MTL - The Strongest Sect of All Times (Eternal Strongest Sect)-Chapter 1934 Mainline progress 20%

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The super-killing brother with huge physique was cut into pieces under the flying sword of Wan Jian.

I'm afraid the brothers will not think of it until they die, Jun Changxiao can fit together, and even has a more visual impact than himself in the change of shape, mainly enough to spend enough green.


Since the signing of the contract with Xi Jingxuan, Jun Changxiao has used two assistants for the first time, cooperated with Wan Jian to return to the second level, and directly kills the two high-end celestial mirrors. The combat power is a little burst.


Recalling the scene I saw just now, the shock that engendered in Jianguixu was difficult to calm down for a long time.

The eternal disciple disciple is relatively calm. Although the sword moves that the patriarch just exhibited are strong, in their view, they are not operating normally, so there is no need for six or six.

"Double King..."

The Demon Emperor Army exclaimed in horror: "Dead...?"

Jun Chang smiled standing in the air, the sword pointed at them, just like the gods above, giving orders: "All kills, no one stays!"

He is already a mortal enemy.

Therefore, his men must be killed to prevent future troubles.

This approach is understandable, because if you change to Demon Emperor, after exterminating the dog leftover, it will also make Van Gogh Zong annihilation.

The so-called benevolence.

How ridiculous and ignorant is before you die or I die.



The two eight dragons were killed, the morale of the Van Gojong was greatly boosted, the Yuema Yang sword was killed, and the enemy's morale was greatly reduced, completely overwhelmed.

The most collapsed is the nobles of the Protoss City.

After the Super King and King Sheng appeared, they cheered excitedly in the city.

Until I saw the two brothers, torn to pieces by Wan Jian, they all looked blank and their eyes stood dumb.

The two powerful officers of Lord Demon Emperor were just killed by that guy...?

Do not.

It's four.

There are also King Garo and King Dora.

In particular, there were many kings, the most dead faceless, and even without any description of the process of fighting, he was cut off by the dog left, which is one of the most tragic deaths of the eight Tianlong.



The sound of mountains and rivers is like a broken bamboo.

After losing the command, the army of Heavenly Demon Emperor is equal to losing the backbone of the main body, especially at a disadvantage, and the reinforcements are cut off, so the only thing waiting for them is death.

Only one hour.

The reinforcements that flew from the rift in space were all wiped out by Van Gogh.

Standing high up and looking around, the cracked ground in Central State was covered with corpses and warships, like a terrible slaughterhouse.

The Demon Emperor Army came here for assistance, but it turned out to be death, equipment, and experience.

"Clean the battlefield!"


The disciples began to get busy.

Slightly, various warframes and warships were transported to Van Gogh.

Although most things have been severely damaged, as long as there is Taixuan Old Man and Fan Yezi, they will naturally turn waste into treasure.


Jun Chang smiled standing on the top of the mountain, pointing to the direction of the Protoss City, and said coldly: "Take down the boundary city of this world!"



The pioneer group headed by Zhong Yi rushed to the past, and the crotch demon beast roared until it was passed to the Protoss City, which surprised the nobles' scalp and numb legs.


The super-kill brothers became huge and trampled on the ground, which not only caused damage to the central state, but also destroyed many cities, causing the collapse of the defense line arranged in advance by the Protoss.

The Army of Van Gogh took the other cities without any effort, and then drove straight into the boundary city.


"We surrender!"

Facing the terrible fighting power, the nobles hung white flags at the head of the city.

Even the two eight dragons were wiped out, what courage did they have to resist it.

In the end, Van Gogh Zong successfully occupied the Protoss Boundary City without a soldier, and thus changed the pattern controlled by the Demon Emperor.

"Ding! Congratulations, the host system dominates the spirit world, which is in line with the main line task **** category, and the completion rate is 20%!" When Dangjun Changxiao sat on the throne of the luxurious palace and stepped on the commander's head with his feet, a prompt came from his ear sound.

"I go!"

"To so much?"

Previously saved Qingyin Realm, the completion rate reached 5%, and later won the universe Jihad champion but no improvement, now won the Protoss World soared 15%, it is really a surprise, too unexpected!

"Is it because the face was occupied by the Emperor Demon Emperor, I broke it so much?" Jun Changxiao thought deeply.

"not necessarily."

The system said: "The Protoss Realm belongs to the top level in the upper universe, and the host can conquer it with strength, perhaps the reason for 15%."

"It makes sense."

Jun Changxiao agreed.

I have saved a lot of planes in the past, at best it is the upper level, and some are not as good, so I only give it one by one. The Protoss Realm is different, and its comprehensive strength is stronger than Xuanyuan Realm. Will give more.

"In this case," Jun Chang smiled secretly: "If you kill several similar high-level planes, can you complete the main line task in minutes?"


The system said: "What is the difference between the host and the Devil Emperor?"

"Wait a minute!" It opened its mind and said: "The host uses everything in order to complete the main line mission. It is similar to the Devil Emperor who wants to suppress the major planes and change the pattern of the universe. Could it be that you are the same person!"

In the past, dog leftovers liked that brain repairing parents is super powerful, even the brain repairing system was created by yourself, and this vomiting fanatic seems to be infected, and the brain hole is also exploding.

"Go while playing with eggs!" Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile.

The department continued: "The host may be an avatar of the Devil Emperor. He chose to use another method to change the upper cosmic pattern. Now the two meet on the same line."


Jun Chang laughed and scolded: "It's not over, is it?"

"I haven't learned from you yet." The system said lightly.


"Huh ————————" At this time, the torn space suddenly flew out of the streamer, which made everyone alert, worried that the Emperor Demon sent reinforcements again, and after seeing the appearance, he was shocked: "Ye Brother!"

That's right.

The comer is the night star.

He wore a three-piece suit of Lu Bu, holding the Fangtian painting halberd, and fell outside the palace, and then arched his hand: "Disciple Ye Xingchen, see Sect Master!"

Jun Changxiao originally wanted to ask him how he came, but when he saw blood on the opponent's armor and weapons, he suddenly realized his enlightenment, so he asked, "You stopped the Demon Emperor Army outside?"


The night stars said. UU reading

Jun Changxiao smiled at the corner of his mouth and said, "This seat is very gratifying."

In fact, when this disciple left, he was a little bit uncomfortable. He was afraid that he would never return as predicted by the future. Now he is heading to the Demon Emperor's army and can be rushed over in time, which is enough to show his heart.

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo also smiled.

Seeing the night teacher's return, they were happy in their hearts.

"you guys."

Jun Chang smiled and looked over and ordered, "Go outside and clean the battlefield."


The disciples were ordered to fly along the cracks in the space, but they were in the starry sky of the universe and saw hundreds of thousands of corpses floating. They all took a breath and exclaimed: "All the night masters killed alone?"