high hopes."

"Yes, we will definitely play for cultivation."

"Tiangong, I am on board."

"I will definitely be a god, like you, you are my idol."

The bursts of cheers and screams resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Tang Yan gratifiedly nodded, slowly rising from the front of the Temple of Heaven, and swung up in the eyes of the public, disappearing over nine days.

Above nine days, a faint space wave, Tang Yan disappeared, and he left the world.

Not much waves, crossing the space for him, has been able to do the weightlifting, it is generally simple.

However, this time through space is not simple for him, as can be seen from the serious expression on his face.

Because he is going to a new world.

Spirit world.

At the beginning, Yuan Ying separated from him and went straight to the realm of the gods. Now, he has to go straight to the realm like Yuan Ying.

The Protoss in the Divine Realm has come to the world and has been wiped out by the Tang Emperor. The Protoss will not be indifferent.

Don Juan will not be indifferent, sitting still and taking the initiative to attack is the king.

Moreover, there is no danger in the world. There are Xintianshu, Tianti and Tiangong. The growth of the world is just around the corner.

Therefore, he must go to the realm of the gods in person, explore the truth and falsehood of the Protoss, know each other and know each other.

Yuan Ying was divided into the waves of the gods and made the protoss suffer. He did not believe that he could not do this.

After deliberation with his family, he decided to leave.

The cracks in the space are still dark, and if you don't pay attention, you will lose it. Tang Yan looks for a subtle sense in the darkness and stops in a place.

His fingers moved forward, and a bright light appeared in the cracks in the dark space. Then, the door of a space slowly opened.

He walked across the door in a leisurely walk, the darkness behind him disappeared, his eyes suddenly opened, and his glaring eyes came.


Tang Yankong shrinks, looking incredibly in front of him, his eyes are a scorched earth, and the ground is braving black smoke, as if he has just experienced a big battle.

He looked up again, there were two suns in the sky, no wonder so glaring, the horrible heat is baking this land.

This seems to be hell, a hundred times more difficult than the human environment.

"Is this a godland? Isn't the godland a paradise for birds and flowers? How is the environment so bad? The gods are too sad."

Tang Yan scratched his head and was very puzzled.

“Don't I come to the wrong place and go to another world?”

He pondered some thoughts and denied the idea. He is already a god. The connection with the world is very solid. He can be sure that this is the so-called god.

"It’s really a disappointment to see it."

Tang Yan shook his head and was undecided. When I didn't know what to do, the sky changed.

He quickly looked up and saw that the sun was slowly hidden in the sky, and finally disappeared completely, as if it had never appeared.

There is only one round of the sun in the sky, the temperature returns to normal, no longer hot, and the black smoke on the scorched earth dissipates.

"What is going on here?"

Tang Zhen was puzzled and looked at the sky.

After a while, he shook his head and left the place with great enthusiasm. This piece of scorched earth occupies the aurora, but Tang Hao finally came to the edge of the scorched earth.

The scorched earth and the outside seem to be two completely different worlds. A clear boundary separates the two places. There is no living creature on the scorched earth, and the dead earth is heavy, and the scorched earth is full of vitality.

He crossed the clear boundary, the air changed, the fresh air, and the rich aura made him refreshed.

The birds are fragrant and lively.

This is in line with Tang Yin’s imagination of the realm of the gods.

But when he looked back, the hopeless scorched earth was so real and extraordinarily glaring, and the two pieces of land were so contradictory in front of them, which was extremely confusing.

"First look for a Protoss, maybe you can solve this puzzle."

He vacated and turned into a light and flew forward.

As the eyes glimpse, Tang Yan is once again shocked, the mountains are undulating, layered, and a scene of paradise.

Suddenly, an ancient city pool jumped into his sight, and an endless stream of people was coming in and out of the city gate.

“This **** is like an ancient world, still maintaining the oldest style, without the signs of modern human technology.”

"Actually, this is normal. The Protoss are high above, the magical power is strong, and how can we need technology? There is no need to work hard. As for human beings, because personal strength is too thin, they will try their best to develop technology and solve problems in life. ”

"Just, those who go in and out do not seem to be like Protoss."

Tang Yan was puzzled. He did not feel the atmosphere of the Protoss from those people. Instead, he was like a human being. This is very different from Tang Yi’s imagination.

He decided to mix in and find out the truth.

His body flashed and he had landed in midair, and he mixed into a large team and walked toward the gate.

Four pairs of eyes were cast around, but there was no fuss, and he was completely regarded as the air.

Tang Zhen urged his skill and immediately determined his own guess. These are really human beings, but not ordinary humans, but the repairers.

Read The Duke's Passion