MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1856 Nebula map

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Tang Xin is in charge of these six worlds and asks: "Which worlds are these worlds, where are you, do you know?"

Sun Jiugong smiled bitterly: "Of course I know, I will tell you."

Obviously, Sun Jiugong does not think that Tang can do anything, but he is tireless, he has nothing to do, he can only tell him.

Tang Yan immediately listened.

"These worlds are very mixed. In addition to the gods, there are two worlds, one 酆, one ghost, one demon, one demon, one phoenix, one dragon."

Tang Yan’s eyes widened in surprise. In the world he knows, except for Tiantian and Jiuyou, there are no exceptions. They are all the world of the source of the Protoss faith.

The most important thing is that there are two people in the world. This is what Tang Hao did not expect.

In addition, what is the devil world, the demon world and the phoenix world?

He also knows nothing about it.

"Sun patriarch, can you talk about the specific information about these two worlds, the devil world, the demon world and the phoenix world?" Tang Yu asked.

"As long as I know, I must know everything, tell you all." Sun Jiugong said incessantly.

The so-called two human worlds, one of which is the world from which Tang Yin came from, another human world is similar to his world, human beings are also endless, and they are absolutely dominant, and of course there are no small differences, such as the world pattern, cultivation methods. And the system, this is different from the world of Tang Yan.

It is not surprising that Tang Yin has long guessed that there is more than one human world in the universe.

It is only very embarrassing, and the human beings of another world are also enslaved by the Protoss and become the source of their faith.

This is really a difficult brother, a total of breathing, the same fate.

Obviously, there is no such genius as Tang Yin in that world. He did not recognize his fate and did not fight for it.

In addition, the devil world is the world of the devil. It is not difficult to understand the worship of the Protoss in this name. The devil is a demon god, which seems to be simulating the Protoss.

The demon world is also the world of the demon, no human beings.

Tang Linger is a demon, and the demon family of the demon world must have something in common.

The Phoenix and Dragon Fields are very similar, but the Phoenix family lives in the Phoenix. Like the Dragons, they are respected by human beings and are extremely powerful.

"I know this, all tell you. As for the specific orientation of these worlds, the ancestors also explored them one by one." Sun Jiugong said, took out an old map.

Tang Hao was overjoyed and quickly took the map and started to expand.


A light vacated from the map, and it was unpredictable on the top of everyone's head, and eventually turned into a cluster of nebulae.

There are nine bright spots in this nebula.

"The nebula map!" White fell out of the mouth and cried.

Sun Jiugong nodded: "It is the nebula map, which is a nebula map drawn by the ancestors with countless efforts. The nine highlights on the nebula map are the corresponding nine worlds, which are the world of the source of the Protoss faith."

Tang Yan curiously looked at the nebula map. He was the first time to see the nebula map. It was a bit curious, wide-eyed, immersed in it, and said nothing.

Sun Jiugong and Bai Luo saw that he was fascinated by the sight of God, and they all watched and watched him quietly.

Sun Jiugong did not know how many times he saw the nebula map, and he had no experience.

There is no other content besides the position of the nine worlds.

But the same nebula map is completely another scene in Tang Yin's eyes.

"Miao! It is wonderful. How can I never think of using the nebula to mark the orientation of each world? The map in the conventional sense is no longer suitable. Only the three-dimensional map of the nebula map can fully prepare the world. s position."

This made him subconsciously think of Chess, and the world is a game, how magnificent and vast.

But now Tang Yan has a deeper understanding.

"The previous thoughts and cognitions are still too limited. Playing chess in the heavens and the earth is not really magnificent. To play the universe, play the chess on this nebula, and use each star world as a chess piece. In order to maximize the power of Chess."

Tang Hao suddenly laughed.

He knew why the ancestors of the natives did not succeed.

They don't know Chess, they can't mobilize such a terrible force, and naturally they won't succeed.

But Tang Yan is different. He has a chess game and is very proficient.

As long as he gives him enough time, research is thorough, and the game of chess is successfully carried out, the result will not be the same.

Sun Jiugong and Bai Luojian Tang Yan laughed without any warning, and was shocked. Sun Jiugong asked slyly: "Don Juan, what happened to you?"

Tang Yan returned to the gods and smiled at Sun Jiugong. Sun Jiugong was looked at by him.

"Is there any problem with this nebula map?"

Tang Yan smiled and shook his head: "There is no problem at all, but it is very important. Let me open my mind and figure out many key issues."

Sun Jiugong’s old face was red. He studied countless times of nebula maps and found nothing. Tang Yan only looked at it and even opened it.

This gap is too big.

"What key problem did you think of?" asked in a curious way.

Tang Zhen mysteriously smiled: "When I verify it, you will naturally know."

White fell nodded with regret.

Sun Jiugong returned to God and said: "The nebula map is pure waste in my hands. Since you have some insights, then give it to you, and the sword will give you a hero. This will not be a pearl."

Tang Yan said with amazement: "The nebula map is so precious. It must have been the ancestors of the Tuxing family who spent countless efforts and efforts to draw success..."

Sun Jiugong waved his hand and said, "You are heavy, and the nebula map has no use in my hands. Instead, it has lost its worth. I will give it to you, and you will definitely use his value. Not a waste of the ancestors' efforts."

Sun Jiugong’s remarks were unremarkable. Tang Yan no longer hesitated, and he took a big move. The nebula map was taken into his hands and turned into a map.

"Sun patriarch, you can rest assured that I will not let the ancestors of the Tuxing ancestors have a hard time." Tang Yan strongly promised.

Sun Jiugong smiled and smiled.

"What do you do next? Are you going to these worlds?" Sun Jiugong’s curious speculation.

Tang Yan’s confession of generosity: “Yes, knowing ourselves and knowing each other, I will be able to visit these worlds one by one. Perhaps, only by deepening these worlds, can I really come up with a perfect way to completely break the Protoss faith. The source of power."

Sun Jiugong did not think that Tang Yan would succeed, but he observed his words and observed his actions. At this moment, his view could not help but be shaken.

Could he really succeed?

Sun Jiugong will be suspicious, but there is a growing voice in his heart - he will succeed!

Read The Duke's Passion