MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1866 Unprecedented

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Yin Hai looked at Tang Yan with horror. He determined that he was not joking. When he was on the phone, his reaction was exactly the same as that of other people. Even more than other people reacted.

He is a protoss and knows the status of the Protoss.

Throughout the ages, the Protoss are high above, and have never been enslaved to others, and have not been enslaved by others.

Tang Yan actually wants to open the precedent of history, enslaving the Protoss, this...

If you don't hear it, things happen to you. Yinhai will definitely sneer at it and think it is a joke.

At this moment, Yinhai can't smile, but there is an impulse to cry.

He is a protoss high above the top.

It is a shameful shame that it has fallen to the point of being enslaved by human beings.

Don Juan ignored the reaction of the people and looked at Yinhai with great interest. He asked, "Don't you agree?"

Yinhai seems to have eaten Huanglian, and he can’t say anything. Of course, he can’t agree with this kind of thing.

He shook his head and refused.

"Impossible, I am a Protoss, I can be enslaved by you."

Tang Yan laughed.

Yin Hai’s heart burst into laughter, and he was guilty of guilty conscience.

"Then I will kill you, you will become the second Protoss killed by humans." Tang Yan said in an understatement that he decided the fate of Yinhai.

Yinhai asked incredibly: "The second one? Who is the first one?"

According to the knowledge of Yinhai, since the birth of the Protoss, there has never been a Protoss dead in the hands of human beings. Tang Yan actually said that he is the second one, which evokes his strong curiosity.

Don Juan shook his head: "I don't know his name, but his status must be higher than you, because he was killed by the Protoss, but it is his death, not me."

Yin Hai really wants to fall to the ground and forget it.

A protoss who are higher than him are killed by Tang, and Tang Yin is still alive and well. This is too ridiculous, not like the style of the Protoss.

But the facts are in front of you, and you can't let him not believe.

There is only one explanation - Tang Yan is so powerful that the Protoss have no way to avenge the tribe.

Yinhai bowed his head and meditated. He couldn’t rank himself in the Protoss. If he died, who else would avenge himself?

His sad discovery did not.

The Protoss will certainly forget him mercilessly.

Tang Yan saw signs of looseness between Yinhai and Meiyu, and added a fire. He said, "Oh, wrong, I have another way to abolish your cultivation and send you back to the realm, huh, huh. You are reunited with the Protoss, you will love this ending very much."

As soon as the voice fell, Yin Hai raised his head and reacted greatly. The face was terrified, and he shouted: "No!"

He will die.

This can't be died, and it has been sent back to the realm of the gods. Moreover, it has become a waste man without being repaired.

How does the Protoss look at him?

The Protoss is a world dominated by the strong. He will be at the bottom, not as good as the newly born Son. He will be completely a joke of the Protoss. What kind of bullying will he receive?

He can't imagine it.

That is a horrible thing than death.

His voice trembled and looked at Don Juan and said, "How are you!"

Tang Yan said with a smile: "To each other."

Yinhai is speechless.

"It's your turn to make the final choice. My patience is limited." Tang Yan looked awkward and whispered.

Yinhai took a deep breath and slammed it to the Tang dynasty. He said to himself, "From today, I will give you the Lord, and never repent. If this is violated, the spirit will be destroyed."


God made an exclamation and screamed.

Yinhai really worshipped Tang Yan and became his **** slave.

This is really the first to create.

Yu Zhitian looked at Tang Yan with adoration and was shocked to be a man of heaven. He was picked up in his heart. If he had one day, he could have a **** slave.

Tang Yan looked calmly at Yinhai, was preparing to speak, but listened to a loud bang, but it was Yinhai.

A pair of eyes stared at Yinhai, I don't know what happened.

Yinhai also looked up and looked at himself, eclipsed: "How could this be?"

Tang Zhenzheng wanted to ask a clear question, but found that the power of faith rose from the Yinhai body, and floated to the top of Tang Yan’s head. He sneaked into Tang Yin’s body.

When Tang Hao stayed, he immediately overjoyed and said, "It turns out that the **** slave has such a big role. Haha, it seems that I will collect more slaves in the future."

Others were confused, left to look, right, and nothing was seen.

Yinhai was like a mourning test, shivering and muttering to himself: "How could this be, how could this be?"

Everyone is in the fog.

Yu Zhitian couldn't help but be curious and asked, "What happened to him?"

Tang Yin smiled mysteriously: "After the Protoss recognizes the Lord and becomes a Sin, their faith will take some of it away from me. From then on, the power of faith in his body will be under my control, as long as he Dare to betray me, huh, huh, the end will be very miserable."


Everyone sucked in the cool air, and it turned out to be like this. It’s no wonder that Yinhai’s sky was falling.

This is indeed more horrible than simply acknowledging the Lord. This is to give all of his life to Tang Yan, let him dominate, and he has no chance to betray, because that means death.

"You are so powerful in your predecessors, you can do this." Yu Zhitian said convincingly.

Tang Yan shook his head and said, "This is not what I did, but what happened in the middle of the world. I don't know why."

"I know." Yinhai recovered from grief and seemed to accept his life. He simply told the truth.

"The Protoss has been high since ancient times. This is because the gods have sacred ways, and the sacredness of the gods is related to every protoss. The oracle is unpredictable. Even the gods can not control the Shinto. This is a kind of supreme." Avenue."

Tang Yan frowned, his heart moved, and he remembered the previous heaven.

Tiandao prides itself on Tiandi Avenue, but he has his own consciousness. In the end, he only represents himself in selfishness. This Shinto has similarities with Heaven, but there are more differences.

Yin Hai said incessantly: "I recognize you as the Lord and touched the Shinto. Shinto took the initiative to bring my destiny to your hands."


Many people are incredible, and there is still such a thing.

Tang Yan curiously asked: "Shendao should not be to protect your Protoss? How can you put your destiny in my hands?"

Yinhai shook his head: "Have you heard that a word is ruthless? Shinto is also ruthless, just running according to certain rules, and my behavior touched Shinto, and Shinto responded accordingly. It is as simple as that."

Tang Hao took a look at his mouth and smiled at the corner of his mouth. He said, "It is very simple. I really like this Shinto."

Yinhai smiled bitterly.

"I have a new idea. The Protoss is so powerful. If it is accepted as a slave, it must be unprecedented! Haha, I have a new goal. I want to accept a lot of **** slaves." Tang Yan announced loudly. , shaking everyone's heartstrings.