MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 559 Challenger!

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"The right thing."

Ye Haoyue snorted and a cold expression appeared on his face.

"Sorry, I don't have time, wasted on your business. Since the pairing ceremony is over, how far do you give me, how far."


Cai Jun touched his chin and resisted his own anger. He laughed and said: "What are you doing in the alchemy? It’s not a little girl, so don’t say so early, I ask. You, how old you are, how to become a local alchemy teacher."

Ye Haoyue's look changed slightly, and he thought a little, and gave him a sigh of relief: "My business, is it related to you, you ask me, I must answer you."

"Of course, you can't answer me. It's your freedom. Just two years, you haven't even had a disciple until now. You Ye Haoyue, and the qualifications of being a mentor."

Cai Jun’s voice, when it came to the last sentence, suddenly increased by eight degrees.

Therefore, everyone in the room, this sentence is also clearly heard.

Ink old is smashing Ye Feng, they have a wind imperial order, can't do what he can do.

"Do you have the qualifications of a mentor..."

At this moment, he heard the words, his eyes lit up and he smiled.

In his opinion, the opportunity is coming.

The opportunity to avenge Ye Zifeng, I did not expect it to be so fast, it has already come.

"What do you want to say." Ye Haoyue’s face gave birth to boundless anger. If there were not many people around, she really wanted to teach Cai Jun a good lesson.

"What he wants to say is literal."

The old man stepped forward and stood on the side of Cai Jun.

"Ink old..."

Cai Jun looked up and saw the stern color in the eyes of the old man, and his heart was already clear.

Moqiu laughed and waved his hand: "You go ahead, there is nothing wrong with you here, just hand it over to me."

Cai Jun, of course, was acquainted with the lift and nodded in a hurry.

"That is, of course, everything, according to the old saying." So, he took a look at Ye Haoyue, consciously stepped back a few steps, stood in the original position, looked at it.

Immediately, Moqiu turned around and looked deeply at Ye Haoyue.

"Yueyue girl, you know, there is always a clear rule in this school. In two years, if the tutor fails to find a suitable disciple, once other people come to challenge and win, then the college will Have the right to remove the qualification of the instructor and let the challenger replace it."

"Oh, it turned out to be this rule, I have seen it."

Ye Haoyue faces the old man, and the smile on his face has not been reduced too much.

"The survival of the fittest, it is normal, I agree, just how, how can I taste the strength of the Danshi, in the wind against the college, can someone challenge and win?"

Although she is young, she was a big parent of the largest family in Xingyi City. She was spoiled and naturally arrogant.

"That's not necessarily the case. As a challenger, you have the priority in the battle. You can choose the medicine you want to refine and have a certain advantage."

Mo Lao seems to have guessed Ye Haoyue's reaction, smiled and glanced at her, turned around and looked at the crowd in the distance.

"Hey, what I said just now, you haven’t heard it. For two years, the talents of the college have been in the wind. Isn’t it even a small girl who can’t challenge it?”

However, there was a silence, and the needles fell.

No one responds to the words of the old man.

Even Cai Jun, just holding his fist, did not say a word.

The strength of the local alchemy teacher is not a casual person. If the mind is too hot to challenge, it will challenge the winner.

"you guys……"

There was a burst of white on the old face of Mo, apparently very uncomfortable, and even the lungs were blown up.

He has a gloomy face: "Well, I will add another condition."

He paused for a moment and continued.

"Because the qualification of a tutor is determined, it is also related to the level of the person who is paired with her. Therefore, when alchemy, the mentor and the apprentice come together, the comprehensive score, the prescribed time, the quantity and quality of the final refining medicinal medicine shall prevail. And... other interested tutors can also participate, the advantage is that they swallow up the cultivation resources of Ye Haoyue."

"Extracting resources,."

When this statement comes out, Hugh will say that Ye Haoyue, even other tutors and students, is also very upset.

It was clear that he was tearing his face with Ye Haoyue.

"This is noisy."

Ye Haoyue’s face suddenly changed and he shook his head sharply.

"According to this statement, there are some instructors. He has ten disciples under his command. Is the last test, the eleven medicines that they have refining, and the two of us."

Mo Lao was carrying his hands, and he laughed.

"Your understanding seems to be quite fast. Yes, as you said, there are eleven people in the family. It is a kind of person's network and a kind of strength. Why do you have to blame others?"

Ye Haoyue was not in a good mood at this time. At this time, it was even oiled by the old smoke: "Ink, you are too deceiving, what rights do you have to do?"

