MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 519 I have a table!

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Numerous cold rains and hail, spilling into the air, stirred up the icicles.


Rao is "Xin Xiao"'s quick response, flashing toward the side, and the speed is extremely fast.

However, under the anger of Qin's desperate anger, an ice wind still smashed her shoulders and blew a large piece of blood.

"Hey!" A blood, from the corner of Qin Xiao's mouth, slowly overflowing.

"I was not happy to escape, well, come and try this trick again!"

Qin stunned and smiled, and once again explored his body shape, reached out and changed his claws, and straightened to where Qin Xiao was.


"Okay, great!"

Under the fox fox, he said with a smile: "Leaf front, it seems that you banned Xiao Xiao's small transmission array, very effective!"

Looking at this scene, Hanyue is also satisfied with a smile: "Yeah, this time, the guru is almost a fist to the flesh, and it is impossible for the Qin Xiao to play tricks. The situation is suddenly reversed!"

Before, Ye Zifeng actually said that he would give Qin a heartless opportunity to create an enemy.

Now, he is indeed fulfilling his promise.

"Oh... I’m afraid it’s not that simple."

Ye Zifeng frowned deeply: "To be honest, the feeling that Qin Xiao gave me is more and more strange. However, I was afraid that it would affect everyone's morale. I have never said it."


The fox and the cold moon browed over a doubtful color.

Under the favorable situation of the good end, Ye Zifeng would say such a thing, and he did not know what he found.

"Leaf front, you talk about it, what is going on?"

The leaves of the leaves began to look up and looked at them.

"What makes me feel strange is the delay..."

Under the horrible look of the two women, Ye Zifeng paused for a moment and continued.

"If Qin Xiaozhen is really wise and close to the demon, then to be honest, every time she calculates the martial arts, it is too long. And when she is against the fascinating master, in many cases, the reaction is a little slower. In this case, if it happens only once, I will not pay too much attention, but the problem is that this is too frequent. The response time is relatively close, in about half a second."

"What? This..."

The fox snorted for a while, and some looked incredulously at Ye Zifeng.

In fact, this is no wonder.

Ye Fengfeng was Wu Zong in the predecessor. Naturally, he was very familiar with Wu Xiu. He changed other people, who would care about what happened in this area for half a second.

"Leaf front, don't turn around, just say it, what do you want to explain?" She swallowed a sip and stared at the leaf front.

"I have a guess in my heart... That Qin Xiao may not be her own, but a ghost servant controlled by Qin Xiao!"

Ye Zifeng glanced at the two women, the heavy words, the dull voice, but the self-existing magical power, can not help but chill in the heart.

The two women's eyes continued to grow, shaking their heads, just thinking about it, Ye Zifeng was the first to interrupt them.

"Don't be busy denying, I said, this is a guess. Before it is confirmed, it is just a guess. I just feel that it is necessary to be wary of the possibility of this happening."

"This... Ye Zifeng, then how do you want to beware?" The fox screamed and looked at Ye Zifeng with some doubts.

Ye Ziwei smiled slightly and his expression continued to be serious.

"It's very simple, if you want to hide in the dark, if you want to sneak up on me and grab the next move, then I can count it."

Looking at the seriousness of the leaves on the face of the face, so I kept staring at the fox.

Even the demon fox, also a slight glimpse, quiet down: "How to do it, you say it, suddenly silence, what to do?"

"Oh... it turns out." The cold moon next to it thought for a while, obviously wanting to understand, hehe smiled, also looked at the demon fox.

Bystanders clear, the authorities are fascinated.

"Why, both of you, are you looking at me doing this?"

The demon fox saw the embarrassed expression of the two of them, and they couldn’t help but slammed.


She seems to want to understand what it is like, blurted out: "Do you say, Ye Zifeng, you want to..."

The leaf front faded into the distance, and the corner of his mouth raised a smile that was difficult to ponder.

"Yes, demon fox, you will replace me and become Ye Zifeng!"


"Cough, cough..."

A large mouthful of blood, along the corner of the mouth of "Qin Xiao", slowly squat down his collar.

However, she can't stop at all.

Because, just a little work, her ears, there was a fierce wind whistling again.

That is the attack of Qin on her heart!

