MTL - The Strong, The Few, True Cultivators on Campus-Chapter 1872 Wanjie vibration!

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The gods, the Hongjun Mountains.

Sun Jiugong shouted and left the underground world in an unprecedented way, coming to the snow-covered world.

His eyes are like stars, staring at the sky with enthusiasm.

His hand waved toward the void, the space fluctuated, and it died.

"The law of space... really changed, he actually succeeded." Sun Jiugong's old eyes are full of incredible colors.

"In the past, he has been ignorant for so many years. I thought he had suffered unexpectedly. I didn't expect him to succeed."

Sun Jiugong’s eyes subconsciously looked toward the distant peaks.

In the main peak, a magnificent palace was built, in which a **** lived, but this is very different from other protoss. He resists the Protoss, and there are many top masters under his command.

But since that year, the Protoss descended from the sky and landed on the Everest, and then it was an earth-shattering battle.

The main peak was broken and it fell to the ground.

The Tuxing family witnessed all this, the fall of the palace, as for the god, and finally the death is alive, the natives do not know.

Because, in that big battle, the natives were hiding in the underground world, and they did not dare to come out.

For many years, they have not personally experienced the power and cruelty of the Protoss.

This battle gave them a lesson, let them once again understand the gap between each other.

After this war, the confidence and beliefs that many indigenous peoples have just established have fallen apart.

However, under the efforts of Sun Jiugong and Sun Dazhuang, they maintained the confidence of most of the natives.

They are still cultivating new magical powers - the gods.

Moreover, some of them have been effective, especially Sun Dazhuang's achievements are the highest.

Sun Dazhuang's strength is already higher than Sun Jiugong, and will soon break through the realm.

This is an achievement that no one has ever seen.

Since ancient times, no one has reached the gods and has the power to compete with the Protoss.

But Sun Dazhuang is about to achieve this goal.

Sun Jiugong practiced for a lifetime, but in the end he was surpassed by Sun Dazhuang for decades.

Sun Jiugong is always comforted.

He knows that this is the role of the gods.

Because of this, he still has a conviction about Tang Yin, who has disappeared from the direct sales.

When he felt that the law of space was changing, the memory deep in his mind rolled up.

He remembered what Tang Yin told him at the time, he was going to change the law of space.

Sun Jiugong once scorned and thought that Tang Yan was a big talker and could never succeed.

But after decades, the law of space has really changed.

Don Juan succeeded!

There is no feat in the past.

In the realm of the gods, all the protoss can't do things, and Don Juan has done it.

If Tang Yan is here, he will certainly harvest Sun Jiugong as if he is a river, and he will continue to worship.


When Sun Dazhuang didn't know when, he also came to Sun Jiugong, and his face was too excited to be himself.

He also knows Tang Yin's ambitions, so he discovered that after the change of the space law, he naturally also associated with Tang Yin.

"He succeeded!"

Sun Dazhuang exclaimed.

After a few decades, he has matured and lost, and he has lost the same sex.

Sun Jiugong nodded: "I have a hunch, he will come back soon, and the big day that belongs to our natives is coming."

The so-called big day is of course the counter-attack of the Protoss, a day of shame.

Sun Daqiang's eyebrows danced in the air, and the eyes seemed to ignite a raging war.

"Then I am going to prepare."

Sun Dazhuang can't wait to say.

Sun Jiugong nodded and said: "You let everyone take the last time to cultivate and use all the resources. Even if you exhaust the resources for cultivation, you will not hesitate to do so.

Sun Dazhuang focused on the key: "Yes, I understand, I will definitely break through the realm."


The city owner was working in the city's main government, suddenly raised his head, and the shock was undecided, muttering to himself: "The law of space... changed."

He did not know Tang Yin’s ambition and did not know that all of this was due to him.

But in the midst of it, he realized that earth-shaking changes will occur between heaven and earth, and even... change.

In these years he secretly cultivated the gods, only one step away from the gods.

As long as he wants to break through, he can do it at any time.

But now he doesn't dare.

Because, decades ago, the gods sent troops to crush a rebel army in the Hongjun Mountains.

The leader of the Rebels is also God. It has been carefully planned for so long, and it is not lost in the hands of the Protoss.

Therefore, even if the owner of the capital city is worried, he will not dare to show it, and he will not dare to break into the realm.

That is too swaying, too eye-catching, not to mention that he is doing things under the eyes of the Protoss, and there is nothing at all.

Therefore, he chose to forbearance and stayed in front of the gods.

At this moment, he can't help but move around, and the world is changing. Does it mean that his chances are coming.

He can really break through to the realm.

I once dreamed back at midnight, and many times he wanted to break through to the realm and experience the mystery of that realm.

But in the end, rationality defeated the impulse, and he resisted it for so many years.


Tang Yan left for too long, but humans did not forget him.

On the contrary, there are more and more altars around the world.

The earth world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and many countries have disappeared and merged into one, becoming a unified country, the Chinese nation.

Human power has reached its peak, and the power of science and technology has also changed with each passing day. Moreover, martial arts and magic power have combined technology to develop many strange things.

Humans have integrated martial arts and magical power into all aspects of life.

This is something that Tang Yan never thought of.

Human beings are not self-sufficient, they develop faster than the Protoss, and combined with thousands of years of development experience and lessons, they have taken a new path.

If Tang Yan sees this scene, he will be very surprised and will be very gratified.

On the ladder, many human powerhouses are climbing the ladder. Every step is very difficult, but every step is very rewarding.

Above the ladder is the Heavenly Palace.

The Tiangong is not as deserted as it was at the beginning, and there are already many people's footprints.

A teenager is running in the square in front of the Temple of Heaven.

Juveniles are like the wind, like electricity, the speed is unparalleled, wherever they pass, a series of tearing sounds are heard.

"Xiaowu, don't run so fast!" Suddenly, a woman came out of the Temple of Heaven and shouted at the teenager.

This woman is like a girl. If the husband is coughing, the skin is better than the snow, and the smile is fascinating, as if it has bloomed.

She and this boy are not like mother and child, but more like a younger brother.

This is of course the square poetry and the **** Tang Wu.

It is strange to say that Tang Wu’s growth is very different from that of human beings. He has a supernatural power since he was a child, but his growth and development is very slow. After decades, he became a teenager.

At first, Fang Shishi and others were frightened and worried, but as time went on, they gradually realized that Tang Wu was different from human beings, and he was the real god.

This is the way the Son of God grows.

Suddenly, Tang Wu looked up and looked at the sky in surprise. He said, "Mom, the law of space has changed!"