"Why, I am old, this is the teaching supervision of this wind-reversal college. Since you are not qualified as a mentor, I let the challenger or other mentor replace it. What is the problem?"

Mo Lao smiled a little, and his eyes showed a sly color.

"Ye Yiyue, I have not blocked all your roads. As long as you have won alchemy, you can do another two years as a mentor. In addition, you can get two years of compensation and cultivation resources."

Win, only a few resources are obtained.

Losing, Ye Haoyue lost, but the qualification of the tutor.

The old abacus is obviously playing very fine.


Ye Haoyue licked his red lips tightly and almost bitten the bleeding.

"It turned out to be the case." Under the leaf front, the brow slightly wrinkled.

The intention of Mo Lao, he understood.

He is clear that Ye Haoyue can't be a mentor.

In secret, he did this in order to avenge the Ye Zifeng.

Because, if Ye Haoyue really can't be a mentor, then the object of the pairing, Ye Zifeng will naturally go home.

The soldiers are not bloody.

When it is time to lose, even the wind imperial order, it is difficult to keep Ye Zifeng.

Mo Lao glanced around the circle and shouted.

"I have heard it. I have made the rules clear. Now there are still people who want to challenge Ye Haoyue, or if they want to swallow up her cultivation resources, stand up."

Therefore, Cai Jun and his masters discussed for a while.

After a while, he looked alive and cleared his throat.

He took the lead and walked out: "Reporting the old man, I have a group of ten people in Cai Jun, I want to participate in this test."

"Okay, very good, a group of Cai Jun, I remembered it first." Mo Lao smiled and took out a piece of Ling paper, and the volley swayed for a moment.

And seeing someone take the lead, others, obviously, some can't sit still.


"We... We have a group of nine people in Donghua, and we want to learn from the girl of Haoyue."

"In this case, Chen Wentao has a group of eleven people, and they have come together to make a good time."

Once someone takes the lead, those who are already eager to move, naturally jumped out, thinking that if you win on this side, it is the number one beauty.


Ink and old smiled: "I don't think it's a long time to drag on. It's better to hit the day than to choose the day, or it will be better tomorrow."

"you guys……"

Ye Haoyue was full of anger, and it seemed that he had to spurt fire.

"If you don't have such a distant door, how good it is, he will definitely give me the master. The old turtle of Mercury must have known my whereabouts, so I am so anxious to deal with me."

She is in the Windy College, although she occasionally gives people alchemy and helps others.

However, she is young and motivated, and will inevitably offend people.

Nowadays, the word "利" is currently, and other people have no possibility of giving her face.


Ye Zifeng smiled a little and took a few steps forward, facing the old man.

"How, Ye Zifeng, what do you have to say, see your sister being bullied, and seeing it."

Ink sneer, he saw so many people stand up against Ye Haoyue, the mood at the moment, there is a sense of pleasure that can not be said.

"However, if you first come to see you, you can't help yourself. If you think you can change the rules, then advise you, or save the province. To decide tomorrow, Ye Haoyue's qualifications for the mentor will be compared."

As Mo Lao said, Ye Zifeng may be able to control some things in Tiandao City and Leizhou City.

However, in this star city, he could not do it.

"No, Mo Lao misunderstood, Zi Feng is not a question about the comparison test itself."

"Then you still want to ask."

Mo Lao looked at Ye Zifeng with interest and did not interrupt him.

In the front of the leaf, the light flashed past: "What I want to say is that if the moon wins, we don't want two compensations, but all the losers, the cultivation resources of a year, otherwise the challenger only wins. The benefits, the loss of no loss, then the rules, the formulation is too casual, and the old man does not think that something is wrong."


Ink has been indulging for a moment, and sometimes he looks up to see the face of Ye Zifeng.

Listening to his tone, how do you feel that the leaf front can win?

In the heart of Mo's old, between the time, hundreds of thoughts flashed, calm down, he also felt that he was too directed at Ye Haoyue. If he did not agree with Ye Fengfeng's request, he might give people gossip in the future.

For a long time, he nodded and smiled: "Okay, then according to your Ye Zifeng, the challenger should be paid to Ye Haoyue, a year of cultivation resources."

"What, Mo Lao, he wants us to cultivate resources for a year, and that's got it." Cai Jun looked slightly changed and blurted out and said.

"Why, Cai Xiong, you still have no comparison, you already feel that you have lost."

Ye Zifeng turned his head and looked at Cai Jun sharply and looked at everyone else.

"So, if you quit now, you can't get it. From the beginning, no one will force you to try. If you want to step on our shoulders, please check it out. Do you have this ability?"