"Escape what escape? If you accept the fate, you will die, but it will be saved from your flesh and blood!" Qin's heartless voice, cold as a knife, hehe smiled.


Qin Xiao bit his teeth and raised his head with enthusiasm. There was a painful color in his expression.

Obviously, from now until now, she has been injured all over the body, and she has felt a little reluctant to act now.

"Hey, let's die!" With the words of Qin's heartfelt words, the glaciers that shrouded the halftime, almost at the same time, gathered at the place where Qin Xiao was.

A series of ice cones, which are combined in an instant, give off a dazzling light.

This is the true power of Qin's desperate Millennium Brigade!


The sound of countless ice cubes is endless.

The next moment, quiet, absolutely quiet.

In the absence of a little bit of sound, a group of Xuanmen disciples, out of curiosity, have come close to the crystal ball, want to see what happened in the past.

"How, this time, killed the Qin Xiao?"

"I must have killed it. You have seen it. The power of the Qin Master is so strong, it is useful."

"That may not be the case, I see that Qin Xiao, definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Someone took a few steps back and forth and replied: "You don't want to be too stunned by the false name of others. Nor is that Qin Xiao, who is just a imaginary guy, has nothing to do."

After a group of Xuanmen disciples listened to this analysis, more people recognized the last sentence.

After all, it’s been a lot of time. The other party hasn’t said a word until now, and it’s really dead.

"That Qin Xiao, is that so dead... The things that are done so simple, but also in front of it, some disappoint me."

Qin sighed with a slight sigh, and then sighed deeply.

"But it may be that I overestimated him. I can force so many of us to go all out. Under her nine springs, I am afraid that I am proud enough."

So she observed it for a while and saw no further reaction.

Her hand, which was originally clinging to her hand, was finally released.

"Well, since Qin Xiao has already done it, the things after that have nothing to do with me, I will..."

Her mouth raised a smile, and said to the transmission array.

Just listening to the scream of "ah", from the throat of the heart of Qin, with a little dumb voice.

"What's the situation?" The sound came out, just watching the unilateral abuse, and the people who were dozing off, all under the sound, woke up.

"Unbelievable Master!"

Seeing this scene, their backs are starting to cool.

I saw a sharp spur, piercing from the back of Qin's heart, and plunging into her body all the way, and piercing her prescription from her chest.

"Hey!" A big mouth of black blood, spurting out from the mouth of Qin's heart.

Behind her, I don’t know when it started, there is more than one person!

The face of Ye Zifeng is also very upset.

He hammered the wall and punched a hole that was not shallow.

"It turned out that, in this case, I did not expect that I was put together."

"Leaf front, hey, this is not something that everyone wants to see, and you should not be too self-blaming."

The cold moon looked at Ye Zifeng with a slight sorrow, and there was a complex color in his expression.

Ye Zifeng sighed deeply, shook his head helplessly.

He thought that Qin Xiao would take advantage of this opportunity to find himself on the vine, but I did not expect that she had provoked a hard bone to go.

He looked up and looked at the fox that pretended to be his own.

And his tight fists slowly loosened, his lips mingled and his expression was unremarkable.

"This...what is going on, when is the person who came out more, I didn't even see it. Why are they two people, they look exactly the same, like a mold, then they are two, Who is Qin Xiao in the end?"

"... When it's over, what should I do next? Ye Zhenren... Even the Qin Master is like this, what other odds do we have?"

"Yeah, I see, without the help of the master level master, or according to my previous proposal, if you are not early, escape!"


The fall of Qin's heartlessness, no doubt, in the heart of every Xuanmen disciple, is like a slap in the face, greatly stimulating their emotions.

There is no master close to the Wuling level. For most people, how can they go against Qin Xiao?

"Everyone... don't worry, this is not the solution."

The cold moon left the leaf front, and walked out of the shadows, and changed a serious look.

"What is a little bit safe, your martial arts are high, and the dead are not you. You have a chance to escape. Of course you can say this kind of cool words, can you compare with us?"

"Yeah, you are less coming, what the **** is going on, we listen to Ye Zhenren, Qin is not in the teacher, and now I can only rely on him!"

The person who wanted to escape suddenly remembered the thing that had just hit the wall. At the moment, he had to ask for Ye Zifeng and unravel the array...


Read The Duke's Passion